2016.01.01 Withdrawal of Grace prior to 3 May 2003 (Why the traditional names and beliefs are no longer valid) Created by James on 12/29/2017 4:54:09 AM There was a change in the Spiritual Dimension in 2003 before Satan was sent to the Pit -- all Grace was withdrawn so that the charges against Satan would be effective
Withdrawal of Grace prior to 3 May 2003
(Why the traditional names and beliefs are no longer valid)
Dr James A Robertson
This is NOT about Father being difficult or capricious, it is about the limitations on what He can do in terms of the Rules of Engagement AND the extent that the forces of darkness push every law and principle to the absolute limit in support of their agenda to steal the world from Father.
On 3 May 2003 a radical change in the spiritual dispensation of the world took place – Satan was cast into the Pit for a thousand years for his crimes against humanity and ALL grace for the errors and sin that Satan and his cohorts had introduced was withdrawn.
For many years now a significant number of people have been writing on the Internet about the transgressions of the modern church relative to the Commandments of Yah the eternally self-existing, the Almighty Creator {The LORD}. However, I continue to find that believers are NOT receptive to what is being taught, apparently because they are NOT aware of the change in spiritual dispensation that took place on 3 May 2003 at approximately 10h00 South African time.
They have had powerful experiences using the wrong names and wrong beliefs and do NOT see reason to change.
Note that “Yah the eternally self-existing” is the accurate translation of “Yahooeh”, more commonly translated “Yahweh” which is translated as “The LORD” more than six thousand times in the Old Testament, refer Strong’s number 3068 which occurs 6220 times, see
“The LORD” is an accurate translation of “Baal” and should NOT be applied to the Almighty.
“God” is another blasphemous name.
The true name of the man commonly known as “Jesus” is “Yahooshua” meaning “Yah is salvation”.
These errors, together with others and associated false doctrines, are the focus of this article insofar as these names and associated doctrines HAVE been widely used and believers HAVE had encounters with the Almighty based on these errors.
If YOU have been believing that “Jesus is coming soon” the above verses clearly indicate that Satan has to be cast into the Pit FIRST!
Curly brackets {} in what follows signify words that are erroneous, such as those above – these words are provided so that readers may more readily understand what is written.
This article seeks to facilitate understanding of why the traditional names and associated beliefs are NO LONGER acceptable in the Court of Heaven and why their use is increasingly bringing judgment on mature believers with many having already fallen away.
Insofar as what follows is challenging and, by most people’s standards, radical, I encourage you to fast and pray to seek confirmation of what follows and, irrespective of whether you do this or not, I urge you IF you TRULY LOVE our Father in Heaven to make the necessary course corrections see http://end-time-issueministries.org/About/Whatifyoudisagreewithme.aspx.html for more information.
- Revelation 20 – Satan to the Pit for 1,000 years
Revelation 20:1-3 “1 And I saw an angel come down from heaven, having the key of the bottomless pit and a great chain in his hand. 2 And he laid hold on the dragon, that old serpent, which is the Devil, and Satan, and bound him a thousand years, 3 And cast him into the bottomless pit, and shut him up, and set a seal upon him, that he should deceive the nations no more, till the thousand years should be fulfilled: and after that he must be loosed a little season.”
Based on Revelation 20:4 “and they lived and reigned with Christ a thousand years” there are numerous teachings that “Jesus is coming soon” – these foretelling’s have been regularly espoused by believers for over a century with various Bible based estimates of when Jesus would return to differing levels of accuracy all pointing to the period just before and after the last millennial change (2000 AD).
Despite the fact that Jesus (correctly Yahooshua) has NOT returned people continue to expect him to return and sort out the mess SOON and, apparently, almost no one is questioning whether there is a misunderstanding.
Fact is that there IS a misunderstanding.
The word translated “Christ” in the above verse is the Greek Christou, one of a family of Greek words ALL translated Christ viz: Christe, Christō, Christon, Christos, Christou – refer Strong’s Greek Concordance Strongs number 5547 at http://biblehub.com/greek/christou_5547.htm
Reading the New Testament portion of the Bible with the understanding that there is more than one root Greek word translated Christ opens the reality that there is MORE than one concept translated Christ.
