12/26/2024 8:07:27 PM,
How does one recognize a TRUE BELIEVER? -- One who follows the example of Yahooshua and does the same or greater works that he did!
How well do YOU stack up?
How close are you to this ideal?
A True Believer will follow the example of Yahooshua even if they don't know of him. A True Believer is led by the Spirit of Yah and does the works that Yah teaches them to perform.
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2/17/2024 11:16:19 AM,
The Anointing -- what is it? -- why seek it? -- how does it manifest? -- be aware of the possibility of the supernatural in YOU and through YOU”
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10/14/2023 3:33:31 PM,
I am going to share a series of items dealing with what is possible if one is highly anointed and deeply Spirit Led together with how to become deeply filled with the Spirit of the Creator.
We will look at a Powerful Example of what is possible when deeply Spirit Led and other related messages, then we will look at The Price of Yah’s Miracle Working Power and then look at Unlocking the Gifts of Yah’s Spirit. Finally we will discuss How to become an Anointed One – One Filled with the Spirit of the Almighty.
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12/28/2023 12:39:43 PM,
In recent weeks I have received a number of emails from a very committed Christian challenging certain statements I have made. His basic thesis has been that I am contradicting what is contained in “God’s Holy Word,” i.e. the Bible and therefore I will burn in Hell for Eternity.
Ignoring his incorrect understanding of Hell for now I want to focus on his statements about “God’s Holy Word.”
It occurs to me that while I write with great confidence regarding the existence of the Almighty Creator whose True Name is Yah the Eternally Self-Existing it might be helpful to share a few of the experiences that give me this confidence. This may or may not help you directly but, I hope it will challenge YOU to grow to a point where you can have similar experiences.
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3/19/2023 5:04:35 PM,
This is a MUST READ IF YOU are serious about serving Father.
The article debunks a whole lot of false Christian teaching and sets out key principles of which the most important is reference to John 14:12 “I assure you and most solemnly say to you, anyone who believes in Me will also do the things that I do; and he will do even greater things than these [in extent and outreach], because I am going to the Father.” AMP adjusted
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10/16/2022 1:52:59 PM,
Probably the biggest single error in the body of Christian Believers is the error that “Christ” is synonymous with “Jesus” when, in fact, “Christ” refers to the “Anointing of the Spirit of Yah” and therefore refers to Yah and NOT Yahooshua. This results in a transference of the powers and attributes of Yah onto Jesus. This article seeks to address this error.
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10/12/2022 5:41:45 PM,
I received the following article from Doug Ferguson, an anointed servant of Yah, who contacted me through the website a few years ago and has shared various items with me since then. His message that ALL Believers should do the same or greater works than Yahooshua is absolutely cardinal to my recurring message challenging YOU to initiate Revival wherever you are.
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8/6/2022 11:13:13 AM,
Some weeks ago I came across this powerful message about how AA Allen developed deep belief that he could perform miracles of healing and other miracles and then struggled to bring about change in his life to make this a reality.
Finally after a lengthy fast he received revelation from Yahooshua and when he finally acted on all he was shown he started to move in dramatic power as evidenced by the second half of the video.
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1/2/2023 4:57:36 PM,
It occurs to me that while I write with great confidence regarding the existence of the Almighty Creator whose True Name is Yah the Eternally Self-Existing it might be helpful to share a few of the experiences that give me this confidence. This may or may not help you directly but, I hope it will challenge YOU to grow to a point where you can have similar experiences.
On consideration it seemed important to summarize the essence of my message and cross reference some of the most important articles. This broadcast sets out to do this.
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7/18/2022 6:31:58 AM,
It occurs to me that while I write with great confidence regarding the existence of the Almighty Creator whose True Name is Yah the Eternally Self-Existing it might be helpful to share a few of the experiences that give me this confidence. This may or may not help you directly but, I hope it will challenge YOU to grow to a point where you can have similar experiences.
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5/8/2021 3:36:09 PM,
It occurs to me that while I write with great confidence regarding the existence of the Almighty Creator whose True Name is Yah the Eternally Self-Existing it might be helpful to share a few of the experiences that give me this confidence. This may or may not help you directly but, I hope it will challenge YOU to grow to a point where you can have similar experiences.
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1/15/2019 8:18:06 AM,
What I term the Power Anointing is the anointing to perform miracles, heal the sick, etc -- this level and type of anointing is NOT widely given and requires a considerable period of apprenticeship in order to use wisely and appropriately
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6/23/2013 4:21:48 AM,
What we take as miraculous today was common place thousands of years ago
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