2013.10.08 The Essence of the issues relating to the Bible Created by James on 11/9/2013 6:47:25 AM This article presents the essence of my current understanding with regard to the Bible as the culmination of something like twelve years moving from a point of believing that the Bible was "The Living Word of Yah" to understanding that it is "a little book" that represents a collection of fragments that Satan was unable to keep Yah from preserving
The Essence of the issues relating to the Bible
James Robertson
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The following are what I currently understand to be THE issues with regard to the Bible
1. Yah wants relationship
Yah wants us to seek a DEEP personal relationship with HIM NOT a book. He created us for relationship. Yah says that the Bible is “the greatest idol on earth”. People mistake Yah’s grace in working with the Bible as indicating His approval, big mistake.
2. The Bible is the outcome of a battle between Yah and Satan that Yah lost
The Bible is the outcome of a battle between Satan and Yah through men that resulted in only one very limited collection of fragments of writings being preserved to become what we call “The Bible” – from biblios – Greek for book.
3. The English translations and derivatives are massively corrupt
The English translations and those derived from them are massively corrupt in in terms of the use of blasphemous and corrupt names and concepts such as “The LORD”, “God”, “Jesus”, “Christ”, “holy”, “cross”, bias towards deity of Jesus, “Old Testament – New Testament”, false bias against Yah’s form of union between man and woman, etc, etc. Much material on the website discusses this.
4. The Bible is mostly a reasonably accurate historical account
The writings in the Bible ARE for the most part a reliable and accurate, albeit very limited, historical record, as far as it goes, there are massive gaps.
5. Less than 2% of the Bible is inspired
Yah says that “less than 2% of the Bible is inspired”. The Bible DOES included some passages and verses that ARE direct from Yah but these are scattered amongst the other text which is simply writings based on knowledge. Key elements of Revelation ARE accurate.
6. The Bible is based on fragments of manuscript
The Bible is based on fragments of manuscripts preserved through persecution and neglect. Very little of the original text in the “New Testament” was written in Greek and there was NO control of scribal error and emendation. Much of the “Old Testament” was written from memory in Babylon.
7. Massive emphasis on building doctrine from the Bible leads to massive error
The massive emphasis on building doctrine from the Bible has led to what Yah calls “wholesale error” and given the forces of darkness almost total freedom to mislead believers. The church is breaking ALL of the Ten Commandments assisted by the Bible.
8. Yah hates the Bible because it leads men away from Him
Yah hates the Bible because it is Satan’s way of forcing Yah to interact with nearly all believers on Satan’s terms. Satan hates it for the limited truth it DOES contain and that Yah IS able to lead some people to deep relationship with Himself through it.
9. Yah wants relationship
Fundamentally Yah wants DEEP personal relationship with EVERY single person and the Bible gets in the way of that.
See other articles at http://www.end-time-issue-ministries.org/TheBible.aspx for much more information.
May Yah bless you and keep you and make His face to shine upon you and give you peace.
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