Further, research establishes that the TRUE meaning of Christou and the other Christx derivative words relates to Anointing with the set-apart, that is “Holy” Spirit of the Almighty as in “Yahooshua {Jesus} the Anointed of Yah” – ALL Spirit filled believers can be so described so I am correctly “James Christ” in the commonly used language. In other cases we have “Christ Jesus” meaning “the Anointing of the Spirit of Yah that was upon Jesus” and “Christ” meaning “Anointed one” which sometimes refers to Yahooshua but NOT always – it can refer to ANY anointed one.
Prayerful consideration of Revelation 20:4 reveals that the “Christ” referred to in that verse is “the Anointing of the Spirit of Yah”, in other words that text should be correctly represented as “and they lived and reigned with the Anointing of the Spirit of Yah a thousand years”.
Thus we see that Yahooshua will only return AFTER Satan has been in the Pit for a thousand years and therefore, what has been coming soon is NOT the return of Yahooshua but the sentencing of Satan to 1,000 years in the Pit for his crimes against mankind!Note that there is NO guarantee that Yahooshua will return, there must be an anointed believer free of sin to call for his return.
- ALL authority given to believers by Yahooshua {Jesus}
In Genesis 1:28 we see that Adam was given dominion over ALL living things.This included Satan and his messengers {angels}.
By submitting to Satan and believing and acting on Satan’s manipulation Adam gave dominion to Satan and so Satan became the “mighty one {god} of this earth”.
In Matthew 28:18-19 we see “18 And Yahooshua {Jesus} came up and spoke to them, saying, "All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth. 19"Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations,”.Thus, by living a life without sin, not only was Yahooshua resurrected because death had NO hold on him but he ALSO received the authority that Adam lost in order to regain dominion.However, since Yahooshua was returning to Heaven and would therefore have NO authority on earth, he delegated his authority to those who truly believe in Yah and follow the example set by Yahooshua.
It is thus apparent that in order for Satan to be sent to the Pit for a thousand years a son of Adam, filled with the Spirit of Yah, free of sin and speaking on the basis of the authority regained by Yahooshua had to prosecute at the trial.
Father showed me this in 2000 and in 2001 asked me if I would prepare myself to be in a position to bring the charges against Satan and lead the prosecution of the trial.I had already started in the middle of 2000 to fast and seek truth and had received revelation of most of the errors that are the subject of this article.I continued to set myself apart {sanctify} myself and prepare until the day of the trial on 3 May 2003.
- Judgment begins in the House of Yah {The LORD}
Another key principle that is little known is that we are judged in this life for our sins, refer 1 Peter 4:17“For the time is come that judgment must begin at the house of Yah {God}: and if it first begin at us, what shall the end be of them that obey not the gospel of Yah {God}? ”.
See http://end-time-issueministries.org/JudgmentTHISLife.aspx.html for a detailed discussion of the principle of Judgment in this Life.Nothing bad can happen to you as a believer UNLESS you have sin in your life.If you are free of sin no harm will befall you.Yahooshua only died because he CONSENTED and PROVOKED the High Priests, Scribes and Pharisees.
Thus, BEFORE Satan could be judged the person prosecuting the case had to be judged and found to be free of sin AND all impediments to Yah judging the believers on Earth had to be ALSO withdrawn.
As discussed below, owing to the great deception and oppression during the Dark Ages, Yah had extended Grace to believers on a significant range of major errors, including those already referred to.
However, in order for the Court of Heaven to be able to sentence Satan it was necessary for Father Yah to WITHDRAW this Grace.
- The Contest, Rules of Engagement and the Demonic Masterminds who Rule
All of this must be seen in the context of “The Contest” between Yah and Satan which Yah entered into in response to goading and a challenge issued by Satan before Satan was cast into the Lake of Fire and Brimstone to be utterly destroyed, see
In the negotiations that took place between Satan and Yah after Yah accepted Satan’s challenge that after 7,000 years there would NOT be a single believer on Earth who was free of sin and who had a meaningful relationship with Father (the two go hand in hand) the Rules of Engagement were agreed, see
The rules of engagement include the requirement that ONLY living human beings can have executive authority on earth and that neither party can disclose information to a human being without being asked for that information.Thus the only way Satan could start the process was by ASKING Chavah {Eve} a question.From that point on Satan and Yah have been constrained in what they can do.
This is particularly important insofar as it means that UNLESS you ASK Yah the relevant question Yah is constrained from communicating information to you.So, UNLESS you ask Yah if “The LORD” is a blasphemous name and should NOT be used in referring to Him, He is constrained from giving you that information.
In my case His answer was simple “James how would you like it if your wife insisted on calling you by the name of your worst enemy?”
