There is considerable debate regarding Creation versus Evolution and erudite broadcasts that present the arguments for and against in detail but generally using points that are difficult to understand and difficult to prove.
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Watch Video: Detailed Proof of Creation
Many years ago I got into an argument with the Editor of The History Channel on TV about the reality of Creation. I went down the road of quoting people I considered authoritative and quoting the Bible and he responded that he regarded my authorities as charlatans and the Bible as irrelevant and that left me high and dry. I then decided that I would see if I could prove Creation based on my personal observations and things I could personally vouch for so, in 2004 I wrote an eBook “Creation versus Evolution -- What is the Origin and Purpose of Man?” in which I mostly achieved my objective.
Since then I have done a lot more thinking and a lot more observing and this article summarizes the essence of my conclusions through this journey:
- Engineering proves there is a Creator

We live in a technically complex and sophisticated world where we are surrounded by Engineering structures of great sophistication and complexity.If you have any knowledge of how these systems and structures are created you will know that they take thousands of hours of time by highly qualified Engineers and a wide diversity of highly qualified specialist disciplines to conceptualize, design, build and operate.They do NOT come into existence by some random “evolutionary” process, they come into existence through a highly structured and highly systematic Engineering design, construct and operate process with large numbers of highly skilled professionals.
I suggest for your consideration that this Universe, this Planet, the Plants, Animals and Human Beings required an even more sophisticated design, construct and operate process than even the most advanced human Engineered structures and systems and therefore I assert that there HAS tohave been a Creative Agency, that is a supernatural Creator, who brought this all into existence.

It is also important to recognize that the design of these structures and systems evolves as Engineers gain experience with designing, building and operating them.I therefore assert that during the Creative process the Almighty Creator progressed in an evolutionary manner progressively learning more and more about the systems and beings that He was creating.
- Nature proves there is a Creator
Many people who do NOT believe in a Creator nevertheless are enthusiastic about Nature and seek to preserve Nature.

It is my contention that what we call Nature, being the topography, diversity of Plants, diversity of Animals, etc is indicative of a very sophisticated and highly creative agency that conceptualized, designed, assembled and deployed all that we call “Nature”.I therefore suggest for your consideration that the marvelous diversity of this thing we call “Nature” could ONLY have come about through the intervention of a supernatural creative agency.

I further suggest for your consideration that Nature came about in a structured evolutionary manner in which the most simple organisms were created first with more and more sophisticated organisms / entities being created as experience was gained with the simpler organisms. This process potentially took place over thousands and possible hundreds of thousands of years.
- The Human Body proves there is a Creator
The Human Body is a massively complex system with overall complexity and sophistication way more complex than the most sophisticated and complex systems invented byHuman Beings, in addition to this it contains sophisticated mechanisms to allow it to replicate and create new Human Beings that are an exact merge of their parents.See detailed analysis in Appendix 2.

We take it for granted that there are dozens of medical and clinical specialties that are required to look after and maintain the Human Body when it fails to operate as expected as a consequence of illness, abuse or other dysfunction.Yet many people do not recognize the overarching intelligence necessary to Create all of this.

We also take it for granted that human beings are perceived to be attractive in diverse ways in diverse cultures. How did this happen randomly?

Again we can see that the creation Human Beings took place in an evolutionary manner with various animal forms, particularly Apes, created progressively as the Creator gained experience in getting to what He wanted to create.
- The Periodic Table of Elements proves there is a Creator
Wikipedia states “The periodic table, also known as the periodic table of elements, is a tabular display of the chemical elements, which are arranged by atomic number, electron configuration, and recurring chemical properties. The structure of the table shows periodic trends. The seven rows of the table, called periods, generally have metals on the left and nonmetals on the right. The columns, called groups, contain elements with similar chemical behaviours. Six groups have accepted names as well as assigned numbers: for example, group 17 elements are the halogens; and group 18 are the noble gases. Also displayed are four simple rectangular areas or blocks associated with the filling of different atomic orbitals.

