I have now reached a point where Father has shown me that my understanding has matured and consolidated to a point where I can write an article summarizing ALL the key points that relate to my message as my message applies to Christians. I aim to produce similar articles for Jews, Muslims, Unbelievers and Other Religions. Nearly all of my writings are presented on the Website including a set of PDF volumes available at
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Listen to Recording_2022_05_06_The Essence of my Message to Christians
Caution – this article has NOT been Proofread so there may be minor transcription errors.
Good day!
The Almighty Creator Desires a Deep Personal Relationship with You! If you die as an Unbeliever, your spirit will live for a very long time as a disembodied Ancestor Spirit or Demon. The Creator has said regarding Unbelievers, "Why would I want someone to spend Eternity with me when they do NOT Believe I exist?"
If you die as a Believer without any form of relationship with the Creator, you will end up in the Outer Darkness – a cold, black, terrible place with weeping and wailing and gnashing of teeth (your teeth) – the Trash Heap of Heaven. Father has said concerning such Believers, "Why would I want someone to be close to me in Heaven, which inherently means I will give them great prestige and authority, if they do NOT have a deep personal relationship with me and have NOT proven to me that they can be trusted in this life?"
In stark contrast, if you make a real effort to seek relationship with the Almighty, the rewards in the life to come are huge – a glorious resurrected body, great prestige, great authority, and a permanent close relationship with the Creator and with Yahooshua who you may mistakenly know as Jesus.
To put this all in context, The Almighty has said "I created Human beings, this planet and this universe for men and women to be my Friends, my companions, to explore and learn and develop together. My greatest grief is that almost NO person understands this let alone seeks such a relationship with me!"
Today my message is the first part of the Essence of My Message to Christians.
The Essence of my Message to Christians -- Overview
This broadcast states that we exist to be Friends of the Creator.
It is stressed that Jesus was a Jew and the Birth of Yahooshua is outlined.
We look at correction of some names starting with Yah the Eternally Self-Existing and the Almighty.
We then look at Christ and that Yahooshua died on a Stake NOT a Cross.
We note that those who followed Yahooshua suffered massive persecution.
It is pointed out that ALL authority was given to Yahooshua after his death and resurrection.
It is noted that Yahooshua is seated at the Right Hand of the Father Waiting for his enemies to be made his Footstool.
And that Yahooshua is scheduled to return around May 3003 – 981 years from now.
We note that the World is such a Mess because of “The Contest.”
It is pointed out that Yah IS Chesed {Love}.
We stress that Yahooshua told those who follow his example to worship ONLY the Creator NOT him.
You are encouraged to seek Truth and NOT Error.
It is noted that when Unbelievers Die they become Ancestor Spirits [Demons].
Finally we will examine the state of YOUR relationship with the Almighty Creator.
Who am I? – James Robertson. I have a Doctorate in Engineering and I am an IT project manager. I have over 29 years' experience of actively seeking to draw close to the Almighty following a dramatic encounter with Him on 12th March 1993 when He spoke to me audibly in a locked room and I knew for certain that He was real.
I was confirmed in the Anglican Church at the age of 13 and served as an Altar Boy for a number of years from the age of 19. Eventually, married to an Unbeliever, I became disenchanted with the hypocrisy in the Church and backslid to a point where I was not even sure the Almighty existed. In this backslidden state I embarked on an adulterous affair which, when it ended, left me desperate and suicidal. It was then that the Almighty spoke to me and I realized that my intellect had gotten me into a right mess and I chose to serve Him faithfully for the rest of my life.
In doing this I applied my deep-seated aversion to failure borne out of an accident in early childhood coupled to my Engineering and Military training of rigour and preventing failure, to my seeking of knowledge about Father. This journey led to numerous supernatural experiences, prayers answered and clear communication with the Creator that forms the basis for what I teach in these programs.
What is "End Time Issue Ministries?" It's the organizational vehicle for delivering my message through Email Articles, Websites, this Radio Program, physical books, LinkedIn, Facebook, YouTube, SlideShare, and Twitter.
What is THIS Program? – "The Creator Desires a DEEP Personal Relationship with YOU!" – It represents the fundamental essence of my message.
See the website for more information.
See also Click on "The Show" in the top Menu bar and then "Podcasts" in the dropdown for previous broadcasts or search on Google for "Relationship with Creator Radio."
