2018.11.01 Names of the Creator Created by James on 2/21/2019 10:27:44 AM Names of the Creator
Names of the Creator
The following message was broadcast on www.W4CY.com Radio on 12 October 2019. I am broadcasting every week on Fridays at 2 pm US Eastern Time, 7 pm UK time (6 pm this week). I hope you will be able to join me.
Good day.
The Almighty Creator desires a deep personal relationship with you. Tonight, we're going to talk about the names of the Almighty and related issues.
My name is James Robertson. I am going on 65. I am a civil engineer by training, I have a Doctorate in Civil Engineering. I've practiced for many years as a Management Consultant. Today I am the Chief Operating Officer of a small group of companies in the United Kingdom. In 1993, contemplating suicide, the Almighty spoke to me and told me to phone a Friend who had something that I needed. I phoned that Friend and he led me back to the Almighty and into a place where I understood that it was possible to have a deep relationship with the Almighty.
Since 1993, I've been seeking such a deep relationship and eventually found it. Now my mission is to teach others how to draw close to the Almighty. So, I hope to show you in this series how to get close to the Almighty, to answer some questions, to share some little-known knowledge, and help you to step up.
What is End Time Issue Ministries? When I was given the name, I didn't really know much about the End Times, but the fact is we are in the End Times. We're in the last 1000 years after the Creation of Adam, just over 6000 years ago. Various things changed at the beginning of the millennium in 2003 and will continue to be that way until the end of the millennium in 3003. During that time, the way we interact with the Spirit realm has changed dramatically. The way we interact with the Almighty and the way He interacts with us has changed dramatically.
You may or may not, if you're a believer, have noticed that change over the last decade and a half, but if you've not, the change has happened. End Time Issue Ministries is dedicated to writing about the End Times, helping people understand the End Times and helping people to survive and thrive in the End Times.
The short title is 'Creator Desires Relationship.' The full title is the 'Creator Desires a Deep Personal Relationship with You.' As I said a moment ago, in the next few minutes, I hope to share with you some knowledge that will help you to chart your course, in terms of becoming closer to the Almighty.
Questions from last week's programme
Somebody asked if it was a new programming and yes, indeed it is. Last Friday was the first time it was broadcast.
What's the show about?
Well, I think I've just answered that. It's about showing people how to draw closer to the Almighty.
Is this the first of the show?
Yes indeed.
Is this a Religion lesson show?
Well, yes, it is, in the way people use the word Religion and no, it's not in the sense that I don't identify with any specific Religion.
What are your beliefs?
I believe in the Almighty Creator. I believe that there was a Man called “Yahooshua, the anointed of Yah” or Jesus Christ, the anointed of God, or if you're more accustomed to the old words, that He died in order to provide a way for us to get closer to the Almighty.
I believe the three main religions, Judaism, Christianity, and Islam are all related in different facets of belief in the Almighty. I believe that every human being on this Planet has the opportunity to come to a deep personal relationship with the Almighty.
What religion belief is this based on?
Well, it originally comes out of Christianity, then a fairly deep exposure to Judaism, and subsequently an exposure to Islam and since then more recently exposure to a few other religions as well.
Somebody asked if the reason people died at a young age is because they didn't find a Friend in the Creator?
No, it’s completely unrelated. Becoming a Friend of the Creator is a lifelong journey. It requires a huge amount of effort. It requires sacrifice. It requires determination. And very, very few people on the Earth today are Friends of the Almighty.
So, people who died at young age are very unlikely to be Friends, and most of them die as unbelievers. There is a whole Satanic battle taking place on the Earth. I spoke about it in the first programme, so you might want to get hold of that recording. It will be available online in the next couple of days, or you can email me at the email address at the end of the programme, and I will send you a transcript of the programme, or a link to the recording.
People die at a young age because this is an evil generation. It's corrupt. The Satanic realm is dominating and ruling on Earth and they seek to kill, steal, and destroy, and so that's what's happening.
What if you ask for forgiveness but do the same act again?
If you repent sincerely each time you sin, confess your sin and do everything you can to turn from that sin, you will be forgiven if you do it again, if you sincerely try not to do it. If you, just in a cavalier fashion say, 'Oh God, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to do that,' and just carry on doing it, then eventually there will be no further forgiveness.
