00 00 Introduction
00 01 Introduction to the Full Series
01 The Coming Tribulation
A series of messages given while the marriage series was being recorded relating to coming tribulation and Judgment on the Christian Church and Body of Believers generally. These teachings provide important context to the marriage teachings.
01 00 Introduction -- The Coming Tribulation
01 01 Job and Serving God by Neil Dreyer
01 02 Job and Sanctify Yourselves by Neil Dreyer
01 03 Things That Need to be Dealt with in the Earth by Neil Dreyer
01 04 Abundance in Famine -- Outpouring of the Holy Spirit by Neil Dreyer
01 05 Do YOU Love Like Jesus Loves? by James Robertson
01 07 What Brings Jesus Joy? by Neil Dreyer
01 09 Who Is the Good Samaritan? By Chris McIntyre
01 10 You Must be Born Again -- God Cannot Compromise with Sin by Neil Dreyer
01 11 Spiritual Warfare Prayers by James Robertson
01 12 Words (+ Prophetic Words, etc} by Dutch Kinnear
01 13 The Gift of God by Neil Dreyer
01 14 The Wrath of God for the Church by James Robertson
01 16a The Wrath of God for Adultery - Part 1 by James Robertson
01 16b The Wrath of God for Adultery - Part 2 by James Robertson
02 Judgment in this Life
A series of teachings with regard to the subject of Judgment in this Life and why many committed believers are struggling to survive financially. These provide a vital context to understanding how the Satanic Realm kill's, steals and destroys in this life and how to resist them effectively. Also an important context to the teachings on marriage.
02 00 Introduction -- Judgment in this Life
02 01 Judgment in this Life
02 02 Responding to Developments in the Church
02 03 Judgment in this Life -- God’s Objective -- Revival
02 04 Manifestations of Judgment -- Lying Wonders, etc
02 05 “Rapture” to Escape coming Judgment? Prepare for Tribulation
02 06 The Financial Stewardship of believers-- Responsibilities of those who Give
02 07 Poverty in the Church of Jesus Christ-- an indicator of Sin and Judgment in Our Lives, Part 1 of 4
02 08 Poverty in the Church Part 2
02 09 Poverty in the Church Part 3
02 10 Poverty in the Church Part 4
02 11 Spiritual Warfare Prayers Preparing for the Coming Judgment
02 12 Words + {Prophetic Words + Mark of the beast?}
03 Scriptural Definition of Marriage, Divorce & Adultery
An in-depth examination of what can be inferred from the Bible regarding marriage, divorce and adultery and related subjects towards an overall goal of the Almighty that marriage should be as Heaven on Earth – the first few teachings are based on the eBook “Scriptural Definition of Marriage, Divorce and Adultery” which is presented at https://www.eti-ministries.org/men-women/scriptural-definition-of-marriage and is contained in Volume 5 of the Book Set. These teachings lay the scriptural foundation for understanding why there is so much divorce and marital distress in the Body of Christ today and what is required in order to turn this around.
03 00 Introduction -- Definition of Marriage Divorce and Adultery
03 01 Foundation Concepts -- the Scriptural Definition of Marriage, Divorce and Adultery 03 02 How Scripture Defines the Marriage Covenant
03 03 The One Flesh Bond and Submission
03 04 Love
03 05 The Husband as Covering but the Wife Builds the House
03 06 Headship -- the Relationship between Christ and the Church as a Pattern for the Relationship between Husband and Wife
03 07 The Scriptural Definition of Adultery
03 08 Tying Up Some Loose Ends -- Some Controversial Points
03 09 Do You Love Like Jesus Loves?
03 10 Scriptural Divorce Versus "Putting Away"
03 11 Marriage -- Summing Up
03 12 Scriptural Response to the Sexuality of Teenage Girls
03 13 The Scriptural Relevance of betrothal
03 14 The Price of Righteousness -- Lessons from Judges 19-21 -- Rape, Vows, Oaths, Etc
03 15 Marriage Matters for Men
03 16 Learning How to Love
03 17 The Scriptural Response to a Rebellious or Treacherous Wife
03 18 Is Polygamy Scriptural?