Body of the Article
2020.10.04 The Essence of my Message to Christians
I have now reached a point where Father has shown me that my understanding has matured and consolidated to a point where I can write an article summarizing ALL the key points that relate to my message as my message applies to Christians. I aim to produce similar articles for Jews, Muslims, Unbelievers and Other Religions. Nearly all of my writings are presented on the Website including a set of PDF volumes available at
For direct words from the Almighty to myself, see
If you are a Christian I urge you to listen to this article to the end prayerfully and then to pray the prayer at the end.
In all my writings, words and phrases in curly brackets {} are commonly used words that are incorrect at a level that they should be avoided. My journey with the Almighty has been deeply informed by the rigour of my Engineering training (I have a Doctorate in Engineering).
So folks, I come from a Christian background. I don't regard myself as a Christian any longer but Christianity has a lot of important hooks in drawing to a close relationship with the Almighty, just as Judaism and Islam in particular also have important hooks in drawing close to Father. So I am going to share with you my understanding on what's really important to you if you're a Christian.
This article presents a headline review of most facets of my teachings as they apply first and foremost to Christians. Subsequent articles are planned for Jews, Muslims, etc.
It is stressed that Jesus was a Jew and that his name could therefore NOT be a Greek name which Jesus is. His name was Yahooshua meaning “Yah is Salvation” where Yah is the True Name of the Almighty Creator. A number of common English translation errors in the majority of English Bibles are discussed and from this it is evidenced that there is misunderstanding amongst most Christians of the reality that Yahooshua {Jesus} was a human being and NOT God in the flesh. It is noted that it is grievous error and sin to worship Jesus. We should worship the Creator alone.
The history of the Bible is discussed and it is noted that the Bible is a valuable history book, no more and that it is NOT “The Word of God” and it is sin to worship it.
It is noted that the only reason we exist is to be Friends of the Creator and if you are not living life with that objective you are missing the whole reason for your existence.
A wide diversity of other topics are discussed.
So I will elaborate on these points in a few minutes.
1. We exist to be Friends of the Creator
There is fundamentally only ONE reason that Human Beings, this Planet, this Solar System, this Universe exist and that is because the Almighty Creator, who has always existed, was lonely and wanted companions and, specifically Friends. Friend of the Creator is the highest achievement in this life and anything short of that is a misfire, particularly if you have not even attempted to achieve this status with Him. This means that:
a. You talk to Him constantly.
b. You know His TRUE Name – “Yah the Eternally Self-Existing” and you use it exclusively.
c. He talks to YOU constantly.
d. That you know His plans and participate in them.
e. That you know His goals and work towards them.
f. That you pray His will into existence on Earth in close consultation with Him.
g. You are a Turnaround Emissary {Turnaround Prophet} and are changing the Spiritual Dispensation on Earth in consultation with the Creator.
h. Etcetera.
If you qualify as a Friend at the end of your life then you qualify to sit on a Very High Throne in Heaven with a Glorious Resurrected Body, Great Authority, Great Prestige and Great Power.
Folks, this is such a fundamental principle – if you've never ask the question why are we here or if you've asked the question and never got a satisfactory answer, this is the answer. The Creator was lonely. He decided to create intelligent beings He could interact with and we are the result. If you're not drawing close to Him, if you're not seeking to become His friend, you've seriously missed the bus and you're going to be very disappointed when you die. It's important to realise that when you die as a believer, you will go directly to Heaven, you will be judged if you got sin, you will go to the Lake of Fire and Brimstone, Hell for a period, and then you will spend eternity in Heaven. If you're not a believer, you will never make it there.
2. Jesus was a Jew [Yahooshua was a Yahoodite]
The man you may call “Jesus Christ” was a Jew [Yahoodite], resident of Judah [Yahoodah] and therefore a Hebrew. He spoke Hebrew and lived in a Hebrew Society – see MattihYahoo {Matthew} Chapter 1:
“The Genealogy of Yahooshua {Jesus}"
“1 The book of the generation of Yahooshua the Anointed of Yah {Jesus Christ}, the son of David, the son of Abraham."
