2000.11.1.09 Who Sits In Moses Seat_ (Part 2 Of 2) Created by James3 on 6/28/2019 9:17:27 PM Who Sits In Moses Seat_ (Part 2 Of 2)
View of Rabbi Moshe Joseph Koniuchowsky
(Part 2 of 2)
(Part 2 of 2)
So we see that the contrast and warnings of the Messiah are not given in anger or bitterness but are warnings of concern for His talmidim, to beware and stay clear of the things that they claim Moses did and taught but in reality never did. Moses did not travel land and sea trying to make one proselyte and then go ahead and turn him into a two fold child of Gehenna as they originally were. Moses did not do that. They did! We find King Yahshua's midrash in verses 3-39, with clear cogent reasoning as to just why the disciples (talmidim) were not to blindly obey the Seat of Moses. The perceived occupants of Moses Seat of yesteryear, or rabbinical Jews who claim that seat today, must not be allowed to influence the two-house meaasge. As for me and my house we will take our marching orders from Yahshua. We will receive our instructions from Yahshua. We don't need any rabbi in the natural to affirm what Yahweh is doing through us because even if the Seat of Moses then was walking in Torah, we are called to get our necessary "atta-boys" from the Ruach HaKodesh and Him alone. It is not the talkers of Moses that we are to emulate but the only One who in the face of the forces of hell itself, talked and walked perfect Torah faith and obedience. He is the Holy One and there is not any other holy second.
Look at what else they do in verse 5. They make their tzitzit (fringes) long and say: "look, do you see how holy I am and look I even have a little tinge of blur cord on my big tzitzit." Moses did not do that. He said you should wear tzitzitt to avoid fornication and whoring as a private personal devotion to the Father. Keep them as a private devotion to Yahweh. Moses did not make the longest tztzit but made them as a private devotion to his Father. Looking back to verse 3 of Matthew 23, we see that it's impossible for it to mean "its ok to obey them anyway." It's not OK to obey those who are blind in their walk with the Father. That is not anti-Semitic, that is a fact that we need to consider before choosing those kinds of hypocrites as our trusted leaders. King Yahshua loves us, guards us, protects us and has our best interests at heart. If he spent 39 verses warning us, why would He negate that with one verse and thereby send us to the wolves?
We must not do mitzvoth for public consumption. We must not seek approval, love and honor from men rather we must love Yahshua with all our minds, souls, hearts and strength. If He bestows honor upon us, so be it. Lechaim, to life! Humble yourself under the mighty hand of Yahweh and He will exalt you in due season. They chased honor. We must not do that and should only chase His honor, which only He can bestow. There's that contrast again. We are not to lust after and seek titles. If titles come take them. It's like a tax refund. Take it. Then make a deposit. But don't seek after it.
The Pharisees shut up the kingdom of heaven against men not allowing the am haaretz or the so-called "common uneducated people of Israel" to enter the Kingdom of Yahweh. Somehow they had to receive a Yeshiva degree or ordination to be considered a real Jew or Israelite! This Moses did not do. He did not divide Israel into a caste system. What about the repentant tax collector or whore? Don't they have a place at Messiah's table? Those are the very ones that the Seat of Mose prevented from coming in for healing, deliverance and restoration. These am haaretz had become the undesirables, with no one reaching them. That's not Moses, that's mans bigotry and prejeduce. Torah tells us to leave some food for the stranger when we glean our fields. Loving the am haretz and those who cannot repay you, that is Torah (Moses). In Matthew 23:verse 15 Yahshua says, "You devour widows houses and for pretence make long prayers." You invoke prayers to get money. Nothing's changed. Go to an orthodox Jewish cemetery today and the orthodox Jews will take you to the grave and davin (pray) with you if you give them $20. The self proclaimed modern Seat of Moses and their hypocrites are doing exactly today what it did 2000 years ago. They wait for a widow to pay them to say kaddish (mourners prayers). Nothing has changed. Our Master and King is so separate from sinners by being completely undefiled as scripture reminds us that "even His eyes are purer than to behold iniquity." His eyes are so pure He cannot look at iniquity. Don't try to tell me that He is going to send us to this antiquated seat of corruption and decay because after all they possess authority over believers. I reject that! I reject that completely and so should you!
