2016.02.06 The Global Flood that Changed the World Created by James on 3/24/2018 7:16:21 AM Introduction to a series of articles about the Global Flood that changed the World
The Global Flood that Changed the World
How the Geology and Topography of our Planet were formed
Dr James A Robertson
- Introduction
I have always been interested in Geology and Geology was a favourite subject at University as I studied to become a Civil Engineer.I went on to practice as a Consulting Geotechnical Engineer for a number of years which gave me exposure to diverse geology, primarily in South and Central Africa.I was also interested in Geography and studied Geography at school as one of my top subjects.
In these years I did NOT give much thought to how the geology and topography that I was working with came about.The generally accepted wisdom was that the surface of the Earth developed over millions or billions of years and I saw no reason to question that.
Then, in about 2000 I came across the work of Johnathan Gray and over the next few years studied a number of his videos and books until in around 2005 I encountered his trilogy of books relating to the Flood reported in the historical writings known as Genesis in the book commonly referred to as “The Bible”.These three books “The Killing of Paradise Planet”, “Surprise Witness” and “The Corpse Came Back”, all of which are nowadays available on Amazon, collectively painted a VERY different picture of the origin of the Geology and Topography that we are all familiar with.
As I was reading these books I was travelling about 100 kilometres round trip from my then home in Johannesburg, South Africa, North to Pretoria.As a consequence I was driving from the Southern rim of the Halfway House Granite Dome, over the Dome itself and then over the Southern reaches of the Magaliesberg Mountain Range.Thus, as I progressively read these three books I was constantly exposed to Geology and Topography which I knew very well from my course at University and from living in the area all my life.Everything that I saw correlated exactly with what Jonathan was saying and so, progressively I came to rethink my view of how this had all been formed.
In saying this it is important to note that in all my formal study there was very little formal comment on EXACTLY how the Geology and Topography was formed other than general references to millions or billions of years, an inland sea, and similar vague statements.Frankly, we were much more concerned with what existed and how we worked with it as an Engineering material than we were concerned about the specifics of how the Geology and Topography were formed.
I should also note that by the time that I read these three books I had been down a very dramatic road of discovery with regard to the reality of the existence of the Creator of the Heavens and the Earth such that I knew with deep certainty that He DOES exist.Given that I held the Bible to be an important historical source, albeit NOT what many believers claim for it, I was open to the possibility that the account of a global flood in Genesis WAS at least approximately valid.That said, having believed for a number of years that the Bible was “The Word of God and without error”, I had come to understand that the Bible is ONLY a book containing a compilation of writings by diverse people most of which accounts are reasonably accurate as historical accounts go, but it DOES contain errors.I had also come to understand that this was NOT an issue since the Almighty is interested in us having a personal relationship with Him NOT having deep faith in a book, no matter what the book might be.
So, applying all my Engineering training (I have a PhD – Doctorate) in Civil Engineering specializing in “Cement Stabilized Soils as a Material for Dam Construction” I set about verifying Jonathan Gray’s hypothesis of how the current surface of the Earth was formed.As I read the books and observed the Geology and Topography first hand on my regular trips to Pretoria I had a progression of “Aha” moments where I constantly saw the validity of what Jonathan was saying.
Finally, having digested his writings and my observations I concluded that all parts of the surface of the Earth that I had ever observed had been laid down under water AND subject to massive upheaval.
My training as an Engineer in Mechanics clearly evidenced to me that the massive upheaval of the Earth’s Crust that I was now sensitised to required a massively dramatic external force to bring about the vertical and horizontal movements that were everywhere in evidence.
My training in Construction Materials and specifically my experience creating what was effectively artificial rock by the application of pressure and addition of Cement which formed the basis of my PhD research clearly evidenced that the rocks I was observing had ALL been subject to massive external pressure in order to take the forms that are everywhere in evidence.
Sometime later, I happened to subscribe to a news feed on my computer from NASA, the National Aeronautical and Space Agency of the United States of America, and that fed me daily satellite images from outer space which evidenced the hugely unstable environment in which our planet exists and also provided graphic details of massive ice objects in orbit around our Sun in the Kuiper Belt as well as an example of an Ice Comet.It became apparent that Jonathan’s hypothesis of an Ice Comet striking the Earth or a near miss by an Ice Comet was entirely plausible.
I was convinced!
In the years that followed I became aware that my training as an Engineer and experience as a Geotechnical Engineer afforded me the opportunity to argue the case for the hypothesis postulated by Jonathan Gray from a very robust perspective, MORE robust than the arguments which he as an archaeologist had been able to advance.
With this in mind I set myself the task of putting together a set of videos presenting my findings.This I did and the videos were completed on DVD and uploaded to You Tube in the first quarter of 2010.The videos are on You Tube at http://www.YouTube.com/user/ProofOfGlobalFlood, the PowerPoint slides are on SlideShare at http://www.slideshare.net/End_Time_Issue_Ministries and the Videos and Slideshare are available on the End Time Issue Ministries websites at http://eti-ministries.org/Flood/FloodVideos.aspx or alternatively at http://end-time-issueministries.org/Flood/FloodVideos.aspx.html
