2001.03.1.09 The End Time Calendar As We Currently See It Created by James3 on 7/5/2019 12:02:30 PM The End Time Calendar As We Currently See It
This document is offered in response to a request to set out in simple terms the End Time Events as we currently see them.
The first portion of what is described has already come to pass and has been seen in the Spirit and confirmed to us in various ways by the Spirit of Yahweh. The latter portion relates to events which are still to come.
This interpretation is offered as a prophetic picture of what has been shown to me, it is NOT intended as a Scriptural analysis.
The major End Time outpouring of the Holy Spirit, TOGETHER WITH Tribulation started on the Great Day of the Feast of Tabernacles in 1996. All the hordes of hell were released on the earth at about this time. The tribulation is SPIRITUAL AND NOT physical. It must be seen through the eyes of the Spirit NOT the natural eyes.
Since then believers have been experiencing more and more tribulation, financial loss, etc BUT there have also been increasing manifestations of the Holy Spirit
The second three and a half years of tribulation began at Passover 2000. The outpouring of the Holy Spirit continued and is progressively increasing. The level of adultery and divorce and remarriage WITHIN the church reached a level where, spiritually, through the Aone flesh@ bond, nearly all the Body of Christ is joined to every Satanist, witch, warlock and prostitute on the planet. This is an abomination in the Holy Place (Scripture does not say in the Temple). Various illegal constructions WITHIN the Temple Mount in Jerusalem defile the Physical Holy Place (the Temple Mount).
Spiritual tribulation of believers intensifies.
At Yom Kippur, on due date according to one interpretation of scripture, war commences in the Middle East and ALL nations of the World condemn Israel in the United Nations Security Council. A spiritual war in which the nation of Israel finds the ENTIRE WORLD arraigned against it has commenced. The war also represents Physical Tribulation for the nation of Israel. Whether this will escalate into an all out war in Israel or a World War is currently not clear.
On 31 December I am given a message on AGod=s Wrath for the Church@ and am told that Judgment can be delayed no more. A third of the worlds population will come to a place of being beyond redemption and a third of believers will lose their salvation.
Massive moves of the Spirit are reported with whole cities coming to salvation, millions saved at one crusade, men walking in anointings comparable to that of Yahshua with numerous miraculous healings and small ministries in private homes move in powerful Spirit Led Praise and Worship.
We are shown two previously mighty men of God possessed by a demon which the Spirit of Yahweh calls AThe Beast@. These men and MANY like them will preach a false jesus and a false christ, perform counterfeit miracles under a demonic anointing and will impart this demonic presence to even the elect who allow themselves to be deceived. We were shown that the AMark of the Beast@ represents what we think, say and write in terms of contracting contrary to scripture, denying Yahshua or our testimony to keep our jobs, etc.
In light of the above we have been gaining greater clarity on what appears to be in the process of happening:
The tribulation will get increasingly severe with massive loss of life spiritually and great hardship for those who have not sanctified themselves or asked Yahweh to sanctify them. This will be matched by increasingly dramatic moves of the Holy Spirit with more and more people coming to salvation and more and more people starting to move in the same or greater anointing that Yahshua walked under with dramatic miracles, etc
By the end of this age, somewhere between Passover and Tabernacles 2004, there will be millions of believers walking under the same anointing as Yahshua walked under. At this point Satan will be cast into the pit for a thousand years and those who have overcome and been anointed will rule and reign in business and government for a thousand years with Christ (Messiah - the Anointing - the Holy Spirit). It seems that the dead in Messiah will be resurrected at this time. But it seems that Yahshua will NOT return then. At the end of the Millennium, the bride will have been prepared, Satan will be released from the pit, war will break out, Satan will be finally defeated and THEN Yahshua will return on the clouds to claim His Earth which has been conquered by His people led by His Spirit. The New Heaven and the New Earth and the New Jerusalem will come and Yahweh=s Great Mystery will have been revealed!
I recently received a mail which read: AI am still not totally for sure about the End Time Events because when people talk about it, they tend to use such big words and mix them all together. Maybe its because I am pregnant, but I do not understand it all. Could you or anyone please break the End time events down into simple English for me please.@
I started to write a specific reply but then realised that I felt more certain of much of what I was saying than had been the case a few months ago and also recognized that there are probably others with similar questions, so, in this article will endeavour to explain our current understanding as simply as possible.