When they do and teach Torah that's one thing. When they don't we must depart and not subject ourselves to that. I am telling you brethren; that is one reason why the Messianic Jewish movement is splintering at the core. That is because the days of longing for the throne of Abba has been replaced with seeking the acceptance of mere flesh and blood, including the Babylonian church system. The Bible says, "Cursed is the man that does trust in the arm of flesh, blessed is the man who's Elohim is Yahweh." Messianic Jewish leadership has determined to be recognized as a fourth branch of Judaism. Read my lips: We don't want that recognition. We are the prophetic two houses of Israel coming together with one hope (The Hope Of Messianic Israel), one faith, one mikvah, one Father of all above all and in you all.
Jump down to Matt 23:23.The Seat of Moses in King Yahshua's day did tithe. They were tithers but neglected mercy and compassion. King Yahshua said that they ought to have shown mercy and compassion before paying their tithes. Moses showed compassion all the while paying his tithes. In Matthew 23 verses 28-32 Yahshua called those who occupy Moses seat murderers! (I am not anti-Semitic, so please don't come to me later with that accusation. I'm Jewish) I am only teaching you what the word says. Look at Matt. 23:32. Yahshua says, "Woe to you Scribes for you build the tombs of the prophets and you decorate the monuments of the righteous." Yahshua meant that after they killed their prophets, that they would posthumously honor them by painting and decorating their graves. In Matthew 23 verse 30 Yahshua said: "But you say ahh, if we had lived in those days of our fathers we would not have done so." The plotters and murderers and co-conspirators of Israel's prophets are Israelites specifically those who seated themselves in the Seat of Moses in Yahshua's day and among the misinformed still today.
Be honest. Lets forget theology, lets forget the workshop. Let's be honest. If Yahshua was instructing you and I to follow those He called murderers we're in trouble. We're in some serious trouble. Amein! I mean if I told you now here's what I want you to do. This is how I want you to walk with Yahshua. I want you to get in touch with Charles Manson and whatever he tells you to do. Do! Does that make any sense? Then neither do the traditional interpretations derived from the Greek. In the Hebrew Shem Tov we don't have that problem. In the Hebrew Matt 23:3 is a warning to obey Moses and not his "corrupted" seat, since often the two do not agree.
That's why this is so important. If we do not deal with the fact that the Seat of Moses is still occupied by those who claim to represent Moses and yet deny the Son of Yahweh and if we don't decide right here and now how we are to rightly relate to it and if we fall into the errors of the previous messianic movements, then I give the Messianic Israel Alliance less than five years of survival. That's how serious this topic is! If we relate wrongly to it we will wind up chasing the seat and the mind of man emanating from that seat rather than the mind of Messiah (First Cor. 2:16). Where would we go next? Do we seek the Vatican's approval? Do we go to Islamabad? Where would we go next to chase man's approval? King Yahshua goes out of His way in 39 verses to plead and admonish us to guard ourselves against those who talk Moses but don't do Moses. You have 39 verses of these warnings thus allowing no way for verse 3 alone to possibly mean that we should follow them in their errors "anyway!"
You may counter by saying but don't we (according to scripture) have to obey human rulers over our lives? Yes. You may counter by saying does not scripture teach us to obey every human ruler power and principality over our lives since they are put their by Yahweh Himself? Yes. BUT NOT WHEN THEY TEACH US TO KILL THE UNBORN! NOT WHEN THEY TEACH US TO KILL OUR ELDERLY PARENTS WHO TOOK CARE OF US IN OUR YOUTH. WE DO NOT HAVE TO OBEY THE GOVERNMENT! WHEN AND IF THE US GOVERNMENT WERE TO TEACH US HOW TO MAKE OUR NATION JUDENREIN OR CLEANSED OF JEWS BY ENCOURAGING ANOTHER HOLOCAUST, I AM NOT GOING TO OBEY THAT! Don't you come to me and tell me about those scriptures where it demands that we as believers submit to human government as unto Yahweh Himself! When they tell me terrible orders, like how to kill Jewish people, I don't have to submit to that!
