2001.05.1.06 I Have A Dream - Why We Do Things The Way We Do Have A Dream Created by James3 on 7/11/2019 9:45:53 PM I Have A Dream - Why We Do Things The Way We Do Have A Dream
ABSTRACT: Some correspondents find the approach of End Time Issue Ministries unconventional and hard to understand. Others consider it to be too focused on the "negative" and demonic. The article is a letter written to one such correspondent adapted as an open letter to all who have contact with the ministry.
The engineering approach to problem solving which focuses on preventing failure, not achieving success, is sketched. A dream of many coming to salvation and walking in victory is shared. The reality that many dreams in the natural world fail to deliver is discussed in the context of Information Technology and Strategy. This is tied back to the military experience of the author.
These conclusions are placed in the context of the current spiritual battle that is raging. It is stated that hundreds of millions of people will lose all hope of salvation in the next three years and the reader is urged to step out of their comfort zone and get actively involved in serving Yahweh.
AUTHOR: Robertson, James
PRIMARY SUBJECT: Ministry Direction
Secondary Subject: Ministry Vision
KEY WORDS / KEY PHRASES: dream, salvation, engineering approach, military, war, spiritual warfare, ministry direction, personal insight, all out war, commitment to the Kingdom of Yahweh, Kingdom of Yahweh
KEY VERSE OF SCRIPTURE: Hosea 4:6 "My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge. Because you have rejected knowledge, I also will reject you from being priest for Me; because you have forgotten the law of your God, I also will forget your children." (NKJ)
The article was written as a letter to a correspondent who expressed concern at what they perceived to be an excessive focus on the negative and demonic in a particular dialogue.
Having responded in depth, the writer recognized that this concern was an undertone that came through in other correspondence from time to time and that it therefore warranted a response to a wider audience.
The first part of the article addresses the engineering approach to problem solving and points out that Engineers spend little time considering the positive side of the expected outcome. They accept that outcome as a given provided the structure does not fail. Virtually all the effort that engineers expend in designing structures is expended focusing on failure in order to prevent failure.
The writer then shares a dream which is the dream of a world where all come to a personal saving knowledge of Yahshua Messiah Adonai (the Lord Jesus Christ), where healings and miracles are an everyday event and where millions reign with Messiah for a thousand years.
However, most dreams fail, the vast majority of Information Technology investments fail to deliver (70%), an even greater percentage of strategic projects fail (90%). The reasons are similar. By the same token, the marriages of 70% of Believers in Yahshua Messiah today end in divorce and the vast majority of Believers (as many as 99.99%?) fail to make any material and lasting impact on the world around them for the glory of their Saviour. The call of End Time Issues is to apply the lessons learnt in business to reversing this trend in the faith.
Finally the military approach to reaching an objective is reviewed. Again the focus is on understanding and overcoming the enemy, not on constantly dreaming about the objective.
It is stated that the current war in the heavenlies is the most vicious war that has ever been waged on this earth and that hundreds of millions will lose all hope of salvation in the next three years.
The addressee of the letter is exhorted to take an active decision to give all that they have to serving Yahweh and to become totally involved in serving Yahweh.
In the ongoing correspondence that takes place from time to time it is found that people have difficulty understanding the overall approach that this ministry takes to faith in Yahshua Messiah Adonai (the Lord Jesus Christ) in terms of the teachings that are published.
Recently, in the context of a discussion with regard to the deliverance of a Satanist who was miraculously delivered and brought to salvation and in which we played a role, the following was received:
"The one thing that keeps coming to me over and over, have the focus on the Lord. On the workings of the Holy Spirit. Less focus on the demonic world, for that also gives them power ... they are controlling the thinking, the focus is on them, not where it should be ... on the Lord, the Saviour."
The concern as it was understood was that the whole discussion revolved around the demonic and that there was very little discussion regarding the goodness of Yahweh, etc.
In response to that the following was written:
"The focus certainly is on Yahweh. There was a whole group praying and praising Him constantly. Focus on the dark side in correspondence with you is simply in recognition that you have far greater knowledge in that area than we do.