03 19 Facilitating Change in Marriage
03 20 Closure -- Volume 1 -- the Scriptural Definition of Marriage, Divorce and Adultery
04 Towards Heaven on Earth in Marriage
The second set of teachings of an in-depth examination of what is required to achieve the overall goal of the Almighty that marriage should be as Heaven on Earth. These teachings build on the foundation of the first series and contain a diverse set of teachings on the Believers way, the Believing life, bringing about change in our lives by the Spirit of Yah, etc. This is the spiritual "how to" with regard to application of the teachings in the first set of tapes.
04 01 Introduction -- Volume 2 -- Towards Heaven on Earth in Marriage
04 02 Bringing Joy to Jesus
04 03 Kingdom Context -- The Call -- End of the Age
04 04 Preparing for Change in Marriage
04 05 Faithfulness
04 06 Before the Judgment Seat of Christ in this Life
04 07 The Realm of Exceedingly Abundantly -- Hidden Answers by the Holy Spirit
04 08 How to Discipline Your Flesh
04 09 Renewing Your Mind
04 10 The Power of the tongue
04 11 The Anointing & the Four offices of Jesus'
04 12 Demonic Oppression of the Flesh and Deliverance
04 13 Cleansing the Temple of the Holy Spirit & Jezebel
04 14 Covenant made by Blood -- Hesed - Agape
04 15 Cutting the Marriage Covenant
04 16 Faith and Implementing Change
04 17 The Power of Negativity -- Preventing Change
04 18 Building the House (the One Flesh Bond)
04 19 Building the House Continued
04 20 The World -- the Church and Marriage from 4000 BC to 2000 AD
04 21 Responsibility of Married Christian Women towards Single Christian Women
04 22 Living in Excellence - Reaching for the Heights of Marriage
04 23 Spreading the Good News -- the Theology of Nobodies
05 Practical Application of the Marriage Teachings
The third set of teachings give an in-depth examination of what is required to achieve the overall goal of the Almighty that marriage should be as Heaven on Earth building on the first series. These teachings take the teachings in Parts 3 and 4 and provide a far-reaching set of guidelines on how to apply them in a wide variety of situations relating to healing marriage, recovering from divorce, etc. These teachings include specific recommendations with regard to ministry procedures, prayers to pray, etc.
05 00 Introduction -- Volume 2 -- Towards Heaven on Earth in Marriage
05 01 Foundation for a Miracle -- Fundamentals of the Faith
05 02 Healing Marriage -- Who Are You Really Married to?
05 03 Resolving One Flesh Bonds
05 04 What Scripture Really Says About Marriage -- for Men
05 05 What Scripture Really Says About Marriage -- for Women
05 06 Divorce-- First Seek Healing
05 07 Sanctifying Your Marriage and Cutting a Holy Covenant
05 08 Deciding to, Preparing for and Starting Marriage
05 09 Recovering from Adultery; Divorce; Putting Away; Rape; Violence; Homosexuality; Lesbianism; bestiallity; Satanism; Etc
05 10 The Implications of Isaiah 4--1
05 11 Forging the One Flesh Bond (the Art of Sexual Love Making in Godly Marriage)
05 12 Further Considerations (and the One Flesh Bond Continued)
06 A Study on the Ministry of Deliverance
A series of teachings with regard to the ministry deliverance by a highly anointed and gifted servant in that field, recordings made in the late 1990's.
This is an important set of teachings as there is NOT that much published material available.
Regrettably Carol Orfer forbade me to include her material on my Website. The article on Seven Components of Drawing Close to the Almighty at https://www.eti-ministries.org/seven-components-of-drawing-close contains alternative processes.
07 Conclusion
07 Conclusion
Collectively the full set of teachings represent a comprehensive understanding of what the Spirit of Yah is saying to the Body of Believers today in the area of healing marriages in order to bring an end to divorce and prepare for the coming of Yahooshua.
Download the entire set of Audio Recordings of the Marriage Teachings Nikita link to follow
Download book of draft transcripts of the Marriage Teachings Nikita link to follow