Brothers and sisters I will be frank with you. For years I have been reading Matthew 23 trying to gain understanding as to how verse 3 fits in with the other 39 verses. Amid all those warnings and admonitions unto watchfulness, I would often wonder as to just how did verse 3 find its way into the text. It always bothered me. If we take things as they appear to be at face value from the Greek translation in verse 3, it sounds like King Yahshua in using the term whatever, allows for His talmidim to obey anything emanating from the Seat of Moses whether it be truth or error. That term "whatsoever" is an all-encompassing inclusive term. Those of you coming out of Messianic Jewish circles; how many times have you been told that? You've been told that whatsoever they tell you, whether you agree with it or not, or whether Yahweh agrees with it is irrelevant! You must obey! When you and I heard this kind of wrong reasoning we immediately started questioning if in fact we should practice some of the unbiblical and extra biblical things they told us, even though there was no biblical justification. But Baruch Hashem Yahweh in the Hebrew Matthew all this confusion about the alleged "whatsoever they tell you to do" mistranslation is finally straightened out. That is why Hebrew was is and always will be the lashon kodesh. The Set -Apart pure tongue that will be used in the millenium when Yahshua reigns is Hebrew (Zeph. 3:9).
Look carefully at verses 38-39 of Matthew 23. In verse 38 King Yahshua prophetically tells us that the House of prayer for all Israel, specifically the Temple where the Sanhedrin or Seat of Moses sat, will be left desolate or laid waste as of 70CE. Now how can we follow the judgments of the house where the Seat of Moses sat in judgment over Israel, when that very structure and that very seat are desolate? The house, which they preside over, will be no more as of 70CE. That's what the text teaches. [In order for Moses Seat to function biblically, the Temple on Mt. Moriah must stand, since that is where they historically met. Even the historical move of the Seat of Moses to Galilee after 70CE described by Josephus Flavious, was considered non-kosher by the Talmud and the Seat of Moses themselves. They realized that even though man had moved it, Yahweh had not sanctioned the move!]
Since King Yahshua was addressing the Pharisees in context, He is prophesying judgment against THEIR HOUSE AND THEIR SEAT WHICH THE HOUSE CONTAINED!! If their house is desolate then their seat of power in that house must also be desolate and you and I cannot follow an invisible Sanhedrin, meeting in an invisible temple, since the only one you and I are called to follow since 70CE is the seat of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world. That is the only invisible seat or throne we are to follow.
In Matthew 23 verse 39 Yahshua says: "For I say to you that you shall not see me again, until you learn to say cry BARUCH HABAH BESHEM YAHWEH!" You know what King Yahshua was truly saying to the about to be desolate Seat of Moses? What grievous sin and violation of the Torah did those who sat in the Seat of Moses commit? What significant action have they taken that until this day affects both the Jewish and Christian worlds? Yahshua in His verse 39 declaration, is in essence rebuking the leaders of Jewish/Israel for calling Yahweh Hashem, Adonai and all the substitute titles coming from the Seat of Moses. Moses called him Yahweh! They (Moses Seat) called Him Hashem, God, Lord, or Adonai in various Hebrew substitutions for Yahweh! (Those titles can be used to identify that Yahweh is the Lord, when used in conjunction with the personally revealed Name but never as substitute titles for the personally revealed Name. FIRST THE JEWISH PEOPLE LEARN TO SAY AND CALL ON YAHWEH'S NAME, (come out of the ban) THEN THEY ARE REWARDED BY SEEING YAHSHUA!)
King Yahshua said by virtue of His declaration, that because of the violation of bringing Yahweh's Name to naught or disuse, (by putting the people of Israel under the ban of pronouncing the true Name known in rabbinics as the forbidden banned Name or the shem hamsphorah) Israel's leaders would not have the opportunity of seeing and receiving Him as King. Yahshua let the talmidim know that since Moses Seat put you under the ban of the true memorial redemptive Name of Yahweh, they therefore will not see me again as you see me as Messiah. My judgment against that practice from the Seat of Moses will come upon them, until they learn how to cry blessed is He who comes in the Name of Yahweh, thus removing the people of Israel who follow them out from under the ban!