“The elements from atomic numbers 1 (hydrogen) to 118 (oganesson) have all been discovered or synthesized, completing seven full rows of the periodic table. The first 94 elements, hydrogen to plutonium, all occur naturally, though some are found only in trace amounts and a few were discovered in nature only after having first been synthesized. Elements 95 to 118 have only been synthesized in laboratories, nuclear reactors, or nuclear explosions. The synthesis of elements having higher atomic numbers is currently being pursued: these elements would begin an eighth row, and theoretical work has been done to suggest possible candidates for this extension. Numerous synthetic radioisotopes of naturally occurring elements have also been produced in laboratories.
“The organization of the periodic table can be used to derive relationships between the various element properties, and also to predict chemical properties and behaviours of undiscovered or newly synthesized elements. Russian chemist Dmitri Mendeleev published the first recognizable periodic table in 1869, developed mainly to illustrate periodic trends of the then-known elements. He also predicted some properties of unidentified elements that were expected to fill gaps within the table. Most of his forecasts soon proved to be correct, culminating with the discovery of gallium and germanium in 1875 and 1886 respectively, which corroborated his predictions.Mendeleev's idea has been slowly expanded and refined with the discovery or synthesis of further new elements and the development of new theoretical models to explain chemical behaviour. The modern periodic table now provides a useful framework for analyzing chemical reactions, and continues to be widely used in chemistry, nuclear physics and other sciences. Some discussion remains ongoing regarding the placement and categorisation of specific elements, the future extension and limits of the table, and whether there is an optimal form of the table.”
As stated above, the discovery of the full Table of Elements took place over many years as Human Beings gained more and more knowledge.
The Periodic Table is one of the key elements of what makes the entire Creation possible.It required a highly sophisticated and highly VISIONARY agency to create this BEFORE any matter could be created.
Then on top of this a massive diversity of compounds were created and continue to be created using these building blocks to give rise to all that is in the Universe, from the most microscopic organism on Earth to the majesty of the planets and the Universe.
There is NO way that this table could have come into existence in a random self-inventing process.There has to have been a highly intelligent and visionary creative agency.
Note that the complexity of the Universe will millions if not billions of stars, planets, etc is such that this certainly developed progressively over millions of years at the very least.
- Air and Water prove there is a Creator
As an extension of the previous point, there are a wide variety of molecules and compounds that are necessary for the Universe, this Solar System, this Planet, Plants, Animals and Human Beings to exist. Perhaps the most notable are air and water.
About 60% of the human body is water and water makes up a material component of all plants and animals. Without water there could NOT be life and without water living organisms die. How did a random evolutionary process know to create water before it could create life? Frankly, I find the idea really rather silly. It is my contention that there HAS to have been a creative agency with a clear view of where things were going in order to first create Hydrogen and Oxygen and then create water (H2O).
Similarly, without air virtually all plants and animals and certainly human beings could NOT exist. Note that air is a carefully balance mixture of nitrogen, oxygen, carbon dioxide, water vapors, and some other gases. Note that oxygen on its own would be explosive so careful thought went into the composition of air and this had to be completed and air created in the atmosphere around Earth BEFORE any plants or animals, let alone human beings, could be created.
- Diversity of Foods prove there is a Creator
We find ourselves with a huge diversity of plant and animal foodstuffs that we can consume, NOT just in order to exist but in order to thrive and enjoy life. In some random evolutionary process how would the plants and animals, while evolving in some random progression, know to create such a diversity of delightful tastes and textures and plant and animal components that human beings and animals might consume and enjoy as well as finding them highly nutritious. This again speaks to the existence of a highly imaginative Creative Agency.
- Domestic Animals prove there is a Creator
The existence of domestic animals, cattle for milk, beef and leather, sheep for meat and wool, chickens for eggs and meat, etc, not to mention domestic cats and dogs point to a Creator who wanted to ensure the greatest diversity of provision for the Human Beings He was planning to Create.
- Planet Earth and the Universe prove there is a Creator
The complexity of the Universe, this Solar System, this Planet all point to a massive Creative Agency with a highly developed view of what was being Created such that the Solar System and Planet Earth operate in a stable and reliable environment in Space that is suitable for this Planet to have exactly the right Atmosphere, Gravitational Field, etc to support the diversity of life forms that exist on the Planet.

This did NOT happen randomly or by accident, it was clearly designed and executed over a very long period of time in an incremental, that is evolutionary, manner.
