2001.08.1.11 The Evangelism Iceberg In 2001 Strategic Objectives Of The Kingdom Of Yahweh (99% Of Souls Today Will NOT Inherit The Kingdom) Created by James3 on 7/21/2019 1:00:25 PM The Evangelism Iceberg In 2001 Strategic Objectives Of The Kingdom Of Yahweh (99% Of Souls Today Will NOT Inherit The Kingdom)
ABSTRACT: In recent years many Believers have been earnestly expecting the return of Yahshua (Jesus). However, the fundamental requirement to preach the Good News to ALL the world is far from being satisfied and therefore Yahshua cannot yet return. Furthermore, Satan must still be cast into the Pit for a thousand years.
Yahweh has indicated through various prophets that if Yahshua were to return today only 1% of all people on earth would inherit the Kingdom of Yahweh and billions, including most "Christians" would spend eternity in the lake of fire and brimstone.
This article analyses certain scriptures and certain worldwide demographic statistics, as well as statistics supplied by the Spirit of Yahweh and presents the case for a major, concerted Strategic initiative by ALL believers to do the necessary spiritual and evangelistic work to bring the age to an end.
AUTHOR: Dr James Robertson PrEng
PUBLISHED BY: ETI : End Time Issue MinistriesLIST: 1A1: Teaching PUBLISHER: James Robertson
DOCUMENT TYPE: Strategic Scriptural End Time Perspective ISSUE DATE: 20 August 2001
PRIMARY SUBJECT: Kingdom Strategy Secondary Subject: Evangelism and Truth
KEY WORDS / KEY PHRASES: Kingdom of Yahweh, end of the age, return of Yahshua, Satan, bottomless Pit, reign with Messiah, truth, error, heresy, evangelism, Salvation, demographics, worldwide religion data
KEY VERSE OF SCRIPTURE: Matthew 24:14 ""And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in all the world as a witness to all the nations, and then the end will come." (NKJ)
SUPPORTING ARTICLES: Virtually all articles published to date support facets of this article
PREVIOUS ARTICLES IN SERIES: 1A1.01.02.04; 1A1.01.02.12; 1A1.01.03.09; 1A1.01.04.13; 1A1.01.05.06; 1A1.01.05.08
DECLARATION: I James Alexander Robertson hereby testify before Almighty Yahweh (The Lord) that i have prayed over this document and that all components of substance and critical statistics have been given by the Spirit of Yahweh. I believe that this document is at least 85% as Yahweh would have it.
I acknowledge and accept that i will be judged for any false statements made by me knowingly or unknowingly and ask Father Yahweh now in the Name of Yahshua Messiah Adonai (the Lord Jesus Christ) that should there be any such errors He judge me in this life that i may come to repentance and not be judged in the life to come.
PRAYER: Father, in the Name of Yahshua Messiah, if there is anything in this document that is not according to your perfect will please prevent it taking root in the heart of the reader.
For a number of years now many believers have been proclaiming that Yahshua (Jesus) will return at any time and that the "rapture" of believers is imminent.
Numerous interpretations of Scripture have forecast that this event would take place between Tabernacles 1996 and 1 January 2001. These dates have all passed and the expected "rapture" has not noticeably taken place.
There are, however, certain critical Scriptures which must be fulfilled before this can take place, including the requirement in Matthew 24:14 for the Good News (gospel) to be preached to ALL the world and the requirement in Revelation 20:1-3 for Satan to be cast into the Bottomless Pit for a thousand years. Until these requirements are met, Yahshua cannot return. Furthermore, the Body of Believers must be without spot or wrinkle and be holy (set apart) and without blemish, before Yahshua can return. All of these Scriptures indicate the need for major change in the Body of Believers and MASSIVE evangelism before the end can come.
It is stressed that Yahweh has indicated that Matthew 24:14 must be fulfilled 100% literally, that is that EVERY single human being above the age of spiritual majority (puberty or twelve and a half years) must be afforded an opportunity to make a QUALITY decision to accept or reject Yahshua as Adonai (Jesus as Lord). Until this has happened, Yahweh will not permit Yahshua to return.
This document sets out certain parameters against two target dates given by Father Yahweh, shortly after Passover 2003 (three) for Satan to be cast into the Pit for a thousand years (the anniversary of the drowning of Pharaoh and his army in the Red Sea) and Passover 2004 (four) for the good news to directly reach 2 billion people and indirectly reach the entire population of the earth at a ratio of approximately 2 indirect to one direct contact and for 1,860 million (1,86 billion) people to accept Yahshua Messiah as Adonai (Jesus Christ as Lord). The distinction between absolute and target dates and the impact of such dates on merit on the Day of Judgment is briefly addressed.
The challenge for Evangelism is presented in the context of a photograph of an iceberg, symbolising 2 Corinthians 4:18 "look not to the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen". This is related to the Pareto (80:20) principle and other principles of strategy determination and implementation and it is concluded that a major change in emphasis and direction by believers in this generation is required.
From this it is concluded that there is a desperate need for the Body of Believers to do something different to meet the Strategic Objectives of Father Yahweh and that there is a pressing need for a holistic, integrated, high level strategic action plan for the entire Body of Believers. Such a plan will provide a basis for single-minded focus on the objectives of the Kingdom of Yahweh and provide a mechanism for Believers to put away their differences, divisions and strife and to embrace a vision of effective worldwide evangelism.
It is stressed that the Spirit of Yahweh has stated through a number of prophets that if Yahshua were to return today, ONLY 1% of all people on earth today would spend eternity with Yahshua in heaven. The rest will perish.
But, it is the will of the Father that NONE should perish (Matthew 18:14). The writer shares how the Father has permitted him to experience the deep grief that the Father, and Yahshua, experience over every soul that is lost and it is stated that it is time for ALL Believers to set aside their differences and focus on restoring truth and winning souls.
Readers are challenged to consider how they will respond, whether by personally giving up all to get involved or by contributing financially and through intercession.
The "iceberg of eternal damnation" is analysed in terms of statistics provided by the Spirit of Yahweh regarding the 1% of those who today would inherit eternal life, the 5% of those who today have ALREADY lost their salvation with this number scheduled according to Scripture to increase to one third of all mankind by Passover 2003 (three), approximately 660 million who are currently believers who, if judged today would face eternal damnation, the approximately 509 million souls who claim the name of "Christian" but who are unsaved and approximately 75% of the world population, approximately 4.62 billion souls who have NEVER heard the Good News of the Kingdom of Yahweh and of Yahshua Messiah in ANY form.
The basis on which the 660 million believers would be damned will be judged is discussed in some detail and relates back to many of the teachings published over the last eighteen months on this list. This number comprises those who knowingly have denied the Hebrew roots of the faith and Torah (10 million); those in diverse error and bondages (50 million); those who are touching Yahweh's anointed (100 million) and those who are in sin because of the various heresies relating to marriage, virginity, divorce and adultery addressed in previous teachings (500 million).
Of those who have never heard the Good News, an enormous percentage are located in South Asia comprising all Asia except Russia. This area constitutes 22.6% of the world land area but 60.7% of the world population (3.7 billion people). In this area, only 6% of people are classified as "Christian" whereas 60% in the rest of the world have this demographic label. The balance in South Asia comprises 34% Islam, 40% Hindu, 7% Unknown / Other, 12% Buddhist, Confucian and Taoist and 0.2% Jewish. Many of these people are illiterate and speak languages which are known to very few current believers. Furthermore, political, cultural and other issues make it almost impossible for Believers with a western, euro-centric background to preach effectively and many find the errors of the western "church" highly offensive.
It is therefore identified that there is a massive challenge to bring the Good News to these people in an effective manner.
Yahweh's strategic objectives for this age are briefly summarized as comprising:
1) an initiative to bring all truth to the Body of Believers, unbelieving "Christians" and some unbelievers over the Internet to reach 1 billion people by Passover 2003 (three) with access to ALL existing ministries which choose to participate;
2) an initiative to bring the Good News to 1 billion who have not heard and some who are unbelieving "Christians" using compact mp3 digital audio devices containing 750 hours of teachings, available in all languages of the world, distributed worldwide to approximately one in every six people in every community worldwide taking account of Internet access density by Passover 2004 (four)
3) an initiative to understand and apply immersion on behalf of the dead as referred to in 1 Corinthians 15:29) to harvest billions of souls of those who have died without hearing the Good News.
Yahweh has set an objective for the first two initiatives to bring 1.86 billion souls into the Kingdom by Passover 2004 (four) with 860 million coming in by Passover 2003 (three). Capital and operating cost stipulated by Father Yahweh for the service agency to supply these resources is US$100 billion by Passover 2004 (four) and US$11 billion per annum thereafter. This results in a unit cost per soul saved of US$54.76 by Passover 2004 (four).
Readers are asked to forward this document to as many people as possible and pray into their role, whether personal involvement, intercession or financial, in bringing this vision to fruition. A detailed strategic plan is currently in draft and being refined and will, Yahweh willing, be published in installments in coming days.
For some years many have been proclaiming from pulpits, in books, on the Internet and in private conversations that Yahshua (Jesus) is about to return.