The reason many here still do not understand the significance of the usage of the name of Yahweh, or why many here still find the common use of the name Yahweh as offensive, is because the Seat of Moses has put our people under a suffocating and intimidating ban. Therefore many of us conclude that it is blasphemous to use it or irreverent to commonly call him Yahweh. That is due to the fact that we have been sold this bill of goods "a Seat of Moses special!" What we are doing is unknowingly and often times unwittingly submitting ourselves to the now defunct and desolate Seat of Moses and their manmade ban. The ban on the true name of Yahweh did not come from Sinai but from a desolate seat in a desolate house and only those contented to being desolate will keep themselves under a ban that Messiah Yahshua has come to remove us and set us free from (John 17:6; Exodus 3:14-16)! Yahweh gave us His Name as a memorial for ALL GENERATIONS TO PROCLAIM IN ALL THE EARTH! Are we part of the all generations of the human experience?
Yes we are and thus that Name is for you, your children and as many as are far off, even as many as Yahweh our Elohim shall call. Therefore we are faced with a challenge. Do we love the Seat of Moses more than Yahweh? The Seat of Moses has put us under the ban officially known as the shem hamsephorah. Do we love Yahweh enough to buck that false theology and restore that Name in order to be removed from the bondage of manmade rules by the Seat of Moses? Those who stick to the substitutes titles of Ha Shem and Lord and so forth, voluntarily have chosen to keep themselves and their loved ones under a ban never approved of by the Father. (See Let's Not Break The Third Commandment on this site for more details on the restoration of Yahweh's true Name).
King Yahshua said that His disciples not only did not belong under the ban (you and your house), but that Jewish Israel's center of judgment will be left desolate, until (a specific point in time) when you learn how to cry BARUCH HABAH BESHEM YAHWEH! Halleluyah. For those stubborn to change, you will bow your knee and learn that Name and learn to love that name sooner or later, so why not get with the program avoid the pain and make it sooner.
As we conclude brothers and sisters, it is so clear in the Hebrew Matthew. So now in the MIA, now in the two house restoration, now in the days of Eliyahu, now in the days when the hearts of the fathers (Judah) are being turned to the hearts of the children (Ephraim) and the hearts of the children (Ephraim) are being turned to the fathers, (Judah) we cannot any longer forget the Torah as Moshe received it by Yahweh in Horeb. Now in these days, all that has been said to us in the five Books of Moses, guard, guard, guard, guard and do! But don't do what Moses's defunct and desolate seat does. Truly when we accept that mantle and that set apart calling, then will we be the Israel of Yahweh, released from the many bans and bondages of the corrupted Seat of Moses.
What should our relationship as Messianic Israel, (the new wine being put into new wineskins) be with the already judged Seat of Moses? In Matthew 16 we will find our answer. If that former house is desolate, there must be some Levites amongst us to sit on Moses Seat. If it's not the Scribes and Pharisees, who invented the ban and the shimonei esreah curse and other abominable things, then where can we as Messianic Israelites returning to Torah find the Seat of Moses? In Matt 16:18 King Yahshua says: "I say unto you are Kepha (Peter) and on this Rock I will build my assembly and the gates of sheoul shall not overcome it. I shall give you the keys of the Kingdom of heaven. Whatever you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven." The keys were given to Kepha and through Kepha to you, you, you and you! Rev 1:6 states that He (Messiah) has made us a kingdom of priests and kings. We are the priests of the most high! Amongst us there are Levites as well! Whatever we bind on earth will be bound in heaven and whatever we loose on earth will be loosed in heaven. The Kingdom of Yahweh and the Seat of Yahweh's complete New Covenant authority, is in us and upon us and in our midst according to Luke 17:21!
Brothers and sisters! The authority of the Beit Din, the authority to bind and loose is not ordering demons around like a drill sergeant. That kind of theology where we dispatch and send or retract evil spirits is an Ephraimite invention resulting from a misunderstanding of the Hebraic culture of our fathers. Binding and loosing is rather the permission from Yahweh to His kehela to determine hahlacha, or the paths for New Covenant Israel to walk in. That authority entails making decisions based on Torah and of a civil nature in Messianic Israel. To loose is to allow certain behaviors, to bind is to disallow certain behaviors and actions in the community of faith and the assembly of the righteous. As Yahshua's talmidim we have the same authority as Keepha to allow and disallow actions that affect the community of faith. Binding and loosing are Hebraic idioms, not a new doctrine of playing strongman with demons.