Note that in the process of creating this Solar System and this Planet in an evolutionary experimental manner it is entirely probable that there are other Solar Systems and Planets which are similar to ours, some of which were created and discarded BEFORE our system was created and others that may be in the pipeline in case this experiment failed.
- Sexual Reproduction proves there is a Creator
The vast majority of Animals and most of the more advanced forms of Plants reproduce sexually.In other words male reproductive organs produce male gametes (reproductive cells) which are transferred to the female reproductive organs where they fuse with the female gametes.This can be through sexual intercourse as in Human Beings and Mammals or it can be through forms of Pollination by Bees, Wind or other agencies as in some types of Plant or in other ways.

In the case of Butterflies and most Insects the adult male form of the Butterfly fertilizes the female adult who then lays eggs.These eggs hatch and turn into Caterpillars which, in time, Pupate and form a Chrysalis which in time hatches into a Butterfly.
It is vital to recognize in ALL of these situations that this mechanism is a central component of ensuring that the species continues to exist AND maintains its characteristics for innumerable generations.

It is ALSO vital to recognize that ALL components of the cycle have to work PERFECTLY in order to produce the next generation and therefore in order ensure the continuation of the species.This being so it is mechanically IMPOSSIBLE for these Plants and Animals to have developed in an “evolutionary” self-inventing manner.ALL components had to be created together and ALL had to function effectively and reliably else the Species would die out at the first generation.

Note that in the case of the image of the birds nest adjacent to this text it is necessary for the bird to even know how to craft the nest, lay its eggs in the nest and then sit on the eggs and incubate them.All of this requires enduring programming by the Creator.
This AGAIN points to a highly precise and highly inventive creative agency who Created all of these components and made them function together.
- Sexual Lovemaking proves there is a Creator
Sexual Lovemaking manifests in some birds and animals and is highly pronounced in Human Beings.In many birds and even some insects there are courtship rituals before mating.In Human Beings those who are moderately sensitive who become romantically involved with another uman Being experience an emotion that we call “love” that can become extremely strong and intense such that two people in love can communicate telepathically across great distances – the phenomenon of both partners sending a message on their mobile phones at exactly the same moment for example.

This phenomenon we call love, associated with sexual love making, serves little or no purpose in a world where everything happens as a string of random stochastic evolutionary events.In such a world there is NO need and, indeed, NO place for love, affection, etc.These are major spiritual forces that again point to the hand of a Loving, imaginative and Creative Genius who put this all together so that these intangible feelings and emotions would work in and through us. through us.
- The Clitoris proves there is a Creator
Women and female animals have a Clitoris.An organ that serves NO useful purpose EXCEPT to stimulate intense sexual pleasure at a level that causes the female to desire sexual intercourse over and above what is required for reproduction and, in the human, sexual foreplay.The Clitoris cannot have “evolved” how did it know to exist to produce sexual pleasure?How did sexual pleasure know to exist?This certainly requires the involvement of a sensitive and creative Creative Agency intending to create a highly sophisticated being which enjoyed sexual love making.
- Pornography proves there is a Creator
Pornography exists because of intense preoccupation of human beings with sex and sexuality.Many human beings engage with pornography, a search on Google returns 1,630,000 results and reveals that “about 200,000 Americans are classified as “porn addicts.” 40 million American people regularly visit porn sites. 35% of all internet downloads are related to pornography.”
This preoccupation with recreational sex with NO intention to reproduce is, like the Clitoris, a reflection of the reality that Human Beings were created to enjoy sex.Again this is NOT something that would have resulted from a random “evolutionary” process but speaks to programming to enjoy sex that at some level has gone horribly wrong.This is partly a reaction to a puritanical and repressive view of sex that characterizes most religion and which has turned people off enjoying sex WITHIN their marital setting and made adultery a wholesale pastime amongst many people.
- DNA proves there is a Creator
Wikipedia reports “Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) is a molecule composed of two polynucleotide chains that coil around each other to form a double helix carrying genetic instructions for the development, functioning, growth and reproduction of all known organisms and many viruses. DNA and ribonucleic acid (RNA) are nucleic acids. Alongside proteins, lipids and complex carbohydrates (polysaccharides), nucleic acids are one of the four major types of macromolecules that are essential for all known forms of life.