In subsequent years I have come to understand some issues more clearly, I have also come to understand the consequences of the Global Flood event much more clearly.In engaging with people who dispute this hypothesis I have found that very few people have the time or the interest to watch eleven videos amounting to over three hours of viewing time or even to watch the summary at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=61QPvCF0mp0.Accordingly I concluded that there was a need for a reasonably concise eBook that lifts out all the key points of the argument but that people could easily flip through and skim in order to get the gist of the proposition.This document sets out to meet that need.
- Context
In presenting this hypothesis of the formation of the Crust of the Earth into its present Geology and Topography I want to start out by offering some contextual comments.In order to keep this document to a manageable size I have limited the number of images that I have incorporated.The full presentations and videos are available as indicated.The presentation for this component can be viewed at http://www.slideshare.net/End_Time_Issue_Ministries/01-proof-of-global-flood-introduction-turning-history-on-its-head:
- Acknowledgement – Jonathan Gray
The information and thinking that triggered the understanding of the formation of the Earth’s crust discussed in this presentation came to me from material published by Jonathan Gray www.beforeus.com and www.archaeologyanswers.com
You can contact Jonathan at:
Email : info@archaeologyanswers.com
Post : Surprising Discoveries, PO Box 785, Thames, 3540, New Zealand
This material forms the foundation on which my current understanding has been built
This information has been supplemented from my own knowledge and experience and diverse other sources
- Design against failure
In my business career I have invested considerable time in learning how to achieve high value outcomes for business information system projects and, in doing this I have sought to apply what I term “Engineering Principles” to what I do.I have also sought to apply these principles in my learning about the matters of the Almighty Creator and all associated activities of which my research into the formation of the Earth’s present crust is an important element.
One of these principles I enunciate at “Engineers do NOT design bridges to stand up, they design bridges NOT to fall down”.This is a very important distinction.In order to ensure that a bridge will NOT fall down it is necessary to understand EVERY possible mechanism whereby the bridge MIGHT fall down and then eliminate ALL of those mechanisms from the design.
The same principle applies to one’s theory of the formation of the Crust of the Earth, one must ensure that one has considered EVERY possible factor that could cause one’s theory to fail and THEN one will have a reliable hypothesis.
I have had to conclude over the last eight years or so that most people do NOT understand this principle and neither do they apply it to their religious life OR to their study of Geology and Topography.The currently prevailing theories about how the present Crust of the Earth was formed fail this test dismally.
I have it that what is presented in the abovementioned videos and in this eBook DO comply with that requirement.In other words, I am confident that I have thoroughly considered every possible factor that might cause this hypothesis to fail and I am fully satisfied that these issues have been considered and dealt with such that I have a high level of certainty that the essence of what is presented here IS valid and reliable.
- Credentials
In presenting this document I do so with Credentials that include the following:
- High School – including Geography, Biology, Science and Mathematics, last three with distinction. I have a solid grounding in the Geography of the World and also Topography.
- University – Bachelor of Science Honours in Engineering – Mathematics, Science, Mechanics, Geology, Materials Science, etc. I have a solid grounding in Geology and also in analytical methods. Note that this is first and foremost a Science qualification.
- University – PhD (Doctorate) – Cement Stabilized Soil as a material for the Construction of Large Dams. Solid understanding of what is required to manufacture artificial rock and also the properties of artificial rock-like materials.
- Other self-study in the field of Ceramics, etc.
- Registered Professional Engineer for over 25 years – evidence that I achieved the necessary standard of excellence to practice as an Engineer.
- Operated as a Consulting Geotechnical Engineer working on Mines throughout South and Central Africa. A basis for me to have practical hands-on exposure to the Geology of that region and the ability to interpret the Geology of other parts of the world.
Thus, when I offer my comments on the hypothesis that I am presenting in this document I do so off a strong grounding in Science and Scientific technique coupled to knowledge and experience in key fields of Science and associated disciplines that are necessary for me to have an authoritative opinion on the matters that I write about here.
- Mathematics and Law -- Reductio ad absurdum -- Reduce to the absurd
Reductio ad absurdum is a well-established reasoning technique in Mathematics and Law in terms of which one assumes that a thesis is valid and then systematically analyses the situation based on this assumption.If the thesis stands up to this examination it is validated and if it fails, it fails.This technique is taught at school and university and is widely recognized and respected.
I have applied reductio ad absurdum repeatedly in considering the material presented in this document and I am confident that my argument stands up to rigorous scrutiny.
- Most parameters in the natural physical world have non-linear characteristics
One of the false assumptions that traditional Geology and Land Form thinking makes is that it is possible to extrapolate linearly millions of years into the past.This is fundamentally false because the characteristics of most physical properties are non-linear.Consider the following graphs from my PhD research:

