There is a lot of confusion about the man commonly referred to as “Jesus”.
Many believe he is a manifestation of the Almighty Creator and worship him.
What is the truth?
When Yah the Almighty Creator, {incorrectly called The LORD, God, Allah, Hashem, G_d, etcetera} started with the creative process He created a highly intelligent spirit being to assist him. That spirit was Yah’s right hand being, Aide-de-Camp, Chief Operating Officer – he assisted Yah in all things and was with Yah throughout the creative process.
<<< PREVIOUS SECTION: Important to wear the full Armour of Yah
NEXT SECTION: Important questions regarding the article on Yahooshua >>>
Creation followed the process set out in the article “The only reason we exist is to have a deep personal relationship with the Almighty Creator and be His Friend”
In this process Yah created many more spirit beings including “Messengers” {incorrectly Angels} as servants to help with the finer details of Creation. Towards the end of this process one of the leaders of the Messengers, Hillel, rebelled as discussed in the article “Satan the Contest and the Current Spiritual Dispensation”
Yah then cast Hillel, now called “Satan”, “The Accuser” down to Earth together with the billions of messengers under his command who had followed Satan in his rebellion.
Yah then created human beings, Adam and his wife Lilith and gave Adam full authority over everything on the Earth.
Lillith rebelled and went after Satan and Yah rejected her and created Chavah {Eve}.
Adam and Chavah were seduced by Satan to disobey Yah and eat the forbidden fruit and submitted to Satan thereby giving all authority on Earth to Satan.
Satan then proceeded to execute his goal in terms of The Contest to ensure that NO human being believed in Yah and was in right standing at the end of the 7,000 years.
It soon became apparent that Satan was winning.
After approximately 1,500 years a man named “Nuh” {Noah} and his son and their wives were the only human beings serving Yah. Nuh was grieved by the situation and asked Yah what could be done about it. Yah advised Nuh to pray for a flood to drown all the unbelievers so that Nuh and Shem (Nuh’s eldest son) together with their wives could start again. Nuh prayed accordingly and Yah sent an ice comet to impact the Earth and flood it, see the article “More About The Flood -- Proof of a Global Flood – Complete Video”
Sadly, Nuh prevailed on Yah to also save his two other sons, Japheth, an idol worshipper, and Ham, a worshipper of Ancestor Spirits (Demons). The thinking was that when these two and their wives saw the dramatic way Yah judged the unbelievers that they would come to Belief. This did not happen and after the Flood these two sons raised up families in the same beliefs as themselves. Ham also brought with him seven major Demons who are the Demonic Masterminds that rule on Earth today.
Accordingly, things rapidly deteriorated again after the Flood and this accounts for the messed up state of the World today, with wars, floods, etcetera.
True belief was carried forward by Shem, down the bloodline to Abraham, and so forth as set out in the so-called “Old Testament” of the Bible but was increasingly weak and tentative.
It became apparent that new action was called for.
In particular, human beings were getting so far from Yah that it became increasingly difficult for them to get release from Sin.
During this process the first spirit created, Yah’s right hand being, offered to come to Earth as a human being, live a life without Sin and offer himself up as a sacrifice for Sin.
Yah accepted the offer and together the two of them worked out all the details and made the necessary arrangements, including instructing various Spokesmen {Prophets}, to make the necessary declarations to give effect to the plan.
In particular this plan involved:
- Moshe {Moses} instituted a new Covenant at Sinai with the Hebrews and their associates who came out of Egypt, see book 2 of the so-called “Old Testament” or “Torah” “Shemoth {Exodus}” -- this included the construction of the “Ark of the Covenant”, a Set-Apart {Holy} tent of worship and the institution of various rituals. These rituals included the sprinkling of the blood of an animal “without spot or blemish”, metaphorically free of Sin, on the “Mercy Seat” of the Ark of the Covenant for the induction of a High Priest and for Atonement for the Sins of the people. This blood was then also sprinkled on the people.
There is much more, please read Shemoth at the link above.