Yahweh and Yahooshua – Yah the eternally self-existing
So, let's talk a bit about the real name of the Almighty. I am going to talk about a word 'Yahweh' and a word 'Yahooeh,' both of which are different transliterations of the same Hebrew word or Hebrew phrase, which means 'Yah the Eternally Self-Existing.' This world Yahweh, in most English translations, has the phrase the LORD, in the Bible, and this occurs about 6519 times. The Lord is not an accurate translation of Yahweh. One of the things that I've experienced as I've travelled the world and spoken on platforms at conferences is that it doesn't matter what the language is of the place where I'm speaking, they introduce me as Dr James Robertson. There is no suggestion that they would transliterate, translate or convert my name. And so, it is with the Almighty, or how it should be with the Almighty.
The name that He has given Himself is Yah the Eternally Self-Existing, and that is rendered in the Hebrew as this four-letter phrase, YHWH, Yahweh, or Yahooeh is a better transliteration. There is no substitute for that. You can't say that His name is God or the Lord. His name is Yah, the Eternally Self-Existing, Yahweh or Yahooeh if you must.
The correct translation of the Pagan Demonic Deity called Baal is the Lord, so here we find a major error. The name Baal in the Bible is not translated and if we're going to apply the same rules that are applied by the translators to Yahweh, then we would translate Baal as the Lord, except that the translation of Baal as the Lord would be accurate. The translators were faced with a dilemma. They wanted to follow a Jewish tradition of not using the name of the Almighty, the true name of the Almighty. So they adopted the Jewish tradition of substituting the Lord for the name of the Almighty and in so doing they created confusion because now they didn't have anything to translate Baal to. So they left Baal with His correct name and corrupted the name of the Almighty. As you come to understand this and you come to understand the truths of the names, you'll understand what a major problem this is.
Third Commandment – not take Yah in Vain
If we look at the Third Commandment, the Third Commandment is 'Thou shalt not take the Name of God, your Lord in Vain,' which is an inaccurate translation. It should be 'Thou shalt not take the Name of Yah the Eternally Self-Existing, your Mighty One in Vain.' How do you not take the name of the Almighty in vain if you do not know His true name? If you are using a Bible which says, 'you shall not take the name of God, your Lord in vain,' then you're going to be careful about the way you use the word ‘God’ and you might be careful about the way you use the word, the phrase, ‘Your Lord’ or ‘Lord’.
You would not know about Yah. So, we have a situation where Yahoo.com, the major internet service provider, search engine, email provider, etc., uses a name which is a corruption of Yahooeh, the true short form of the Almighty's name and therefore Yahoo.com is a blasphemous name which breaks the Third Commandment. And if you have a yahoo.com email address and you're trying to get close to the Almighty, I would suggest you move away from that. Go to one of the other service providers.
If you're a German or a South African Afrikaans speaker, you'll use Ja or Jawohl for Yes. The true name of the Almighty is Yah. It cannot be substituted, it cannot be used in a different form in different languages and therefore if you say Yah, for yes, or in any other shape or form, you use the word Yah or a word that sounds like Yah or is spelt like Yah, you're breaking the Third Commandment. Many of the words that I will discuss after this lead people into situations where they break this Commandment.
So we will find ourselves faced with the Lord being Baal versus Yahooeh or Yahweh, and you might say, 'Does it matter?' And I have to tell you, 'Yes, absolutely. It does matter.'
The LORD – Baal versus Yahooeh
How do you become Friends with someone if you do not know their true name? My name is James and I have insisted throughout my life that people call me James. I've had one or two very close Friends who got away with calling me Jim, but generally speaking I resist being called Jim. I don't really regard it as a compliment and I would really rather people didn't call me Jim because it's not my name. And if I am a bit picky about how people refer to me, how much more should the Almighty Creator have a right that we should use His correct name? And then again, how do you become Friends with someone if you insist on calling them by the name of their worst enemy?
So we've seen that the Lord is an accurate translation of Baal, so we're actually saying to the Almighty Baal, when you call him Lord, not because you're using the true word for Lord, which is Adonai but because you're referring to the Lord as per the Bible which is actually a blasphemous name. Now, you may say to me, 'Well I got close to the Almighty back in the '60’s, or the '70’s, or the '80’s, or the '90’s, or the 2000’s and I only knew those names.' Yes indeed, there was grace back in those days, but as I said earlier, the Spiritual dispensation changed in 2003.
