2004.10.D.05b. Tent Making Essential Knowledge for Effective Business Application of IT Created by James3 on 8/30/2019 6:51:00 PM Tent Making Essential Knowledge for Effective Business Application of IT
I have taken the liberty of sending you a copy of an email marketing some of my training courses in the hopes that the course may be of interest to you personally or that you may be able to forward this information to someone who would find it valuable.
Warm regards and blessings
70% of I.T. investments fail totally, a further 20% fail to satisfy the original business requirement. "19 out of 20" enterprise resource planning investments fail to deliver "what was promised" !
Are you concerned about I.T. effectiveness in support of the business of your organisation?
We would like to invite you to send delegates to one or more courses relating to
(How to significantly improve the effectiveness of I.T.)
These courses present a range of information for different audiences, particularly for business executives and management, on:
Why so many I.T. investments fail totally (70%) or fail to meet expectations
- How to avoid this in your organisation
- These courses provide answers and guidance on how to avoid failure and sub-optimal outcomes with focus on different aspects and durations to suit your diary
- How to determine whether an I.T. investment will REALLY add value to your business
- How to determine what the business and customer consider to be "value"
- How to use I.T. to support delivery of this value
- How to make sure it happens
"I can't get the information I need" is a frequent complaint from business executives
Why do businesses start I.T. projects and then cancel them?
- How to prevent this
- What is strategy -- really?
- How to determine what the strategy of the business really is
- How to align I.T. investment with business strategy
If this email is difficult to read please visit
http://www.jar-a.com/prd/04/05/18to22/Information _Technology_Courses_November-December_2004.htm
Obtain a free project initiation checklist -- see offer towards the end of this email -- whether you attend a course or not
In order to address the above issues, the following courses are being offered:
1. A working breakfast with ninety minute presentation on "The Critical Factors for Information Technology Investment Success"
Directed at business executives, managers and I.T. executives this briefing provides a concise high level overview of why most business I.T. investments fail and the critical factors for success in terms of the management of I.T. in organisations.
2. A one day executive masterclass on "Essential Information Technology Knowledge for Business Executives"
Also directed at business executives, managers and I.T. management this masterclass emphasises the essential knowledge that business executives require in order to manage and utlize I.T. effectively in their organisation. Includes discussion of essential questions to be answered before approving any I.T. expenditure.
3. A course on "Essential Knowledge for Information Technology Effectiveness"
Directed at business and I.T. management the course covers the material covered in the masterclass in more detail and also addresses essential business knowledge that should be taken into account in specifying and implementing I.T. solutions. The optional third day delivers a critical issues business analysis tool and method.
4. A course on "Data Engineering -- Unlocking Corporate Data"
Computers only understand 0's and 1's while people only understand plain language. The content of validation tables, master data codes, etc frequently does not take account of the real world complexity in an effective business strategy supporting manner. As a consequence management frequently cannot obtain answers to questions for which the data supposedly exists. This course explains why this happens and how to change codes, etc in order to achieve outstanding information delivery.
The optional third day includes training on a critical issues analysis technique to be used in better defining and structuring corporate data.
5. A course on "Pooling Collective Knowledge and Experience -- Critical Issues Business Analysis Tool and Method"
Frequently business and project meetings are unstructured and the outputs fail to accurately capture the critical or essential issues with the result that work has to be re-done or is sub-standard or that solutions do not deliver the expected business outcome. This course teaches a highly effective critical issues analysis method and tool. Delegates obtain a copy of the tool included in the course fee. The optional third day teaches a highly effective strategic analysis and design method.
Other material:
6. The book "The Critical Factors for Information Technology Investment Success"
This book provides detailed information about many of the subjects covered in the above courses and complements the courses. The book is included in the course fee for courses 2 and 3 and is available at a discount with course 1. The book can also be purchased separately, see ordering information towards the end of this mail.
7. STRATSNAP© critical issues business analysis software
Critical issues business analysis software and method that can be used to effectively consolidate collective knowledge and experience in a highly effective, time efficient manner. Included in the fee for certain courses or can be purchased separately, details towards the end of this mail.
Other services:
8. Consulting services including a focussed one day "pulse measurement" (second opinion) regarding the status of your existing information technology investments
We offer a range of specialist consulting and facilitation services associated with the course material as well as facilitation of corporate strategic analysis and design. The one day pulse measurement is recommended for any organisation where management have concerns about current I.T. or strategy implementations and want an independent opinion.