- Many years later, as Yisrael {Israel} again became increasingly Apostate and was about to be conquered by the Babylonians, the Spokesman {Prophet} YirmeYahoo {Jeremiah} (his name means “Yah exalts”, took the Ark of the Covenant from the Temple and hid it in a cave outside the walls of Yerushalayim {Jerusalem} under a hill that in time was known as “Golgotha” “the Place of the Skull” because the hill has the appearance of a human Skull.
- About 616 years later, Yah’s right hand man then came to Earth as a Human Being born through the supernatural fertilization of an ovum in the Fallopian Tubes of a virgin called Miryam {Mary} and was given the name “Yahooshua” which means “Yah is Salvation” refer to the so-called New Testament, the first book “The Good News of Yahooshua the Anointed of Yah {Jesus Christ} as reported by MattihYahoo” for the details. He was 100% human and NOT “
God in the flesh”.
- Yahooshua proceeded to live a life without sin and at the age of 30 commenced his ministry by being Immersed by Yahoochanan the Immerser {Baptized by John the Baptist} and then going into the wilderness and fasting for 40 days and 40 nights both actions being necessary for him to operate in a power anointing, just as for any other human being. This resulted in Yahooshua being filled with the Set-Apart Spirit of Yah {the Holy Spirit} which is what enabled him to performed miracles.
- For the next three and a half years Yahooshua taught and performed miracles and confronted the religious leaders of the time who were in major error. Everything that Yahooshua did was available to any Believer filled with the Spirit.
- Towards the end of the three and a half years Yahooshua went out of his way to provoke the Chief Priests and the other religious people such that they eventually called for his death. He was arrested and executed, refer the book of MattiYahoo cited above for the full story.
- As he died on the stake in front of the hill Golgotha an earthquake occurred creating a crack between the foot of the stake and the Ark of the Covenant in the cave beneath and a soldier pierced his side with a spear and water and blood flowed down the crack onto the Mercy Seat of the Ark of the Covenant.
- This introduced a new Covenant, made Yahooshua a new High Priest, the King of Israel and provided a new offering for Sin.
- Yahooshua died and since he had lived without sinning once he was immediately taken into Heaven and awarded the throne on the right hand side of Yah with massive power and authority, a supernatural body, the ability to engage in multiple concurrent conversations and to appear anywhere on Earth at his discretion.
- Yahooshua was also given all authority on Heaven and on Earth which he then immediately delegated to those followers on Earth who were obedient in serving Yah and live without sin.
- Yahoshua is now seated at the Right Hand of the Father waiting for his enemies to be made his footstool, see the article “Yahooshua {Jesus} is Seated at the Right Hand of the Father WAITING for Believers to put his Enemies UNDER his Feet”
There is much more to the story of Yahooshua, read the article “The miraculous planning of the death of Yahooshua – where, how and what”
Errors relating to Yahooshua
The Satanic and Demonic Realm have ensured that the above understanding has been concealed and corrupted such that modern beliefs relating to “Jesus” are almost all in massive error, see the articles “The Five BIG Lies about Jesus”, “The Nine Greatest Truths about Yahooshua {Jesus}” and “Can YOU prove that Jesus IS God?”
Yahooshua is the most powerful Human Being in the Universe, he should be accorded due respect. His Covenant provides a method for forgiveness of sin and power over the Forces of Darkness, see “Prayers to Rehearse the Covenant Meal {Communion} for Forgiveness of Sin and Protection” and “Prayers to cast out Demons and for protection from the Satanic and Demonic Realm”
It is time for YOU to draw REALLY close to Father Yah and take the measures necessary to help bring Revival to the Earth – see the article “Seven Components in Growing Close to Yah”
Please feel free to email me at and I will answer your questions and support you in your journey to become a Friend of Yah.
I look forward to hearing from you.
May Father bless you and keep you and make His face to shine upon you and grant you His Peace
May Yah judge me severely and correct me harshly and show me the level of my present deception and how to correct it with regard to everything that I write and publish
Warm regards and blessings,
Dr James A Robertson
Spokesman and Emissary of Yah
End Time Issue Ministries
19 September 2024
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