2020.10.01 The miraculous planning of the death of Yahooshua – where, how and what Yahooshua (meaning Yah is Salvation) {incorrectly called Jesus} died on a stake exactly over the Ark of the Covenant that had been hidden roughly 616 years earlier by YirmYahoo {Jeremiah} in 589 BC in a cave 20 feet below the execution site in solid rock. The earthquake as Yahooshua died split the rock from the stake hole to the top of the Ark so that when the solider pierced the side of Yahooshua after he died blood and water ran out all the way down to land on the Mercy Seat of the Ark. This ushered in a new Priesthood, a new Covenant and a new Atoning Sacrifice for sin. All told a major miracle of pre-planning by the Almighty Creator with the full knowledge of Yahooshua. This article discusses the details of this miracle in some detail.
2024.01.05 Good is Insufficient – Relationship with the Creator is what Counts -- ElaboratedIncreasingly over the years I have come to understand that the Almighty Creator desires a DEEP Personal Relationship with those who choose to follow Him. In fact, the ONLY reason we exist is to have such a relationship with the Creator.
In 2014 I wrote the article “2014.11.01a The Almighty Creator Desires a Deep Personal Relationship with YOU!” and published it to my mailing list and on the website. Subsequently I came to understand more deeply that while IF we are close to Father we SHOULD live “Good” lives, there are billions of “good” people on Earth doing their best to live good lives who will NOT make it into Heaven and that, in fact “good” as a benchmark for Eternity was insufficient, in fact it is irrelevant if one does not have a deep personal relationship with the Almighty Creator.