1. Working Breakfast: The Critical Factors for I.T. Investment Success
Information Technology in Strategic and Competitive Management -- The Real Issues in I.T. and The Critical Factors in Information Technology Investment Success
If business executives have a concise and effective approach to managing information technology that ensures that I.T. always delivers expected business outcomes they may have identified the critical factors. If not, then this briefing warrants serious consideration.
This ninety minute briefing, based on the book of the same name, explains why failures occur and outlines an approach to the management of information technology projects and information technology generally that is designed to achieve success by designing failure out of the solution. This will be discussed in terms of a solution map that addresses:
1. Executive Custody
2. The Core Objectives for I.T. in The Organization
3. The Factors Giving Rise to I.T. Investment Failure and Under-Performance
4. The Critical Factors for a Successful Information Technology Solution
- Critical Principles
- Critical Factors
- Critical Technology Components
- Critical Stages
- Critical Human Factors
- Critical Management Components
5. Characteristics and Attributes of an Effective Management Approach
6. Business Strategy Development and Implementation
More information at
http://www.jar-a.com/prd/04/05/18to22/Informat ion_Technology_Courses_November-December_2004.htm#1d
Summing Up - A High Impact Approach
This presentation will deliver the headlines of vital information that is not widely known or applied with regard to information technology, strategy or business improvement. This material is covered in more detail in the courses that follow.
This breakfast presentation is intended to afford executives with limited time the opportunity to gain headline information rapidly with the option to send other personnel to attend the other courses where these subjects are discussed in more detail.
Comments by delegates include: "Addressing the right issues. Broader perspective excellent - the link between I.T. and business strategy very important"
Date: Thursday 4 November 07h00 to 10h00, breakfast from 07h00, presentation begins at 07h30 ends 09h00, questions follow
Venue: The Conference Park -- details after course outlines
R795.00 excluding VAT (R906.30 including VAT)
Saving of up to R227.37 per delegate is available for early bird booking of four or more delegates or booking of delegates on four or more courses.
The discount structure is set out after the course outlines later in this email.
In order to quality for the early bird discount payment must be made on or before Thursday 28 October 2004.
Special Offer: The Book "The Critical Factors for Information Technology Investment Success" at a discount if ordered when booking
The book "The Critical Factors for Information Technology Investment Success" value R380 can be ordered at the time of bookingfor this seminar for R295, an R85 saving, collect the book when you arrive at the breakfast (payment with payment for the breakfast).
More information about the book at the end of this email.
2. One Day Executive Masterclass: Essential I.T. Knowledge for Business Executives
What every executive should know before approving any significant information technology expenditure
If business executives consistently engage in discussion with regard to information technology with primary focus on business solutions and can quickly and robustly dispel I.T. myths they have the knowledge required to manage I.T. effectively. If not, then this course warrants serious consideration.
For those executives who require more detailed information than is presented at the working breakfast, "Essential I.T. Knowledge for Business Executives" presents a different focus to the working breakfast and provides information to assist business executives to take effective management decisions with regard to information technology and then to manage information technology effectively.
This masterclass has been extremely well received both locally and overseas as a practical overview of leading edge concepts for the effective management of information technology by business executives. The course is also highly relevant to I.T. professionals.
Feedback from a delegate to the one day executive masterclass on "Essential I.T. Knowledge for Business Executives" June 2004
"This is of tremendous value to the Business.
"I.T. must add value to the business"
I.T. failures have caused corporate collapse. Indications are that many of these investments should never have been approved
This masterclass will equip executives to identify those investments that should not be approved and those that SHOULD. The masterclass covers:
1. The Essential Questions That Every Executive Should Answer Before Approving Any Significant I.T. Expenditure
2. Essential Information Technology Knowledge Every Executive Should Have
3. The Criteria to Use in Evaluating the Business Impact of An I.T. Investment
4. What May Well Be the Single Most Important Business and Technical Component of Any Major Business I.T. Investment
5. How To Develop A Robust Business Specification for the Required Business Outcome
6. Why Seventy Percent of I.T. Investments Fail Totally and A Further Twenty Percent Materially Under Perform
7. How to Manage Major I.T. Investments in Order to Guarantee Success
More information at
http://www.jar-a.com/prd/04/05/18to22/Informat ion_Technology_Courses_November-December_2004.htm#2d
Summing Up
This masterclass makes use of real world examples from practical consulting experience to demonstrate the principles that are taught in the class.