“The two DNA strands are known as polynucleotides as they are composed of simpler monomeric units called nucleotides. Each nucleotide is composed of one of four nitrogen-containing nucleobases (cytosine [C], guanine [G], adenine [A] or thymine [T]), a sugar called deoxyribose, and a phosphate group. The nucleotides are joined to one another in a chain by covalent bonds (known as the phospho-diester linkage) between the sugar of one nucleotide and the phosphate of the next, resulting in an alternating sugar-phosphate backbone. The nitrogenous bases of the two separate polynucleotide strands are bound together, according to base pairing rules (A with T and C with G), with hydrogen bonds to make double-stranded DNA. The complementary nitrogenous bases are divided into two groups, pyrimidines and purines. In DNA, the pyrimidines are thymine and cytosine; the purines are adenine and guanine.
“Both strands of double-stranded DNA store the same biological information. This information is replicated as and when the two strands separate. A large part of DNA (more than 98% for humans) is non-coding, meaning that these sections do not serve as patterns for protein sequences. The two strands of DNA run in opposite directions to each other and are thus antiparallel. Attached to each sugar is one of four types of nucleobases (informally, bases). It is the sequence of these four nucleobases along the backbone that encodes genetic information. RNA strands are created using DNA strands as a template in a process called transcription, where DNA bases are exchanged for their corresponding bases except in the case of thymine (T), for which RNA substitutes uracil (U).Under the genetic code, these RNA strands specify the sequence of amino acids within proteins in a process called translation.
“Within eukaryotic cells, DNA is organized into long structures called chromosomes. Before typical cell division, these chromosomes are duplicated in the process of DNA replication, providing a complete set of chromosomes for each daughter cell. Eukaryotic organisms (animals, plants, fungi and protists) store most of their DNA inside the cell nucleus as nuclear DNA, and some in the mitochondria as mitochondrial DNA or in chloroplasts as chloroplast DNA. In contrast, prokaryotes (bacteria and archaea) store their DNA only in the cytoplasm, in circular chromosomes. Within eukaryotic chromosomes, chromatin proteins, such as histones, compact and organize DNA. These compacting structures guide the interactions between DNA and other proteins, helping control which parts of the DNA are transcribed.”
From the above quote I want to stress “development, functioning, growth and reproduction of all known organisms” – ALL!
I suggest for your consideration that this AGAIN points to a Creative Genius who developed a model for the reproduction and maintenance of consistent standards in virtually ALL living organisms, Plant, Animal AND Human BEFORE Creation began.This model had to work for the most elementary organisms and STILL work for the most sophisticated organism, Human Beings.There is NO way that such a sophisticated and versatile mechanism could have “evolved” in a random evolutionary process.That said, I stress again that the progressive Creation of more and more sophisticated entities took place in an “experimental”, that is “evolutionary” manner.
- Controlled Randomness proves there is a Creator
Security systems are built on a phenomenon that I call “Controlled Randomness” – every human being is recognizably the same at a macro level BUT at a micro level every human being is unique, one off.For example finger prints are unique, retinapatterns are unique, faces are unique – all of these attributes are used in security systems in complete confidence that they are NOT repeated in any two human beings.
Controlled Randomness also exists with animals and plants, for example it is claimed that no two snowflakes are identical.
So we have a phenomenon where EVERY human being is different at a micro level AND EVERY human being is the same on a macro level.Thus we find that the reproductive process rigorously controls the pattern for the off-spring of any male-female pair to be a PRECISE merge of the attributes of the two parents and yet, WITHIN that controlled process EVERY person is measurably unique.
This is NOT the outcome of some random progressive “evolutionary” process, it is the outcome of a Creative Genius who set out to design and build beings of this complexity.
- Discrete Forms prove there is a Creator
In considering plants and animals it is vital to recognize that all these living organisms exist in discrete forms, thus, with each family there are a range of discrete forms each of which has distinct nuances.Citrus is recognizably citrus, apples are distinctly apples, cats are distinctly cats, dogs are distinctly dogs, humans are distinctly humans, etc.In the event of a random progressive evolutionary development of these forms there would be innumerable intermediate forms and certainly NOT the discrete classes we have in the world around us.These discrete forms clearly speak to a Creative Genius who created distinct forms as an expression of creativity and to give human kind quality products to enjoy.