There have been books on the subject, movies and videos such as "Left Behind" and much else.
These statements are based on Matthew 24:30-31 (Yahshua speaking):
"30 "Then the sign of the Son of Man will appear in heaven, and then all the tribes of the earth will mourn, and they will see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of heaven with power and great glory.
31 "And He will send His angels with a great sound of a trumpet, and they will gather together His elect from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other." (NKJ)
On the night of Yom Kippur last year (2000 AD), i was on the third day of a three day fast and was fasting sleep as well. I was led by the Spirit of Yahweh to turn on CNN in the early hours of the morning to discover as i did so that the United Nations Security Council had just passed a resolution condemning Israel for the war in the Middle East and that for the first time the United States had not vetoed. I saw, spiritually, the entire world aligned against Israel in fulfilment of prophecy on due date (refer previous postings on this list). In previous months other signs and confirmations had shown that key dates on Yahweh's Calendar were being encountered.
Thereafter, i conducted a brief search on the Internet and found a number of web sites, all of which agreed that Yahshua was "coming soon" and that the projected date for His return ranged from about Tabernacles 1996 AD to 1 January 2000 to 1 January 2001. There were NO forecasts of His return later than 1 January this year. All offered seemingly cogent arguments for their dates based on Scripture with various adjustments for a variety of factors which gave rise to variations in interpretation as to the exact Scriptural date of the year in which the projected return was determined. I had personally, while in Israel in 1996, seen clear signs by the Spirit of Yahweh indicating that the Great Day of the Feast of Tabernacles 1996 was a particularly significant date on His Calendar.
On the web sites visited, interpretation of dates varied over a period of a few years but there seemed to be almost complete consensus as to what was going to happen. Yahshua was going to come on the clouds of heaven and the angels would gather His elect from the four winds - the so-called "rapture" would take place.
At the date of writing (19 August 2001), NOTHING has happened that anyone i know has heard of. There are no "missing" Believers, no one claims to have seen Yahshua, NOTHING. As addressed in some detail in the articles 1A1.01.02.04 "Interpreting Bible Prophecy For This Season" and 1A1.01.03.09 "The End Time Calendar As We See It" there is good reason to conclude that the dates were approximately right but the expected event was not correctly discerned and that we are, in fact IN "GREAT TRIBULATION" but that this is a Spiritual and not a physical tribulation.
This message was developed further in messages 1A1.01.01.01 "The Wrath of Yahweh (God) for The Church: Why Judgment is Coming On The Church Today", the sequel 1A1.01.02.11 "The Wrath of Yahweh for The Church: The Judgment For Adultery" and 1A1.01.08.10 "The Wrath of Yahweh for The Church: The Judgment For Adultery Part 2" (posted last week). The basic framework and content of these messages were given to the writer by the Spirit of Yahweh on 31 December 2000 and 7 January 2001, the third part was recorded on 13 January 2001.
The essence of all of these messages is that there is great sin, apostasy and heresy in the Body of Believers today, the bride is far from being without spot or blemish as required by Ephesians 5:25-27:
"25 Husbands, love your wives, just as Messiah (Christ) also loved the church and gave Himself for her, 26 that He might sanctify and cleanse her with the washing of water by the word, 27 that He might present her to Himself a glorious church, not having spot or wrinkle or any such thing, but that she should be holy and without blemish." (NKJ adjusted)
Consequently, there is no way that Yahweh will let His Son return until the Body of Believers have been cleansed and turned from their wicked ways.
It has also been noted in previous articles that Satan must still be cast into the Bottomless Pit for a thousand years in terms of Revelation 20:1-3 which states:
"1 Then I saw an angel coming down from heaven, having the key to the bottomless pit and a great chain in his hand. 2 He laid hold of the dragon, that serpent of old, who is the Devil and Satan, and bound him for a thousand years; 3 and he cast him into the bottomless pit, and shut him up, and set a seal on him, so that he should deceive the nations no more till the thousand years were finished. But after these things he must be released for a little while." (NKJ)
It was noted that since man is required to exercise dominion over the earth, man must give the commands to send Satan to the Pit and Satan will not go UNLESS the men who issue that command are without spot or blemish. Again, this requires massive sanctification and cleansing within the Body, which is currently underway for those who have eyes to see!
Over and above the above constraints, there is an EVEN MORE CLEAR CUT CONSTRAINT set out in Matthew 24:14 (Yahshua speaking):
""And this good news (gospel) of the kingdom will be preached in ALL the world as a witness to ALL the nations, and THEN the end will come." (NKJ adjusted).
This is confirmed in Mark 16:15-16:
"15 And He [Yahshua] said to them, "Go into ALL the world and preach the good news (gospel) to EVERY creature. 16 "He who believes and is immersed (baptized) will be saved; but he who does not believe will be condemned." (NKJ adjusted)
Clearly, the Good News of the Kingdom of Yahweh and the salvation of Yahshua Messiah (Jesus Christ), must be preached to EVERY person in ALL the world BEFORE the end will come. There is absolutely no way that Yahshua is going to return before this requirement is satisfied!
In August 1995, the writer was in Malawi for a few days preaching and ministering. The fire of the Holy Spirit was flowing in a wonderful manner, a meeting that started at about 15h00 went on to nearly midnight with the Power of Yahweh flowing through the people. The following night the writer met with an apostle in the City of Lilongwe and as the writer stepped forward to pray for the apostle the power of Yahweh flowed through the writer knocking the apostle to the floor and the Spirit of Yahweh started to speak through the writer. For an hour the Spirit of Yahweh spoke uttering things that were beyond the writers ability to even dream of let alone utter of his own volition. Thereafter, still under the power of Yahweh the writer taught for about another three hours. One of the innumerable things that came out of the writer's mouth that night was the statement that Matthew 24:14 was required to be fulfilled 100% LITERALLY! Every human being above the spiritual age of consent (puberty = twelve and a half years) had to hear the Good News before Yahshua could return!
We were told that if even ONE person had not heard the Good News, Yahweh would not permit Yahshua to return.
We were told that a day would come when the obedience of a single person, somewhere on earth, to share the Good News with a stranger, would determine the instant of Yahshua's return.
I clearly understood by the Spirit that since more children were reaching the age of maturity every minute, it was necessary that the children must be reached as well!
The bottom line is quite simple -- Yahshua WILL NOT return UNTIL every person on earth above the age of spiritual majority has had the opportunity to make a quality decision to accept or reject Him as Adonai (Lord) and Saviour!
This document addresses this subject in more detail in terms of what must yet be addressed to bring this to pass.
Two dates occur repeatedly in what follows. It is vital to understand that, while it may appear that there are typing errors, this is NOT so, these are two DISTINCT DEADLINES.
a) Passover 2003 (Three)
The first date is Passover 2003 (three), that is in less than two years time.
That is Yahweh's target date in terms of Scripture for Satan to be cast into the Bottomless Pit for a thousand years. It is the writers understanding that this is scheduled to take place on the exact anniversary of Pharaoh and his army being drowned in the Red Sea during the Exodus, that is a week or so AFTER Passover.
For this deadline to be met, sufficient Believers must be sanctified and walking in the fullness of the authority that Yahshua purchased for us by His Sacrifice, in order to take authority over Satan.
For this reason, Satan is doing all that he can by way of deception, division, strife, demonic activity, manifest sin, etc to destroy as many Believers as possible in the hope that he can prevent this judgment being effected and, if he fails, to at least take as many as possible to eternal damnation with him. The writer has been shown that, before this battle is over, a third of all mankind on this planet today will lose all hope of salvation! Refer the message on "The Wrath of Yahweh for The Church Today".
At the same time, Yahweh has set an objective to reach over a billion people with a complete and effective presentation of the Good News by that date to bring 860 million people into solid, effective and sanctified service to Him.
b) Passover 2004 (Four)
Passover 2004 has been given to the writer as a second deadline, to bring a complete and effective presentation of the Good News to two billion people, at the rate of one in every just more than three people in EVERY community throughout the world.
The writer is not currently clear whether there is any specific Scriptural significance for that date or whether it is simply a planning deadline set by Father Yahweh.
c) Understanding Dates
In interpreting the above dates it is important to note that there are few, if any dates in Yahweh's Calendar which are absolutely absolute.
As Yahweh has been preparing the writer and bringing him to a point where the strategic planning process which is currently underway could be undertaken, Yahweh has repeatedly referred the writer to the writer's own project management experience.
Through this, the writer has come to realise the extent to which Yahweh has chosen to limit Himself to work through men and therefore the extent to which men can interfere with and delay Yahweh's plans.
Accordingly, while the writer understands that the Passover 2003 (three) deadline is an absolute date that Yahweh will ensure is met, it is apparent that meeting this date will require the active, committed cooperation of all the Believers Yahweh calls to do the work.
At the same time, it does seem to the writer that the objective of Passover 2004 (four) and certain of the performance objectives of souls reached, etc MAY be upper bound, tight planning objectives in order to put the Body of Believers under pressure to perform.
d) Understanding Merit
At the same time, in considering the extent to which Yahweh will exercise Himself by His Spirit to ensure that deadlines and deliverables are met, such as Israel coming out of Egypt on a very specific date, the amount of merit attaching to the Believers whom He uses to do the work on earth is INVERSELY PROPORTIONAL to the amount of effort the Father has to invest by His Spirit to ensure that the objectives are met.
