2014.01.69 The Majority is Always Wrong Created by James on 5/5/2019 8:48:42 AM The Majority is Always Wrong
The Majority is Always Wrong
In considering ALL the above never lose sight of the fact that the majority is ALWAYS wrong
Those who served Yah have always been in the minority and it is so today
The number serving Yah in this age is the smallest proportion of the total world population of any generation
Thus, the problem with democracy is that it will always turn to the majority and since the majority will always be wrong and serving Satan democracy progressively drives a country towards service to Satan and away from Yah as has happened progressively throughout European countries in the last fifty years
In the same way, when it comes to doctrine {teaching} those who are hearing Yah are in the minority so "the majority agree" is generally an indication that the doctrine is wrong
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2012.11.11 - The Majority is ALWAYS Wrong
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There is a strong need on the part of most human beings to rely on group consensus as an indication of the validity of a particular position or belief and it is common for believers to cite the majority in support of a position that they are defending or arguing for.
Over the years Yah (the Almighty) has said to me on several occasions that “the majority is ALWAYS wrong”.
In 1995 I was wrestling with a critical area of doctrine where what I thought I was hearing from Yah was diametrically opposed to what the church was teaching. I approached a man who I considered to be a highly anointed servant of Yah according to my paradigm of the time and told him what I believed Yah was showing me.
His response was to the effect of “James, I can find you 15,000 Bible School graduates and NOT one will agree with you”.
At the time that seemed like quite a heavy argument, so I went back to Yah, quite intimidated.
Yah’s response to me was that this man was correct, he COULD find 15,000 Bible School graduates that would agree with him BUT they were ALL in error.
Yah then challenged me as to whether I would go with Him and what He had taught me or go with the majority, I chose to go with Him and that is the choice I have chosen to make repeatedly since then in response to what He has taught me.
This has happened so frequently that it has now reached a point that if I find myself considering any area of teaching relating to Yah and the things of Yah that if an opinion is widely held or, in fact, a majority opinion within the body of believers then I expect to find over time that it is in error.
Thus, the minute that anyone uses an argument based on majority opinion I immediately consider the possibility that the majority opinion IS in error – Yah has said to me that this is a universal principle.
Keep in mind that through the ages there have only ever been small numbers of people who have been at some material level aligned with Yah on a reasonably consistent basis – consider Noah, Moshe {Moses}, David, Yahooshua, Shaul {Paul}, etc.
We are commanded to listen to Yah, to have a personal relationship with Him, to hear directly from Him and there are an extremely small number who do this and even most of them have some level of corruption because they have not yet achieved the required level of set-apartness {sanctification} and knowledge and experience to hear with any read degree of accuracy – remember always that there is a cacophony of FALSE voices in the spirit realm all of which are inundating us with false messages.
Yah’s truths are submerged by false messages, the majority are ALWAYS wrong when it comes to the things of Yah.
May Yah bless you and keep you and make His face to shine upon you and give you peace.
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