2016.08.09 What IF Satan WINS the Contest? Created by James on 5/17/2018 10:52:26 AM If Satan wins the Contest Yah will remove all of His servants and remove His Spirit from planet Earth
What IF Satan WINS the Contest?
Dr James A Robertson
The FUNDAMENTAL aim of the contest is to see whether there is a believing man or woman who is a descendant of Adam who is alive on the last day of the 7,000 years of creation who is in a legal position (free of sin and error) in the Court of Heaven to call on Yahooshua to return to the earth and bring judgment
If there is NOT such a believer, Satan will come before the throne of Yah and claim victory because he (Satan) has proved that Yah was UNABLE to create human beings such that after seven thousand years NOT even a SINGLE person was in right standing with Yah
At this point Yah will admit defeat and Satan will reign on earth for eternity together with ALL those who were unbelievers, both those that are alive at that point and those who have died before then and continued to exist on earth as ancestor spirits {demons}
I do NOT want to think about what life on earth will be like with Satan officially ruling and Yah COMPLETELY withdrawn from earth and with the high order Satanists, witches, etc coming to prominence with murder, the sacrifice of humans, the eating of human flesh and drinking of human blood becoming the order of the day in terms of the Satanic power on earth
To better understand what happens when Satan truly reigns consider Africa South of the Sahara or the Indians of the Amazon jungle who sunk totally into Satanism and witchcraft and lost all vestige of civilization while sinking to the level of barbaric murder and wholesale slaughter coupled to subsistence existence
All these people originated from Noah but those who have most actively served Satan sank into the greatest depravity and physical and mental deterioration
The same can be seen in terms of degradation of peoples to primitive form in North America, Australia, etc -- wherever people forsake the Creator totally they sink into primitive barbaric existence -- Satan has NO creative or healing power and therefore people degrade
If you look closely at a mid to high order Satanist, Witch or other Satanic servant you will see there is a sallow lifelessness about their faces, they have generally engaged in measures such as weird hair cuts, tattoos, piercings, etc to show their allegiance and their eyes are dull or show a sharp aggression because of the demons looking out of them -- consideration of their physical state indicates that their service of Satan is bringing about progressive deterioration
Contrast this to the health and life that one sees in true believers through the healing power of the Spirit of the Creator
This degradation was also in Europe during the dark ages when the quality of life, technology, etc degraded into barbarism as people forsook the Creator
With the Reformation and the resurgence of belief in the Creator and relationship with Him Europe turned around and led a global revival the fruits of which we still enjoy today, this same revival is impacting Africa and other places where extreme degradation due to Satan service had taken place
With the increasing abandonment of recognition of the Creator, particularly in the USA (banning the bible, prayer and name of the Creator from schools, etc), we will see increasing degradation in the centuries ahead
All of this points us to what will happen on earth if Satan wins the contest
This possibility should be enough to motivate anyone to seek Yah urgently
If you still think it might be "not so bad" to serve Satan after Yah withdraws remember that "in Yah we live and move and have our being" -- the Spirit of Yah holds us together, holds the earth together and the solar system and the Universe
Yah states that in the event that Satan DOES win the contest Yah will progressively remove Himself from planet earth and any other location where there are live human beings and, as a consequence, over a period of about 100 years ALL life will die out and the earth will become a sterile desert in the worst sense of the word populated with several hundred billion demons who no longer have humans or animals to ride on
The vast majority of demons will therefore spend eternity stuck in the location where their host died only able to communicate with other demons within shouting distance. The only exception will be the masterminds and other senior demons who will have Satanic messengers to ride on and even there their authority will be limited and it is probable that things will degenerate to a point where the different masterminds and their followers are fighting with one another since they have nothing else to do and only know strife and hatred
If you really get a sense of the utter futility of this existence it is my prayer that you will repent and turn to actively serving Yah from now on.
NEXT SUB-SECTION: The Truth about the Satanic Dominion >>>
NEXT SECTION: Where are YOU headed? >>>
The truth about Satanic dominion
One of the reasons that most people in our modern "western" world are NOT that concerned about serving Yah (the Creator) is that many do NOT believe Satan exists and, IF they do, they have a very vague picture of what Satan and the Satanic realm is like, so they are NOT motivated to DO something about it
They also have a very vague picture of the end of their life -- Satan, through the church, has LIED to them that they will end up in heaven no matter what -- consider the lies that are told at most funeral and remembrance services where the officiating "priest" has NO knowledge of the spiritual standing of the person who is being buried and in most cases the demon or ancestor spirit of the person they are burying is right there at the grave side with them
So, people are complacent and badly deceived
Once one understands that the consequence of unbelief is spending the rest of this era, the next nearly 1,000 years, as an ancestor spirit or "demon" condemned to rely on living human beings, animals or messengers {angels} (senior demons only) for regular transport or else stuck in the place they died, then I would hope that unbelievers will think more carefully about their decision NOT to believe, it is after all, a VERY significant decision, even IF they took it by default because they just signed up with the general unbelief that characterizes our society
But THAT is reality, UNBELIEVER? ancestor spirit until the end of the age, roughly 3003 at which point IF Satan wins the contest, you get to live on earth with Satan for ETERNITY under Satan's DIRECT control with Yah, the Almighty Creator, totally exiting the planet and leaving YOU to Satan's devices OR, IF Satan loses, you will have the relief of being cast into the Lake of Fire and Brimstone, which is the second death, and being utterly consumed by the fire in a moment of terror and torment
Why do I say "relief" relative to Satan losing?