Evaluation by Previous Delegates
Comments from previous delegates to this masterclass include:
- "I have found the course very informative, practical and useful.
- "Practically orientated"
- "Very clearly put for a non-technical person"
- "Very logical, an excellent approach"
- "I could not define what I was looking for from the course but presentation structured to answer many questions which were there but not clearly identified by me"
- "This is a course I would recommend indeed. A pity my CEO could not have been here"
Date: Thursday 11 November 08h00 for 08h30 to 17h30, course begins at 08h30 sharp
Venue: The Conference Park -- details and Hotel information after course outlines
R3,995.00 excluding VAT (R4.554.30 including VAT)
Saving of up to R1,142.57 per delegate is available for early bird booking of four or more delegates.
The discount structure is set out after the course outlines later in this email.
In order to quality for the early bird discount payment must be made on or before Thursday 28 October 2004.
Book Included
The book "The Critical Factors for Information Technology Investment Success" value R380 is included in the price.
More information about the book at the end of this email.
3. Three Day Course: Essential Knowledge for I.T. Effectiveness (Day Three Optional)
What every executive and manager should know before motivating or actioning any significant information technology expenditure
If business executives and managers consistently specify and obtain the business solutions they require from information technology and can quickly and robustly dispel I.T. myths they have the knowledge required to manage I.T. effectively. If not, then this course warrants serious consideration.
For executives and managers who require an in depth course on the effective application of information technology in business. "Essential Knowledge for I.T. Effectiveness" presents a unique focus and provides information to assist business executives and managers to take effective management decisions with regard to information technology and then to manage information technology effectively.
This course has been extremely well received both locally and overseas as a practical in-depth examination of leading edge concepts for the effective management of information technology by business executives and managers (course rated 86% in the Middle East recently). The course is also highly relevant to I.T. professionals.
Are you concerned about I.T. effectiveness in your organisation?
How to significantly improve the effectiveness of I.T.
Three day course including one day hands-on business analysis method training.
The third day (optional) comprises a practical workshop on "How to Determine the REAL Business Requirement" a powerful yet easy to use critical issues business analysis method and software.
Software value R980.00 included in the price of the third day.
The course is applicable to executives and managers in all business disciplines who require effective support from information technology as well as to I.T. executives and professionals.
Components of the course include:
1. The Essential Questions That Should Be Answered Before Proceeding With Any Significant I.T. Expenditure
2. Essential Technology Knowledge Every Business Executive and User Should Have
3. Why Seventy Percent of I.T. Investments Fail Totally and A Further Twenty Percent Materially Under Perform
4. Essential Business Knowledge for I.T. Effectiveness
5. What May Well Be the Single Most Important Business and Technical Component of Any Major Business I.T. Investment
6. The Criteria to Use in Evaluating the Business Impact of An I.T. Investment and How To Develop A Robust Business Specification for the Required Business Outcome
7. How to Manage Major I.T. Investments in Order to Guarantee Success
Day Three (Optional)
How To Determine The REAL Business Requirement
Training in a critical issues business analysis method and tool.
How to quickly and concisely develop the essential requirements in a structured fashion that avoids lengthy debate and argument.
How to sift through lists of requirements and determine what is really required.
How to determine the basis of value for an investment.
Delegates will receive a copy of proprietary software valued at R980.
This method has diverse application both at the executive and strategic level and at the operational level.
Delegates attending the third day of the program are requested to bring a notebook computer loaded with Microsoft Excel 97 or later and with a CD ROM drive. An external mouse is recommended and delegates are requested to familiarise themselves with the basic operation of Microsoft Excel before the course.
An intermediate level of knowledge of Excel and reasonable typing speed is required to use the tool to maximum effect. Delegates who do not have these skills may bring an operator to the third day of the course in order for the operator to learn how to use the software while the delegate focuses on the method and associated techniques.
More information at
http://www.jar-a.com/prd/04/05/18to22/Informat ion_Technology_Courses_November-December_2004.htm#3d
Summing Up
The course provides a concise structured catalogue of the factors giving rise to failure and presents a systematic solution and project design approach designed to prevent failure.