"The other (positive if you like) side we are well versed in and have plenty of people to speak to - the dark side - very few people know much at all and even fewer are in a position to offer comment that materially will assist us - we don't know anyone else with the first hand experience that you have."
On further reflection, it became apparent that there are many aspects of our ministry which are unconventional when measured against generally accepted ministry practices and that this almost certainly from time to time gives rise to concerns or discomfort, similar to that of the writer above.
Subsequently a further mail was directed to the same person setting out in much greater detail the personal engineering and military background of the writer as well as the "dream" that he have for the Kingdom of Yahweh on this earth and the role that this ministry, and many others, could and should play in these last days.
It was the first time that these things had been set out in the context of the ministry. On reflection it was realised that this information was probably relevant to many of those who receive material from End Time Issue Ministries.
Accordingly, the document has been somewhat revised and is offered today as a somewhat informal, but hopefully useful, writing to assist readers to better understand this ministry.
The letter was written to a person who was formerly a High Priestess of Satan. In the latter part of the letter, some paragraphs address her personal situation. But the underlying principle, that none of us can dare to be complacent, that all of us have a responsibility to GET INVOLVED in the battle, applies to ALL who read this.
Thanks .....
Perhaps a few more comments in the interests of building common understanding.
As an Engineer one seldom talks of the success of a project - on day one the project objective is set - e.g. "build a bridge over the Storms River Gorge capable of carrying all traffic including abnormal loads and with a traffic capacity of 1,000 vehicles per hour in both directions at 120 km per hour".
That is probably the last time one speaks formally in a positive way about the project - it is taken as a given that this objective WILL be achieved. Thereafter, in the above case, several years and hundreds of man years will be expended investigating the site, designing the bridge and producing the drawings before a single piece of ground is moved or concrete poured. In all that time all the focus will be on preventing failure - use will be made of either "probability of failure" or "factor of safety against failure" as the design approach. Every technician, every review engineer, every specialist will concentrate on one thing - "is there some aspect of the design that is flawed and can give rise to failure?"
Engineering structures generally fail because of a small detail that is overlooked somewhere. Therefore engineers expend enormous and rigorous effort ensuring that there is no possibility of failure. If there is no possibility of failure, THEN you have a successful structure!!
This does not mean engineers are negative. Soon after the start of the project there will be inspiring artists impressions of the finished structure. These will probably be on display in the board room and the drawing office of the firm concerned. All will draw inspiration from those drawings BUT they will seldom spend time admiring them, except perhaps at the end of the day as they stand talking for five minutes before heading home exhausted. They know that their responsibility is to ensure that bridge stands safely for it's design life.
Almost all firms will also have a few pictures of dramatic failures of large structures scattered around, to constantly alert staff to the fact that engineering structures DO fail, lives are lost and professionals are called to account!
Hopefully with that background you will better understand my focus in my correspondence with you?
If you like "i have a dream"
- i have a dream that every person on earth will receive the Gospel and be saved.
- i have a dream that every person who accepts Yahshua will be comprehensively set free and will walk in the fullness of the blessings of Abraham.
- i have a dream that someday i will stand before the throne of Almighty Yahweh and hear those words "well done thou good and faithful servant" and turn and see millions, nay billions of souls who are in heaven in part as a consequence of the work that i have done by His Spirit on earth.
- i have a dream that the day will come when i never again have to watch a soul turn and walk away to eternal damnation. i have seen too many lose their souls already and there are many more that will if someone does not act soon.
- i have a dream of a massive bridge which stretches to the four corners of the earth over which people from every creed and culture, nation and tongue stream in ever increasing numbers to sit at the feet of the Saviour and drink in his every word.
- i have a dream of millions of Believers, filled with the Holy Spirit reigning with Messiah for a thousand years.
- i have a dream of millions of sick and lame being healed, of miracles around the world through the hands of millions of Believers.
- i have a dream ..... - it is a beautiful dream and it is buried deep in my heart!! It is good that you should see that dream - i have never expressed it that clearly before. It is the Father's dream and the dream that took Yahshua to the Cross. That dream is available to each one of us to dream!