The grace was progressively withdrawn between the beginning of 2001 and 2003. How do I know that? Because I was filled with the Spirit of the Almighty and proclaimed that it be withdrawn over this Planet.
In 2003, I presided over a session of the Court of Heaven, in which Satan was condemned and sent to the pit for 1000 years. At that time the dispensation changed completely.
Adonay or Adonai – Lord in righteous sense
Another word that is relevant to this discussion is Adonay,or Adonai, meaning ‘Lord’ in the righteous sense. So, the correct word to translate as Lord from the Hebrew, would be Adonay and yes, Yah is an Adonay. He is a Lord in the true sense of Lord. Yahooshua, the one you probably know as Jesus is also an Adonay. We see that the Old Testament uses the Lord as the incorrect translation of Yahooeh or Yahweh, and see that the New Testament refers to Yahooshua, not Jesus as Lord as an approximate translation of Adonai.
So, we have a situation where everyone who reads the Bible, in the Old Testament they read about the Lord, and in the New Testament they read about Lord, and in the Old Testament, the Lord refers to the Almighty, as we've seen previously, and in the New Testament the word ‘Lord’ is applied to Yahooshua, Jesus. People make the wrong association that the Lord of the Old Testament is the Lord of the New Testament and that Jesus is therefore Lord, and by extension Yahooshua is the Almighty. It's a completely incorrect interpretation and has given rise to huge error.
God -- Elohim – The Almighty or Mighty One
The next word that is corrupt is the word ‘God’. The Hebrew word for this translates or transliterates as Elohim, which in turn, can be rendered with reference to the Almighty as the Almighty, or Mighty One in the sense of a Mighty One. The President of the United States is a mighty one. He is not God or anything like God, but if you translate the Hebrew word, Elohim, meaning Mighty One to God, then the President of the United States is a god. This is Completely wrong and completely misinterpreted. The word ‘God’ is actually a meaningless Pagan word that is Satanic, it should never be used in the context of the Almighty Creator.
The correct word is Elohim and the correct translation of Elohim is Mighty One with the context of The Almighty. So where you read God in the context of the Almighty, you should substitute that for Almighty. And when we read that Elohim created the Heavens and the Earth, it's not God who created the Heavens and the Earth, it's the Almighty who created the Heavens and the Earth. It's also so that Yahooshua, the one you may call Jesus, is a Mighty One. Technically Yahooshua is a god, but he is not The God, He is not the Almighty. It's really important to understand this and really important to stop using the word God in any sort of context.
El – Beloved Mighty One, my darling
Another word that is significant in terms of referring to the Almighty is El, which is a contraction of Elohim, also Eli. El as in Israel, as in Elijah, is a contraction of Elohim and simplistically it means the same thing. It's also frequently translated God in the Bible, and for the same reason, it's not an accurate translation. It's actually a form of affectionate use of Elohim, which effectively means my Beloved Mighty One or my Beloved Almighty. So, then we see that when Yahooshua, Jesus cried out 'Eli Eli lama sabachthani' as He died on the stake, not a cross, He was actually saying 'My beloved, My beloved, why have you forsaken Me?'
There is a huge difference between saying 'My God, My God, why have You forsaken Me' and saying 'My beloved, My beloved, why have You forsaken Me.' So, we see a hint there of the depth of the relationship that Yahooshua had with His Father in Heaven. Folks, it's so important to get these names right and to get these adjustments made in the way you think about the Almighty, the things of the Almighty and the way you talk about them, the way you write about them and the way you live your lives. You can go astray, and pretty much the whole of Christianity certainly, to a lesser extent Judaism and Islam have gone astray because of the incorrect usage of these words, and the lack or failure to use the true name of the Almighty, Yah, the Eternally Self-Existing.
If you get nothing else out of this program, at the very least I hope you will start referring to the Almighty as Yah, the Eternally Self-Existing or Yah, in its simplest form.