Well, IF you are a vaguely decent, nice, good, person you are going to find being an ancestor spirit VERY difficult indeed, you will probably opt out as much as you can so will sit around on one of your family members hoping NOT to be noticed
BUT, if a witch, or Satanist or more senior demon DOES notice you and decides to assign you to a task you will then find things get VERY unpleasant -- your task will likely initially be to lead a person, quite possibly a living family member, deeper into one of the sins you are expert at, lust, fornication, pride, lying, etc
If you show promise you may well be sent on a course to learn how to do things better and be a better demon -- the Demonic realm is organized very much like a very large corporate entity -- that is where they all came from after all
You will face the HARSH reality that the ONLY way you will gain recognition, promotion, greater privileges as a demon is to become MORE EVIL -- which I suspect will NOT be pleasant if you have been a "good" unbeliever
Remember also that your demonic masters have the right to assign you to unpleasant tasks if they think you are NOT performing, so you could find yourself transferred from riding on your favorite grandson to riding on some homeless drunk, or a tribesman in some remote and primitive land where you do NOT know the language
Or you could find yourself being worked over and roughed up by some of the local demonic "heavies" because your attitude is NOT up to the desired standard
Look at some of the extreme and perverse things that are depicted on TV and the movies to get an idea of some of the practices of the dark side
On a broader front, over time, IF the believers FAIL to take back the world (it is currently almost TOTALLY controlled by the Satanic realm) the world WILL become darker
At the moment the world is actually NOT too bad a place to live, the Satanic realm is focussed on sugar coating evil with a view to NOT motivating believers and trapping unbelievers in thinking that it is OK to live a "good" life and that belief is optional and meaningless, so the gross perversion and brutality is relatively limited and isolated
Consider a few examples:
The extreme level Satanists, Witches, Warlocks, etc who serve Satan on earth today, IF you happen to meet one, which most of the time you probably will NOT, are frequently tattooed to extremes (each needle prick a covenant with the person administering the tattoo, generally on behalf of Satan), have numerous piercings, have needles inserted in their flesh with curses and demons assigned to them, etc
They gain their rank by gross perversion, loyalty to Satan is shown by gross acts that are perverse in the extreme and highly offensive to the Almighty Creator -- rampant fornication, homosexuality, theft, lies, break ALL the ten commandments, blasphemy, etc are the easier ones -- as one progresses in these ranks a point is reached where you will be instructed to murder someone, initially perhaps a homeless beggar but, in time, your children, your parents, etc AND you will be instructed to eat their flesh and drink their blood, as you accomplish more you will perhaps even get to eat their flesh and drink their blood WHILE they are alive!
You do NOT think that is possible?
Difficult to prove because they cover their tracks well and there are Satan servants in positions of influence in police forces, undertakers, crematoriums, doctors who issue death certificates for "heart attack" and arrange speedy cremation of the remains, etc -- not difficult once one is in that area of influence
And it is happening right where YOU live, London, New York, Dullsville, wherever...
You think those things only happen in primitive societies?
Well, think about it, what IS a primitive society?
It is a society that has been serving Satan for centuries
You think they are evolutionary slow developers, we just advanced faster than them?
There is a catch -- there REALLY was a massive hydraulic and tectonic event, generally euphemistically called "the Flood" about 4,500 years ago and the ENTIRE planet WAS really wiped out and there really WERE ONLY EIGHT SURVIVORS -- the evidence is ALL around for those with eyes to see
So those primitive savages are actually descended from the SAME group of highly civilized highly technically advanced human beings that YOU and I are descended from
What separates you from them is that their forebears turned more actively to Satan than YOUR forebears and so they have degenerated more
They lost their technology, culture, etc because the Satanic realm is NOT creative
They lost their relationship with Yah
They turned to ancestor worship, Witchcraft, Satanism, etc
Human sacrifice, drinking human blood and eating human flesh, etc
ALL of Africa, the Australian Aborigines, the South American Indians, the North American Indians, etc -- different levels of degradation and depravity but ALL serving Satan
We even had it in Europe not so long ago in the Dark Ages -- the Inquisitions, for five hundred years, hard to imagine barbarity perpetrated against believers by supposedly civilized European people (also supposedly believers!)
