This article summarizes some key facts that you should take into account in any decision to truly serve the Almighty Creator.
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- Creator's Name is Yah
The Name of the Almighty Creator is “Yah the Eternally Self-Existing”, in Hebrew transliterated at “Yahooeh” or “Yahweh” – the commonly used names “The LORD” meaning Baal and “God” are Satanic (Pagan) names and should NEVER be used to refer to the Almighty Creator (both are insults).See and
- Almighty NOT God
The Hebrew word translated “God” is “Elohim” which correctly translated is “Mighty One” or “Almighty” depending on context.See
- Yahooshua NOT Jesus
The correct name of the man commonly called “Jesus” is “Yahooshua”, Jesus is a Pagan, that is Satanic, name and should never be used (it is an insult).See
- Yahooshua 100% Human
Yahooshua was and is a Human Being.He lived without committing a single sin and for that reason was instantly resurrected to become the most powerful Created Being in the Universe, seated at the right hand of the Almighty Creator waiting for his enemies to be madehis footstool.See and for much more information about Yahooshua including HOW he accomplished what he accomplished.
- Yahooshua has Authority
Yahooshua gained authority over the Forces of Darkness and therefore Deliverance and certain prayers against the forces of darkness must be prayed in the name of Yahooshua but they are only effective for people who have made a real effort to live above sin.See
- Anointing of the Spirit of Yah NOT Christ
There are about four Greek words translated Christ, which are derived from the Hebrew Meshach meaning “Anointed with the Spirit of Yah” – so any Believer filled with the Spirit of Yah is Anointed and can therefore have the term Christ applied to them.Christ refers to the Almighty Creator and NOT to Yahooshua.Yahoshua performed miracles through the Anointing of the Spirit of Yah that was upon him.See
- The Bible is NOT “The Word of God”
The Bible is an assembly of fragments of parchments recorded by fallible human beings.Only around 2.5% is inspired so it is NOT “The Word of God” and it is certainly NOT “without error”.The Bible is an interesting history book, that is where it stops.The Bible is so successful because it almost totally distracts people from seeking a DEEP personal relationship with the Creator which is the ONLY reason we exist.See for detailed discussion on this topic and for a large collection of inspired writings that can be read as a substitute for “Bible Study”.
- Really WAS a Global Flood
There WAS a massive global hydraulic and tectonic event, commonly referred to as “The Flood”, which totally mashed up and destroyed the surface of the Earth under water with only eight human survivors and a collection of animals and seeds.See ALL human beings are descended from that man (Noah) and his three sons.
- Satan is Mighty One of nearly all on Earth
Satan is the mighty one of nearly all on Earth and controls what happens on Earth in terms of the Rules of Engagement between Satan and the Creator, that is why the Earth is such a mess.Satan is seeking to utterly defeat Yah so that he can rule on Earth for Eternity and NOT be sent to the Lake of Fire and Brimstone.
- ALL Organized Religion is Corrupt
ALL the organized religions – Christianity, Islam, Judaism, etc are corrupt and controlled by Demonic forces.True relationship is directly between a human being and the Creator with NO intermediaries.Anyone who expects you to have a relationship with the Creator controlled by them is misguided and should be avoided.
- Ten Commandments are Key
Sin is fundamentally defined by the Ten Commandments, to effectively serve the Creator one must scrupulously observe all Ten Commandments.See
See for more information
There is much more information on the above and diverse other topics on the website
Further Information
Audio at
Audio also at
Flood Video and Slideshare at and adjacent pages
On Radio at 3 pm Eastern Standard Time every Thursday in the United States weekly -- live Radio programme called “Creator Desires Relationship” which will discuss various topics relating to seeking a deep relationship with the Almighty. That is 8 pm in the UK, 9 pm in South Africa, 12:30 pm in India and 5 am Canberra Time (ACT) in Australia. The show airs live on W4CY Radio at
Recordings of all of the teachings Broadcast so far are available at: click on “The Show” and then “Podcasts” they are also available at
A set of books containing nearly all of my writings on matters of the Almighty are available at no charge for download at email me to request a physical set of books.
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YouTube on the Global Flood