“2 Abraham begat Isaac; and Isaac begat Jacob; and Jacob begat Judas and his brethren; 3 And Judas begat Phares and Zara of Thamar; and Phares begat Esrom; and Esrom begat Aram; 4 And Aram begat Aminadab; and Aminadab begat Naasson; and Naasson begat Salmon; 5 And Salmon begat Booz of Rachab; and Booz begat Obed of Ruth; and Obed begat Jesse; 6 And Jesse begat David the king; and David the king begat Solomon of her that had been the wife of Urias; 7 And Solomon begat Roboam; and Roboam begat Abia; and Abia begat Asa; 8 And Asa begat Josaphat; and Josaphat begat Joram; and Joram begat Ozias; 9 And Ozias begat Joatham; and Joatham begat Achaz; and Achaz begat Ezekias; 10 And Ezekias begat Manasses; and Manasses begat Amon; and Amon begat Josias; 11 And Josias begat Jechonias and his brethren, about the time they were carried away to Babylon."
It traces out the lineage that’s attributed to Yahooshua and proves that he was from the absolute basics a Hebrew, a Jew borne of a father of Judah. It's so important. There is so much wrong thinking among Christians about Jews, not all Christmas, some Christians embrace Jews, but there are many Christians who hate Jews because they have it that the Jews killed their God Jesus and that's just so mistaken and they hate Jews for a whole range of reasons. I get emails sometimes which are vitriolic in their attacks on the Jews from people who claim to be Christians and if you claim to be a Christian then you claim to be a follower of Yahooshua and he was a Jew. There is no ways that he came to attack Jews. He came to save Jews.
The Birth of Yahooshua
(Isaiah 7:10-16; Micah 5:1-6; Luke 2:1-7) – Please visit the webpage on the Essence of My Message to Christians for the complete text.
It is important to note from the above that Yahooshua’s {Jesus} Earthly lineage, as recognized by human beings, traces all the way back to Abraham the Hebrew (Genesis 14:13). Most of the people listed there are reported in the so-called “Old Testament” evidencing that Joseph and Miriam were fundamentally Hebrew people who were amongst those closest to the Almighty Creator throughout the period in question.
Note that MattihYahoo {Matthew} 2:1-6 states:
“1 Now when Yahooshua {Jesus} was born in Bethlehem of Yahoodah {Judaea} in the days of Herod the king, behold, there came wise men from the east to Jerusalem, 2 Saying, Where is he that is born King of the Yahoodites {Jews}? for we have seen his star in the east, and are come to worship him. 3 When Herod the king had heard these things, he was troubled, and all Jerusalem with him. 4 And when he had gathered all the chief priests and scribes of the people together, he demanded of them where the Anointed One {Christ} should be born. 5 And they said unto him, In Bethlehem of Yahoodah {Judaea}: for thus it is written by the prophet, ‘6 And thou Bethlehem, in the land of Yahoodah {Juda}, art not the least among the princes of Yahoodah {Juda}: for out of thee shall come a Governor, that shall rule my people Israel.” KJV
So Yahooshua {Jesus} was born in Bethlehem in the land of Yahoodah {Judea} and was therefore a Yahoodite. Note that the word “Jew” is an Anglicization of the word “Yahoodite” so therefore Yahooshua {Jesus} was a JEW and his family and his society were ALL Jews!
It's so important folks. Yahooshua was NOT Greek and therefore his name cannot have been Jesus (Ieosus). His name in Hebrew is “Yahooshua” {Joshua} meaning “Yah is salvation” where “Yah” is the true name of the Almighty Creator.
Note also that the occupation forces in Yahoodah were Romans and NOT Greeks. There is NO reason why Yahooshua, his family and his community would speak or write Greek.
Therefore nearly all the original writings on which the so-called “New Testament” are based were written in Hebrew and translated into Greek.
This gives rise to all sorts of corrections some of which will be discussed further in this article.
Note in MattihYahoo 27:46 Yahooshua cried out in Aramaic (which is vernacular Hebrew) “And about the ninth hour Yahooshua {Jesus} cried out with a loud voice, saying, “Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani?” that is, “My Beloved Mighty One {God}, My Beloved Mighty One {God}, why have You forsaken Me?” Clearly that was his home language!
