2014. Who IS Satan? Created by James on 2/14/2019 7:01:51 AM A discussion of who Satan is, the messenger {Angel} who rebelled against Yah, the Almighty Creator, was cast out of Heaven and entered into a Contest with Yah to see if he could totally mislead mankind from serving Yah
Who IS Satan?
Satan is a messenger or angel
A created being created by the Almighty as part of the Creative process
Messengers are spirit beings but they do NOT have emotions and feelings
They were a precursor in the creative process to the creation of the spirit being that became Adam, the first human being
Satan, at that stage called "Lucifer", was highly talented, became proud and rebelled against Yah leading all the messengers under his command in rebellion, that is one third of the messengers in Heaven
Lucifer was cast out of heaven to earth and challenged Yah to a contest to see whether Yah's new creation, man, could be corrupted by Lucifer to such an extent that at the end of 7,000 years there would NOT be a single human being without sin and serving Yah
Satan has very successfully corrupted mankind, much more successfully than Yah expected, and the contest is very intense at this time
Satan was sentenced to one thousand years in the Pit for his crimes against Yah and man on 3 May 2003
And Yah has withdrawn from the battle and now will ONLY work through human beings on earth
We are therefore in the initial stages of the final phase of the contest between Yah and Satan. A one thousand year long battle during which the servants of Yah will seek to defeat the forces of darkness
This will require that that there at least ONE man or woman serving Yah on the appointed day who is without sin. This human will be required to call on Yahooshua to return and usher in the Day of Judgment
The Day of Judgment is effectively the prize giving at the end of the 7,000 year contest at which either Yah will be proclaimed winner and Satan and all his followers will be cast into the fire to be utterly consumed as reject experimental material OR Satan will be granted dominion over planet earth for eternity or as long as it takes him and his followers to utterly destroy themselves
If one considers the lot of the nations that have most energetically served Satan in the first six thousand years one must conclude that life on earth under Satan will rapidly degenerate
NEXT SUB-SECTION: Demonic "gods" >>>

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