If a Believer willingly offers himself in the service of the Kingdom of Yahweh and meets an objective, there is considerable merit.
However, if a believer stubbornly refuses to listen and has to be repeatedly brought back by the Spirit of Yahweh, and there is some reason why it is not practical for Yahweh to find an alternate, it appears that a point may be reached where the work that Yahweh has appointed WILL be accomplished by due date but the Believer will receive no merit for the work performed.
It appears further that under certain circumstances, Yahweh may even go further and bring forward judgment for unconfessed sin, which would otherwise have been reserved for the End of the Age in order to gain the necessary sanction to move in a Believers life to accomplish a particular objective. In this case, a Believer who has been used mightily by the Father might find that not only do they not have any merit in their account on the Day of Judgement but, in fact, they have been scarcely saved from the Fires of Eternal Damnation by the Grace of Yahweh!
There is much that we do not understand about the Judgments of Yahweh and we do well not to impute righteousness to ourselves or others who are mightily used of Yahweh. It behoves us all to recognize that we come to the Throne of Grace trusting NOT in our own righteousness but in the righteousness of Yahshua Messiah.
In this regard, Philippians 3:7-14 contains a salutary warning for us all "7 But what things were gain to me, these I have counted loss for Messiah (Christ). 8 Yet indeed I also count all things loss for the excellence of the knowledge of Messiah Yahshua my Adonai (Christ Jesus my Lord), for whom I have suffered the loss of all things, and count them as rubbish, that I may gain Messiah (Christ) 9 and be found in Him, not having my own righteousness, which is from the law, but that which is through faith in Messiah (Christ), the righteousness which is from Yahweh (God) by faith; 10 that I may know Him and the power of His resurrection, and the fellowship of His sufferings, being conformed to His death, 11 IF, by any means, I may attain to the resurrection from the dead. 12 NOT that I have already attained, or am already perfected; but I press on, that I may lay hold of that for which Messiah Yahshua (Christ Jesus) has also laid hold of me. 13 Brethren, I do not count myself to have apprehended; but one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forward to those things which are ahead, 14 I press toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of Yahweh (God) in Messiah Yahshua (Christ Jesus)." (NKJ adjusted)

Some months ago i received a photograph of an iceberg in an email, this is reproduced in figure 1. This particular iceberg, photographed off Newfoundland, was estimated to weigh 300 million tons.
One of the fundamental characteristics of an iceberg is that a VERY SMALL proportion of the iceberg is visible above the water but that which is below the water line is MASSIVE. It is NOT what is SEEN that sinks ships, it is what is unseen. I was impressed to superimpose the first part of 2 Corinthians 4:18 "while we do not look at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen. For the things which are seen are temporary, but the things which are not seen are eternal." (NKJ) on this photograph and place it on the wall next to my desk.
For many years, in my secular occupation as an Executive Management Consultant specialising in corporate Information Technology solutions and Strategy Implementation and with a background in Civil Engineering, i have made use of the "Pareto" or "80:20" principle in problem solving.
Particularly in strategy development and high level project planning i have made use of a methodology, derived from the work of Professor Malcolm MacDonald of Cranfield School of Management, supplemented with techniques which the Spirit of Yahweh has taught me. Simply put, the Pareto principle says that 20% of the effort produces 80% of the outcome and 80% of the effort produces 20% of the outcome. Most organizations fail to achieve their strategic objectives because they devote most of their energy to the 80% of activities which give rise to 20% of the outcome and neglect the 20% of the activities which will give rise to 80% of the outcome. The reasons for this are diverse but relate largely to the fact that the 20% of high impact activities tend to be abstract, not readily visible and therefore difficult for most people to grasp, define and successfully action to produce results whereas the 80% of activities are easily understood and easily tackled by most people.
One of the slides that i have used for many years in my workshop presentations includes a graphic of an iceberg and the statement "There is no point in (an aircraft) making a perfect landing on an aircraft carrier that is about to hit an iceberg" - the point being that just because the iceberg is not readily visible and does not look significant, does not mean that it will not sink the ship - consider the movie "Titanic" and also, that it does not matter how well the ship is running, or how well the pilot lands, if the ship hits an iceberg the plane, the pilot and the crew of the ship will all end up in the sea anyway!
Thus, when i received the email with the photograph of the iceberg, it immediately "spoke" to me in a way that it probably would not have done to others.
At about the time that i received the photograph, Yahweh was also dealing with me on a number of issues regarding the world population and global demographics. I had extracted a large volume of data from the US Census Bureau World Wide Database, including projected population for every country at Mid-Year 2001, age and gender distribution, religion and denomination distribution, language distribution, and other factors. As i analyzed, graphed and familiarized myself with this data, it started to fit together with the picture of the iceberg and with certain other things the Spirit of Yahweh had been speaking to me about for several years.
What i saw in the Spirit was deeply disturbing and the most critical of these observations constitutes the bulk of the remainder of this message.
It also became apparent that there was a complete lack of any form of integrated, holistic, goal orientated, action plan which was commonly shared and subscribed to by ALL Believers around the world. It became clear that even the largest and seemingly most effective ministries were concentrating on the 80% of easily "do-able" activities which were making only 20% of the impact on the earth. It was evident that most believers WANT to do something to make a real difference but cannot find something to do that WILL make a real difference. Outreaches to local communities, while commendable, frequently do little more than "poach" sheep from other less active congregations.
It then became obvious that this lack of a truly effective, integrated plan that all Believers, no matter what their colour, creed or denomination could enthusiastically subscribe to, was the biggest single factor behind the lack of unity and the massive division in the Body of Messiah today!
There is a saying used by many strategists "if you don't know where you are going any road will get you there". As Yahweh continued to speak to me about a diversity of related subjects, it became more and more clear that Believers generally are either sitting back waiting for Yahshua to return and fix up the mess that the world is in, not realising that UNTIL we fix up the mess He WILL NOT RETURN, or they are so disillusioned because their faith is not working, or disgusted with the division and hypocrisy and in-fighting, that they have become passive spectators who have formed little "cliques" for the sake of survival but have given up any hope of making a difference in their life times.
A relatively small group are earnestly striving, some in congregations that are indeed having an impact on their local communities and some of which are having an impact on the global community but NONE of which are making a material dent in reaching the major sectors of the world population that have never been reached and, as is shown below, unless this group is reached effectively, there is no hope of Yahshua returning!
I came to realise that "Yahshua is coming soon" is not a vision that leads to action or inspires unity, on the contrary, it leads to people sitting and squabbling because they don't see that they have anything to do! While "Seek to restore ALL truth and preach the Good News to ALL the World in order to cast Satan into the Pit for a thousand years and prepare the way for Yahshua to return" is a vision statement that all believers should be able to identify with and subscribe to.
Another statement frequently used by Strategists in various forms is "if you keep on doing what you have always done, you will get the result you always got - to obtain a different outcome, DO SOMETHING DIFFERENT"! It became increasingly apparent that Yahweh was showing me that the approach currently used by the Body of Believers, WOULD NOT WORK in accomplishing His objectives for the end of this age and that a new approach was required. It was also apparent that in every age Yahweh has used completely different methods to deliver his people, whether an Ark and a flood, a teenage boy and a slingshot, a man born of a virgin and hung on a stake or some other approach which we have never before considered and which seems ludicrous to the natural mind when first presented.
It is therefore vital that a holistic, integrated, high level strategic action plan for the entire body of believers is developed and implemented as a matter of extreme urgency in order to provide focus for the entire Body of Believers to pull together with one common purpose, to end the reign of Satan on the earth and usher in the reign of Messiah. The plan is in the process of being documented and the organization to provide the service delivery mechanism is in the process of being established.
Over the last few years, Yahweh has spoken to me and led me to meet others, who have heard Him say that, at present, if Yahshua were to return NOW, ONLY 1% of all the people on earth today would be caught up to spend eternity with Him in Heaven!!
Rick Joyner, in the visions reported in the book "The Final Quest" published in 1995 confirms this, quoting Yahshua Himself, referring to the nearly empty Throne Room in heaven, as saying:
"My shepherds would not leave the one to go after the ninety-nine who are still lost. I came to save the lost. Will you share My heart to go to save the lost? Will you help to fill this room? Will you help to fill these thrones, and every other seat in this hall? Will you take up this quest to bring joy to heaven, to Me and to My Father? This judgment is for My own household, and My own house is not full. The last battle will not be over until My house is full. Only then will it be time for us to redeem the earth, and remove the evil from My creation." (page 119, The Final Quest, Morning Star Publications, 16000 Lancaster Highway, Charlotte, North Carolina NC 28277, ISBN 0-88368-478-0).
Increasingly, i have become aware of Matthew 18:14:
""Even so it is NOT the will of your Father who is in heaven that ONE of these little ones should perish." (NKJ)
If we love Yahweh and Yahshua, we cannot, we dare not, even THINK about the return of Yahshua UNLESS WE FIRST determine how we are going to reach the 99% who are still lost!