So there is a whole lot of wrong thinking in Christianity that Yahooshua spoke Greek, that the early disciples were Greek when in fact Yahooshua was a Jew, the earliest disciples were Jews and Yahooshua came to bring salvation to the Jews. And you can't understand fully Yahooshua without understanding his Hebrew roots and understanding the Hebrew language behind the Greek.
Correction of Names
In particular at this point I would like to offer a number of corrections with regard to names that are commonly used – these corrections are made within the context of the reality that Belief in the Creator and Belief through Yahooshua {Jesus} are represented to a degree in Christianity, and Christianity is therefore a fundamentally Hebrew Religion.
In particular it is NOT possible to fully understand the so-called “New Testament” in the Bible without first understanding the culture and history that is presented in the so-called “Old Testament” – fundamentally Yahooshua {Jesus} was an OLD TESTAMENT PROPHET! – the New Covenant only came into existence when he died.
In this context it is important to understand that modern day “Jews” are ALSO descended from these roots and the reason that so many people hate Jews is because at some level they have been more faithful with the matters of the Creator than most and are therefore a threat to the Satanic and Demonic Realm which therefore triggers irrational and ill-informed hatred of Jews.
It is also important to realize that at the time that the Bible was first translated into English there was a large amount of tradition and also intense persecution which resulted in the translators making compromises which have persisted to this day in the vast majority of Bible translations.
The following points should be viewed with this in mind:
So I am going to talk a bit about a number of names and words that are commonly used in Christianity that are in fact, erroneous, they are incorrect. They give rise to all sorts of wrong thinking with the result that there's a lot of error in Christianity associated with these names. So the first one I want to speak about is the phrase that is translated in most English Bibles as The LORD.
Yah the Eternally Self-Existing {The LORD}
The phrase “Yah the Eternally Self-Existing” occurs in the so-called Old Testament over 7,000 times represented as “The LORD.” This phrase in Hebrew is “Yahooeh” or “Yahweh” depending on preference.
It is the Name of the Almighty Creator of the Heavens and the Earth and His true fundamental Name is “Yah.” If you do NOT know this name and use it you will never draw particularly close to Him. How do you form a relationship with someone when you do NOT know their name?
For a detailed discussion of the Name Yah and how it permeates every facet of “Old Testament” life and the names of people, please visit
It is so important to understand how the Name Yah was central to the lives of early believers. Thus, in this article we have:
Yahooshua {Jesus} meaning “Yah is Salvation"
MattihYahoo {Matthew} meaning “Gift of Yah”
Yahoochanan {John} meaning “Yah has Graced"
It is NOT possible to really understand the history of believers as presented in the Bible without understanding this principle. In particular it is not possible to understand Yahooshua {Jesus} without FIRST understanding his name which clearly states that Yah is Salvation NOT Yahooshua {Jesus} – the reason Yah instructed that the baby in Bethlehem referenced above should be named “Yahooshua” was because that was his mission, to provide a way for Salvation!
There is huge confusion generated by the use of the name The LORD instead of Yah the Eternally Self-Existing. People don't know that the Creator's real name is Yah, so they use email addresses which are blasphemous. They use yah for yes in Afrikaans and German and in a number of other languages. It's so tragic folks. If you love the Creator, if you love Father, call Him Yah. He says "If you love me, call me by my real name."
Further it is important to understand that the Hebrew word that SHOULD accurately be translated “the Lord” is “Baal” the name of a Demonic, Pagan, that is Satanic deity. Yet the Bible translators accurately preserved the name Baal in the English yet totally concealed the Name Yah from the translations.
So, not only do most people NOT use the correct Name for the Almighty they use a name that is hurtful and insulting. When I first became aware of this in 2000 I asked Father if it was important and His words to me were “James how would you like it if your wife and family called you by the name of your worst enemy” – I got the message and changed my vocabulary immediately. I hope that you will do the same!
Further, there are limitations on what you can accomplish speaking to Yah or about Yah using The LORD which is an abomination in His ears and His sight. Because of the abovementioned persecution of the early translators of the Bible, Yah extended Grace for many years. However, in May 2003 when it was time to sentence Satan for his sins and send him to the Pit for a thousand years it was first necessary to withdraw ALL Grace for the lies and errors which the Demonic and Satanic realm had inculcated into the vocabulary of Believers. Accordingly if you continue to use “The LORD” today, you will be cursed and open the door for Satanic and Demonic attack.