Quite a bit of this has been touched on in various items that we have posted in recent months, but let me endeavour to give a condensed form. I will not give scriptures and, in some cases, cannot give a solid scriptural argument. That is NOT my intention, this is a prophetic interpretation.
The person who posed the question responded to the mail on AInterpreting Bible Prophecy@.
As set out in that mail, I am increasingly coming to the conclusion that Bible Prophecy is given that AFTER THE EVENT we may recognize it for what it was. We may understand in broad terms what is coming but we are unlikely to accurately anticipate EXACTLY what will transpire. It seems to me that true believers are REQUIRED to seek revelation directly from the Spirit of Yahweh.
Accordingly, before jumping for your favourite end time interpretation, please seek the Holy Spirit for guidance before, during and after reading what follows. Recently I was instructed by the Holy Spirit to STOP reading the Book of Revelation through the eyes of other men! That seems an important injunction to all at this time!
Having said that, here are the following milestones as I currently have them:
These things have been accompanied by various developments led by the Spirit of Yahweh which lead us to have a high level of certainty that what is written is of Him:
Great Day of the Feast of Tabernacles in 1996 (about 6 October)
a. Start of End Time Outpouring of the Holy Spirit.
b. All demons restrained in the pit released on the earth (the cloud of "locusts" in Revelation).
c. This starts the first three and a half years of tribulation.
d. Tribulation is SPIRITUAL and NOT physical as all are expecting.
e. Dramatic increases in falling away, illness, financial loss, etc of believers, marriages end in divorce, etc, etc.
Passover 2000
a. Abomination in the Holy Place (note scripture does NOT say the Temple) takes place when the full abomination of adultery and divorce results in one of the foremost Charismatic Christian leaders in the world getting divorced with allegations that his wife had committed adultery, both remain in the ministry.
The Holy Spirit indicates to me that barring a few believers who have either never been joined to anyone but their current spouse/s and those who have but have been fully sanctified through the process set out in the teachings on marriage, the Body of Christ is joined by the one flesh bond to every Satanist, witch and warlock, prostitute, etc on the planet.
b. Several additional Mosques and other constructions have taken place illegally IN the Temple Mount in Jerusalem, and various relics of the first and second Temples have been defiled and dumped.
There is a physical abomination in the physical Holy Place (again Scripture does NOT say the Temple).
c. Start of GREAT TRIBULATION - increase of falling away, Judgment is poured out in increasing measure on the church which must be judged FIRST.
Yom Kippur / Tabernacles 2000.
a. War starts in Israel when Ariel Sharon goes to the Wailing Wall on 29 September. This date is accordance with one interpretation of scripture as validated by Barley sown on the Mount of Olives in the preceding.
b. On the night of Yom Kippur, United Nations Security council passes a resolution, 14 in favour with the USA abstaining, condemning Israel, apparently the first or nearly the first time that the USA has NOT vetoed a security council resolution against Israel.
That war continues and it seems that it may take on a full scale physical manifestation shortly but that is unclear.
HOWEVER, the war began on the correct date! It certainly represents a PHYSICAL TRIBULATION for the State of Israel.
31 December 2000.
a. Yahweh gives me the message "God's Wrath for the Church : Why Judgment is Coming on the Church Today" and says that He has extended Grace to the church for as long as possible.
No matter how ignorant we are we cannot possibly interpret scripture as indicating the tribulation will start later than 1 January 2001.
Accordingly, He will now POUR OUT MASSIVE JUDGMENT ON THE CHURCH starting on 1 January 2001.
c. One third of all mankind will come to a point of being irreversibly spiritually dead, that is they will be beyond redemption.
I understand this to include a third of the church who will lose their salvation! This will take place through judgment for wilful sin and through blaspheming the Holy Spirit.
I saw a vision of walking spiritual corpses covering the earth.
a. There are detailed and well documented reports of five entire cities, including Emmet in California coming to Salvation associated with economic and agricultural revival. We have a video of these Transformations.
Outpourings of revival which take over entire cities will become more common in the days ahead.
b. As at the date of writing, we are aware of reports of four men moving with massive anointings near to that which Yahshua walked under with hundreds being miraculously healed daily from HIV AIDS, massive cancers, cripples walking, blind seeing, dead raised, massive deliverance of Satanists, etc.
We have an eye witness account and videos of the move in Lagos Nigeria.