Notice that ALL the characteristics are non-linear and many are exponential.
The radioactive decay of radioactive elements is also exponential, which is why there is reference to a half-life.Extrapolating backwards up an exponential curve, the red line in the image above, is manifestly unwise, I could use much stronger language to describe it.This is the basis on which radioactive dating is done.The best that can be said for any date arrived at by looking at the tail end of the decay curve is that it is unwise and one could be much more outspoken than that.
- Extrapolation should be avoided – fundamental Engineering principle
One of the fundamental principles of Engineering is that one should NEVER extrapolate to any significant extent when considering test results.If one is forced to extrapolate for any reason then the extrapolation should be to a limited extent and should be checked and double checked by physical world testing.The reason for this is abundantly clear in the images above.
The way in which radio-carbon dating and other techniques are used to extrapolate thousands, millions and even billions of years is manifestly foolish when viewed in the light of this principle.
All the techniques that are used to estimate the age of artefacts fail this test.Dating something as “millions of years old” is tantamount to an ant on a railway track claiming to be able to predict how long the train travelled to get there just by looking at the oncoming train.
- Engineering provides the knowledge and experience grounding to interpret these matters
Various people have challenged me on the basis of “what does an Engineer know about these matters”-- the answer to that it that because Engineers are trained to design and build things that succeed and NOT fail Engineering training is uniquely WELL suited to analyse the sort of material being discussed here.In fact, I would go so far as to suggest that Engineering training is highly desirable to understanding this situation.
- Fundamental law of mechanics – Force = Mass x Acceleration
Force = mass multiplied by acceleration
- Any change in state, any movement relative to an apparently static position requires an external force;
- Disruption of the surface of the earth requires an EXTERNAL force, it cannot happen within a state of equilibrium on the planet;
- All evidence of dramatic change is also evidence of dramatic external forces being applied;
- Evidence of major vertical up or down thrust of the surface of the earth is evidence of massive forces being applied;
- The nature of the displacements that are visible in the surface of the Earth are such that the force was almost certainly external.
The entire surface of the Earth evidences massive displacements and shifts of one kind or another.All of this evidences a massive external force or forces.It is NOT possible to explain the surface of the Earth on the basis of a steady state condition over any period of time, be it thousands or billions of years.
- We live in an unstable Universe – millions of years of steady state is absurd
One of the lessons that I learned through my subscription to the NASA feed was that images of the Universe showed massive instability.Solar systems are being formed and collapsing, suns are being formed and dying out, there is MASSIVE instability -- see images in the slide show slides 28 to 33.Once one becomes aware of this it then becomes MUCH easier to understand that an assumption of steady state conditions on Earth for millions or billions of years is utterly absurd.This assumption is fundamental to ALL dating methods used to predict the age of things on Earth and they are therefore ALL flawed.
- The Kuiper Belt – masses of chunks of ice flying around our Solar System
NASA have published images of the Kuiper Belt, a belt of ice objects orbiting the sun at the extremities of our Solar System.It would not require much of an impact for one of these objects to be deflected from its orbit around the Sun and head off in any direction.It is therefore entirely plausible for one of these items to be deflected so that it strikes the Earth.There would need to be either some fairly fine navigation or an extremely adverse probability but, either way, it is entirely plausible that one of these chunks of ice could have been deflected and struck the Earth at some time in the history of the plant.Such an impact could have huge ramifications as will be discussed later.
- NASA -- Mars -- Hellas Planitia -- 1,400 mile (2,250 km) diameter crater evidence of large (ice?) space object impacts
NASA also displayed an image of a huge crater on Mars known as Hellas Planitia, 2,250 kilometres in diameter, see image below.
What is striking about this crater is that it is relatively shallow and has a flat bottom.This is clearly NOT created by a chunk of rock or similar, if it were the shape of the bottom would be different and there would either be a chunk of rock embedded in the bottom of the crater or there would be masses of fragments scattered around.
There are NOT.
The ONLY plausible explanation for the formation of this crater is a huge chunk of ice which shattered on impact and melted as a consequence of the heat generated by the impact.