Note also that in the so-called “New Testament” Yahooshua {Jesus} is frequently referred to as “Lord” – the Hebrew word in this case is “Adonai” which is a Human Lord or Ruler. So, it is appropriate to refer to Yahooshua as Adonai. However, Adonai has been rendered “Lord” with the result that Believers confuse “The LORD” in the Old Testament with “the Lord” in the New Testament and this is one of the factors that give rise to people believing that Yahooshua is The LORD, i.e. the Creator which is serious error.
So folks, this is such a key point. Because of the confused translations people don't really know who the Creator is, they don't really know who Yahooshua is, they are just all confused and it's only when you get to understand these things and you put the corrections into practice, that things start to fall into place for you.
The Almighty {God}
Another incorrect word in common usage is “God.”
There are numerous references to “God” throughout the Old Testament which are a translation of the Hebrew word “Elohym” which means “Mighty One,” “mighty one” or “Almighty” depending on context. A judge or ruler can be a mighty one, Yahooshua is a mighty one but they are NOT THE Mighty One, i.e. they are NOT “The Almighty.” So, wherever reference is being made to Yah the correct rendering is NOT God it is “The Almighty.”
The word “God” is actually the name of a Pagan, that is Satanic, Demonic power and, as with The LORD it is actually an insult to Yah to call Him God. As with The LORD, He has extended Grace but that Grace was withdrawn in May 2003.
Yahooshua {Jesus}
As stated above the true name of the Spokesman {Prophet} and Emissary {Apostle} of Natzareth {Nazareth} is Yahooshua meaning “Yah is Salvation” – this is vital to understanding this man and his role and his mission. It is also important in understanding why his name is “the name above all names.” Philippians 2:9 “Therefore the Almighty {God} also has highly exalted Him and given Him the name which is above every name,” KJV – there is NOTHING HIGHER for humans than the Salvation of Yah.
Note that this name is NOT exclusive to Yahooshua of Natzareth, it was a common name in Old Testament times, generally incorrectly translated as “Joshua” in English Bibles.
Jesus is derived from the Greek “Ieosus” which, in turn is derived from “Zeus” another Pagan, that is Satanic and Demonic Power and, in fact, means “blessed of Zeus.” So, again, it is an insult to refer to Yahooshua as Jesus and again Grace has been withdrawn.
The situation with all these Demonic names is that if you persist in using them, particularly when you have been apprised of your error, the Satanic and Demonic realm have authority to take control of you and of your life and totally destroy your relationship with the Almighty Creator and the Creator will progressively reject you.
Anointed with the Spirit of Yah {Christ}
Another meaningless Bible name is “Christ.” This is a rendering of “Christos, Christoon, etc.,” in Greek. This, in turn is a rendering of “Meshach” in Hebrew which means to smear or anoint with oil OR to anoint with (smear) with the Set-Apart {Holy} Spirit of Yah, in other words to be filled with the Spirit.
So, at the time that Yahooshua {Jesus} was anointed by Yahoochanan {John} after he was immersed in the Jordan River and the Spirit of the Almighty descended on him, he was filled with the Spirit of Yah. See MattihYahoo 3:16 “When He had been baptized, Yahooshua {Jesus} came up immediately from the water; and behold, the heavens were opened to Him, and He saw the Spirit of The Almighty {God} descending like a dove and alighting upon Him.”
It was this infilling (Anointing) with the Set-Apart {Holy} Spirit of Yah that gave Yahooshua {Jesus} the power to Prophesy, to heal people, to raise the dead, etc. So all of these miracles were performed by YAH NOT Yahooshua.
Taking this further, the word Christ is used in the context of:
“Jesus Christ” = “Yahooshua Anointed with the Spirit of Yah”
“Christ Jesus” = “the Anointing of the Spirit of Yah that was upon Yahooshua”
“Christ” = “the Anointing of the Spirit of Yah” as in Philippians 4:13 “I can do all things through the Anointing of the Spirit of Yah {Christ} which strengtheneth me.” KJV. And that’s where you see Christ mistaken for Yahooshua being mistaken for Jesus, so Jesus is God, not so! The Christ there is referring to the spirit of Yah.
“Christ” = “the Anointed one” – referring to Yahooshua of Natzareth or any other prominent Anointed one.