I have 47 plus years on this earth in which i have learned as an Engineer that very few dreams ever become reality.
My professional career for the last 12 years in the field of Information Technology and Strategy has increasingly focused on why so few dreams are realized. 70% of all I.T. projects fail to deliver, the executives of 70% of major corporations around the globe consider their I.T. investments to have failed.
90% of all strategic projects fail to deliver anything.
70% of all business improvement / turnaround / business process re-engineering projects fail!
Two thirds of all the 3 trillion US$ spent on I.T. up to 1995 failed to deliver a single piece of working technology!!!
People focus on the dream, they don't roll up their sleeves and knuckle down to the unpleasant work of understanding why last years dream did not deliver and then doing the hard grind and grunt work of fixing it - it is EASY TO DREAM - it is not easy to turn dreams into reality.
Dreams that are not turned into reality are worthless - the only dreams that count are those that count!! The ones that deliver.
They may not deliver everything but they deliver at least a measurable portion of what was dreamt of. They may go over time, they may go over budget BUT THEY DELIVER!!
I have a framed secular "proverb" on the end of the book case next to my desk. It says:
"Bear in mind that the tragedy of life doesn't lie in not reaching your goal. The tragedy lies in having no goal to reach. It isn't a calamity to die with dreams unfulfilled, but it is a calamity not to dream.
It is not a disgrace not to reach the stars, but it is a disgrace to have not stars to reach for. Not failure, but low aim is sin.
Benjamin May"
Maybe that sums up James Robertson?
It seems important that you know this to better understand what i am saying about my dream.
The dream goes further into specifics and those are set out well enough in the attached mission statement so will not go further into it.
Suffice it to say that my entire career has focussed on solving problems others thought could not be solved and one of those problems has been how to design and build an Information Technology Solution that REALLY WORKS and adds a quantum of value to the business. I have done it, i know it can be done, but i know that it takes a massive amount of grind and expenditure many times what most people are willing to spend to really make a difference.
In recent years i have done the same in strategy.
Because of this work i give a presentation entitled "The Real Issues in Information Technology", i give another entitled "The Real Issues in Strategy". Both of these presentations can run to a full day and both spend all their time speaking of the factors that give rise to failure - i don't even speak about how to fix them - i know how to fix them but that is months of work - not something you can discuss in a 45 minute presentation to a conference or even in a one day workshop.
I have a process, given by Yahweh, that enables me in one to three 8 day sessions, seeded by the above presentation, and personally led by the Holy Spirit, to diagnose accurately the problems of any organization, corporation, government, school, etc and formulate a high level plan of action to rectify the problem.
I have another process, also given by Yahweh, which in a couple of weeks of flat out effort with a team of senior managers with my facilitation, led by the Holy Spirit, will produce a comprehensive, budgeted high level action plan to fix any organization.
By the grace of Yahweh i have been listed since 1999 in "Who's Who in the World" (one of only 40,000 names in 1999, there will be 60,000 next year) - because i focus on the areas that give rise to failure - i call it (or more accurately, Yahweh calls it) "Designing for Success by Engineering Against Failure".
It so happens that the reasons why the vast majority of people in this world never come to a revelation that Yahshua Messiah is who He is and therefore end up in Hell and the reasons why the vast majority of those who do accept Yahshua Messiah as Adonai fail to make any material difference to this hurting world, are, in broad terms, similar to why 70% of I.T. projects fail and 90% of Strategy Projects fail.
Interestingly, 70% of "Christian" marriages fail and probably 90% if not 99% or even 99.99% of believers fail to make any material impact on this world!
Perhaps now you will understand the dream, the vision and the focus?
The Word says in Hosea 4:6 "My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge. Because you have rejected knowledge, I also will reject you from being priest for Me; because you have forgotten the law of your God, I also will forget your children." (NKJ)
My call is to seek the truths that are keeping billions out of the Kingdom and billions in bondage and to publish those truths for all to receive at no cost in whatever form they can be made available - email, auto responders, web sites, bound documents, on CD, etc, etc.