- Hellas Planitia superimposed on Planet Earth
The image below shows Hellas Planitia super-imposed on the toe of Africa on a map of the world.I suggest for your consideration that a chunk of ice this big hitting the Earth at full velocity would do MASSIVE damage and quite easily knock the Earth on its axis and change its orbit as well as disrupting the surface of the Earth.It turns out that if the Earth were hit by an ice object the size of Hellas Planitia the surface of the Earth would be flooded to a depth of 11.75 kilometres.
It is therefore entirely plausible for an ice object to strike the Earth and totally flood it.

- The surface of the Earth is fractured and has over 500 active volcanoes
The surface of the earth is divided into “plates”, fracture zones.It is postulated that these fractures resulted from the impact of the ice object referred to above.Along these fractures there are currently over 500 active volcanoes.It is postulated that, during the Flood, there were as many as 20,000 volcanoes.Note that because the core of the Earth is radioactive (it is kept molten by a fusion reaction), the material blasted into the atmosphere by Volcanoes is radioactive at some level.Yet another reason why radio-carbon dating is flawed and a factor that made possible mutation of the animals, plants and fish that survived the event.

- Northcliffe, Johannesburg, South Africa – my reference point
During the time that I was studying this material I was living a few miles from the small mountain of Northcliffe which provided a very useful frame of reference for this study:

- Major landmark from East, North and West of Johannesburg, South Africa;
- Extension of the Gold Bearing metamorphic sedimentary rocks that form the gold reef;
- Within a few kilometres of where I lived at the time this research was undertaken;
- The pivot point for this article – sums up the argument in one picture;
- Vitrified quartzite rocks (sand melted as in a furnace);
- Thirty degree south dipping slope continues the mine formations;
- The geologic formation resumes 50 km north in the Magaliesberg dipping in the opposite direction – the middle is cut out;
- Underlain and up-thrust by the Halfway House Granite Dome;
- 1,807 m highpoint level with highpoints for hundreds of kilometres around, NO points higher in the vicinity – the African Erosion Surface.
Conclusion -- Context
To wrap up this chapter -- what follows is highly controversial, it turns widely held theories on their head and requires a major rethink if you accept what is presented.
I ask you NOT to take snap decisions for or against, weigh up the evidence and make a considered decision. Look around as you travel and see whether what is proposed here explains the topography and geology elsewhere in the world.
I am confident that the interpretation postulated here is valid, valuable and an accurate interpretation of key elements of terrain formation and, by extension, history.
- South African Gold Mines – Proves a Massive Hydraulic and Tectonic Event
The image below is taken from a stope in a Gold Mine in South Africa which could be as deep as over 4 kilometres below the surface.The yellow line indicates the dip of the ore body.

The rock mass is derived from sedimentary (water laid) deposits that were originally horizontal and on the surface.
The sand / soil raw material has been compressed by further layers being deposited on top of it to form rock.The originally horizontal layers have been tilted to an angle of approximately thirty degrees and then subject to intense heat which has caused what should be sandstone rock to metamorphose into quartzite, a ceramic form of sandstone.Deposits like this occur on the surface, with Northcliffe, cited above being an example and they extend to depths of over 4 kilometres.
The important conclusions from this reality are that the only way material to this depth and this uniformity could have been deposited was by massive uniform water cutting action that flowed in one direction only.In other words, tidal tsunami’s ripping round the planet on a planet covered in water as indicated by the calculation in the previous section of the depth of water that would cover the planet if an Ice Comet the size of Hellas Planitia were to strike the Earth and melt.
- Layered Sedimentary Rock Covers 90% of the Planet – Proves a Global Flood
- The Halfway House Granite Dome – Proves a Massive Tectonic Event
- The African Erosion Surface – Proves a Global Flood
- Incised Valley’s – Prove High Speed Water Drainage
- What is the Age of All this? – REALLY?
- Where did the Water come from and where did it Go?
- Implications of the Global Flood – what important lessons can we learn?
May Father bless you and keep you and make His face to shine upon you
May Yah judge me severely and correct me harshly and show me the level of my present deception and how to correct it with regard to everything that I write and publish
Warm regards and blessings,
James Robertson
Emissary and Spokesman of Yah
27 February 2016

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