The net effect is that Christ can be applied to ANY Spirit filled Believer, so, I can rightly be referred to as “James Christ” just as legitimately as “Jesus Christ” and if YOU are Spirit Filled you can just as legitimately be referred to as “your name Christ.”
Thus we see that “Christ” refers to the Spirit of Yah and therefore to YAH and NOT to Yahooshua, so when we refer to Jesus using the word Christ on its own it is effectively meaningless. The net effect of this is that “Christianity” correctly interpreted would mean “the religion of those filled with the Spirit of Yah,” which it is NOT because the vast majority of those who call themselves “Christian” are NOT filled with the Spirit of Yah. So, Christianity is, regrettably, effectively a MEANINGLESS religious word!
Note that the biggest impact of “Christ” is that people think that Yahooshua {Jesus} is The Almighty {God} when, in fact, he was and is 100% a human being.
Stake NOT Cross
Yahooshua {Jesus} died on a Stake, a length of tree trunk, NOT on a Cross. A Cross is a Pagan, that is Demonic Satanic symbol, see and
HalleluYah -- Praise Yah
Yahoodaah {Judah} -- Praise Yah
Qodesh {Holy} -- Set-Apart / Separate
Father – Abba – Daddy
Other incorrect words and names
There are many other words that are incorrectly rendered in English. See and other pages on the Website for more information.
Most of them have less dramatic consequences in terms of their impact of the error but they should be corrected nevertheless, as is done where relevant in this article.
3. Those who followed Yahooshua suffered massive persecution
Following the death and resurrection of Yahooshua the Believers in his Covenant suffered massive persecution by the Jews and the Romans such that the religion largely died out in Israel and survived primarily in Greece where the believers adapted their religion to Greek Pagan tradition in order to gain greater acceptance and reduce persecution. The religion became progressively more corrupt. It was also eventually adopted in Rome with further corruption. This resulted in the religion we call Christianity today.
It is vital to understand that the knowledge we have available to us today, primarily through the Bible, is corrupt, incomplete, inaccurate and therefore of LIMITED reliability. It is vital to get close to Father Yah to seek truth. My Website contains a huge amount of information, of the order of 1,000 webpages and 2,400 articles which you can turn to for a lot of information.
4. ALL authority was given to Yahooshua after his death and resurrection
ALL authority on Earth was given to Adam who gave it to Satan when he rebelled and ate the forbidden fruit and therefore submitted to Satan. See Genesis 1:28 “28 And the Almighty {God} blessed them, and the Almighty {God} said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth.” KJV
Yahooshua regained this authority by living and dying without committing a single sin. Regrettably almost no believers live without sin today and therefore the Satanic and Demonic realm dominate on Earth today and almost no one walks in this authority.
In order to gain this authority Yahooshua had to be 100% HUMAN! AND he had to live without sin. If YOU will choose to live your life above sin, you too, will have great authority on Earth today.
5. Yahooshua is seated at the Right Hand of the Father Waiting for his enemies to be made his Footstool
Yahooshua is now seated at the Right Hand of the Father, the Almighty Creator, WAITING for his enemies, the Satanic and Demonic Realm and their human servants, to be made his footstool. This requires Believers to live free of sin which almost no one is doing and wage spiritual war in his name. If his enemies are not made his footstool, Yahooshua will NOT return and Satan will win the contest.
6. Yahooshua is scheduled to return around May 3003 – 981 years from now
Yahooshua is scheduled to return around May 3003, 981 years from now (2022 but ONLY if there is a human without sin and in Right Standing with Father Yah to call for his return). If there is NOT such a human being Satan will rule on Earth forever. See and other webpages.
Folks, this is so, so important. It is by no means certain that Yah is going to win the contest. There is a strong possibility that He will lose and Satan will rule on Earth for ever.
7. The World is such a Mess because of “The Contest”
The World is such a mess because Believers have abdicated their responsibility to live above sin and dominate the Forces of Darkness. This is in response to the Contest between Yah and Satan which came about after Satan rebelled before the Creation of Adam and challenged Yah to a Contest to prove that if he was sent to Earth Satan would so corrupt mankind that after 7,000 years there would NOT be a single person who was in right standing with the Almighty who could call for Yahooshua to return and, in that case, Satan would rule on Earth for Eternity and Yah would withdraw from Earth.
