2014. Messengers Created by James on 2/7/2019 1:42:53 PM Messengers, commonly but incorrectly referred to as "Angels" are just that, they carry messages on behalf of Father and His servants, we each have a Guardian Messenger watching over us to protect us within the limitations of what our sin and error permit them to protect us, they also record ALL our words and ALL our deeds to be used in our judgment after we die
Messengers {Angels}
The traditional word "angel" is another meaningless word, the Hebrew word translated "angel" is actually a messenger
There are messengers who serve Satan and who do things on behalf of Satan and there are messengers who serve Yah and do things on behalf of Yah
We ALL have a Guardian Messenger {angel} who watches over us to protect us and keeps a record of all that we do and say for our judgment
Messengers can be given orders by believers who have had the appropriate authority vested in them
We can all ask our Guardian to do things for us within clearly defined bounds of what is available
Senior believers may have significant numbers of messengers assigned to them for their protection and the protection of their families and to perform duties on behalf of the believer
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2011.05.05 - Angels by Samuel Doctorian
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Attached please find an article by Samuel Doctorian which gives an account of a vision of messengers {angels} that portrays massive destruction on the earth.
It is my understanding that most of this will be in the spiritual realm although, if the previous article is correct, then it could be of the physical realm.
Note that messengers can manifest with or without their wings.
Whether we expect spiritual turmoil or physical turmoil or both the bottom line is that right now we need to get MUCH CLOSER to Daddy Yah.
May Yah bless you and keep you and make His face to shine upon you and give you peace.
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