Operator to Assist Delegates
An operator with mid level competence in Microsoft Excel and a reasonable typing speed can attend the third day in order for the operator to learn how to use the software while the delegate concentrates on the facilitation technique.
Evaluation by Previous Delegates
Comments from previous delegates to this course include:
- "Refreshing, but challenging view of I.T.'s track record"
- "Eloquently clears the fog of I.T. complexity with simple real-world metaphors"
- "Ground-breaking (for me) concept"
- "An eye-opener when I saw these earlier" (about essential questions)
- "A very beneficial day. Learnt a lot and saw things from a different angle. Can't wait for the rest." (about the first day)
- "Looks at I.T. from a different angle. Very relevant."
- "Very well stated and essential" (essential questions)
- "The first day was a definite eye opener and the info was very valuable and relevant"
- "Training was very good and the content relevant. Equipped me with knowledge to tackle the situation at ..."
- "A lot of thinking went into this. Simple but effective ..." (about day 3)
- "Eye opening and thought stimulating"
- "Wow! At last I have some proof that what I've been saying the last few months are reality!"
Date: Tuesday 16 to Thursday 18 November 08h00 for 08h30 to 17h30, course begins at 08h30 sharp
Venue: The Conference Park -- details and Hotel information after course outlines
R8,995.00 excluding VAT for three days (R10.254.30 including VAT)
R6,995.00 excluding VAT for two days (R7,974.30 including VAT)
Saving of up to R2,572.57 per delegate is available for early bird booking of four or more delegates or one delegate on each of four courses.
The discount structure is set out after the course outlines later in this email.
In order to quality for the early bird discount payment must be made on or before Tuesday 2 November 2004.
The fee for an operator on the third day to assist one or more delegates is R990.00 excluding VAT (R1128.60 including VAT).
Operators do not receive handouts and will share a computer with the delegate or delegates they accompany.
Book Included
The book "The Critical Factors for Information Technology Investment Success" value R380 is included in the price.
More information about the book at the end of this email.
Software Included (Day 3)
The StratSnap© critical issues software value R980 is included in the price for delegates who attend the third day.
4. Three Day Course: Data Engineering -- Unlocking Corporate Data (Day Three Optional)
Why executives cannot get the answers they want from their I.T. systems and HOW to get answers consistently and reliably EVERY time.
If the chief executive can immediately and directly get consolidated answers to any question that he can think of asking, then that organization has a robust data engineering solution. If not, then this course should be seriously considered.
For executives, managers and I.T. professionals who are frustrated with the inability of business to obtain structured, intelligent answers to any query against corporate databases in support of effective business decision making.
"Unlocking Corporate Data" presents a unique focus on some very practical and little known knowledge that is essential to effective operation of existing and future information technology investments.
Data engineering represents the greatest I.T. investment opportunity available to most businesses today.
It IS possible to gain improved operator efficiency and accuracy AND improved management information at REDUCED long term operating cost!
Computers only understand 0's and 1's, humans only understand plain language.
The numeric and alphanumeric codes used in validation tables, look-up tables, drop down lists and master data are the only way the computer and human being share knowledge of the data.
The third day, which is optional, comprises instruction in a systematic method and tool for analyzing information in order to structure codes effectively.
Unstructured data codes result in multi-million Rand investments failing to deliver effective management decision support. Middle managers with large and complex spreadsheets are often the solution adopted thereby defeating the purpose of the original investment.
This course will examine what is required for effective management and strategic decision support and how this can be achieved in your existing systems.
This course will show you how to unlock far greater value from your existing information technology investments and provide you with the knowledge you need to avoid spending millions on replacing existing systems which are basically sound.
If only clerks are involved in the design of the data structures, data classification, etc then the resulting management information capability will turn out to be a clerical information capability instead.
Discussion will include examination of techniques and principles including data modeling and schemas, validation, top down content analysis, list structure (taxonomy / classification), codes, special techniques and data cleansing
Case History
These techniques were applied to the general ledger and all associated sub-ledgers and supporting operational modules of an integrated enterprise resource planning system for a client in the professional service environment. This implementation used a highly structured chart of accounts incorporating the cubic business model. In this case year-end audit time was reduced from six months to six weeks for final sign off of the balance sheet by the auditors without qualification and management information was dramatically improved in terms of quality, diversity, flexibility and quantity.