Reportedly there are others in South America, India and Indonesia.
c. By the Spirit we expect to see hundreds more people moving in this anointing before the end of this year with millions by 2004.
d. The cases referred to above are reportedly all unknown men who came from "nowhere". At least two are supposed to have been completely illiterate men who walked out of the jungle preaching Jesus and healing the sick!
Yahweh has left the literate and the Bible Schooled and gone to the poor and destitute who will seek Him as little children and is pouring out His Spirit on them.
He will do the same for each of us IF we will seek Him as little children, IF we will cry out to be sanctified, IF we will be quick to confess our sins and repent!
e. There are reports of MASSIVE evangelistic crusades.
Reports indicate that a well known evangelist held a ONE WEEK crusade elsewhere in Nigeria (unrelated to the previous man) and that about SEVEN million people attended and 3.5 million people accepted Yahshua as LORD! IN ONE WEEK!
Mass salvations are expected to become common place.
f. Where there is GREAT DARKNESS, there Yahshua's light will shine brightest.
g. We have recently encountered a ministry where prophetic, Spirit led praise and worship runs for hours, starting at 10 am and running to about 4 pm and then resuming at 7 pm and going on to midnight.
There is no agenda and the Spirit leads the music, the praise, the worship and the ministry. There is a powerful outpouring of the Holy Spirit taking place on ordinary men and women. This too will become more common place.
During this period (since December last year).
a. Yahweh has shown me that the Mark of the Beast is a SPIRITUAL MARK.
It relates to those who will sign contracts whether of employment or other where they knowingly agree to things contrary to the Word of Yahweh. For example, teachers who sign letters of employment which require them to refrain from teaching Yahweh's laws concerning adultery in sex education classes, believers who keep quiet about their faith in order to keep their jobs, etc, etc.
It also relates to thoughts and words in which we compromise our testimony or compromise our faith. Anywhere where we compromise on Yahweh's Word and commandments in order to remain in employment, in order to be able to buy and sell, IS THE MARK OF THE BEAST!
Note that the King James Version states that the Mark of the Beast is IN the hand and IN the forehead. All other translations state ON, which is INCORRECT!
b. Yahweh has also in recent months shown me two prominent men who had been serving Him who are now POSSESSED by a demon called THE BEAST. This demon has taken control of them after their repeated disobedience, touching Yahweh's anointed and other sin has caused them to lose their salvation and yield their souls to Satan.
Satan is now giving them great power through this demon.
Yahweh said to me that these men will now preach a false Ajesus@ and a false Achrist@ under a demonic anointing and will perform counterfeit signs and wonders and MANY will be deceived, including the elect. Sincere believers will attend their meetings and have hands laid on them to receive an impartation of this demon truly believing that they are going forward to receive the Holy Spirit or healing!
Some time ago we went to a meeting in a massive church building somewhere in the world (I am not permitted by the Spirit to name even the country). They sang songs which we sing, they preached a message that would sound good in any church, but Yahweh showed me in the Spirit several thousand spiritually dead people. There was NO anointing in the praise and worship, the pastor (one of the two men that we have seen possessed by the Beast - who is an internationally recognized church leader) used manipulation and witchcraft to take up the offering, while wearing a black suit with a black shirt and a dark grey, effectively black tie.
Yahweh was ABSENT from the meeting and I sat there numb, questioning myself. Afterwards Ingrid confirmed that she had seen the same thing and a third mature believer confirmed that Yahweh was not in the meeting.
c. We are finding ourselves dealing with more and more people who are suffering MASSIVE demonic attack and manifestation and most of them do not understand what is happening! It is getting to a point where with increasing regularly we see people losing their salvation through demonic manifestations which cause them to Blaspheme the Holy Spirit!
What follows is my best current understanding BUT I constantly discover that until the event has passed I am unable to know what the exact form will be:
Either Passover or Tabernacles 2004 or somewhere in between.
a. The great tribulation is complete, the church has been judged.
b. Judgment MAY have come on the world in this time but this is unclear and my impression that it WILL NOT HAVE COME AT THIS TIME.
