9/21/2022 4:04:35 PM,
We were created to hear Father. Hearing Him is available to every human being. He desires to converse with us. You can speak to Him right now, whatever state you are in, hearing Him is more of a challenge.
Submission is a fundamental principle of Yah, the Eternal Creator of the Heavens and the Earth, and, correctly applied, is very powerful. This article looks at some examples and establishes some key principles.
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12/18/2021 1:06:01 PM,
Submission is a fundamental principle of Yah, the Eternal Creator of the Heavens and the Earth, and, correctly applied, is very powerful. This article looks at some examples and establishes some key principles.
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6/23/2013 4:21:48 AM,
There is much misunderstanding today about how women should relate to men in life covenant {marriage}
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6/23/2013 4:21:48 AM,
What is meant by the reference to one hundred and forty four thousand who have NOT defiled themselves with women?
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6/23/2013 4:21:48 AM,
Those believers who are truly seeking to serve the Almighty are frequently in financial lack
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6/23/2013 4:21:48 AM,
About 70% of marriages in the body of believes end in divorce, why?
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6/23/2013 4:21:48 AM,
Pack of documents presenting the results of a comprehensive Spirit led analysis of the factors required for successful life in covenant union (marriage) of man and woman, also addresses family life and society
This analysis was undertaken late in 2001 at the leading of the Spirit of Yah as best I was able to follow His guidance at the time. In most areas my understanding has matured but the fundamental principles remain valid.
As with all things it is up to each one of us to seek Yah for guidance on what we adopt and what we discard
The analysis was undertaken in Excel, attached please find the detailed Marriage Strategy documents as an Adobe pdf file
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11/2/2014 6:51:39 AM,
The third set of teachings of an in-depth examination of what is required to achieve the overall goal of the Almighty that marriage should be as Heaven on Earth building on the first series
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11/1/2014 6:34:23 PM,
The second set of teachings of an in depth examination of what is required to achieve the overall goal of the Almighty that marriage should be as Heaven on Earth building on the first series
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11/1/2014 3:34:30 PM,
An in depth examination of what can be inferred from the Bible regarding marriage, divorce and adultery and related subjects towards an overall goal of the Almighty that marriage should be as Heaven on Earth
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11/1/2014 11:54:21 AM,
The marriage teachings seek to understand the way that the Almighty Creator intended marriage to be and then develop the measures that are necessary for a successful marriage. They are preceded by a series of messages that create context for the marriage teachings and wrapped up by a series of messages on deliverance |
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