This is complicated by the fact that the human brain is a filter that is particularly good at filtering out communication from Yah that we do NOT want to hear.So, in order to confirm what I write in this article you FIRST have to ask Yah the relevant questions and THEN you need to put yourself in a position where you can HEAR His answer and this can be much more difficult than you think.Seven three day fasts at weekly intervals taking the Bread and Wine of the Covenant morning and evening and praying “Father show me the level of my present deception and how to correct it, lead me into all truth by Your Spirit, help me to hear you clearly, show me the truth about what James Robertson claims, etc” are a good way of drawing closer to Father so that you CAN hear the truth.
A further complication is the existence of over 100 billion demons, the spirits of human beings who have died NOT believing in the existence of Yah.These demons are commanded by seven “Masterminds” who are the spirits of the first seven unbelievers to die on earth before the flood and who survived the flood riding on Ham, Noah’s youngest (and unbelieving) son.They rule the demonic and Satanic realm with a rod of iron that is vicious, vindictive and sadistic.Until Satan was sent to the Pit for 1,000 years they reported to him, now they rule the earth as an uneasy alliance unified only by their determination to outwit Yah and ensure that he loses the Contest so that they can rule on Earth for eternity!
- Compromise and Error – the Dark Ages – Grace and Partial Recovery
In order to understand the subject of this article it is vital to understand the historic context to where we find ourselves in religious terms today.
Following the death of Yahooshua and those Emissaries {Apostles} who were taught by him there was great persecution by both the Yahoodites {Jews} and Romans with the result that virtually all Hebrew records were destroyed, the believers largely went underground and compromised in various ways to attempt to limit the persecution.Owing to lack of understanding of the principles of Judgment in this Life referred to above they did NOT realize that the way to overcome the persecution was to overcome sin and so they progressively adopted diverse compromises that are embedded in the Christian faith today.
By the time the Bible was assembled, around 600 years after Yahooshua, these errors were embedded in the church and in the Greek manuscripts that formed the basis of the “New Testament”.
After the exile to Babylon the Yahoodites {Jews} also compromised and ceased to use the true name of the Almighty “Yah the eternally self-existing” or “Yahooeh” / “Yahweh” and concealed it as much as possible by substituting with “Adonai” meaning “Lord” which is where the corruption of “The LORD” originated.
The “New Testament” of the Christian Bible was assembled from fragments of Greek manuscripts many of which were not particularly reliable translations and transcriptions from original Hebrew documents, for example the so-called “Gospels” of Matthew, Mark and John (there are more accurate Hebrew versions of these names but this is NOT central to this article, see the articles on the Name of Yah at
http://end-time-issueministries.org/CreatorsNameYahtheEternallySelfExisting.aspx.html ).
The various source manuscripts of the New Testament differ from one another to the tune of around 1,250 differences, some of which are material.For example, the reference to “Father, son and Holy Spirit” in Matthew 24 is ONLY present in SOME manuscripts which were selected as source because they better corresponded to the corrupt Roman doctrines of the prevailing religious authorities in the Roman church who assembled the book.Note that “Biblios” is Greek for “book” so “The Bible” is, technically “The Book” – another error.
During the dark ages access to the Bible was restricted and access to the original Hebrew and Greek was extremely restricted and thus the prevailing errors dominated.
During all of this period Father Yah CHOSE to extend Grace to the believers who survived because of the extent to which they were constrained in terms of access to the truth.
Following the commencement of the Reformation, energized by Martin Luther, and the translation of the Bible into English and other European languages the persecution continued and compromises were adopted.Translators were also constrained by the prevailing levels of knowledge and their very limited access to independent Spirit led resources.Translators were placed in gaol, tortured and burned at the stake.As a consequence the major errors that are the subject of this article persisted.
When we do things in faith we force Father to show up and perform whether He agrees with what we are doing or not – if you read the Bible believing Father is in the Book He MUST show up. If you worship Him in corruption in the name of Jesus, but your Spirit prays or sings in faith He MUST show up – He is greatly traumatized by the huge error that He is subject to in order to be faithful to His covenant with each one who believes. I appeal to you to read what follows, repent and course correct and CEASE from the abominable sins!
