2015.11.20 Our World Today -- History -- the REAL Facts Created by James on 12/27/2017 11:09:21 AM There is a need for a concise summary of the true history of the world insofar as it affects belief in Yah.
Our World Today -- History -- the REAL Facts
Dr James Robertson
The need for an accurate summation of the world today
I am a Civil Engineer by training with a Bachelor of Science Honours with distinction and a PhD also in Engineering and in my entire journey with the Almighty I have sought to apply the rigorous approach instilled in me as an Engineer.
On Friday 12th March 1993, at approximately 07h00 in Sandton, South Africa, having spent the entire night running strategic processes on my life and seriously considering suicide the Almighty Creator spoke to me audibly, as clearly as you would hear me if we were in the same room. He simply said “phone Iain Peters, he has something you need”.
I phoned Iain, a business associate, told him “Iain I believe you have something I need” and he invited me to dinner. That evening, having confessed my sin and the broken state of my life, Iain and his wife shared his deep living relationship with the Almighty Creator and led me in prayer to recommit my life to Him. That Sunday Iain took me to his church and I started on a journey that continues to this day.
That day I KNEW that the Almighty had spoken to me and was real, I also knew that the magnitude of my sin was such that had I died that day I would have been close to being utterly rejected. Accordingly I chose to serve Father as best I could for the rest of my life. By His grace, I have managed to do this, NOT always at the level that He would have liked but always managing to hang in there.
In the intervening years I have had innumerable experiences that evidence to me again and again that our Creator lives and is real and that He wants a deep personal relationship with me and every other human being on the planet.
I have had Him fill my bedroom with the mighty roar of the wind of Pentecost and had Him lay His hand upon me and fill me with His Spirit. I have had His Spirit flow through me into others who have fallen to the floor convicted of sin, I have seen others healed through the laying on of my hands, I have been given words of knowledge for others that have been precisely accurate. I have had people sent across my path with messages, healing, teaching and much more. I have met others who are close to Him and I have received much personal teaching and revelation by His Spirit.
In 1995 I first realised that the Spirit of the Almighty was given to lead us into ALL truth and started to pray according. In the late 1990’s I started to pray “Father show me the level of my present deception and how to correct it”, I still pray that regularly. I also started to pray “Father judge me severely and correct me harshly that I may serve you more perfectly”. This are critical prayers IF you are serious about truth and about serving Father faithfully to the end.
In those early years I immersed myself in the Bible, attended church as frequently as possible, read innumerable books and listened to innumerable teaching audio tapes. My understanding of the matters of the Almighty grew steadily. The visions reported in “The Final Quest” and “The Call” by Rick Joyner had a powerful impact on me and opened my understanding to new possibilities and particularly the possibility that I could qualify to sit on a High Throne for eternity.
By 1997 I had learned that much of what was being taught by the established Christian Church was in error and I had been thrown out of a number of churches and badmouthed from the pulpit. In one case a visiting preacher called me and my wife out of the congregation and proclaimed a dramatic and powerful blessing over us for our obedience. The following week we were told to leave the church!
In 2000 Father called me apart in the middle of the year and I embarked on a series of eight three day full fasts at ten day intervals. I experienced a massive increase in revelation, discovered that the correct name of the Almighty was NOT “God” or “The LORD” but “Yahweh”. Subsequently I discovered that “Yahweh” means “Yah the eternally self-existing” and that the essential Name of the Creator is “Yah”. In time I undertook a very detailed analysis of the name of Yah and wrote a lengthy article on the subject see http://end-time-issueministries.org/TrueNames/Yah.aspx.html
Further revelations included that the correct name of the man most know as “Jesus” was “Yahooshua” and that Christmas was a pagan feast and Yahooshua was born on the first day of the Feast of Tabernacles (around September / October) and NOT anywhere near Christmas.
As I learned I questioned the importance of these facts. Regarding Father’s Name His reply was “how would you like it if your family called you by the name of your worst enemy” -- “God” and “The LORD” are both the names of Satanic deities. Regarding Christmas “how would you like it if your family ignored your real birthday and instead celebrated it on the birthday of your worst enemy?”
And so I got that what I was learning was critically important and so I progressed.
In the period 2000 through 2003 I wrote hundreds of articles which I published by email to a small list of people. Some of these articles were of great accuracy and others reflected the massive learning curve I was on together with a large amount of false teaching that I had taken on board along the way. Those articles are available at http://end-time-issueministries.org/Articlesto2009.aspx.html In 2003 I prayed for Satan to be judged and sent to the Pit for a thousand years which prayer was, I believe, granted.
In the years that followed I had dry spells when I did almost nothing for Father and others where I was extremely active. In 2013-14 we created a very substantial website containing nearly all the articles that I had written up to that point together with a large amount of new content based on revelation that I was receiving as I wrote. That website is at http://eti-ministries.org/ with mirror website at http://end-time-issueministries.org/ (may be faster).
During this journey I came to learn that almost everything that I had taken on board in the early days of the journey was at best corrupt and at worst entirely false. I came to understand that Yahooshua {Jesus} was NOT deity or the Almighty in the flesh, but a man filled with the Spirit of the Almighty. I came to understand that the Bible is in fact a book comprised of fragments of text written by fallible human beings and assembled by fallible human beings and, while a useful reference, is NOT “the living Word of God and without error” or any of the other claims made for it. In fact, I finally came to understand that Father HATES the Bible because of the way men worship it and spend time with it when He wants them to spend time with Him.
I came to understand that the whole message of “salvation” was topsy turvy, we were created to be in deep personal relationship with Father and THAT is the only criterion that matters and that, while Father WOULD like all human beings to be in Heaven with Him for eternity He really is indifferent to those who do NOT have a deep relationship with Him. Eventually I heard Father say “why would I want someone to spend eternity with Me in Heaven when they do NOT believe I exist?” – it makes sense and puts a very different spin on much that is believed and taught. Then I learned that “the outer darkness” IS a very cold, very dark, very unpleasant place in Heaven and that all people who at some time confess belief in the Almighty and then continue with their lives indifferent to Father will end up there, a place Father refers to as “the trash heap of Heaven”. And I learned that believers will burn in Hell for their unconfessed sins. And I learned much more.
Most of this is documented in detail on the abovementioned website http://end-time-issueministries.org/ but there are key elements of what I have learned that are only documented to a limited extent. This book seeks to draw much that I have learned into a compendium of information that relates specifically to aspects of the history of this planet and of mankind that I hope will be useful to others. With this in mind, while it DOES summarize many of the articles on the website and DOES provide information that I have not previously documented, it should NOT be seen as replacing the website and, I hope, the compilation of writings that are on the website that I hope to prepare one day – some compilations are available for download off the side-bar of the website.
It is my hope that by the time you have read this book you will have a heightened awareness of the matters of the Almighty and have taken decisions that lead you much closer to Him.
James Robertson
Emissary of Yah
22 November 2015

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