1. Why Information Technology Investments Fail
2. The Critical Attributes of a Successful I.T. Investment
3. Data Engineering -- Unlocking Corporate Data -- Concepts and Principles
4. The Different Categories of Data and The Different Coding Approach That Each Requires
5. The Cubic Business Model -- Foundation of Your E.R.P. and Financial Systems
- Location Coding and Layers
- Function Coding
- Avoiding Logical Non-Conformities -- Semantic Principles
- Support for Effective Activity Based Costing
- Governance, Delegation and Empowerment
- Processes, Projects, Activities and Other Layers
- Other Cubes -- Clinical Data, etc
6. Structuring Financial Data Codes for Strategic Decision Support (The General Ledger Chart of Accounts)
7. Coding of Personnel, Creditor and Debtor Account and Other Random Text Data
8. Coding of Project and Other Sequential Data
9. Structuring Work Break Down Structures for Management Reporting and Decision Support -- Gain Control of Your Projects Through Consistent Code Hierarchies and Management Transform Mapping
10. Document Classification and Filing Codes Linked to Overall Management
11. Other Codes
Work With Your Own Information
Delegates are requested to bring samples of their own data in both hard copy and Microsoft Excel format on CD. There will be working sessions where delegates work with their own validation and master file content.
Bring a Multi-Disciplinary Team
Bring a team of managers and system specialists in order to facilitate collective understanding of the true information dynamics of your organization and take advantage of the favourable group discounts.
Teams from the same organization will be afforded the opportunity to work together in the practical exercises thereby providing an opportunity for personnel from different functional components of the business to better understand each others information requirements and how to meet these requirements.
Day Three (Optional)
A Systematic Method and Tool for Analyzing Information In Order to Structure Codes
A software tool and method will be taught and delegates will receive a copy of the software valued at R980.00.
Detailed training on the tool in the context of information analysis and code design is provided on the third day.
This training will equip delegates with practical mechanisms for working with people in their organization to synthesize fundamentally sound information classification hierarchies in order to support effective business decision making at all levels.
The method and tool have diverse application in the business and delegates will return from the course equipped to be more effective in their functions.
Delegates attending the third day of the course are requested to bring a notebook computer loaded with Microsoft Excel 97 or later and with a CD ROM drive. An external mouse is recommended and delegates are requested to familiarise themselves with the basic operation of Microsoft Excel before the course.
More information at
http://www.jar-a.com/prd/04/05/18to22/Informat ion_Technology_Courses_November-December_2004.htm#4d
Operator to Assist Delegates
An intermediate level of knowledge of Excel and reasonably fast typing speed is required to use the tool to maximum effect. Delegates who do not have these skills may bring an operator from their company to the third day of the course in order for the operator to learn how to use the software while the delegate concentrates on the facilitation technique and method. The fee for an operator to attend the third day is R990.00 excluding VAT (R1128.60 including VAT).
Summing Up
Delegates will obtain a solid grounding in methods of coding different types of data in a manner that maximizes data capture efficiency and accuracy and maximizes decision support capability.
This course has the potential to save your organization millions of Rands AND greatly improve competitive capability -- one organization was able to process the same volume of data with four operators instead of twelve AND obtained exceptional improvement in management information quantity and quality with structured drill down and inquiry support inherent in the data.
Date: Tuesday 23 to Thursday 25 November 08h00 for 08h30 to 17h30, course begins at 08h30 sharp
Venue: The Conference Park -- details and Hotel information after course outlines
R7,995.00 excluding VAT for three days (R9,114,30 including VAT).
R5,995.00 excluding VAT for two days (R6,834.30 including VAT)
Saving of up to R2,286.57 per delegate is available for early bird booking of four or more delegates or one delegate on each of four courses.
The discount structure is set out after the course outlines later in this email.
In order to quality for the early bird discount payment must be made on or before Tuesday 9 November 2004.
The fee for an operator on the third day to assist one or more delegates is R990.00 excluding VAT (R1128.60 including VAT).
Operators do not receive handouts and will share a computer with the delegate or delegates they accompany.
Software Included (Day 3)
The StratSnap© critical issues software is included in the price for delegates who attend the third day.