These errors include:
- “The LORD” is a blasphemous name equal to “Baal” and is NOT the name of the Creator. The correct name is “Yah the eternally self-existing” or “Yahooeh” or “Yahweh” – see http://end-time-issueministries.org/CreatorsNameYahtheEternallySelfExisting.aspx.html
Regarding this Yah has said to me “IF you love me, call me by my true name” – I have seen and experienced Yah in tears in response to mature believers close to Him who have REFUSED to change their use of this name.
The name “Yah” is embedded in Hebrew language and culture as reported in the article cited above.
- “God” is a blasphemous name and should NOT be applied to the Almighty. The correct Hebrew word is “Elohim” meaning “Mighty One”, “mighty one” or “Almighty” depending on context see
http://end-time-issueministries.org/CreatorsNameYahtheEternallySelfExisting/TranslatedGod.aspx.html .
- “Jesus” is a blasphemous name meaning “blessed of Zeus”, “Zeus” being the demonic god of the Greeks, see http://end-time-issueministries.org/YahooshuaNOTJesus.aspx.html . The true name of this man is “Yahooshua” meaning “Yah is salvation”.
There are limits with regard to what it is appropriate to pray in the name of Yahooshua {Jesus} – we are called to have a DEEP PERSONAL RELATIONSHIP WITH THE ALMIGHTY CREATOR NOT Yahooshua and once we have a basic relationship with Father prayer in the name of Yahooshua {or Jesus} is inappropriate.
- “Christ”, as discussed above, means “Anointed of Yah”, “Anointing of the Spirit of Yah”, etc. NOT an alternative name for “Jesus”. Thus, technically “Christianity” means “Anointedanity” and is a meaningless word.
- From consideration of the above it becomes apparent that “Christ” ALWAYS relates to the Spirit of Yah ON a person and is NOT an alternative name for Yahooshua. From consideration of this and other information it becomes apparent that Yahooshua was a human being anointed with the Spirit of Yah and it was the Spirit of Yah that performed the miracles and spoke through Yahooshua. See
http://end-time-issueministries.org/YahooshuaNOTCreator.aspx.html for more information on why it was necessary for Yahooshua to be 100% human and the anointing of Yahooshua when Yahoochanan ({John} immersed him.
- The Bible is NOT the “Word of God” and it is NOT “without error”, it is just a reliable history book which does contain some errors and which is by NO means a comprehensive “manual for life” as some suggest. Those who experience Yah in the Bible do so because they exercise their faith to force Yah to show up! See
http://end-time-issueministries.org/BibleGreatestIdol.aspx.html and associated pages for much more information.
It is gross sin to idolize or worship the Bible and Yah hates the Bible because so many believers idolize the Bible at the expense of their relationships with Father.It is even greater sin to perform symbolic acts with the Bible as “The Word of God” when the book contains commentary by men in addition to the core Bible texts.
Father says that only 2.5% of the Bible is inspired by His Spirit, the rest is simply information recorded by human beings with various levels of anointing.
Nearly all Christian Bible translations contain strong doctrinal bias to Christian false doctrines in addition to containing the wrong translations dealt with here. To the extent that there is value in reading the Bible it is important to read different translations. I strongly recommend:
- The Scriptures by the Institute of Scripture Research – correct Hebrew key words
http://www.amazon.com/The-Scriptures-Institute-Scripture-Research/dp/B0039PS6ZE and http://www.isr-messianic.org/
- The Amplified Bible – core Hebrew and Greek words expanded in the English with synonyms and associated words that amplify the English text
- The King James Version remains a useful translation despite its many errors.
- The Living Torah – very anointed Jewish translation with very informative commentary free of Christian error
http://www.amazon.com/The-Living-Torah-Translation-introduction/dp/0940118726 and accompanying volumes
- Yah ordained the seventh day of the week as the Sabbath, that day is Saturday from sunrise to sunrise on Sunday. Sunday is NOT the Sabbath, it is the day of the Sun god and it is sin to work on Saturday or engage in commerce in ANY form and observe Sunday as Sabbath, see http://end-time-issueministries.org/Saturday7thday.aspx.html
We are also commanded to observe Passover, Pentecost, the Day of Trumpets, the Day of Atonement, the first day of the Feast of Tabernacles and the Great Day of the Feast of Tabernacles as high Sabbaths.We are commanded to fast on the Day of Atonement from sunset to sunset.It is gross hypocrisy to claim the Bible is the Word of God and then to NOT observe these Sabbaths.See http://end-time-issueministries.org/TrueSabbaths.aspx.html
Christmas and Easter are pagan and it is gross sin to observe either of them, see http://end-time-issueministries.org/SatanicFeasts.aspx.html -- Yah hates these days and it is GROSS sin to claim that in some form Yah endorses Christmas in particular.Believers force Yah to show up on Christmas by calling on Him as part of their celebrations.All Grace for this is being withdrawn.