Therefore, i must seek truth wherever Yahweh leads me to it, in whatever form it is delivered. i must seek truth in secondhand book shops and in strange places decent believers won't go. i must speak to whoever He sends across my path, even when they are from groups considered totally beyond redemption. i must seize the opportunity to learn all i can from you about the things you know about that i am ignorant of.
I hope i'm making sense?
A further dimension:
I was a Regimental Commander in the South African part time forces for over four years in the late 80's. Achieved the rank of Lieutenant Colonel, one of few English speakers to do so and the first commander of my Regiment to do so. Rebranded that regiment and in four years took it from one of the least respected regiments to one of the few that was retained after the new government came in.
Did all the necessary courses up to "Unit Commanders" which qualified me, theoretically at least, to command a full combat Brigade of over 2,000 men with tanks, etc, etc. I was a "Sapper" a military engineer. But i learned about the full doctrines of the so-called military "quick attack" - mobile warfare principles based on the teachings of Rommel (Western Desert, WW II) but complicated by the dense bush in Angola and elsewhere.
Like engineering, military commanders spend little time speaking about the objective, most of the time speaking about the enemy and how to defeat the enemy.
The objective is set from above - "take this town at all costs". The rest of the time is spent assessing the enemy, seeking increasing intelligence, checking the limitations of their fire power, seeking blind spots and weak spots, ensuring we have the necessary mix of men and machines and tactical and strategic advantage to take them on and win. Read their deployment and see what they think we are going to do. Do things to make them think they got it right - whatever you do, don't let them know what you are really going to do. Then, strike when they least expect it, be unpredictable, move fast, sacrifice efficiency for speed and tactical advantage, take them unprepared.
The objective stares forlornly at us from a flip chart on the wall - it is a fact - all the rest are imponderables to be evaluated against possible failure and overcome! He who best understands his enemy, best assesses his enemies response and best misleads his enemy will always win. He who focuses on the objective without understanding his enemy will find himself at best being evacuated from the cold and deadly beaches of Dunkirk under fire, at worst dying a slow, terrible and painful death in some deserted bomb crater miles from nowhere surrounded by the corpses of his friends!
Not a pretty picture?
We are in such a war, before the year 2004 is out, a third of mankind will lie rotting spiritually in the trenches of the war to end all wars that is currently raging in the heavenlies. By rotting, i mean they will have lost ALL possibility of salvation. Amongst those spiritual corpses will be MANY you and i today consider to be solid believers.
I could be there, so could you!
We have already seen a number of people we have loved and respected killed spiritually, the corpses are mounting up, they are sitting in churches around the world, they stand and sing dead praise in dead worship and they don't even know they are dead!!
....., you say you are closing your eyes to the spirit realm? Open them wide, you stand in the midst of the most terrible battle that has ever been waged on this planet.
You stand in the place of one of the enemies most high ranking officers, you certainly must stand at the level of a one star general, if not higher - you are a defector - you carry thousands of pages of military intelligence stacked in your mind and your heart - you know better than all but perhaps 0.00001% of all people on this planet how the enemy works. You just don't want to recognize it and the awesome responsibility you carry in the Kingdom.
Yet, you are being sidelined, you have allowed depression, etc to previously sideline you, now you are allowing yourself to move into a quiet, safe little church involvement, just where Satan would like you as second best, while he feeds you religious error and tradition to suck you into the place he likes best of all, deception that ultimately leads to falling away and spiritual death! You cannot see it now, you cannot believe me, but it's true.
So i must find out all i can from you before it's too late and hope that you will open your eyes and see the millions, nay billions of dying souls out there who desperately need someone, anyone, to systematically analyze the knowledge that you have, led by the Holy Spirit, and turn it into robust and portable teachings that can be used to set them free!!
Think about, it. Pray about it.
That is why i focus on what you consider the negative - i am called as a general in this battle, i must gain enemy intelligence from wherever i can. You are the most valuable resource available to me right now. i pray that you will see that and decide to seek Yahweh with all your heart to find out where he REALLY wants you!
It is hoped that this article has been helpful and that it will challenge YOU to reach for the stars in your service of Yahshua Messiah Adonai!

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