5. Three Day Course: Pooling Collective Knowledge and Experience -- Critical Issues Business Analysis Tool and Method (Day Three Optional)
How to get maximum benefit from the knowledge and experience of a team or delegate group in a way that supports structured planning.
If management at all levels, analysts and others are able to quickly and concisely pool the collective knowledge and experience of a team of people in a structured manner that results in high levels of consensus and results which are intuitively sound they have well established techniques of harnessing teams. If not, then this course offers an essential tool and method and should be seriously considered.
For executives, managers and I.T. professionals who are frustrated with the inability of business to obtain structured evaluation of business requirements or business decisions with high levels of support which convert into results producing action.
"Pooling Collective Knowledge and Experience" presents a very practical tool and method for analysis and consensus building at all levels in an organization ranging from strategic analysis and design to consolidation of operational decision making.
Have you ever spent hours or days in meetings or workshops and been confronted with a report or decision that does not appear to take account of what you said and which seems to ignore essential issues that are obvious to you?
Do discussions get "bogged down" in detail and miss the critical points?
How do you overcome conflict between Human Resources, Marketing, Finance, Production, etc?
This three day course will provide you with a software tool and training in a facilitation and THINKING method that is designed to quickly and easily harness the collective knowledge and experience of all those in any meeting, workshop or planning session and includes an optional third day on strategic analysis and design techniques.
This simple yet powerful tool and method will change the way you think about meetings, about project design, about strategic planning and about how you prepare the outlines for presentations and reports. The method can be applied anywhere where prioritized structure will improve understanding and clarity and improve effectiveness.
Focus on the critical / essential / key issues will always produce better outcomes at lower cost and with less effort. The savings can be dramatic.
The tool and method are exceptionally versatile and straightforward to apply.
Delegates to the course will receive a copy of the software, valued at R980.00 including a manual which outlines both the use of the software as well as the facilitation method.
The course will present some key concepts followed by a day and a half of practical application of the tool and method in a group setting.
The course will cover:
1. How to Quickly and Efficiently Capture the Collective Knowledge, Experience and Opinions of a Group of People
2. Harnessing Collective Knowledge and Experience in Order to Formulate the Critical / Essential / Key Issues
3. How to Gather the Overview Opinions of Each Individual in a Manner that Supports Group Consensus AND Allows Every Person to be "Heard"
4. Reaching a Consensus Prioritization OR Providing a Basis for Visible Understandable Executive Override
5. Evaluating Performance on an Individual and Group Basis -- Historic, Current, Forecast and Objective Ratings -- Measuring Soft Issues and Visualizing the Trajectory of Required Change
6. Determining the Overall Primary Priorities for Scarce Resources
7. Evaluating the Quantified Gaps to Formulate Projects and Actions
Delegates are requested to bring a computer loaded with Microsoft Excel 97 or later and with a CD ROM drive. An external mouse is recommended and delegates are requested to familiarise themselves with the basic operation of Microsoft Excel.
Operator to Assist Delegate With Computer Operation
An operator with mid level competence in Microsoft Excel and a reasonably fast typing speed can attend the course in addition to the delegate in order for the operator to learn how to use the software while the delegate concentrates on the facilitation technique.
Operators do not receive handouts and will share a computer with the delegate or delegates they accompany.
Day Three (Optional)
Applying the Tool and Method to the Development of Business Strategic Plans -- Strategic Analysis and Design
The software tool and method that will be taught on days one and two has wide applicability, including in the development of structured strategic analysis and in creating the framework for structured strategic plans.
The optional third day will discuss key concepts of strategic analysis and design in the context of applying the tool in the business.
This method of strategic analysis has been found to be highly effective in developing systematic strategic plans with a high probability of a successful outcome.
Summing Up
Delegates will obtain a tool and training in a critical thinking method that can be applied at any level in an organization both operationally and strategically and which can also be used at the level of personal planning and decision making.
This method and tool has the potential to streamline decision making at all levels in your organization and the method can be used without the tool with small groups or by individuals.
Comment about the tool and method:
"A lot of thinking went into this. Simple but effective ..."
This course has extremely wide applicability. It has relevance to executives and middle and senior management, business analysts, I.T. professionals, etc.