- We are commanded to honour our parents and many believers do NOT do this leaving parents in “retirement homes” where they are visited occasionally!
- We are commanded NOT to commit murder, the use of abortive contraceptives breaks this commandment, as does abortion and support for abortion. The abolition of the death penalty for murder is also contrary to Yah’s commandments and agreement with this constitutes agreement with the sin of murder.
- We are commanded NOT to commit adultery. Adultery is any sexual act that results in a one flesh bond being formed directly or indirectly between two or more men. Thus homosexual (male -- male) intercourse is adultery and sexual intercourse with a woman who is one with another man is ALSO adultery. The sin is of equal magnitude in both cases and it is gross error to make a big issue about male – male adultery and NOT make as much of an issue about women with one flesh bonds with more than one man. Again it is gross hypocrisy to claim the Bible is the Word of God and then fail to take a strong stand against ALL forms of adultery WITHIN the body of believers.
“Marriage” is a covenant that results from sexual intercourse, either with a virgin or a properly divorced woman, see
http://end-time-issueministries.org/MenWomen/MenandWomenandFamily/SeparationofManandWoman.aspx.html for an in-depth discussion of separation of man and woman.
See http://end-time-issueministries.org/VirginsCovenantlost.aspx.html for a detailed discussion of the virgin’s covenant.
Virginity refers to the seal of the hymen, a thin membrane in the vagina of a young woman which when “cleaved” / cut by the penis of the male results in the shedding of blood and a blood covenant.
By Father Yah’s design it is possible for a man to take the virginity of more than one woman and it is therefore possible and permissible in the sight of Yah for a man to have more than one “wife”.Once a man has entered into covenant with more than one woman he may NOT divorce for any reason other than for covenant breaking and it is gross sin to tell a man who has covenants with more than one woman that he cannot have more than one wife.
Modern Western Christian women are unable to share so, despite the fact that Isaiah 4:1 states that in this age seven believing women will seek to be married to one man, this is not achievable in practice because of deep cultural programming.To tell people from other cultures that they can only have one wife is gross sin.It is so that there are approximately seven women to every man in the body of true believers and single women need to be told this.
It is sin for a believer to join to an unbeliever and divorce is mandatory in the sight of Father.Believing women who cannot find a believing man, or a believing woman who will share her man, must perforce remain single and ask Father to be their husband and remove their need for sexual relations.They are advised to live in community with a number of other single women.
- It is lying to teach people contrary to all the above points so virtually the entire Christian Church is in serious sin on this count alone.
- It is theft to take “tithes” or “offerings” from believers when one is teaching or preaching the above errors or any other error you are yoking them to judgment and time in Hell, see
- Much of what is taught in terms of “prosperity doctrine” encourages lust for material items and is sin.
Thus we see that overall the Christian Church is in serious error.All the above are discussed in various levels of detail on the Internet and all the major items have been available for believers to read on the Internet since at least December 2000 which is when I came across most of them.Father therefore says there is NO LONGER any excuse.
- Withdrawal of grace for core sins had to be withdrawn
Father extended Grace to believers with regard to all the above errors at various levels but this Grace was withdrawn progressively from 1 January 2001 to the point where it is now totally withdrawn.I undertook a series of fasts culminating at the end of December 2000 during which Father Yah revealed many of the above items to me, largely over the Internet but some by direct revelation and at that point He gave me a message “The Wrath of Yah for the Church” see
As explained above, it was necessary for Father to TOTALLY withdraw Grace for sins in ignorance BEFORE Satan could be sentenced to 1,000 years in the Pit.To some extent after May 2003 Father has extended a form of Grace to believers with really close relationships to Him but at the end of 2013 He lead me to undertake nine three day fasts over nine weeks (nine being the number of judgement) culminating on Christmas that year at which point He led me to proclaim the withdrawal of ALL Grace for these sins, see
To a point those with strong anointing’s and strong relationships have continued to achieve results through what is best termed “pressure of faith” based on their deep relationship with Father and His passionate desire NOT to see those close to Him fall but that too is rapidly falling away.
Those who worship Jesus, worship the Bible, call Father God or The LORD, etc are increasingly being answered by demons which now answer to those names.Many have fallen away and many more will fall away in the days to come UNLESS they repent of their sins and clean up their acts.
