Many readers are likely to conclude that this article is written from what many
will regard as a "Christian" perspective, based on the writings that are cited.
At one level this is accurate, since this is the tradition from which my perspective
has developed and on which most of my knowledge is based.
However, i have chosen to detach myself from the "Christian" tradition and
simply to see myself as "a believer in Yah the eternally self existing" (the
Almighty). In doing this, i am seeking to find a position which is the essence of
what the Almighty is saying to mankind today.
While my understanding of this position is based on what is commonly referred
to as the "Christian" tradition, i have increasingly come to understand that there
are pieces of the jigsaw puzzle that are not really covered in modern "Christian"
thinking. I have also come to conclude that most of modern "Christian" thinking
is far removed from the way Yahooshua {Jesus} understood things.
In arriving at this position i have increasingly taken account of other traditions,
particularly Jewish and Muslim since both these groups are expressly seeking to
serve the Almighty.
There are also traditions and bodies of knowledge that i am currently not
knowledgeable about. Particularly in John 10:16 Yahooshua says "And other
sheep I have, which are not of this fold: them also I must bring, and they
shall hear my voice; and there shall be one fold, and one shepherd." (KJV)
There is reportedly a tradition in South or Central America amongst Aztec or Inca
Indians, of a man, who is considered by some to be Yahooshua, appearing to
their ancestors at about the time of Yahooshua's resurrection and appearance to
his followers in Israel. There are other reports of others around the world looking
to some manifestation of a saviour from the Almighty.
Accordingly, there are grounds to suppose that there is much that we do not
understand about other traditions, other bodies of teachings, etc which may add
to the understanding of what is presented in this document.
Accordingly, this message is relevant to ALL mankind, no matter what tradition
they have followed to arrive at their present position.
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