As things stand at present, Satan is well on track to win the Contest. There are a very small number of people truly in Right Standing and free of error at a level that sets them in a position to pray for Yahooshua {Jesus} to return. My mission on Earth is to increase the number of such people dramatically and to lay a foundation to make this turning around enduring and sustainable and to last to the end of the current Millennium in 3003.
What Satan did not realize is that when Yah withdraws His Spirit from Earth ALL living things, plant, animal and human will immediately die so Satan will win a pyrrhic victory and be relegated to the Satanic and Demonic Realm fighting amongst themselves.
Folks, it's so important to understand. Most people are just blundering through life, not understanding why they are here, not having any real purpose, just doing the best they can, trying to be good people and they don't understand the mess the world is in and their ability to change things.
8. Yah IS Chesed {Love}
The Almighty Creator is Chesed (Covenant Love, Loving, kindness, Mercy, Grace). This is fundamental -- NOT a vengeful angry “God.” He is not responsible for the mess on Earth. Yes, He made a mistake engaging in the contest with Satan, but everything since then, all the corruption and all the horrible stuff on Earth has been Satan's deeds.
9. Yahooshua told those who follow his example to worship ONLY the Creator NOT him
Yahooshua told those who follow him to worship ONLY the Creator, Yah the Eternally Self-Existing. Refer MattihYahoo {Matthew} 22:37 “Yahooshua {Jesus} said unto him, Thou shalt love Yah the Eternally Self-Existing {the Lord} thy Mighty One {God} with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind.” KJV. This is quoting Deuteronomy 6:4-7 which says “4 Hear, O Israel: Yah the Eternally Self-Existing {The Lord} our Mighty One {God}, Yah the Eternally Self-Existing {the Lord} is one! 5 You shall love Yah the Eternally Self-Existing {The Lord} our Mighty One {God} with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your strength.”
This must be read in conjunction with Exodus 20:2-3 “2 “I am Yah the Eternally Self-Existing {The Lord} your Mighty One {God}, who brought you out of Egypt, out of the land of slavery.3 You shall have no other Mighty Ones before me.” – further text on the webpage.
Folks, these verses make so much sense when you correctly translate the words that I've been talking about. If you start talking about God and The LORD and Jesus you just don't get the message right.
The word translated “before” in the above passages is Strong’s Number 5921 – Strong’s Concordance – an exhaustive analysis of every single word in the Bible, see This indicates that 5921 is effectively a meaningless word, there are literally over 150 different meanings ascribed to this word. See
So the CLEAR meaning of the two passages above is that you shall have NO other Mighty One’s apart from Yah. Clearly that demonstrates that it is SIN to Worship Yahooshua {Jesus} or esteem him in any sort of religious sense, for example, saying Jesus as God. Fundamentally, by definition, Christianity breaks this Commandment and since the Almighty Creator spoke these words to the ENTIRE assembly of Yisrael (Israel) from the Mountain at Sinai it is clear that it is an abomination to worship Jesus. In this context it must be stated that anyone who breaks ANY of the Ten Commandments will face HARSH judgment when they die if they have not repented and turned away before death.
10. Seek TRUTH NOT Error
A fundamental principle of serving the Almighty is to focus on Truth and NOT on Error. The world is full of sin and error, do NOT let that overwhelm you, seek truth at all times and disregard the error other than to the extent necessary to note it for what it is and disregard it.
It's so important. So many Christians spend so much time looking for error in other people and then writing about it and complaining about it and doing all sorts of things. Folks, we've all got error. Don't look for the error that people have got. Look for the truth they've got.
11. When Unbelievers Die they become Ancestor Spirits [Demons]
When Unbelievers die they become Ancestor Spirits, also known as Demons. They stay with their bodies in the grave or crematorium oven or are harvested by Satan Servants and deployed to lead others into sin. There are over 100 billion Ancestor Spirits on Earth today. If Satan loses the Contest, the Ancestor Spirits will be cast into the Lake of Fire and Brimstone and utterly destroyed. If he wins, they will remain on Earth ruled by Satan and the Almighty will withdraw His Spirit from the Earth and ALL living things will instantly die leaving the demons stuck on the corpses of their hosts forever.