Date: Wednesday 1 to Friday 3 December 08h00 for 08h30 to 17h30, course begins at 08h30 sharp
Venue: The Conference Park -- details and Hotel information after course outlines
R6,995.00 excluding VAT for three days (R7,974.30 including VAT)
R4,995.00 excluding VAT for two days (R5,694.30 including VAT)
Saving of up to R2,000.57 per delegate is available for early bird booking of four or more delegates or one delegate on each of four courses.
The discount structure is set out after the course outlines later in this email.
In order to quality for the early bird discount payment must be made on or before Tuesday 16 November 2004.
Fee for an operator is R2,900.00 excluding VAT (R3,306.00 excluding VAT) for three days or R1,950.00 excluding VAT (R2,223,00 including VAT) for two days.
Operators do not receive handouts and will share a computer with the delegate or delegates they accompany.
Software Included
The StratSnap© critical issues software, value R980.00, is included in the price.
We would like to invite you and other executives, managers and staff to attend the courses appropriate to your organization at this time.
Discount structure, venue, hotel and reservation details further down in this email.
Internationally Recognized Course Presenter -- Dr James Robertson
The following statements are examples of what has been said about Dr Robertson's approach:
· "thought provoking"
· "challenging"
· "practical"
· "common sense"
· "caused me to see things differently"
· ...
A delegate to the recent "Essential I.T. Knowledge for Business Executives" one day executive masterclass had this to say about that course:
"Good pragmatic view of I.T. investment. Sobering!!"
Delegates to the three day "Essential Knowledge for I.T. Effectiveness Course" held recently in the Middle East rated Dr Robertson at "over 90%" in terms of knowledge and experience and also with regard to presentation manner.
We are confident that you will find this course thought provoking, challenging, practical and valuable.
More information about Dr Robertson is available at: http://www.jar-a.com
Dr Robertson is the author of the
"Business View"
column in
Computerweek Strategist
Fee structure is based on a standard rate discounted for early bird booking and payment prior to specified date as well as discounts for multiple delegates on one course and discounts for registration of delegates from the same organization on different courses.
The fee includes lunch, teas, parking and handouts.
Group Pricing
Discount for:
- two (2) delegates 4% per delegate
- three (3) delegates 8% per delegate
- four (4) delegates 16% per delegate
Maximum total discount is 31% per delegate.
Send a multi-disciplinary team of business and I.T. staff.
Package Pricing
Send the same or different delegates on different courses and obtain a discount on ALL COURSES attended:
- two (2) courses 4% per delegate
- three (3) courses 8% per delegate
- four (4) courses 16% per delegate
Discount compounds with group discount.
Maximum total discount is 31% per delegate.
Send different staff members on different courses and build up a portfolio of knowledge that will kick start your corporate I.T. operations for 2005.
Early Bird Discount
The early bird discount is 15% for delegates booked AND PAID FOR by the specified dates.
To qualify for the early bird rate on a package of several courses payment must be received by the early bird date for the first course in the package.
Early bird discount applies to operator fees as well.
Discount compounds with group and package discount.
Maximum total discount is 31%.
Book a group of 4 or more delegates and / or package of 4 or more courses early and send one delegate for free and one at a reduced rate.
In-House Course
If you are unable to attend any of these courses we can offer the same course in-house at competitive rates on dates that suit you -- email or phone for details.
Obtain a Concise, Affordable Diagnostic "Second Opinion"
We offer specialized short duration high impact consulting services through which you can obtain direct input from Dr James Robertson in evaluating and diagnosing specific areas of concern in your organization.
These services include a one day on-site "pulse measurement" in which Dr Robertson will use critical issue techniques based on the military "quick attack" analysis approach to concisely evaluate the state of a specific area of concern in your organization and make recommendations for immediate action .
Such an intervention can quickly clarify critical issues and result in savings of millions of Rands.
Longer interventions as well as strategic business requirement analysis and design services are available to meet your needs.
Please email or phone to arrange to obtain a fee proposal for a concise "second opinion" on the state of your I.T. investment.
Many projects fail because certain questions are NOT asked when the project is initiated, as an aid to clients we have prepared a list of essential project initiation questions which we would like to give to you as an example of the value that we can add to your organisation.
This check list was described as "very informative and helpful" by someone who received it in response to this offer.