- Preparing for the Trial of Satan (my call)
Returning to the trial of Satan, to provide greater context.
As mentioned, Father led me to separate myself from the world in the middle of 2000 and then led me on a series of three day fasts seeking to hear His voice and know His will.I had previously been praying “Father lead me into all truth by your Spirit”, “Father show me the level of my present deception and how to correct it” and “Father judge me severely and correct me harshly that I may serve you more perfectly” together with other prayers directed at seeking truth.These prayers only kicked in in earnest once I started fasting and had Internet access in mid-2000.
At this time Father told me to read Revelation and explained to me that Satan had to be brought to trial by a believer who was without sin.Subsequently Father asked me if I would be prepared to do that.In doing this Yah told me that I was a descendant of Moshe {Moses} through Gershom (Moshe’s son) and that He had promised Moshe that a son of his would bring the charges.Father had called numerous highly respected men and women to prepare for this over many years but they were in such error that they could not hear Him.When He called me Father told me that He was “scraping the bottom of the barrel” and asked me not to turn Him down. So, if you see weakness and imperfection in me, do NOT be surprised!
I accepted the call and in the months that followed embarked on extreme measures to set myself apart and prepare for the trial.I was given NO indication of when the trial would be or the form of the trial, I simply had to prepare and deal with ALL sin in my life and get my life clean in that context.I was NOT even permitted to divulge this aspect of my calling to my wife!
- Trial of Satan facilitated by the Spirit of Yah {The LORD}
On the morning of Saturday 3 May 2003 we were engaged in our Sabbath worship when the Spirit of Yah came upon me and led me as follows:
“On Saturday 3 May 2003 at 10h30 South African time (GMT minus 2 hours) we were engaged in our normal Sabbath morning worship when i was impressed to pray as follows:
“1) To come before the Throne of Judgement of Almighty Yah.
“2) To request that Satan be brought before the Throne of Judgement.
“3) To list charges against Satan including his rebellion against Yah, leading one third of the messengers {angels} of Yah to rebel, deceiving Adam and Havvah (Eve), lying to mankind and progressively leading mankind into greater and greater sin, specifically leading mankind to break all ten of the Ten Commandments en-masse and various other charges.
“4) To request the court to find Satan guilty on these charges.
“5) To request the court to sentence Satan to one thousand years in the Pit.
“6) To request the court to send the mighty messengers {angels} of Yah, Michael and Gabriel and the other set-apart (Holy) messengers to enforce that sentence.
“7) To command those messengers to "go now" and enforce the sentence.
“By faith i believe that Satan has now been cast into the Pit for a thousand years.”
See http://end-time-issueministries.org/SatantoPit2003.aspx.html for more information.
This development was followed by a period of relative calm as the demonic Masterminds jostled for position and formulated their approach with regard to the unexpected defeat of their ruler.They were NOT aware of any human being being in a position to bring the charges against Satan and they had been preparing for victory.It accordingly took them some time to regroup and formulate their way forward which they have now down and the battle will become increasingly harsh and taxing.
- Strong believers progressively being judged and falling away – the Internet – NO EXCUSE
The harsh reality today is that with the Internet there is NO significant leader around the world who has any excuse for NOT knowing the true facts and there is therefore NO basis for Grace or lenient treatment.
As I write, increasingly harsh judgments are being sought and granted against mature believers and the falling away is accelerating and causing Yah much grief.Those who really DO make the effort to change will in contrast receive special favour and blessing.A few days ago I presented some of this information to a very senior emissary who has been very close to Father for many years.I failed to deliver the message in a manner which he could receive with the result that he did NOT take my message seriously and largely rejected it.Standing worshiping in his assembly the following day I was wracked with grief and could NOT contain the tears as Daddy Yah allowed me to feel His heart and his deep sorrow at the choice made by this man.
In response to this development and in discussion with Yah earlier today I concluded that this article was necessary to assist those who have many years of experience of Yah through the wrong names, etc to understand WHY their error was successful in the past and WHY they now need to change.
I sincerely pray that you will grasp the enormity of the situation and take active measures to change your beliefs and conduct to take account of the information presented here.
There is much more information on the website at
See in particular the articles:
If Daddy (Abba) Yah means anything to you I implore you to study these three articles and actively apply them in your life.
James Robertson
Emissary and Spokesman of Yah
08 January 2016

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