I will continue with this next week. It's such an important topic. If you're a Christian, whatever variation of Christian you are, whether you're Catholic or Protestant or Greek Orthodox or Russian Orthodox or whatever, whether you are any of the different flavours of Protestant, Baptists and so forth, the same basic principles apply. Most of the things that I have spoken about apply to you irrespective of what branch of Christianity you belong to and most of the points apply. Some won't apply to you in some cases, but generally the Christians are fighting about all sorts of second order really irrelevant issues and dividing the body of believers – when they should be coming together and worshipping the Almighty Creator, esteeming Yahooshua for what he accomplished and walking in that authority.
What is the state of YOUR relationship with the Almighty Creator?
I would like to ask you to critically examine where YOU are relative to the Almighty Creator.
Do you talk to Him constantly throughout the day and allow Him to lead you in every possible way?
Are you conscious of Him at all times?
Do you worship Him at every opportunity?
Do you count Him your FRIEND?
Have you clearly and unambiguously heard HIM CALL YOU FRIEND?
If not, you are FAILING in your life purpose and you will be bitterly disappointed when you die.
Folks, I really encourage you – there are various webpages on the website about Demographics of the Kingdom, the Mountain of Yah, and becoming a Friend of Yah, and I encourage you to go and read those webpages. Website is, one word. Just go in there and dip in and then decide to seek a deep personal relationship with the Almighty Creator. Decide to worship Him alone. Decide to put aside all the other bits and pieces and wrong thinking, etc., and just to get really close to Him. That's what you're here for – is to know Him, for Him to know you intimately – for you to do things with Him, invent with Him, to create with Him, to share with Him, to help Him to guide you in every possible way.
Wrapping Up
Key Documents and a Video – Main Menu Webpages
“Compendium of Important Articles.”
Video “Why seek relationship?”
Article “Miracle of Yahooshua’s Death.”
“The Creator Desires a Deep Personal Relationship with YOU.”
“Seven Components in Drawing Close to the Creator.”
“Recommended Worship.”
“The Creator's Name is Yah the Eternally Self-Existing.”
"Where will YOU Spend Eternity?"
“The Essence of my Message to Christians.”
All of this available at
Transcripts of nearly all teachings in this series are available on the Website at the bottom on the “Radio” page.
Recordings of nearly all of the teachings Broadcast so far are available on the Radio page and they are all available at Click on “The Show” and then “Podcasts” on the dropdown or search on Google for "Relationship with Creator Radio."
Books constituting a compilation of most writings published since 1998 until May 2019 are available near the bottom of the menu at the “Compilation of Most Writings” page.
I publish regular email articles – email to be added to the list, or to seek counsel or prayer or give me a feedback.
Visit the Website and use the Google Search, Article Keyword Cloud, Table of Contents and Article Search to locate the information you are looking for. The Google search is particularly powerful. It gives you full Google functionality on the website. As I said, 2,500 articles and over 1,000 webpages, discuss a huge variety of topics. I have compiled all of these over 20 years, learning about the things of the Creator. I encourage you to go and dig in there.
Thank you for listening!
Please send me your questions to If you want to join the mailing list, please email me at the same address,
If you decide to draw close to the Almighty, please let me know and we can connect by Skype, Zoom, email or telephone so that I can help you with your journey.
I hope to connect with you again next week when we will continue to explore how to become a Friend of the Creator.
Work with me to make a way for Yahooshua to return in victory at the end of the millennium and make his enemies his footstool.
Folks, I can't stress enough – you can become a Friend of the Creator. I'm not talking to the person next to you or the person in front of you or behind you or under you or above you – I am talking to you. I am not talking to your pastor or your imam or your rabbi or your priest – the message is for them too, but you don't need to go through them. You can go directly to the Creator.
It doesn't matter what nation or tribe you are, what race you are, whether you're rich or poor, whether you're educated or uneducated, whether you're short or tall, fat or thin, whether you're blonde, blue eyed, whether you've got black hair and brown eyes or anything in between – any person on Earth today has the opportunity to become a friend of the Creator. And I encourage you to go for it. Say, "Father, I want to become your friend. Show me how to become your friend. Help me to become your friend." And dig in on the website, there are all sorts of material there to help you.
So, thank you so much, have a good evening and goodnight.
Dr James A Robertson
Emissary of Yah
Broadcast Friday 6, May 2022