Allah = Alaah = Elohim = The Almighty
Continuing the same point, Allah is derived from Alaah. So Alaah in the Aramaic is derived from Allah in the Aramaic, which is derived from Elohim in the Hebrew, all of which means the Almighty, as we've just seen. We find a lot of confusion with regard to Allah. You find a lot of Christians who will speak ill of Allah and some associate Allah with Satan, because they judge people of Arabic or Islamic association in the wrong ways. Just before I presented this programme, I found on the internet comments that Arabic speakers of all Abrahamic faiths, including Christians and Jews use the word Allah to mean God. My comment to that, in other words, Yahooeh, Yahweh, Yah the Eternally Self-Existing.
So again, we get this huge confusion through the use of the wrong words, and everyone translating Allah to God, which is a meaningless Pagan term. We lose sight of who we're talking about and we allow people to be insulting and dismissive of things that are actually very important. We also find that the use or an understanding of Alaah is seriously corrupt because it's being used by huge numbers of people who have no experience of the Almighty. They have no relationship with the Almighty. They have no understanding of what they read. They hold up the Quran and put it on the same level as the Bible which is fair enough because the Quran is actually a more accurate text than the Bible, and there is not a lot in the Quran that is not in the Bible, and vice versa.
But, because of the corruption that I've just spoken about, people dismiss Islam, or Christian people dismiss Islam and the Islamic people, although they understand Christianity better than the Christians understand Islam, and at some level dismiss Christianity as a Pagan Religion, which it actually is, because none of them are actually worshipping the Almighty Creator. I made the point in the first programme that I've been on a journey of moving from being a highly committed Christian with deep, dramatic experiences of the Almighty, to one who now sees himself only as a believer in the Almighty Creator.
I avoid applying any labels to myself. I no longer see myself as Christian and at another level, I see myself as being both Jewish and Muslim in the true sense of what those words mean, in the context of what those religions originally meant. The thing to remember is that the Satanic forces and the demonic forces have been seeking to corrupt all forms of relationships with the Almighty, because that is the goal. If they can ensure that by the end of the seventh millennium in 3003 there is not a single believer in right standing with the Almighty, then the forces of Satan will win the contest and Yahweh will withdraw from Earth, with his people and Satan will rule on the Earth forever. Not a pleasant thought, nor is it attractive for those who don't believe, but that's a different discussion and I did touch on that in the last programme.
Christ = Anointed = The Spirit of the Almighty
We see here that the failure to use the true name Yah the Eternally Self-Existing leads to huge misunderstandings. Another word that is used incorrectly is ‘Christ’ from the Greek Christoo, Christon, Christos, which means anointed and which refers to the Spirit of the Almighty on a man or a woman. When you read the word ‘Christ’ in the New Testament, in the Bible it refers to being anointed with the Spirit of the Almighty.
It also depends on usage when referring to an Anointed One. If you find the word ‘Christ’ without any other name associated with it, it refers to an Anointed One. So, Yahooshua was an anointed one. I am also an anointed one, because I am also filled with the Spirit of the Almighty and if you're filled with the Spirit of the Almighty then you too are an Anointed One, and therefore we are all Christs.
If somebody wrote something about what one of us did and said the Anointed One, meaning James, or the Anointed One meaning you, if you're a Spiritual Believer, and that was translated into another language, they might translate that as ‘Christ’. So, I would suddenly become a Christ and technically I am a Christ because that's what the word means, it means filled with the Spirit of the Almighty. Then you find usage as the anointing that was upon Yahooshua or Jesus, which is Christ Jesus, then it could just as well be the anointing that was upon James, the anointing that was upon Anne, the anointing that was upon whoever.
When we get that “anointed with the Spirit of the Almighty” relates to Jesus Christ, “Yahooshua the Anointed of Yah”, in the same way we could have James Christ as I just said. In old language terms, an Anointed One is a Saint, somebody who is filled with the Spirit of the Almighty.
Yahooshua NOT Jesus
The important thing to realize is Christ is not a pseudonym for Yahooshua. Using Christ to refer to Yahooshua is completely mistaken and it results in people mistaking the Spirit of the Almighty for Yahooshua, the man, Jesus. The whole structure of Christianity being the worship of Jesus is fundamentally wrong. Christianity should be the worship of the Almighty and Christianity should actually mean the Worship of the Spirit of the Almighty by those filled with the Spirit of the Almighty. If we understood that, then we would understand that virtually nobody who calls themselves Christians is in fact a true believer.