Last night, having prepared the first draft of this document, i was impressed by the Spirit to watch the TV programme "Touched by an Angel". I seldom watch TV and then only if impressed by the Spirit. Last night was about a young boy and his father who had become estranged and were reunited, it hit me terribly hard.
In 1995 in Malawi, one of the things the Spirit said to me personally was "I am calling you to the death of the stake (cross)". Within a year i lost my wife, i lost my children and shortly after that i lost my business. All taken by Satan in his vicious determination to destroy me. Today i see my children only infrequently. Last night i wept for my children, AGAIN! I don't know how many times i have sobbed my heart out before the Father about the children that i lost, because of one minute of ignorant spiritual error all those years ago!
This morning, i asked Him "Father, why did you tell me to watch that programme, you knew how i hurt for my children?". He answered me "son, because i grieve like that for each and every person who dies without coming to salvation and i grieve like that for every Believer who loses their salvation and i wanted you to understand how important it is to me that you do ALL that i have called you to do".
Today, i must say to every person who reads this, if you have ever grieved for a loved one, a family member, a friend or even a dear pet, understand the grief of the Father every moment of every day for those who die without ever being given the opportunity to hear the Good News or who hear a message that is so corrupt with heresy and lies that their spirit's cannot receive it as truth. Also how He grieves for those who believe and yet are damned because of the heresies of teh church.
As i have prayed and fasted and studied the Word of Yahweh, read the documents and data that He has provided for me through numerous people and sought to understand the prophetic word about the "arrow head" given to me at the end of January and reported in article 1A1.01.04.13 "A Prophetic Move In This Age", Yahweh has spoken to me with increasing clarity and urgency about these issues until today i am able to write to you and describe the evangelism "iceberg" in sufficient detail that i pray it will help YOU to focus your intercession and your thinking about the role that YOU are going to play in the Kingdom of Yahweh in the days ahead.
Questions which you might want to consider as you read further:
a) Are you prepared to forsake all and follow Yahshua to bring joy to Him and His Father by joining forces with others who will work strategically and effectively on the 20% of activities which will bring in 80% of the lost?
b) Are you prepared to lay down your life in intercession?
c) Are you at least prepared to devote as much as possible of your income and at the very least, most, if not ALL of your tithes and offerings to support those who will develop and implement a strategic plan directed at undertaking the 20% of activities, which the Spirit indicates will bring in 80% of the harvest?
In that which follows the problem statement and headline strategic objectives are presented. In subsequent articles i hope, Yahweh willing, to present to you a comprehensive Strategic Plan, given by the Spirit of Yahweh, to reach the entire planet for Yahweh with the Good News about Yahshua by Passover 2004!!
In section 7 it was stated that if Yahshua were to return today, ONLY 1% of those alive today would spend eternity with Him in heaven.
Clearly, that means that the remaining 99% will spend eternity elsewhere.
Revelation 21:8 states:
""But the cowardly, unbelieving, abominable, murderers, sexually immoral, sorcerers, idolaters, and all liars shall have their part in the lake which burns with fire and brimstone, which is the second death."" (NKJ)
In Luke 16:27-28, Yahshua, in the parable of Lazarus, the poor man and the rich man states:
"27 "Then he said, 'I beg you therefore, father, that you would send him to my father's house,
28 'for I have five brothers, that he may testify to them, lest they also come to this place of torment.'" (NKJ)
Clearly, there is a Lake of Fire and Brimstone and it IS a place of eternal torment AND believers can go there. Note that Revelation 21:8 lists numerous categories IN ADDITION TO "UNBELIEVING". Since "unbelieving" takes care of ALL unbelievers, it is apparent that the remaining categories all relate to believers. Note also that there is such a thing as an "unbelieving" believer as well.
After months of prayer, fasting and seeking the Spirit of Yahweh in response to His call on my life and the measures He has taken to set me apart for His service in the last year, i have come to understand the statistics presented in table 1 which indicate the major factors which are giving rise to different categories of people being kept from entering the Kingdom of Yahweh as at August 2001 AD.
In broad terms, there are four categories of people on earth:
a) Those who have heard the Good News effectively presented AND have taken a decision to accept Yahshua Messiah as Adonai (Jesus Christ as Lord). These people are, in turn, divided into two categories:
i) Those who, if they were to die today would be judged to have satisfied the minimum requirements for eternal life having worked out their salvation with "fear and trembling" (Philippians 2:12).
ii) Those who, if they were to die today have so much unconfessed sin and error in their lives and / or are not REALLY trusting in the sacrifice of Yahshua for their salvation, who will be found wanting on the Day of Judgment and cast out.
The numbers for this category in the table correspond to the numbers given by Yahweh as His objective for salvation by Passover 2004 (four) by correcting the errors identified here BUT these are not necessarily the same people. In other words, the people who would go to hell today for that heresy are NOT NECESSARILY the same people who will be saved if that heresy is eliminated.
b) Those who have already lost their salvation or have lost all hope of salvation.
c) Those who have heard the Good News in some form but have not believed, either because the message was not presented in a manner which enabled them to fully comprehend the benefits of salvation through Yahshua or the message was corrupt (the vast majority).
d) Those who have never heard the Good News of the Kingdom of Yahweh and the salvation of Yahshua.
This same data is presented graphically in figure 2 in order to make the magnitude of the situation more immediately visible.
The Worldwide population figures are based on a projected Midyear 2001 Worldwide population of 6.157 Billion people as obtained from the US Census Department, Worldwide Database.
The figures for number of souls in the various categories which would be damned if Yahshua were to return now were supplied by the Spirit of Yahweh during a period of intense seeking for guidance as the details of the global situation were revealed to the writer.
The explanations that follow are the writers basic understanding of the basis on which judgment would be issued today leading to damnation, as given by the Spirit of Yahweh.
Given By The Spirit Of Yahweh

Figures in bold and underline are the numbers received from the Spirit,
all other figures are derived values or from own research based on US Census Department World Wide database.
The number of souls destined for eternal damnation by the date that Satan is cast into the Pit, about Passover 2003 (three) = one third of all men on the earth at that time as per Revelation 9:18
It is VITAL to recognize that the number of souls that will be saved by Passover 2003 and later dates is THE RESPONSIBILITY OF EXISTING BELIEVERS and particularly those who read this message. It is up to US (you and i) to determine the number of souls who will still be destined for hell by Passover 2003 and Passover 2004!

The components of this analysis are discussed below in order to provide a basis for understanding the actions that are required to address the situation which, Yahweh willing, will be set out in subsequent documents based on the in-depth analysis undertaken by the writer, guided by the Spirit of Yahweh over the last few months.
The item headed "Those Who WILL Inherit The Kingdom" relates to the 1% referred to previously, this is simply computed from the Worldwide population and is currently approximately 61.6 million souls.
This represents those who have dealt with sufficient issues in their lives and have not been trapped by so many of the current heresies as to disqualify themselves AND / OR who have such great faith in Yahshua for their salvation that they will be saved despite their sin.
It is VITAL to recognize that this does NOT mean that these people WILL inherit eternal life when they finally die. 1 Corinthians 10:12 states:
"Therefore let him who thinks he stands take heed lest he fall." (NKJ)
2 Peter 3:17 states:
"You therefore, beloved, since you know this beforehand, beware lest you also fall from your own steadfastness, being led away with the error of the wicked;" (NKJ)
It is possible for any of us to FALL AT ANY TIME, either fall from our high calling or even fall away to eternal damnation as will become increasingly prevalent in the DAYS ahead!
By the same token, people are coming to Salvation daily, people are coming to revelation of their sin and repenting, etc. Therefore, this is a dynamic number which is in constant flux BUT for several years now it has been sitting at approximately 1% of the total world population.
As previously stated in a number of messages, particularly "The Wrath of Yahweh for the Church", many have lost their salvation and many more will lose their salvation in the months and years through to Passover 2003 (three). Satan is determined to destroy as many as he possibly can before he goes to the Bottomless Pit for a thousand years.
Yahweh has indicated that before this battle is over ONE THIRD of all mankind, in other words, OVER TWO BILLION PEOPLE will lose their salvation or lose all hope of salvation before this battle is over! Revelation 9:15-19 states:
"15 So the four angels, who had been prepared for the hour and day and month and year, were released to kill a third of mankind. 16 Now the number of the army of the horsemen was two hundred million; I heard the number of them. 17 And thus I saw the horses in the vision: those who sat on them had breastplates of fiery red, hyacinth blue, and sulphur yellow; and the heads of the horses were like the heads of lions; and out of their mouths came fire, smoke, and brimstone. 18 By these three plagues a third of mankind was killed-- by the fire and the smoke and the brimstone which came out of their mouths. 19 For their power is in their mouth and in their tails; for their tails are like serpents, having heads; and with them they do harm." (NKJ)
It is vital to understand that, as with most of what is currently happening, this is happening in the SPIRIT REALM, NOT the physical realm. We must LOOK TO THE THINGS WHICH ARE UNSEEN. By the same token, those who die WILL DIE SPIRITUALLY! There will NOT be billions of corpses lying all over the earth!
