2014.01.12.04 No one is intentionally going to hell Created by James on 1/3/2019 6:06:22 AM It is so that no one is intentionally going to hell, believers have been lied to such that they believe that unbelievers go to hell and unbelievers do NOT believe that hell exists -- if believers knew what faced them if they do NOT deal with their sin in this life they would live life very differently
No one is intentionally going to hell
It is so that NO human being is intentionally going to Hell
They end up in Hell because of unrecognized sin and error in their lives, this is why praying the correct prayers and drawing close to Yah are SO critical
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2011.03.03 - No one is intentionally going to hell
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One of the things that I observe is that people who are in error do not know they are in error.
And most people who are in sin do not really know that what they are doing is sin and that it is going to send them to the Lake of Fire, if only for a part of eternity, in part most do NOT believe there is a Lake of Fire.
I truly believe that if someone has a deep revelation of the Lake of Fire and Brimstone AND knows that what they are doing is sin they will make a serious effort stop it.
I am sure I have errors and commit sins, where I realize I have sinned, like the last few days in relation to using "ja" for "yes" thereby taking Fathers Name in vain, I have repented immediately.
There are things I have battled with in my life but where I was sinning I was at least at some level conscious of it.
Hebrews 6 and 10 make it clear that when we get to the point that we sin wilfully, knowingly, there is no further repentance, but I think that even then if the person doing that truly knew that their actions would bring eternal damnation and torment they would refrain from doing it and change their behaviour.
What is my point?
Coming down aggressively and judgmentally on someone who is sinning who does not understand that they are sinning is counterproductive.
We are told NOT to judge and not to condemn, "judgment is mine says Yah the eternally self-existing".
The challenge is to seek truth in people and to build a bridge between their truth and what we have that we believe is truth and thereby to lead them from their error into light and to pray that others will do the same for us.
Anger, offense, pride, etc will NOT bring a person to truth and deliverance from sin.
Causing others to become angry, offended, rise up in pride, etc will NOT cause them to receive what we have that is truth and, by the way, how sure are we that we have truth?
There are things that I know that I know that Father has shown me clearly and unambiguously are truths and this is much of what I write about on this list but if I have errors I do not know what they are because otherwise I would course correct, or at least I hope I would.
Thus, I have been using "ja" for "yes" probably ever since I could talk, certainly ever since I went to pre-primary school because that is the common convention in the society where I live.
I have known about the true Name of the Creator being "Yah" for about ten years now but until the last few days I have not had a deep conviction that I was sinning by using "ja" instead of "yes" thereby using a word that sounds the same as "Yah".
Was there grace for this?
I hope so and think so, we have to grow and learn.
Would I have been judged for this if I had not repented?
That is complex, see below.
Now I have a revelation.
I have prayed "Father, I come to you in the name of Yahooshua and confess that I have sinned by using the word "ja" thereby taking your name in vain, I confess that I have done this millions of times, I confess that this is sin and I ask you to forgive me for the millions of times that I have done this, I ask you to help me to change my language so that I cease doing this!"
It is now up to me, assisted by Yah's Spirit, to change my behaviour, as long as I am sincerely working at it I believe there will be grace.
Should I become cavalier about it the grace will cease.
There is a challenging dimension to this.
For about fifteen years I have been praying "Father please show me the level of my present deception and how to correct it".
I have also been praying "Father, please judge me severely and correct me harshly that I may serve you more perfectly"
While I have been aware of the issue of "ja" versus "Yah" I have not really done much about it, since Thursday I have had a fairly deep conviction that I need to change this as a matter of urgency.
What would have happened in the intervening fifteen years if I had died and ultimately ended up in front of the Judgment Seat?
I would like to believe that there would have been grace because of what I have been praying above but I am not going to stick my neck out and tell you categorically that there WOULD be grace in such a circumstance.
Yes, there are many other issues I have been dealing with but NO I could have made an effort on this front as well.
The bottom line of this message is therefore – do NOT get angry and aggressive with others over their errors, constantly seek guidance with regard to your errors and pray the two prayers above on a regular basis if you sincerely do NOT want to burn for part or all of eternity.
There IS a corollary to this – once we have been told about an error and we do nothing about it we will also be subject to a harsher judgment – as best I recall no one has ever said to me that it was sin to use "ja" I have just had the thought and have said it myself – I have not had another independent witness – but now that I have that witness, even though it is in myself, I will be judged more severely if I continue in this error.
Grant grace to others.
Do NOT become proud of your own revelation.
Seek to build a truth between their truths and the truth you believe you have and pray that others will grant you the same mercy.
Pray for correction and judgment on an on-going basis.
May Yah bless you and keep you and make His face to shine upon you and give you peace.

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