We would like to give you this check list whether you attend any of the courses or not
To obtain a copy of the check list of "Essential Project Initiation Questions" at NO charge simply reply to this email with "Please send free check list" in the subject line and we will email you the check list as an Adobe Acrobat pdf file by return whether you register for any of the courses or not .
Directions to the Venue
The course will take place at The Conference Park, 234 Alexandra Avenue, Halfway House, Midrand, Gauteng
We will email you a map together with the invoice when we receive your registration or the map and directions can be downloaded from:
http://www.jar-a.com/prd/04/05/18to22/Map_To_The_Conference_Park_Mid rand.pdf
Hotel Accommodation
Should you need accommodation while attending the course the Mercure Inn 011-312-2020 or Midrand Protea Hotel 011-318-1868 are near the venue
Reservations must be made directly with the hotel of your choice and are for your account
Course Reservations
To reserve your place on these exciting courses please
· reply to this email
· or phone Sandy on 011-791-2327 or 083-251-6644
· or email sandra@jar-a.com
Attendance Certificates
Attendance certificates will be issued to all delegates on completion of the course.
Delegates will receive copies of all the presentations in a file at the commencement of each course, delegates to the breakfast will receive the presentation in a ring binder.
Delegates to certain courses will receive a copy of the hard cover edition of the book "The Critical Factors for Information Technology Investment Success" valued at R380.
Delegates to certain courses will receive a copy of the STRATSNAP business analysis software valued at R980.
The software and book are also available for purchase by addressees who are not able to attend the course, see information below.
Notification of Future Courses
Should you be unable to attend any of these courses but be interested in attending a future course please reply to this email accordingly.
In addition to the courses listed above we offer a range of specialist consulting, training and facilitation services directed at assisting you to obtain maximum benefit from your I.T. and strategy investments.
Please email or phone with your requirements.
"The Critical Factors in Information Technology Investment Success"
As mentioned above, delegates to several of the courses will receive a copy of the hard cover edition of the book "The Critical Factors for Information Technology Investment Success" as part of the course material.
The book gives more detail on the design and implementation of I.T. projects and programmes (collections of multiple projects).
If you are unable to attend the course, or would like additional copies, the book is available for purchase independently of the course.
Copies of the book can be ordered from us by replying to this email or phoning Sandy on 011-791-2327 or 083-251-6644 or email sandra@jar-a.com
The book is available in the following formats:
Electronic Version by Email:
Email delivery in Adobe Acrobat pdf format:
· R170.00 including VAT
Electronic Version on Data Compact Disc:
Adobe Acrobat pdf format on CD:
· R220.00 including VAT
· Postage and packing, insured parcel post in South Africa, for the CD edition is R20.00 including VAT.
Hard Cover Edition:
Hard cover book, ISBN 0-620-31648-9:
· R380.00 including VAT
· Postage and packing, insured parcel post in South Africa, for the hard cover edition is R40.00 including VAT.
More Information
More information about the book, including an Overview, the Preface, the last chapter of the book, the Table of Contents and the Index is available on our web site at:
http://www.jar-a.com/prd/02_00_01_the_cri tical_factors_in_information_technology_investment_success.htm
"STRATSNAP©" Critical Issues Business Analysis Software
As mentioned above, delegates attending certain courses will receive a single user copy of the STRATSNAP© critical issues business analysis software.
Delegates to these courses will also receive instruction on how to use the software.
If you are unable to attend the course, or would like additional copies of the software it is available for purchase independently of the courses.
Copies of the software can be ordered from us by replying to this email or phoning Sandy on 011-791-2327 or 083-251-6644 or email sandra@jar-a.com
The software and manual are available for delivery in the following formats:
Electronic Delivery by Email:
Email delivery of software in Microsoft Excel spreadsheets and manual in Adobe Acrobat pdf format:
· R870.00 including VAT
Physical Delivery With Software on Data Compact Disc and Hard Copy Manual:
Microsoft Excel spreadsheets on CD together with a bound copy of the manual:
· R980.00 including VAT
· Postage and packing, insured parcel post in South Africa, R40.00 including VAT
· Total R1,020.00 including postage and packing in South Africa
We are confident that these courses will answer many important questions and supply information that will open new perspectives on the effective value adding application of I.T.
Yours faithfully
"Achieving effective, sustainable competitive advantage and profitable, decisive corporate operations through effective application of Information Technology and Strategy"

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