- Discrete Forms are Stable and NOT Evolving
It is also important to note that these discrete forms are stable and are NOT evolving.So, apparently, these forms evolved to a point and then collectively took a decision to stop evolving.
Archeological finds indicate that humans and other forms have been distinct and without major change for thousands of years.It is really unwise to suggest that these things have evolved to a certain point and, having reached perfection, are now static.Again this speaks to Creation NOT random progressive uncontrolled evolution.
- Spirits prove Creation
The word “spirit” appeared 1,370,000,000 times in Google on 29 May 2021.There are millions, if not billions of people who believe in spirits in some shape or form.Yet there are people who claim that spirits are fanciful and not real.I suggest for your consideration that given the fact that on the Internet 1.37 billion references to “spirit” occur that it is foolish to argue that spirits do NOT exist.I personally have deep experience of the spirit realm and have total certainty that spirits exist – see the article in Appendix 1.
Again, one must consider the reality that, based on a limited, “spiritless” evolutionary process there is NO reason for spirits to exist and therefore one must conclude that the reality of spirits points to the reality of a Creative Agency who saw fit to place spirits in human beings and advanced animal forms.Some people claim that all animals and even plants have spirits.
- Discrete Forms ALL reached perfection at the same time
Random Evolution also fails to explain why ALL forms reached perfection at the same time when, with random evolution there would be forms in all sorts of intermediate stages.This speaks to a Creator who carefully managed the Creative process towards an end-state where all the forms of plant and animal reached perfection in concert to be available to human kind to enjoy.
- The Global Flood limits Evolution
There is overwhelming evidence of a Global Flood about 4,500 years ago in which an Ice Comet impacted the Earth, melted and flooded the planet accompanied by about 20,000 volcanoes and massive tectonic (Earth Surface) disruption and upheaval such that the entire surface of the Earth was comprehensively mashed up and there are therefore very few artefacts on Earth that are older than 4,500 years no matter what confused Scientists who speak of millions and billions of years have to say.See for more information.
Note that because of massive outpourings of lava and magma from the radioactive core of the Earth during the so-called Flood, anything that relies on radioactive half-life as a measure of age is fundamentally flawed.Radio Carbon and similar dating methods assume a constant level of ambient radio-activity for millions of years.Reality is a massive outpouring of radioactive material about 4,500 years ago with huge ramifications for the level of radioactivity on the planet.
- I have DEEP personal experience of the Creator
In addition to all the points raised above I have DEEP personal experience of the Creator, see Appendix 1 to this article below.I have had Him speak to me and through me on numerous occasions, I speak to Him constantly throughout the day EVERY day and He speaks to me constantly in return.I have seen powerful manifestations of His Spirit where people have physically been moved due to the pressure of His Spirit, etc – see Appendix 1.
- Creation did NOT take place in seven periods of 24 hours
It turns out that the CORE issue that divides Evolutionists from Creationists is actually the entirely foolish belief by many religious people who claim that, based on Genesis Chapter 1 in the Bible, all of this came into existence in seven days, that is seven periods of 24 hours.At the most simple level the word translated day in Genesis 1 is the Hebrew “yom” which has the following renderings in the Bible:
“afternoon* (1), age (8), age* (1), all (1), always* (14), amount* (2), battle (1), birthday* (1), Chronicles* (38), completely* (1), continually* (14), course* (1), daily (22), daily the days (1), day (1115), day of the days (1), day that the period (1), day's (6), day's every day (1), daylight* (1), days (635), days on the day (1), days to day (1), days you shall daily (1), days ago (1), days' (11), each (1), each day (4), entire (2), eternity (1), evening* (1), ever in your life* (1), every day (2), fate (1), first (5), forever* (11), forevermore* (1), full (5), full year (1), future* (1), holiday* (3), later* (2), length (1), life (12), life* (1), lifetime (2), lifetime* (1), live (1), long (2), long as i live (1), long* (11), midday* (1), now (5), older* (1), once (2), period (3), perpetually* (2), present (1), recently (1), reigns (1), ripe* (1), short-lived* (1), so long* (1), some time (1), survived* (2), time (45), time* (1), times* (2), today (172), today* (1), usual (1), very old* (1), when (10), when the days (1), whenever (1), while (3), whole (2), year (10), yearly (5), years (13), yesterday* (1).” – see
Clearly it is foolishness to base ANY form of teaching on the meaning of this word.In the context with which this word is used in Genesis 1 the best one can say is “indeterminate period of time” or words to that effect.Clearly, from the most basic consideration of the laws of Physics (which the Almighty Created) it is entirely impossible for this Universe to have been magicked into existence in 24 hours and millions or billions of years is quite plausible.
