2016.10.02 Indications that the Almighty desires Donald Trump to become President of the USA Created by James on 5/17/2018 1:25:21 PM Indications that Yah wanted Donald Trump to become President of the USA
Indications that the Almighty desires Donald Trump to become President of the USA
Dr James A Robertson
As a general principle I avoid getting into comment or discussion of world affairs, such as the US Presidential Election. However, today I am going to deviate from that discipline and comment on the US Presidential Election.
For some time I have had an impression that it would be preferable for the USA from Father’s perspective if Donald Trump were to become President. This relates to a President who will, on balance, act in ways that are more favourable to the interests of the Almighty versus one who will act in ways that are less favourable.
In considering what follows remember that there are ONLY two candidates and the USA is stuck with those two people. It is NOT as though those going to the polls can craft a candidate of their particular flavour, they have three choices – Trump, Clinton, NO Vote. There are NO other options. So, from a pragmatic perspective the believers in the USA, the unbelievers in the USA AND the Almighty are faced with the same binary outcome.
Father may NOT like either candidate but he is stuck with promoting the candidate that he thinks will best serve the interests of the Kingdom of the Almighty.
This article is based on this principle.
Yesterday, I received a YouTube link in an email titled “Special Message Concerning Trump” which links to a YouTube article by Lance Whitaker Wallnau relating to the coming election.
The link is https://www.youtube.com/embed/hPp9P7_JpCs
The speaker postulates that:
- Donald Trump is currently being judged by the exposures relating to his carnal behaviour in years past.
- Donald Trump has demonstrated repentance, has owned his errors and apologized – that is behaviour that is in accordance with the principles prescribed by the Almighty.
- Numerous claims of extremely serious nature have been made against Hillary Clinton, including allocations that are well substantiated.
- Hillary Clinton as NOT owned these issues NOR has she repented.
- It is therefore postulated that Trump is the better candidate.
- Trump is likened to Samson who, while carnal and imperfect, was able to be used by the Almighty.
- Clinton is likened to Jezebel who served Satan and was demonically controlled and of no use to the Almighty.
I have spoken to the Almighty about this and He has confirmed that it IS His desire for Donal Trump to become President.
I encourage you to watch the video and form your own views on this, whether you are an observer from outside the USA or whether you are a US Citizen faced with having to make a voting choice in the next few weeks.
IF you find this message relevant to the US Presidential elections please forward the link to as many people as you think will find the message to be of relevance and particularly to as many US voters as you know.
Note that in the video the speaker indicates that the video may be removed from YouTube within a few days so therefore please forward urgently.
If when you get to the video it is no longer available, I hope that the summary above will give you something to consider.
May Yah bless you and keep you and make His face to shine upon you and give you His peace as you embark on this journey
May Yah judge me severely and correct me harshly and show me the level of my present deception and how to correct it with regard to everything that I write and publish
Warm regards and blessings,
James Robertson
Emissary and Spokesman of Yah
15 October 2016

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