I made the point earlier that the name of the man commonly known as Jesus is not Jesus, it's Yahooshua. That word Yahooshua means ‘Yah is Salvation’, and as I said earlier, it's frequently translated to Joshua, which is not an accurate translation and it misses the point because it drops the name Yah. It's important to understand that Yahooshua was a common name at the time, and that the man Yahooshua, Jesus, lived a little over 2000 years ago. It spoke about the role He was to play. So, there was a prophetic assignment when His Mother Mariam, not Mary, was told to name Him Yahooshua, not Jesus.
I understand that if you've been using the word Jesus and had some supernatural experiences, and maybe had a healing all in the name of Jesus, you're going to battle with what I'm saying. The key thing to understand is that back in 2003, when Satan was cast into the pit for 1000 years, the whole Spiritual dispensation changed and in order to secure a conviction of Satan, all the lies that he had propagated into the lives of believers such as Jesus is God, had to be declared out of bounds, off limits, forbidden.
And so today, if you want to have a close relationship with the Almighty, you have to get the names right. You cannot have a deep personal relationship with the Almighty Creator, Yah the Eternally Self-Existing if you call him God, or the Lord, if you call Yahooshua, Jesus, etc.
Jesus means “blessed of Zeus”
Further than that, Jesus is a Pagan or Satanic name which means blessed of Zeus. Zeus is the name of a powerful Greek Demonic power and was originally a pseudonym for the Almighty, but it was corrupted over time. Zeus was adopted by Greek believers because of persecution making out that they were worshipping Zeus and not the Mighty One of the Hebrews. This is key with regard to all these wrong names that I've been talking about. They came into use in response to persecution. They came into use in response to Demonic leading. They came into use because people didn't like getting beaten up for their Faith, and they didn't realise that the only way to stop getting beaten up truly was to draw close enough to the Almighty and draw close enough into His truths that the Demonic forces could not any longer get judgements against them. I spoke in some detail about judgements in the last message, so you might want to check that if you missed that talk.
It's really important to understand this. The only way to get close to the Almighty is to press on to all truth and no sin. He has provided the means to do that through the Sacrifice, the Offering of Yahooshua. It's available to every one of us. What you need to do is believe in the Almighty, ask Him to fill you with His Spirit, get a revelation of the power of the sacrifice of your Yahooshua and start to walk in that. I will tell you at the end of this program about a number of documents that you can download off my website which will tell you how to do that.
Set-Apart Spirit versus Holy Spirit
We also need to talk about the Set-Apart Spirit versus the Holy Spirit and Holy is another meaningless religious name. So we're accustomed to referring to the Holy Spirit. Holy correctly translated, means Set Apart, separated to. This is the portion of the Spirit of the Almighty set apart for those who truly believe in Him and who invite Him to live in them. There is a portion of the Spirit that is given to somebody who first declares that he or she believes in the Almighty and there is an infilling, which comes to somebody who invites the Almighty to dwell in them.
Typically, this happens with immersion, not Baptism, not dipping or dunking. It happens with full immersion of the body in clean water, but it doesn't have to be that way. You can invite the Spirit of the Almighty to come and dwell in you right now. All you have to pray is 'Father in the name of Yahooshua, I ask You to fill me now with Your Spirit.' And then go forth in faith, believing that He has answered you. Go to the website and download the recommended worship songs. There is a song about 'fill me with Your Spirit.' http://end-time-issueministries.org/Home/RecommendedWorship.aspx.html
It's an ongoing process. You need to be praying it every day, you need to be worshipping every day or at least every week, spending time, singing songs, asking Him to fill you. This is not something trivial, it's not something that happens momentarily in Church or in some assembly or in any other form of meeting place, in Shul, Jewish faith, or in the Islamic meeting places. All of those faiths can be filled with the Spirit and you can pray that in your home. You can pray it in your bed at night. Father will respond to a sincere invitation to dwell in Him. It's really important to recognise that this is distinct from the Spirit of the Almighty in whom we live and move and have our being.
The Almighty dwells in the entire Universe. His spirit is everywhere. He holds it all together. He controls that, He manages it, and if He were to withdraw from Earth, which He will do if He loses the Contest, then everything on the Earth will die. It is His spirit that keeps everything alive on Earth.