So we find Evolutionists arguing against the outright foolishness of “day” being “24 hours” and, in the process, totally discounting and rejecting the other beliefs of those who champion seven periods of 24 hours and therefore rejecting the Creator.The foolishness of Believers in matters such as this is a major reason why so many intelligent people do NOT Believe in the Creator.
- Near Death Experiences prove there is a Creator
With advances in Medical and Clinical procedures it has become relatively commonplace that patients have what are generally termed “Near Death Experiences” or “Out of Body Experiences” in which the spirit of the Human Being leaves the body, is taken to Heaven and then the corpse is revived and the spirit returns.There are now a large number of interviews available on YouTube which substantiate the validity of these experiences.
It is important to note that ONLY people who have undergone a significant experience of the reality of the Creator at some stage in their life have these experiences – even if they have subsequently forgotten this.They are therefore, for the sake of this article, “Believers”.People who do NOT have such a relationship with the Creator do NOT have any experience so there are reports that large numbers who DO die and are resuscitated who do NOT have such an experience.Such Unbelievers would go onto become “Ancestor Spirits” or “Demons” after death and there are NO agencies associated with what happens to them after they leave their bodies and therefore NO such near death or out of body experiences.
I encourage you to watch all three videos.
"Fr Robert Spitzer: Near Death Experiences"
A fairly sober analysis of statistics and the frequency of these experiences.
"Eben Alexander: A Neurosurgeon's Journey through the Afterlife"
This is a particularly important video for cynical analytical people who do not believe in an afterlife. This man is a Neurosurgeon and a believer through traditional church who was taken to heaven and miraculously healed – I strongly recommend this for people who do not believe and who are cynical.
"Is There Life After Death? moderated by John Cleese - 2018 Tom Tom Festival"
This is an interesting discussion with particular emphasis on Near Death Experiences and Reincarnation.
The panel are all scientists and, apparently unbelievers, so they miss the point that only a Believer who has a Near Death Experience will be taken to Heaven, an Unbeliever will NOT be taken to Heaven.
They also miss the point that only Believers can be reincarnated – given a second chance to live life better.
The key point about this panel discussion is that it is further evidence that these things DO happen and that Heaven IS REAL 😊
By extension, I suggest for your consideration that these experiences VALIDATE the reality that there IS a Creator and that He Created us with the objective of living with Him in Heaven for Eternity such that this life is an exam / test / trial in terms of which we will or will NOT qualify to spend eternity with Him in Heaven.
- BUT that does NOT explain where the Creator came from
Based on the points above I submit with a high level of certainty that the Creator EXISTS and Created all that is around us.
To some extent, that is easy for me to say, I have heard Him speak to me audibly, I engage in an ongoing conversation with Him every day of my life, I have had a significant number of dramatic supernatural experiences such that I know with ABSOLUTE CERTAINTY that He exists.
If you are somewhat persuaded by the points above I expect that your last remaining objection will be something along the lines of “that is all very well and good, so this Creator DID Create all this stuff, so then HOW was He Created”.
I would like to answer this as follows:
- If you do not believe He exists then you have the SAME problem in terms of where all this “stuff” came from, clearly it is here, we live it so, where did it come from?
- My answer to this is that “The Creator” created it.
- To which you again ask “so WHO or WHAT Created the Creator”.
My answer is that He tells us that His full title is “Yah the Eternally Self-Existing”, in other words He has always been here.
So you basically have a choice, believe in “Mother Nature” which inexplicably created all this in some magic way and has always been there BUT who is NOT real and will NOT reward you for your life here.