The Satanic realm ONLY understands harsh oppression, domination, perversion, barbarity because THAT is what gives it its power -- the more extreme a demon the more powerful it becomes so, if YOU are a high achiever and you choose NOT to believe, then prepare yourself to sink to great levels of perversion and viciousness AFTER you die -- there ARE ranks in the Satanic realm
Baal, Ashtoroth, etc around Israel about three thousand years ago, children burned alive in sacrifice
We do it today only in a more "civilized" manner and call it "choice" and say that a woman has the RIGHT to "abort" her child, so much nicer than "sacrifice her child to Satan", which is what she is actually doing
The Abortion clinics are largely run by Satanists and Witches, they provide a ready supply of untracked human flesh for those who are too squeamish to kill their own, they torment and torture the foetus before they kill it, gaining greater kudos in the Satanic realm
You might even approve of abortion which means that YOU are in this already DEEPER than you think!
By the way, did you know that a Witch gains great power if she kills her victim just as he climaxes sexually inside her? If you are a man, be careful who you have sex with in a strange city where no-one knows you, EVEN in major "Western" / "European" cities, and it works the other way round as well
The perversion and abominations know NO bounds
So, Martin Luther started the Reformation which led to a Renaissance associated with a major return to serving Yah and brought the inquisitions, etc to an end such that today we live in a relatively benign world because of the blessings of millions of people actively serving Yah, even though they got His Name wrong, etc
BUT that is changing, fewer and fewer people believe that there IS a Creator and so slowly, almost imperceptively, because the Satanic realm are very clever and have learned that highly visible gross perversion just fails to get the job done and turns good unbelievers into believers, so they are working more subtly to bring about a situation where there are NO believers left and they are doing a really good job because the numbers are DWINDLING
What will happen when they think that they have won IF they get to that point?
There is some basis to expect a degeneration
That is NOT really the point
The REAL point is what happens AFTER 3003 IF Satan wins
At that point Satan and his Masterminds no longer have to concern themselves with appearances - ALL those left alive on earth at that point belong to Satan and ALL the demonic spirits and fallen messengers will belong to Satan and Yah, our loving, gentle Heavenly Father, is OUT OF THERE!
At that point expect life on earth to get REALLY UGLY, look to primitive South America, Africa, etc for an indication of the direction things will take
Greater Witchcraft, ancestor worship, human sacrifices, gladiatorial events, murder, torture, every evil thing you have ever seen on TV, read about in books or dreamed of
The earth after 3003 will be a VERY unpleasant place to be -- and you? IF you die an unbeliever will at best be on the fringes but, more likely, you will be bullied and tormented to join in "the fun" more actively, more aggressively and more perversely!!!!
Then there is an added challenge
Yah has said that should Satan win the Contest, Yah will withdraw TOTALLY from earth
He will remove His Spirit from exposure to the evil and then ALL life on earth will die, the humans will die, the animals will die and the plants will die and earth will be left as a barren wilderness with no benevolent loving creator to temper the climate only raging dust storms and thunder storms and escalating temperatures that will make current projections of global warming seem like a picnic by comparison
So, the seas will rise, but, so what, all that will be left will be demons and fallen messengers
That introduces ANOTHER unpleasantness for YOU should you choose NOT to believe -- there will NOT be enough transport
Remember, as an ancestor spirit or demon you have NO motive ability in and of yourself, you are reliant on either a human or an animal OR a messenger {Satanic Angel}
Can you see the problem? as the humans and animals die there will be billions of demons without transport
Right now, 2014, there are over 100 BILLION demons on the planet, most riding on humans, by 3003 there will be BILLIONS MORE!
There are FAR fewer than 100 BILLION fallen messengers so most of the demons will be without transport, stuck on the patch of ground or seabed or floating flotsam that their host was clinging to as he or she or it died, able only to shout to one another as the rotting, dying planet decays around them
Remember also that transport by messenger is reserved for the higher ranking demons and they are VERY protective of their privileges so, most demons will be STUCK
Remember also that once all the humans and animals are dead there will be NO people to fight over, nothing to sacrifice, the rules of the game will change and the demonic Masterminds who rule under Satan can reasonably be expected to start competing with one another for privilege and power and you, at best, will be an onlooker from some isolated point OR, IF you have made some progress through the hierarchy will be in the thick of the battle in whatever shape or form that takes -- beaten up but NEVER the respite of death!
And THAT will be your fate for EVER and EVER and EVER and EVER -- it will NEVER end
So, I suggest for your consideration that this is a VERY good reason why IF you are currently an unbeliever YOU should check out the facts and choose to accept Yah the eternally self-existing as your Mighty One {God, LORD}
Then at least you have theprospect of eternity in Heaven and IF you pull out all the stops in this life you could end up in a VERY beautiful and VERY privileged position for eternity
May Yah bless you and keep you and make His face to shine upon you and give you His peace as you embark on this journey
May Yah judge me severely and correct me harshly and show me the level of my present deception and how to correct it with regard to everything that I write and publish
Warm regards and blessings,
James Robertson
Emissary and Spokesman of Yah
10 August 2016

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