You see I rather be bold and risk offending one or two people then to have this entire movement fall at the wrong location of the perceived perpetual seat of the Pharisees. I would rather be bold than wind up where many of our Messianic Jewish brothers have wound up, begging unsaved and unregenerate rabbis to grant recognition to Philadelphia as the center of the fourth branch of Judaism. No. We are already accepted because it is we as Messianic Israel who are already carrying out the Father's will of two-house restoration without the pre-approval of any man. We have been torn and tattered for far too long. So when we come back to Hebraic faith, we must come back pursuing righteousness, looking to Abraham and Sarah who bore us and not to a seat that has been left desolate.
Mark chapter 7 is a perfect example of yomer (Moses said) versus omrim (they the Pharisees say). In Mark 7:7 King Yahshua said: "in vain do they worship me teaching as doctrines the commands of men." What did the Seat of Moses specialize in? The teachings of men and adding to or manipulating Yahweh's original word. In Mark 7: 8 Yahshua says, "Forsaking the commands of Elohim, you hold fast to the traditons of men." Sometimes to institute traditions of men; you have to get rid of the word. That's the danger of submitting to the perceived Seat of Moses that supposedly still exists today and supposedly still rules over all of Israel. If we submit to the defunct Seat of Moses, we are going to have to prepare ourselves to blatantly set aside the word of Yahweh in order to install and execute our own traditions, since often they oppose one another. They are usually mutually exclusive, even as is the mind of the spirit versus the mind of the flesh. This is the nefarious nature of the Seat of Moses doctrine. For if we fall into the perceived "Seat of Moses is still in existence" trap, we will have to be prepared to set aside the whole counsel of Yahweh, to enact the traditions of men. I am not willing to do that. I would rather resign from this organization before I would have to do that. Fortunately in Messianic Israel we are not taught to do that. Mark 7:10 shows us once again the contrast between Moses and the Seat of Moses. "For Moshe said ..." then in verse 11 Yahshua contrasts that with: "BUT YOU SAY...Moses said honor you father and mother. He or she who does not honor their father and mother (mot yumat) dying you must die." What did the Seat of Moses say about this command? Something else. "BUT YOU SAY, if a man says to his father or mother whatever profit you may have been profited by me is korban, or a gift or sacrifice to Yahweh, you no longer let him perform any mitzvah for his father or his mother." So the Seat of Moses had an Oral Torah that a gift intended for the parent's sustenance or provision as an act of honor, can be negated only if you give it to Yahweh. The Seat of Moses thus taught that it is more important to honor Yahweh with another blemished korban, than to provide for and honor your parents according to commandment number five of the Decalogue! Yahshua rebuked them by stating that they have completely negated the command and the mitzvah by changing the word.
Don't tell me that King Yahshua would command born-again talmidim, two house New Covenant Israelites, to forsake the teachings of Moses in favor of the teachings of the now defunct Seat of Moses that often contradicted Moses. Nowhere in scripture are we commanded to subjugate ourselves to the desolate Seat of Moses and their past additions to Yahweh's word! Mark 7 is a clear insight into this truth. The Seat of Moses according to Mark 7:13 has nullified the eternal commands by their handed down traditions.
My concern is that these traditions have been handed down to the Messianic Jewish movement of which I am originally a product. These traditions of Moses Seat have been handed down to the Messianic Jewish movement so that they believe they can approach the modern rabbis (the perceived sanctified Seat of Moses) and attain their acceptance. I am concerned for them and for us. We as Messianic Israel are not called to trust Uncle Charlie the pedophile babysitter if Uncle Charlie is not worthy of your trust.
New wine must be put into new wineskins. I submit to you that one of the keys to the survival and perpetuity and longevity and health of the Messianic Israel movement is that we declare like Yahweh would want us to that "we have no king" or seat of submission but that of King Yahshua!!!
(End Part 2 of 2)
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