So, we've seen that the two words ‘Lord’ and ‘Christ’ lead to confusion that Jesus is God. The incorrect translation of Yahweh is the Lord, in reference to Yahooshua, as the Lord causes confusion and we lose sight of the fact that they're two different entities. We're misled into thinking that since the Lord is used in both the Old and New Testaments that Jesus is the Lord, Jesus is God. And so, people then start worshipping Jesus, when they should be worshipping God or not worshipping God, worshipping Yah, and the result is that they break the Second and the First Commandment.
The First Commandment says you shall have no other Mighty Ones, no other Gods beside Yah the Eternally Self-Existing, which says that Yahweh, the Almighty One is One Mighty one. You shall have no other Mighty Ones before Him. If you're worshipping Jesus, you're breaking that Commandment. The Second Commandments says you shall have no graven images, no likenesses. If you start worshipping Jesus on the Cross or if you start worshipping the Bible, you're breaking that Commandment.
Lord and Christ confuse Jesus as God
We've also seen that the incorrect translation of Christ and the incorrect usage of Christ makes Yahooshua synonymous with the Spirit of the Almighty and that too causes confusion. So, while we have Christ referring to the Anointed One in certain instances in the New Testament being Yahooshua, and then we have Christ referring to the anointing of the Spirit of the Almighty that was on Yahooshua and the way that refers to the Almighty, because we have a number of different Greek words all translated as Christ, we have total confusion there and we end up believing that Christ is God and therefore Yahooshua is God. And it's just not true.
If you get a revelation of what I'm sharing with you, you will start to understand how confused and corrupt the common usage is. It’s easy to understand why it's like that. The Forces of Darkness, the Satanic and Demonic Realm are doing everything they possibly can to corrupt the knowledge of the Almighty, so that by the end of the millennium, there is not a single person who has a Deep Personal Relationship with the Almighty and can call for Yahooshua to return to Earth and take kingship over the Earth.
All of this leads us to the realization that Yahooshua, the one you probably know as Jesus, is not the Almighty in the Flesh. He is a distinct created being. He is a man. He would have had no authority on Earth were it not for the fact that He was a Human Being. I touched on this in a previous programme too.
Other Names Including Yah
At the end of this programme I will refer to an e-book that you can download from the website. There are a huge number of names in the Old Testament Bible which are derived and include Yah, the name of the Almighty. Once you have a revelation that the true name of the Almighty is Yah, then you will find Yah cropping up throughout the Bible. We've already looked at Yahooshua, Yah is Salvation, and we've seen that by understanding that Yah is Salvation, we understand why the name Yahooshua is the name above all names. There is nothing more powerful, there is nothing more beautiful than the Salvation of the Almighty. That's what it's all about, to be saved by the Almighty, and if you then transpose that onto Jesus, you're making a huge mistake.
We find Yahuwdah, typically translated ‘Judah’, the tribe of Judah and the territory of Judah, the word ‘Yahuwdah’ means Praise Yah. Yah being Yah, Uwdah being Praise Yah. We then find Yahuwd being the territory of Yahuwdah, the place where Yahuwdah lived, translated Judea. We find that Yahuwda'iy being the descendants of Yahuwdah, being the Jews. And you see that Jew is a complete corruption of Yahuwda'iy. It's a completely meaningless name and so we get all sorts of confusion about who the Jews are and who is not a Jew and who is a Jew, and all sorts of evil things have been spoken about the Jews and done to the Jews and continue to be spoken about the Jews.
Not to say that Jews are without error. Not to say that Jews are perfect. They're corrupt like everybody else on this Planet. We're all corrupt., We're all so far removed from the Almighty. We don't have an inkling of what it would be like to be really close to Him.
Another name, Yahowchanan, Yah has graced. Normally translated ‘John’ or ‘Jonathan’, the name of the man who immersed Yahooshua and started His ministry. Yah has graced and he bought grace to the ministry of Yahooshua. Mattihyahu, Matthew, Gift of Yah. And if you look at the book on the website, you'll find dozens of other names.
Three Key Documents
There are three key documents on the website relating to this and I will talk about it today. The first is an article called the 'Creator Desires a Deep Personal Relationship with You,' which is about a 16-page article.
The second is 'Seven Components in Drawing Close to the Creator,' which is about a 70-page document, which goes in-depth into all the practices, processes, procedures, rituals, prayers that need to be prayed in order to come to a close relationship with the Almighty. Both of these articles are available on my website, www.EndTimeIssueMinistries.org behind the homepage. So, if you hover your cursor over the Home button at the top left-hand corner of the website, you will find these articles.