We must ALL be diligent to make our calling and election sure (2 Peter 1:10).
Yahweh has indicated that at date of writing (August 2001), already 5% of all people on earth, that is 308 million people have either lost salvation or lost all hope of salvation.
A few case histories that the writer has personally witnessed:
a) International church leader, repeatedly attacked Yahweh's prophets sent to warn him of fundamental wrong teachings and other matters. Fell to pride and other sins. Lost his salvation in early 2001. Demon called "The Beast" took possession.
b) Respected national evangelist in a certain country. Had held healing revivals and meetings for many years. Started attacking Yahweh's servants and spreading accusations against them from a ministry in the United States. Lost his salvation in January 2001 and a demon called "The Beast" took possession.
c) Respected local shepherd in large congregation, blasphemed the Holy Spirit when a prophet, acting at the leading of the Holy Spirit of Yahweh took certain action the shepherd did not approve of (June 1996).
d) Wife of a prophet refused to obey the Spirit of Yahweh for three years regarding confessing and repenting of certain sins against her husband and others in the community. Eventually Yahshua appeared to her in person in a vision and called on her to do what He had called her to do. She refused and He turned His back on her and walked away. Subsequently she blasphemed the Holy Spirit when the Holy Spirit told her husband to divorce her (May 1996).
e) Woman in her late thirties, deeply loved Yahshua (as Jesus) from age seven. Terribly abused throughout her life, very critical of the gifts of the Spirit and very strongly demonized. Blasphemed the Holy Spirit repeatedly when confronted with an area of doctrine that she did not agree with and which she found offensive (August 2000).
All of these instances relate to specific situations involving people well known to the writer and the writer testifies before the Throne of Almighty Yahweh that his testimony is true.
The indications are that a large proportion of those who are Believers today WILL LOSE THEIR SALVATION by Passover 2003 as a consequence of their unwillingness to repent of their heretical doctrines and wrong life styles. Truly, in the days ahead, the last shall be first and the first last (Matthew 19:30)! Those in leadership positions will be particularly prone to falling in the days ahead and many have already fallen.
Note that it is not possible to discern those who have lost their souls with the natural eye. They speak the right words, continue to go to church, express the right sentiments. BUT, those who minister do so under a false anointing that is, a false messiah / false christ, that is - anti-messiah (anti-christ), imparting demonic "gifts" and counterfeit, demonic miracles which will deceive even the elect unless they are led by the Spirit of Yahweh. Let those who have eyes to see, see what the Spirit would have them see!
Currently there are approximately 660 million souls (10.7%) who profess faith in Yahshua Messiah but who Yahweh has indicated will NOT inherit the Kingdom if judged today. These include those whose faith for salvation is weak and / or whose magnitude of sin is great. This EXCLUDES those who have lost their salvation and do not know it which are included in section 12!
It is VITAL to recognize that 1 John 1:9 states:
"IF we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness." (NKJ)
If we do NOT confess our sins and repent, the Blood of Yahshua is of NO EFFECT and we will be judged for those sins on the Day of Judgment and pay the price in the lake of fire and brimstone either for a part or for eternity.
IF WE DO REPENT, He is faithful and just to forgive our sins and we will be washed whiter than snow by His precious Blood (Isaiah 1:18) and our transgressions will be taken as far as the East is from the West (Psalm 103:12).
In order to repent, we REQUIRE KNOWLEDGE OF OUR SIN. It is therefore vital that all available truth is collated and made available to all who are in sin through ignorance as a matter of extreme urgency! Hosea 4:6a states:
"My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge." (NKJ)
All those who are listed below as Believers who would be damned today relates to unconfessed sin and most of these cases relate to those who DO NOT currently know they are sinning because of the wrong doctrines of the "church" and therefore of the vast majority of Believers.
These categories overlap to a greater or lesser extent in most peoples lives and, since the writer did not originate the numbers but is only presenting what was given to him, the writer is not able to explain how these numbers were arrived at, only to give the headlines of what has been given to him in order to assist readers to understand the broad principles in order that they may examine their own lives and then assess how they will respond to this information.
Certain of these numbers are the SAME as the numbers given by Yahweh in terms of His objectives for souls saved from damnation by Passover 2004 (four) which will be presented in subsequent documents. It is important to understand that while the NUMBERS ARE THE SAME, they do NOT necessarily relate to the same specific people. Many who are believers today WILL lose their souls by Passover 2003 as indicated above, others will take their places and will, in large measure, be delivered through the return of the Body of Believers to the truths identified below.
Following is a brief overview of what the writer understands by each of these categories. Subsequent documents will, Yahweh willing, give greater understanding of the measures necessary to reverse this destruction:
a) Hebrew Roots
Ten million would, if judged today, lose their souls because of their failure to acknowledge the Hebrew Roots of the faith. This relates to those who are not actively sinning in terms of the subsequent points but who are actively sinning in this area and particularly applies to those who are teachers, etc. Note that this factor underlies many of the heresies identified in subsequent sections.
As i understand it, this relates to mature believers, particularly those in positions of influence, who have had considerable access to the Scriptures in many translations and access to much other information and yet who insist on violating particularly the first four Commandments (Exodus 20:1-14):
1 You shall have no other gods before Me
2 You shall not make for yourself any carved image
3 You shall not take the name of Yahweh your Elohim (mighty one or God) in vain
4 Observe the Sabbath day, to keep it holy
This includes using manmade and idolatrous names like "the LORD", "God", "Hashem", "the Tetragrammaton", etc instead of "Yahweh" thereby taking the Name of Yahweh in vain. This applies particularly to those who have access to the knowledge to conduct themselves differently but refuse to, in many cases because they have made idols of their doctrines, their translations, their leaders, their teachers, their peers, their congregations, their friends, etc. Note that "the mark of the beast" in it's simplest form is simply disobedience to the Word of Yahweh resulting from the fear of men!
Includes failing to keep the True Sabbath which is Saturday, the last day of the week and insisting on continuing to honour the day of the Sun, which is the first day of the week thereby breaking the fourth commandment. To a lesser extent this may also include failure to honour the true feasts of Yahweh while honouring the pagan feasts of "christmas" and "easter".
Includes those who hold that Torah has "passed away" or that Yahshua in some way abolished large portions of Torah thereby causing many to break the ten Commandments in diverse ways, this includes those who insist on teaching that Yahshua instituted enforced monogamy and that it is sin for a man to have more than one wife thereby abolishing the provisions of Torah with regard to virginity, adultery, divorce, etc. Note that those who are actually sinning by practising these heresies are included in the 500 million souls lost as a consequence of the heresy, this section only addresses those who are not personally guilty of the sins resulting from the heresy but who are preaching the heresy OR are not preaching it and know the truth but are failing to do anything to reverse it. There are many who will find the blood of others on their hands. This includes believing men who know the truth and refuse to take a woman in desperate need under their covering resulting in her soul being lost and wives who refuse to permit their husband to extend his covering to a woman in need. Yahweh is currently becoming extremely ANGRY with men and women in this last category in light of the situation foretold in Isaiah 4:1 as set out in detail in the recent article on "The Judgment for Adultery Part 2".
May include failing to recognize the truths concerning the two houses of Israel, thereby treating children of Israel as pagans.
Note that the measure of faith that such people have in the Blood of Yahshua for their salvation may well determine their eternal destiny but they may find that they are barely saved. Jude 1:22-24 states:
"22 And on some have compassion, making a distinction; 23 but others save with fear, pulling them out of the fire, hating even the garment defiled by the flesh. 24 Now to Him who is able to keep you from stumbling, and to present you faultless before the presence of His glory with exceeding joy," (NKJ)
Note that people in this group will also be judged for violating the ninth commandment:
9 You shall not bear false witness against your neighbour (Exodus 20:16)
This will apply particularly to those who have been preachers and teachers and where people have taken their word on matters of doctrine where they have been preaching heresy.
b) Other Bondages
50 million, if judged today, would be denied entrance to the Kingdom on the basis of a wide diversity of sins and heretical beliefs and practices which will result in their being found wanting on the Day of Judgment.
As understood by the writer this category is essentially the balance who are not specifically guilty of major sin in any of the other categories set out above and below.
Sins such as pride, lying, dishonest conduct, etc, etc are covered by this category.
Also includes those who have such limited knowledge of Scripture and / or of the things of the Spirit of Yahweh that they are easily deceived in many areas. Includes many who are heavily oppressed by demons and mistake these demons for the Spirit of Yahweh, thereby perpetuating their error and compounding their sin.
c) Touching Yahweh's Anointed
100 million, if judged today, will be denied entrance to the Kingdom of Yahweh because they have repeatedly touched Yahweh's anointed by condemning them, judged His true servants, been guilty of tale bearing, fomented strife and division through tale bearing, self righteousness, etc.