OR believe in the Almighty Creator who IS real and who WILL reward you for your life here IF you live it well and to His standards – see
I know what my choice is and I recommend this to you as well 😊
- So what – WHY should YOU Believe?
You may have read this far and be asking the question “So what”, WHY does it matter? WHY should I make a choice?
Bottom line is that the Creator has said “why would I want someone to spend eternity with me when they do NOT believe I exist?” – so IF you believe you make it into Heaven when you die, if you do NOT believe you remain on Earth as an Ancestor Spirit or Demon serving Satan – NOT a pleasant outcome.
IF you DO believe then this opens the door to a range of outcomes in terms of major rewards in Heaven – see
It is DEFINITELY worth becoming a Believer!
- What to do IF you NOW Believe
If you have now concluded that you DO believe that the Almighty Creator exists, I recommend that you pray along the following lines:
“Father, Yah, the Almighty Creator, I have previously believed that you do NOT exist. I now recognize that I was mistaken and I repent and ask you to forgive me.
I chose now to accept the reality of your existence and I ask you to help me to learn about you and come into relationship with you.
Show me what to read and listen to and what NOT to read and listen to.
Send people to me who can help me and keep people from me who will not help me.
I ask you to send your set-apart Spirit to live in me and help me to become a faithful servant.
Please feel free to email me or connect with me on LinkedIn for me to support you. There is a large amount of information on the website at
See discussion of my experience of the Almighty Creator in Appendix 1 and detailed analysis of the Human Body in Appendix 2
Warm regards and blessings,
Dr James A Robertson
Spokesman and Emissary of Yah
End Time Issue Ministries
29 May 2021 updated 30 May 2021 and 04 June 2021
Copyright: You are free to use this material any way you choose subject only to consideration of what you will face on the Day of your Judgment.
Appendix 1
2021.05.02 WHY I believe
It occurs to me that while I write with great confidence regarding the existence of the Almighty Creator whose True Name is Yah the Eternally Self-Existing it might be helpful to share a few of the experiences that give me this confidence. This may or may not help you directly but, I hope it will challenge YOU to grow to a point where you can have similar experiences.
Preface: Confirmed in the Anglican Church at the age of 13
I grew up in an Anglican family and went to church. At the age of 13 I was confirmed and had a very limited conversion experience that moved me to the standing of “Believer”. I subsequently gave limited service including as an Altar Boy from the age of 19 for about 4 or 5 years at which point I walked away from the church because I was offended by the attitude of the Priest and the hypocrisy of the Church. I progressively backslid to a point where by 1991 I was effectively Atheist and got into an adulterous relationship with my Secretary.
- 12 March 1993 – Father spoke to me audibly
The relationship came out in the open in early 1993 and I then discovered I was deeply in love with my mistress but could not be with her.I ended up in a Hotel room figuring out how to kill myself when at about 7 am on the morning of 12 March 1993 in a locked hotel room the Almighty spoke to me audibly – out loud and I knew instantly who it was.He told me to phone a friend and that friend shared his living relationship with the Almighty and led me back to the Almighty.
At that point I clearly got the message that I had been on the fast track to Hell, repented, turned around and started strenuously seeking to build my relationship with Father Yah.Since He had spoken to my audibly it never occurred to me that He would NOT speak to me again so I went forward expecting to hear from Him.
That experience of the Almighty speaking to me coupled to my realization of heading for Hell has kept me more or less on-track ever since.I threw myself into serving He who had spoken to me, started going to church several times a week, listening to teaching tapes, worshipping at every opportunity, reading the Bible and everything else I could get my hands on and grew rapidly in my relationship.
- 25 December 1993 – message for Anglican Priest and his wife
On a two hour drive to celebrate Christmas with my sister the Almighty gave me a message for the Anglican Priest who would be officiating in the Church.It was the first time I had actually gone to a stranger and spoken in the Name of the Almighty so I pushed back hard, I did NOT want to do it.
Throughout the service the Almighty kept reminding me to speak to the Priest.At the end of the meeting, as people were leaving I went up to the wife of the Priest and very tentatively gave her the message.She was exultant, and shouted out at the top of her voice “Trevor, this brother has the word we have been waiting for”.
