1/19/2025 8:18:59 PM,
In this article I will share an extremely important truth that I learned by accident in 2010 -- that as a Believer free of Sin one has massive power and authority over the Satanic and Demonic Realm and they cannot touch you!
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12/28/2024 5:16:06 PM,
In this article I will share an extremely important truth that I learned by accident in 2010 -- that as a Believer free of Sin one has massive power and authority over the Satanic and Demonic Realm and they cannot touch you!
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9/5/2024 12:56:30 PM,
There are regular statements that “Jesus is coming soon”. In fact “Jesus” has been coming soon for several hundred years and he has NOT come. Not to mention that his name is Yahooshua and NOT Jesus and Jesus is a pagan, that is Satanic, name!
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8/29/2024 4:07:22 PM,
As we have seen in the recent article “Satan the Contest and the Current Spiritual Dispensation” the Satanic and Demonic forces dominate and control the world – how do you get free?
Since Creation over 100 billion human beings have died as unbelievers and become Ancestor Spirits (aka Demons). Barring a minute number of strong Believers who are strongly walking free of sin and have repeatedly prayed the appropriate prayers, every other human being is carrying any number of Demons. Believers are particularly prone to carrying Demons as the Satanic and Demonic Realm does everything possible to destroy or at least disempower Believers such that most wars are fought between competing groups of Believers.
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8/29/2024 4:04:13 PM,
As we have seen in the recent article “Satan the Contest and the Current Spiritual Dispensation” the Satanic and Demonic forces dominate and control the world – how do you get free?
Since Creation over 100 billion human beings have died as unbelievers and become Ancestor Spirits (aka Demons). Barring a minute number of strong Believers who are strongly walking free of sin and have repeatedly prayed the appropriate prayers, every other human being is carrying any number of Demons. Believers are particularly prone to carrying Demons as the Satanic and Demonic Realm does everything possible to destroy or at least disempower Believers such that most wars are fought between competing groups of Believers.
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5/18/2024 11:44:33 AM,
A few days ago I was contacted by a man who has been associated with me for a number of years. After walking in victory over pornography for over a year he had suddenly plunged full tilt into binge viewing. He was depressed and discouraged, he had lost the Anointing and close relationship that he had had with Father and things were a mess.
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1/4/2019 7:48:26 AM,
The words that we speak give the spirit realm, whether Satanic messengers {angels} and demons or the messengers of Yah and the Spirit of Yah a basis to act, IF we speak constructive Spirit filled words over our lives, our families, our businesses and our circumstances our lives will improve, if we do the opposite our lives will deteriorate
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6/23/2013 4:21:48 AM,
Be careful what you say about what Yah is doing in your life
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