We periodically receive emails notifying us of some or other sin on the part of some or other person. There are certain "ministries" which appear to spend all their time looking for error in other people's ministries and then publishing that information. These people totally lose sight of the fact that in Revelation 5 only "the Lion of the tribe of Judah, the Root of David", that is Yahshua Himself, was found worthy to open the scroll. Therefore, every other Believer HAS SIN AND ERROR and we are told NOT to judge our brethren. By looking for error in fellow believers lives, we only magnify that part of them which is not yet like Yahshua, thereby magnifying and glorifying Satan and opening ourselves up to pride and all sorts of other demonic evil. Refer the article 1A1.01.02.12 "Seek Truth Not Error".
Others attack leaders of governments, government officials, etc. This too is sin since Scripture states that ALL leaders are appointed by Yahweh and are therefore ALSO His anointed, EVEN if they are not believers as stated in Romans 13:1‑7:
1 Let every soul be subject to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from Yahweh (God), and the authorities that exist are appointed by Yahweh (God). 2 Therefore whoever resists the authority resists the ordinance of Yahweh (God), and those who resist will bring judgment on themselves. 3 For rulers are not a terror to good works, but to evil. Do you want to be unafraid of the authority? Do what is good, and you will have praise from the same. 4 For he is Yahweh's (God's) minister to you for good. But if you do evil, be afraid; for he does not bear the sword in vain; for he is Yahweh's (God's) minister, an avenger to execute wrath on him who practices evil. 5 Therefore you must be subject, not only because of wrath but also for conscience' sake. 6 For because of this you also pay taxes, for they are Yahweh's (God's) ministers attending continually to this very thing. 7 Render therefore to all their due: taxes to whom taxes are due, customs to whom customs, fear to whom fear, honor to whom honour. (NKJ adjusted)
This does NOT refer to violating the commandments of Yahweh in order to submit to governments, as evidenced by Daniel in Daniel 6 and Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed‑Nego in Daniel 3.
Many believers observe error or even something they do not understand in the lives of other Believers and then pass judgment on them publicly, in writing or in conversation.
As a consequence of some of the major heresies in the Body today, others speak out against the servants of Yahweh in prior generations, calling Abraham and David adulterers because they had more than one wife, condemning those who keep the true Sabbath, etc, etc.
Many of these people will be judged as "stumbling blocks", people who have kept others from saving faith or caused others to sin.
d) Marriage Heresy
500 million, if judged today, will be denied entrance to the Kingdom of Yahweh because of sin in their lives relating specifically to the areas of erroneous marriage doctrine discussed in the two messages on "The Judgment for Adultery".
In particular, this will include all men who have had intercourse with women and taken their virginity and then discarded these wives and men and the woman they had intercourse with, where intercourse took place with a woman who was not a virgin and not divorced in the sight of Yahweh. This applies to an enormous number of so-called "marriages" in the Body of Believers where, in fact, people are living in adultery and do not even know it.
This has been discussed at length in the two messages on "The Judgment for Adultery" and will not be discussed further here.
Yahweh has indicated that, while worldwide demographic data indicates that approximately 25% of the worlds population are "Christian" a substantial number of these do NOT have a personal saving knowledge of Yahshua Messiah (Jesus Christ). These people have heard the Good News in some form or have been born into nominally "Christian" families and apply the label "Christian" to themselves for no other reason than that their parents called themselves "Christians". Typically this is associated with one or other major denomination, such as Roman Catholic, Protestant, Anglican, Presbyterian, Greek Orthodox, etc, etc where most of the ministry is provided by professional "pastors", "reverends", "priests", etc who may themselves not have a personal saving knowledge of Yahshua Messiah (Jesus Christ) but only have an academic "head knowledge" and not "heart knowledge".
Computed as the basis of the remainder of the 25% of estimated Christians using the numbers given above, this leaves about 509 million people who will be judged as UNBELIEVERS on the Day of Judgment.
This category also includes those of other faiths who HAVE heard an accurate message regarding the Good News but have not believed. Note that this DOES NOT include those who heard a message that contained substantial error or which was preached in a context where there was substantial error. For example, those who live in lands where it is accepted that a man can have more than one wife and who rejected the gospel that was preached to them because they could not associate those who preached such a message with the Creator, fall under the category of those who HAVE NOT HEARD. Even a percentage of those who apply the label "Christian" to themselves may fall into the category of those who have not heard if that which they heard was so corrupt as not to be recognizably the truth.
Currently approximately 75% of the world has NEVER heard the Good News of the Kingdom of Yahweh and the salvation of Yahshua Messiah preached in any form at all, or at the very least in any form that they have any hope of receiving.
There are numerous Muslims who are reasonably devout and have a basic knowledge of Torah (Tawratt) who cannot reconcile the teachings of the "Christian" church with Yahweh (Allah). There are many of other faiths in countries where marriage of more than one woman to the same man has been accepted from time immemorial who cannot receive the "christian" teaching of monogamy.

But the essence of this category is primarily those who have NEVER HEARD THE GOOD NEWS IN ANY SHAPE OR FORM, whether corrupt or not.
The vast majority of those who have not heard the Good News AT ALL live in South Asia (Asia excluding Russia). South Asia is taken as extending from the Mediterranean Sea including Israel, Turkey and Arabia through to Japan, the Philippines, etc. The world map in figure 3 gives some indication of the extent of South Asia which comprises the regions identified as Middle East; Central Asia; Southern Asia; China and Mongolia; Japan and Korea and South East Asia.
There are other concentrations of people who have not heard the Good News at all throughout the world, particularly in North Africa. The available demographic data does not give a clear indication but broad statistics indicate that in the rest of the world, approximately 60% of all people classify themselves as belonging to some "Christian" denomination whereas in South Asia only about 6% classify themselves in this way.
South Asia accounts for 3.7 billion people, 60.7% of the World population concentrated on 30.2 million square kilometres which represents 22.6% of the World land area.
In South Asia demographic data by religion is very incomplete in a number of major countries, particularly China but estimated distribution of religions is as presented in Table 2 and graphically in figure 4:
(Very approximate statistics based on incomplete data)

In considering these statistics it must be mentioned that, while the critical numbers regarding the current judgment status of souls at this date has been given by the Father as an act of Grace to assist us to focus our overall strategic perspective, He requires US to take dominion over the earth. Therefore he requires us to secure and analyse demographic and other data. While He will guide us to sources, etc, He has indicated to me that He declines to make information available to us on a "spoon feed" basis as this would result in there being no merit for us in that which we may accomplish for the Kingdom.

Based on the above data, Yahweh has indicated that there are two principal short term challenges for the ENTIRE BODY OF BELIEVERS for preaching of the Good News in order to usher in the End of the Age in terms of Revelation 20:1-3, that is for Satan to be cast into the Pit shortly after Passover 2003 and to prepare the world for the reign of Messiah on earth for a thousand years. There is a third longer term objective to prepare the earth for the return of Yahshua in terms of Matthew 24:14 in about a thousand years time.
The specific objective that has been set is that by Passover 2003 (three), 860 million souls of those who would be damned if judgment were to fall today, should be saved from error and brought to saving knowledge of Yahshua Messiah Adonai together with sufficient truth in practice in their lives to be judged worthy to enter the Kingdom of heaven. A further 1 billion people should reach this state by Passover 2004 (four).
a) Bring Truth To Those Who Lack It
Yahweh does not want ANY to perish. Yahshua came for ALL the world and He IS Truth.
Sufficient believers must be walking in sufficient truth to collectively AND IN UNITY in the Spirit take authority over the kingdom of darkness to give the command for Satan to be cast into the Pit for a thousand years.
At the same time, Yahweh cannot and will not tolerate a situation in which truth is not restored on the earth before Yahshua returns. It is a fundamental requirement that truth is restored. Yahshua died in order that the Holy Spirit might come to lead Believers into ALL TRUTH. In John 16:13 Yahshua states:
""However, when He, the Spirit of truth, has come, He will guide you into all truth; for He will not speak on His own authority, but whatever He hears He will speak; and He will tell you things to come." (NKJ)
Currently, as discussed in numerous messages from this ministry in the past year and a half, there is VERY LITTLE TRUTH being taught and applied in the Body of Believers on a holistic, integrated basis THROUGHOUT the Body. Different groups have different truths but few, if any, have a comprehensive body of truth.
This applies to the full spectrum of the true Names of Yahweh and Yahshua; the Saturday Sabbath; the true feasts; the eternal validity of Torah; the truth about virginity, adultery and divorce; the truth about more than one woman being permitted to marry the same man; truths about the gifts of the Spirit, tongues, healing, prophecy, prosperity; correct order in the home and the Body; the correct role of apostles, prophets, evangelists and shepherd-teachers; the truths about the two houses of Israel being a large number of people on the earth today; etc, etc.
As indicated above, the lack of these truths is directly responsible for a situation in which, were judgement to come on the earth today, over 660 million souls who today have some form of relationship with Yahshua Messiah (Jesus Christ) would be denied entry to the Kingdom of Yahweh and sentenced to eternal damnation.