The third article relating to the name of the Almighty, which is what this talk today has been about can be found in the top row of the Menu. It says Creator's name, Yah the Eternally Self-Existing. Click on that link and you will find a whole selection of articles and if you scroll about two-thirds of the way down the webpage, you will find a detailed book on the subject. Otherwise, you can email me for any of these articles.
There are books on teachings and a mailing list, which are available from me. Email me at James@EndTimeIssueMinistries.org So, the same URL, EndTimeIssueMinistries.org James@, and I will happily add you to the mailing list. I will try and publish an article every few days. I've been busy with a series of 1 to 2-page articles over the last few months, going into a whole diversity of topics, continuously publishing, continuously learning what He wants me to talk about.
In closing, I would like to thank you for listening. I would like to invite you to join the mailing list. I'm in the process of compiling a collection of my writings. There are seven volumes, and it looks as though there will be about 13 books in total, each between 500 and 600 pages, so it's a substantial document. It should be complete within the next couple of months. Volume 1 will go to print hopefully by the end of this month. This first volume is the most important writings which includes those that I've just listed, plus a number of other articles, which hopefully you'll find of interest and of value.
That first volume has been prepared to stand alone and if you have been in any way persuaded by this talk that it would be in your interest to draw closer to the Almighty, then please email me. It's again, James@EndTimeIssueMinistries.org Email me and I will send you an electronic copy of the book by return. It's ready for you right now in the electronic form if you would like it.
If you would like a physical copy, let me know, and as funds permit me to print, I will make that available to you. I hope to connect with you again next week when we will hopefully go into more depth on this topic of how to become a Friend of the Creator. I hope in the weeks ahead to cover a variety of topics, which will include things like 'who is Yahooshua really.' Yahooshua is the most powerful created Being in the Universe. It's important to understand how He accomplished what He accomplished. He sits at the right hand of the Almighty and it says repeatedly that He is waiting for His enemies to be made His footstool.
The vast majority of believers on the Planet today are waiting for Yahooshua or waiting for Jesus to come and sort the enemies out, not understanding that it's us, the Human Beings, who have to sort the enemies out and prepare a way for Yahooshua to return. So, if you've been sitting back, praying for Jesus to come quickly, I would ask you to realize that He is not coming quickly. In fact, He may never come at all, because if we don’t sort our lives out and we don't clean up the mess on this Planet, we will not see Him at all. Thank you very much for listening and I hope that you'll be here next time.
If you are challenged by this article to seek to draw closer to the Almighty I commend the articles below for your prayerful consideration.
Please read the article “The Creator Desires a Deep Personal Relationship with YOU” – pray the prayers and take the actions outlined in that article. See http://end-time-issueministries.org/Home/CreatorDesiresDeepRelationship.aspx.html
MOST IMPORTANT -- Read the article “Seven Components in Drawing Close to the Creator”. There are a large number of prayers, processes and actions that are presented here – systematically read the article and step by step apply what you find there. In particular, go on several sets of seven three day fasts at weekly intervals with clearly focussed prayer as outlined in the document. http://end-time-issueministries.org/Home/7ComponentsinGrowingClosetoYah.aspx.html
Read also “Where will YOU Spend Eternity? -- What is required in order to qualify to sit on a High Throne for eternity?” at http://end-time-issueministries.org/Home/WhereSpendEternity.aspx.html
It will potentially take you several years of applying all that is specified in these documents to start reaching your full potential and full anointing wherever you are in your life right now.
May Yah, The Almighty Creator, bless you and keep you and make His face to shine upon you and give you His peace.
May Yah judge me severely and correct me harshly and show me the level of my present deception and how to correct it with regard to everything that I write and publish.
Warm regards and blessings,
James Robertson
Emissary and Spokesman of Yah
28 October 2018
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On Radio at 2 pm Eastern Standard Time every Friday in the United States weekly -- live Radio programme called “Creator Desires Relationship” which will discuss various topics relating to seeking a deep relationship with the Almighty. That is 7 pm in the UK, 8 pm in South Africa, 11:30 pm in India and 4 am Canberra Time (ACT) in Australia. The show will air live on W4CY Radio at www.w4cy.com
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