We became friends and they invited me to minister in their main church on a number of occasions.This experience encouraged me considerably and I have given many other people messages from the Almighty since then, NOT all of which have been so gratefully received.
- Early morning of 2 January 1994 – Father puts His Hand on me
A few days later I was reading the book “Good Morning Holy Spirit” by Benny Hinn.I could not put it down and was deeply impacted by his story of his encounter with Father Yah.At about 3 am I went to bed and, lying on my stomach, I prayed “Father I desire to know you the way that Benny Hinn does”.After some time my bedroom was filled with a mighty roaring sound and I experienced intense pressure pressing me into the bed which I subsequently understood to be Fathers hand.
I woke the next morning with a strong anointing (infilling of the Spirit of Yah).My new secretary arrived for work in tears, her brother had committed suicide.I held her hands and prayed for her and what felt like an electric current passed between us.She looked at me wide eyed and immediately experienced supernatural peace.
Numerous other incidents followed including healings, etc.My church did NOT recognize me because I had NOT been to Bible School and they had not taught me so my ministry was largely low key.
- Car carried by Messengers {Angels}
Some months later I was in a motor vehicle accident where I was late to catch an airplane and was speeding on a winding mountain road when I came round a corner and hit a pool of mud and lost control of the car which slid sideways off an embankment about ten feet high.
As the car left the road I cried out to Father and His Messengers caught the car and laid it gently at the foot of the slope – it should have rolled down the hill but instead my pen and diary which was open on the passenger seat remained in place and were not displaced at all – I was NOT injured or even shaken.
- Malawi 1994 – assembly falls under the Power of the Spirit of Yah
A few months later I was in Malawi ministering in an Assembly through a translator.The power of the Spirit of Yah flowed through me and eventually almost the entire assembly of about fifty people was lying on the floor sobbing as they were convicted of sin and other things.I only touched a few of them.It was a very powerful experience.
- Malawi 1994 – Yah speaks through me
The next day I went to a meeting with the General Secretary of one of the major assemblies in Malawi together with the two Pastors who had been at the meeting the previous night.After a few minutes of conversation Father told me to move the coffee table out of the way because He was going to slay this man in the Spirit.I got up to walk towards him and he stood up to meet me and while I was still about three feet from him he was knocked sideways by the power of the Spirit that was on me.Father immediately started to speak through me.I had no thoughts or control over what came out of my mouth, I was just the vessel that Father was using to speak to this man.
I spoke for about twenty minutes and then moved to the next man, the same thing happened, and then, again, with the third man.I then sat down and Father then spoke to me through my own mouth for about half an hour.In all of this Father spoke through me in the first person.I subsequently understood that this was the level of anointing that Yahooshua {Jesus} walked in throughout his ministry and that is why Yahooshua is reported as speaking as though he was the Almighty.
- Day of Atonement 2014 from August to December, receiving dictation
I subsequently lost the above anointing through a brutal divorce after I discovered that my wife had betrayed me and the church took her side.
Fast forward after many other experiences to around the Day of Atonement (Yom Kippur) in 2014.For a period from August to December 2014 I was walking so close to Father that I was hearing Him precisely most of the time and He was giving me regular revelation in the form of short statements which I recorded immediately in a pocket notebook and which are on the website at
This was a dramatic experience of really hearing Father very clearly on a sustained basis.
Conclusion: I speak to Him and hear Him constantly
Beyond all the above there have been many other experiences, not as dramatic for the most part but significant such that I know with ABSOLUTE CERTAINTY that Father Yah exists. I speak to Him constantly and hear Him constantly, as in throughout the day every day. He is totally real to me and my desire is to serve Him faithfully to the end of my life and qualify for a High Throne with Him for Eternity.
I also know with absolute certainty that He desires for YOU to have comparable experiences and a comparable relationship and to get even closer to Him that I have ever been. See the article Demographics of the Kingdom for information on the different ranks in Heaven --
See also the article Why are we here at and much else on the Website.
Please feel free to email me if you need support with this.
Dr James A Robertson
End Time Issue Ministries
08 May 2021 – Updated 09 May 2021
Appendix 2
Detailed Analysis of the Human Body proves Creation
Unknown origin – if you know the origin please let me know
This presentation will remind you that there are miracles going on inside your body every single day.