Yahweh has indicated that in large measure it is this same lack of truth and the consequent hypocrisy, etc which renders the message of the Good News of the Kingdom of Yahweh and Yahshua powerless. There are so many footholds of major error and deception that Satan has no difficulty stealing the truth that IS spoken. All Satan has to do is to whisper about a few of the more obvious lies and hypocrisies and his job is done. Most of the time Satan can even tell the truth in order to get people to reject the message that is preached! This is keeping approximately 509 million unbelieving "Christians" and those who have heard but not believed, out of the Kingdom.
Yahweh has indicated that a substantial proportion of these people CAN be reached by the Internet ministry comprising web sites, email publishing, on-line database, etc previously outlined in the document 1A1.01.05.08 "The Calling Of End Time Issue Ministries". Yahweh has set an objective to reach AT LEAST 1 billion people over the Internet by Passover 2003 of whom many will fall into this category.
b) Take The Good News To Those Who Have Never Heard
Given the very low penetration of any level of believer into South Asia AND the high level of hostility and persecution in many countries of South Asia there is an enormous challenge facing any who would seek to ensure that the Good News of the Kingdom of Yahweh is preached to ALL THE WORLD in terms of Matthew 24:14, particularly IF one expects Yahshua Messiah to return SOON! Accordingly a way must be found to reach these people with a very high intensity of message delivery in a very short space of time.
Furthermore, in terms of Matthew 24:14 the people on every remote island and atoll in the Pacific and other oceans must be reached as must every small group in settlements deep in the jungles of South America, Africa and Asia.
Note that even after Satan has been cast into the Bottomless Pit for a thousand years and Believers are reigning with Messiah for a thousand years, it will be necessary to continue to reach out with the message of the Good News of the Kingdom of Yahweh until Yahshua returns at the VERY end of the age. However, in order to gain victory on this earth and to establish the rule of the Kingdom of Yahweh on this earth it is VITAL TO REACH AS MANY PEOPLE AS QUICKLY AS POSSIBLE so that the necessary SPIRITUAL clean up on the earth can take place during the millennium reign of Messiah (the Holy Spirit of Yahweh) on earth through His Body, the Body of Believers throughout the earth!
Approximately 120 million people a year are reaching the age of puberty, this is also some measure of global population growth. In other words, there are twice as many people being added to the world population every year as would currently qualify for eternity in the Kingdom of Yahweh IF the end were to come today! These people must be reached RAPIDLY!
Thus, not only must the error and deception be rapidly overcome but the Good News MUST ALSO be rapidly preached, free of error AND free of charge, to ALL the world in ALL languages! Apart from anything else, it is uncertain what proportion of the World Population must be Believers and free of spot and blemish before Satan can be cast into the Pit. This is known ONLY to the Father.
The message must be made available in all the diverse and complex languages of the South Asia region and other parts of the world to people many of whom are illiterate or semi-literate, in countries where frequently there is major hostility and the potential for people of European origin to preach effectively is limited. Furthermore, the rate of population growth is such that it is not humanly possible to reach 3.7 billion people in South Asia, and the billions elsewhere, using conventional evangelistic techniques. Yahweh has been showing the writer how to accomplish this using devices the size of a large cellular telephone or small walkie-talkie with 750 hours of audio teachings, including a full, Hebrew Roots accurate Bible pre-loaded and with such ease of use that any person will be able, led by the Holy Spirit, to walk from making a decision to accept Yahshua Messiah as Adonai (Jesus Christ as Lord) to full maturity and walking in the power and gifts of the Spirit without further human intervention.
This will require a massive production facility, translation facilities, air, sea and ground logistics, etc but the plan is taking shape and, Yahweh willing, we will shortly publish additional details.
Yahweh has set an objective to reach at least 1 billion people by Passover 2004 (four). That is to reach one in slightly more than every six people in EVERY community of the world, with distribution density adjusted to take account of Internet penetration. The two mechanisms of delivery are therefore required to reach one in slightly more than three people worldwide by Passover 2004.
c) Previous Generations
These statistics highlight another critical factor. Given there are approximately 6.16 billion people on the Earth Today and this is growing steadily, there are tens of billions who have died in previous generations, either without hearing the Good News OR having heard a message that was corrupt and full of error.
This MUST generate an intense desire to reach all those alive on this earth today before they die.
However, there is another aspect of Scripture which requires investigation. 1 Corinthians 15:29 states:
"Otherwise, what will they do who are immersed (baptized) for the dead, if the dead do not rise at all? Why then are they immersed (baptized) for the dead?" (NKJ adjusted)
Yahweh has advised that there IS some manner in which those who have died in previous generations CAN still be reached by immersion of the current generation for forgiveness of sins and immersion into Yahshua Messiah. There are some on the earth who practice this but, at this time, the writer has no knowledge of what this entails. What seems clear is that those who had access to the truth and in their lifetime rejected it will not have this mercy extended to them, but those who did not have access to the truth will have some opportunity to be saved.
In considering this, remember 1 Peter 3:18-19 states:
"18 For Messiah (Christ) also suffered once for sins, the just for the unjust, that He might bring us to God, being put to death in the flesh but made alive by the Spirit, 19 by whom also He went and preached to the spirits in prison," (NKJ adjusted)
This indicates that Yahshua, after His death, before His resurrection went and preached to spirits reserved in prison from the days of Noah. A similar opportunity will exist at the End of the Age for those who have died in the last 2,000 years if we are properly prepared!
Note also that Hebrews 6:4-6 states:
"4 For it is impossible for those who were once enlightened, and have tasted the heavenly gift, and have become partakers of the Holy Spirit, 5 and have tasted the good word of Yahweh (God) and the powers of the age to come, 6 if they fall away, to renew them again to repentance, since they impale (crucify) again for themselves the Son of Yahweh (God), and put Him to an open shame." (NKJ adjusted)
Thus we see that Yahshua's sacrifice on the stake (cross) is not constrained by time. Whenever we bring our sacrifice of repentance to Him, He receives it NOW on the stake (cross) - in other words, His sacrifice is independent of time and space. By implication, if TODAY it is possible to add to Yahshua's burden on the stake (cross) two thousand years ago, it is ALSO possible for Yahshua to take the sin's of a previous generation if the appropriate prayers are prayed.
This aspect requires considerable prayer and research but offers the potential to bring BILLIONS more souls into the Kingdom at the end! Note that these souls will ONLY be brought to account on the Day of Judgment. Because of the multi-dimensional spiritual nature of reaching previous generations, the exact harvest from previous generations will be dependent on the full magnitude of all immersions on behalf of the dead that take place in the present generation. It appears that a number of intersecting lines of prayer and immersion for previous generations will be required to intersect at a particular person in order for the immersion on behalf of previous generations to be fully effective. At this stage the writer has no further clarity than this.
To recap, Yahweh's harvest objectives are 860 million souls who would qualify to enter the Kingdom of Heaven if judged on Passover 2003 and a further 1 billion souls on Passover 2004.
The harvest from previous generations will not be determined until the end of the millennium, at the FINAL end when Yahshua returns, over a thousand years from now.
As indicated, Yahweh has given the writer a comprehensive high level strategic plan which is in the process of being documented and which will, Yahweh willing, be published in instalments shortly.
This involves the establishment of a substantial infrastructure to support all ministries in the world with information and resources, including Internet services and the mp3 digital audio devices for evangelism and growth of believers. The budget that has been set by Yahweh to establish and operate this service through to Passover 2004 is US$100 billion and US$11 billion per annum thereafter.
This includes provision of research facilities; translation facilities; factories; air; sea and ground logistics; distribution; administration; etc as well as providing Internet facilities and ministry support to all ministries worldwide who require them; a comprehensive catalogued database of teachings; and a service to enable believers anywhere in the world to make financial donations of tithes and offerings to any ministry anywhere in the world.
Based on the 1,860 billion souls which Yahweh has set as His objective to be brought into the Kingdom by Passover 2004 this yields a unit cost per soul saved of US$53.76 per soul saved in the three year period which is HIGHLY cost efficient relative to present forms of outreach delivery.
Over recent months the writer has spent considerable time in prayer and planning, led by the Spirit of Yahweh, firstly to understand the issues presented above and acquire the data which underpins this document and secondly to understand HOW Yahweh requires us to effectively reach out to billions of semi-literate and illiterate people who speak languages which are known to few Believers. This outreach must be undertaken into what are often environmentally, religiously and politically hostile environments.
Considerable high level strategic planning has been completed and further planning is underway as the Spirit of Yahweh leads. It is hoped to produce additional documents within the course of the coming week.
In the interim, all who receive this are requested to:
a) Please forward this to anyone you think may be interested or challenged by it.
b) Pray into this document and consider prayerfully what Yahweh would have you do.
c) Should you feel that Yahweh is calling you to commit your life to serving Him in reaching out to the billions of people identified in this message, the writer would like to hear from you.
d) Consider whether Yahweh is calling you to contribute financially by sowing tithes or offerings into this work. If so, please ensure that in your heart you are giving because HE is calling you to give and you are giving to Him.
We hope, Yahweh willing to have documents available during the course of this week which will provide more detail on financial requirements, cash flow and Kingdom financial principles.
Father, in the Name of Yahshua may all that is according to Your Will and Your Word in this article find deep root in the hearts of the readers and that if there is anything that is not of You let it find no root at all.