THAT IS THE BIG EVENT THAT IS PROPHESIED FOR THIS TIME but most of us have been so busy looking for a "rapture" a thousand years (?) early that we have lost sight of the judgment of the church and of Satan.
e. These men and women will be National Presidents and Governors, they will be Presidents of major corporations, they will be in charge of numerous aspects of Government and Business, entirely led by the Holy Spirit, which is Messiah, which is Christ and so THESE WHO HAVE OVERCOME TO THE END OF THIS AGE WILL RULE AND REIGN WITH CHRIST (THE HOLY SPIRIT) FOR A THOUSAND YEARS!!
f. It seems that Scripture indicates that the AFirst resurrection@ will take place at this time.
g. It seems that there is some possibility of Yahshua returning at this time to reign physically on earth but increasingly it appears to me that this will happen AT THE END of the Millennium once Satan has been FINALLY defeated.
h. This will usher in the Millennial reign of Christ (The Holy Spirit) on earth!
i. During this thousand year period, Spiritual warfare will be waged to clean up all the demons and fallen angels that are left after Satan's defeat and cast them into the pit.
j. The Gospel will be preached WITHOUT Satan's interference and even so MANY WILL STILL NOT COME TO SALVATION!
k. Note that many demons and fallen angels will be cast into the pit before Satan.
We have been led to pray regularly for this and whenever we minister deliverance we cast those demons into the pit for a thousand years.
Teaching 02-11 in the series "God's Plan for Healing Marriage" includes a set of prayers for tearing down principalities, powers, thrones and dominions over your home, ministry, national leaders, etc. We were led to pray these over Washington DC as Yahweh took Ingrid and myself alone in a United Airlines shuttle over the centre of the City on the night of Passover 1999.
l. There will, however, it seems still be many demons and fallen angels left on earth and many believers and unbelievers will seemingly STILL be heavily demonised. These will have to be systematically evicted and cast into the pit during the thousand years.
In approximately one thousand years time, that is in about the year 2996 to 3004?
At the end of the Thousand years, Satan will be released, the final battle will take place.
The WORLD will be judged, having had a thousand years to clean up it's act without Satan and with the Church ruling and reigning in the full power of Yahshua and the Holy Spirit.
THEN THE END WILL COME -- Yahshua will come on the clouds of heaven to claim His sanctified and spotless bride without blemish.
The sky will be rolled up like a scroll and there will be a New Heaven and a New Earth and the New Jerusalem will appear.
How much of this will be physically recognizable and how much will be spiritual will be an issue for those alive in that hour to discern.
This will be the end of the world as we currently know it and, at that time, the GREAT MYSTERY OF YAHWEH WILL HAVE BEEN REVEALED! The earth will have been restored to that which was planned and purposed at the outset.
This is the picture as we currently have it. Much of this picture seems very clear to me in the Spirit but there are aspects which are not yet clear. This picture has been unfolding since 1996 but has been unfolding rapidly since late last year, particularly since I completed nine three day fasts between September last year and early January this year (nine being the number of Judgment).
This picture is NOT shared as a rigid or rigorous interpretation, it is shared as the picture that has been shown to me. I fully acknowledge that I am not as sanctified or anointed at this time as I should have been, and I have been severely rebuked by the Father for my lack of obedience. I repent to all who read this that I cannot now give more clarity.
However, I DO testify before the Throne of the Most High God, El Elyon, Yahweh Adonai, that I understand the overall flow of events set out here to be sufficiently precise to enable those who have eyes to see and ears to hear, to more clearly discern for themselves what the Spirit of Yahweh is saying to them.
IN PARTICULAR, please accept that your entire experience as a believer in Yahshua Messiah up to the year 2000 does not in any material way equip you to comprehend what is now happening on the earth. There has been much teaching of men which has missed the mark regarding these times. The ONLY sure guide is to be led by the Spirit of Yahweh1 every second of every day, to claim by faith that we are crucified with Christ, to cry out and declare our total inability to serve Yahweh1 except by His Spirit, to ask Him to Judge us severely and correct us harshly that we may serve Him more perfectly in this life and not be judged in the life to come, etc, etc.
There are many more prayers that one can pray, trust the Holy Spirit to lead you!
Cry out over some of the issues that have been raised in recent postings. Claim the love of Yahweh to be shed abroad in our hearts in FULL measure, claim to be sanctified and brought to a place where the FULL power and anointing of the Holy Spirit, at the same or greater level than was imparted to Yahshua2, can be poured out upon us, recognizing that, unless we are sanctified, the anointing will destroy us!
Put Yahweh FIRST in our lives, THERE IS NO OTHER WAY!
"5 Trust in the LORD [Yahweh] with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding;
6 In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths.
7 Do not be wise in your own eyes; fear the LORD [Yahweh] and depart from evil." (NKJ Proverbs 3:5-7)
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