May Yahweh bless you and keep you and make His face to shine upon you. In the name of Adonai Yahshua Messiah (the Lord Jesus Christ), King of kings and Lord of lords. Amen.
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In recent years we have become increasingly aware that in certain instances the traditional English words applied to certain Scriptural concepts and also to the names of God do not adequately succeed in communicating the full depth of meaning contained in scripture. This is one of the factors behind the Amplified Bible.
In addressing this issue, we have progressively felt impressed to make use of the Anglicization of certain Hebrew words or names in preference to the traditional English words and names in order to bring a more relevant understanding of the Scriptures and associated concepts. Some of the terms used in our documents are defined in this section for convenience.
We were also shown clearly by Yahweh some years ago that the scriptures written from the time of Yahshua Messiah (Jesus Christ) were originally written in Aramaic, a dialect of Hebrew and NOT in Greek as commonly supposed. While in most cases this has little or no impact on translation, there are certain instances where the impact is material. For this reason, we are increasingly resorting to Hebrew words in cases where we are aware of problems.
1. Yahweh
Yahweh is the proper name for our God and occurs 6,828 times in the Old Testament. Vines states:
"LORD : The divine name YHWH appears only in the Bible. Its precise meaning is much debated. God chose it as His personal name by which He related specifically to His chosen or covenant people." (from Vine's Expository Dictionary of Biblical Words, (Copyright (C) 1985, Thomas Nelson Publishers)
By way of analogy, my proper name is "James" and i have the designation of "husband" to my wife, it would not be indicative of a meaningful marriage relationship if my wife were to constantly refer to me as "husband" rather than "James". In the same way, it is not indicative of a meaningful relationship with our God to refer to Him as "Lord" rather than "Yahweh" when He has given us His name to use and uses it throughout scripture.
For more information refer to the book "The Sacred Name" published by Qadesh La Yahweh Press, available on the internet at:
2. The Lord (Baal)
In contrast, the word "Baal" in English translations could more accurately be translated "lord" or "the lord". Thus by a quirk of the early translations, the word Baal which could easily be translated "the lord" is used to represent a pagan deity and the word Yahweh, which is not capable of translation, is translated The Lord. It therefore seems important that we progressively accustom ourselves to using the correct name for our God.
3. Yahshua and Messiah
By the same token, Jesus was a Jew and He spoke Aramaic or Hebrew, as evidenced by the various scriptures which quote his direct words, as in Matthew 27:46 "And about the ninth hour Jesus cried out with a loud voice, saying, "Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani?" that is, "My God, My God, why have You forsaken Me?"" (NKJ)
In His darkest hour, Jesus spoke His language and the Greek translators saw fit to preserve His words. "Jesus" and "Christ" are both Greek words which are a legacy of the intermediate translation from Aramaic to English.
Accordingly, in the absence of valid English words, it seems more respectful to use the Anglicization of the Hebrew words which are, in a sense like Yahweh, also too deep to translate. Accordingly, the word "Yahshua" is used from time to time in this document, in place of "Jesus", and "Messiah" is used for "Christ". I am aware that there are disputes regarding the correct spelling and pronunciation of the words to use here but, at this time, after seeking God on the matter for about two years, these are the spellings and usages with which i feel comfortable. If you hold a different view on spellings and the like, i ask you at this time to give me the space for Yahweh, Himself, to correct me if correction is, indeed, needed. But, at the same time, please ask Him to speak to you directly concerning the spelling that you are accustomed to.
In particular, please note the commonality between YAHweh and YAHshua in terms of the use of "Yah" as the first part of both names.
4. Adonai
The Hebrew phrase translated "Lord GOD" as distinct from "LORD God" and "the LORD" refers to Yahweh as Yahweh Adonai. In conventional English usage this could be rendered "THE LORD GOD". Yahweh Adonai is perhaps the deepest and most reverent form of address for our God.
Adonai is the term most directly equivalent to the English word "Lord" when applied to Yahweh as distinct to "baal" as a general term for an earthly lord.
Consider 2 Samuel 7:22 ""Therefore You are great, O Yahweh Adonai (Lord GOD). For there is none like You, nor is there any God besides You, according to all that we have heard with our ears." (NKJ)
By the same token, Yahshua Messiah is Adonai, that is, Jesus Christ is Lord. Adonai carries much deeper spiritual reverence and significance than "Lord".
5. Torah
The five books of Moses (Genesis Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy), more specifically the commandments given by Yahweh through Moses which govern the entire fundamental relationship of man with Yahweh. In broader terms Torah includes the full body of so called "Old Testament" but it is fundamentally the essence of the Laws of Yahweh that do not change and never will.
Recognize that insofar as the physical animal sacrifices and certain other aspects of Torah were FULFILLED by Yahshua Messiah, these Laws do not apply to us today in their PHYSICAL form although the spiritual laws and principles that they represent, REMAIN valid today.
6. Chesed / Agape / Love
There are two concepts in Scripture both translated "love" in most English translations. The one is carnal love the other is the covenant love of Yahweh. The Hebrew word for this is "Chesed" and the Greek word is "agape". These words are translated "loving kindness" and "charity" in some translations.
However, the essence of the sense of this form of "love" is that which is depicted in 1 Corinthians 13:1-8 which is most effectively interpreted in the Amplified Bible (in the passage that follows "Chesed {love}" has been inserted in place of "love".
1 If I [can] speak in the tongues of men and [even] of angels, but have not Chesed {love} (that reasoning, intentional, spiritual, devotion such as is inspired by God's love for and in us), I am only a noisy gong or a clanging cymbal.
2 And if I have prophetic powers (...), and understand all the secret truths and mysteries and possess all knowledge, and if I have [sufficient] faith so that I can remove mountains, but have not Chesed {love} (God's Chesed {love} in me) I am nothing (a useless nobody).
3 Even if I dole out all that I have [to the poor in providing] food, and if I surrender my body to be burned or in order that I may glory, but have not Chesed {love} (God's Chesed {love} in me), I gain nothing.
4 Chesed {love} endures long and is patient and kind; Chesed {love} never is envious nor boils over with jealousy, is not boastful or vainglorious, does not display itself haughtily.
5 It is not conceited (arrogant and inflated with pride); it is not rude (unmannerly) and does not act unbecomingly. Chesed {love} (God's Chesed {love} in us) does not insist on it's own rights or its own way, for it is not self-seeking; it is not touchy or fretful or resentful; it takes no account of the evil done to it [it pays no attention to a suffered wrong].
6 It does not rejoice at injustice and unrighteousness, but rejoices when right and truth prevail.
7 Chesed {love} bears up under anything and everything that comes, is ever ready to believe the best of every person, its hopes are fadeless under all circumstances, and it endures everything [without weakening].
8 Chesed {love} never fails [never fades out or becomes obsolete or comes to an end]. As for prophecy (...) it will be fulfilled and pass away; as for tongues, they will be destroyed and cease; as for knowledge, it will pass away [it will lose its value and be superseded by truth]. (AMP)
Clearly, Yahweh's Chesed {love} is far beyond the carnal, selfish emotion that we call "love" in this age. It is also important to understand that Yahweh's Chesed is robust, can be severe and was strong enough to send His only Son to the Cross to die the most horrible death for OUR sins. Chesed is selfless and without covetousness. Until we have a deep revelation of Yahweh's covenant Chesed {love} as distinct from "love" as we use the word today we are not likely to truly understand Yahweh, Yahshua, Messiah, The Holy Spirit or His Word. A deep understanding of Chesed and covenant is VITAL to interpreting the issues of the end of the age!
7. Ishshah - Woman / Women / Wife / Wives
According to Strong, Vines and other references the root word for woman, women, wife and wives in Hebrew is always "ishshah", Strong's number 802. As far as we have been able to determine the only way to determine the quantum and the marital status of an "ishshah" is through the context.
Strong defines 802 'ishshah (ish‑shaw'); "feminine of 376 or 582; irregular plural, nashiym (naw‑sheem'); a woman (used in the same wide sense as 582): KJV‑‑ [adulter] ess, each, every, female, X many, + none, one, + together, wife, woman. Often unexpressed in English."
In translating ishshah it is also important to understand that research indicates that in Bible times it was virtually unheard of for a woman above the age of puberty to be unmarried. Therefore, all women before the age of puberty are referred to as "virgins" and since all adult women were either married, widows or harlots there was no requirement for a word to describe an adult "virgin". Thus, where ishshah is encountered, unless she is clearly either a widow or a harlot then it is almost certain that she was a "wife".
In addition, since throughout scripture it was common practice for more than one woman to marry a man and since Genesis 2:24 states that when a man marries a woman she becomes "one flesh" with him, there was frequently no need in Bible times to distinguish between one or many women if they were married to the same man they were all "ishshah" unless specifically otherwise specified.
We thus find that contextual interpretation filtered through modern practice can dramatically influence which English word is used and have therefore concluded that it is preferable to use "ishshah" in most instances.
Note also that the Greek word "gune" apparently has many of the same characteristics as "ishshah" although we have been told that the Greek is more specific than the Hebrew. Accordingly, we have elected to use "ishshah".

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