3/22/2025 3:14:14 PM,
I discuss specifically the role of women who are truly committed to serving the Almighty Creator, Yah the Eternally Self-Existing in the context of far more women than men in Heaven and in the body of True Believers today – also relevant to men
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3/22/2025 1:40:08 PM,
There is a lot of confusion about the man commonly referred to as “Jesus”. Many believe he is a manifestation of the Almighty Creator and worship him. What is the truth?
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3/15/2025 2:49:27 PM,
I discuss where Satan came from, how the Satanic and Demonic operates and how to overcome them.
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3/8/2025 3:17:34 PM,
A detailed discussion of the nature of the relationship between men and women that the Creator intends and which is possible even now.
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3/2/2025 7:15:16 PM,
Recently I was asked why I say the true Sabbath is Saturday and NOT Sunday, this article addresses this question.
Many years ago Father showed me that He had NOT changed the Sabbath from Saturday to Sunday as practiced by nearly all Christians and that I should strictly observe Saturday as the Sabbath in accordance with the Fourth Commandment of the Ten Commandments as reported in Shemoth {Exodus} 20:8-11
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3/1/2025 3:15:38 PM,
There are regular statements that “Jesus is coming soon”. In fact “Jesus” has been coming soon for several hundred years and he has NOT come. Not to mention that his name is Yahooshua and NOT Jesus and Jesus is a pagan, that is Satanic, name! Yahooshua is waiting for his enemies to be made his footstool Fact is that there are some things that need to happen BEFORE Yahooshua will come. Foremost of these is that he is waiting for his enemies to be made his footstool.
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2/16/2025 8:50:38 PM,
In response to the teaching on Saturday 15th February 2025 that Jesus is NOT God, Yahooshua is NOT Yah
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2/15/2025 2:41:15 PM,
A detailed discussion based on numerous Bible passages proving that Yahooshua is NOT Yah (Jesus is NOT God).
- Can you prove that Jesus IS God?
- Comprehensive proof from the Bible that Yahooshua is NOT Yah
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2/16/2025 1:25:01 PM,
Illness and disease is rampant on Earth, including in the body of True Believers – what is the solution?
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2/9/2025 2:35:36 PM,
It is said that the Creator is loving, merciful, gentle, forgiving, slow to anger and many other positive attributes. But the world is a mess with wars, disease, poverty running rampant on the Earth. Something does not add up?! So, what is REALLY going on?
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2/1/2025 3:11:59 PM,
A discussion with Bible references defining fully how Yahooshua accomplished what he accomplished including; Blood on the Mercy Seat of the Ark of the Covenant; Prophetic assignment; New High Priest; New Covenant; new Offering for Sin. Essential teaching if you are really committed to serving the Almighty in this age.
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12/26/2024 8:07:27 PM,
How does one recognize a TRUE BELIEVER? -- One who follows the example of Yahooshua and does the same or greater works that he did!
How well do YOU stack up?
How close are you to this ideal?
A True Believer will follow the example of Yahooshua even if they don't know of him. A True Believer is led by the Spirit of Yah and does the works that Yah teaches them to perform.
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11/9/2024 7:02:20 PM,
There is a great tendency amongst people to look for errors in others and then use this as a basis to dissociate. This is the reason for so many religions and so many denominations within each religion. People find something they regard as absolute truth and then shun those who do not agree with them and, conversely, cast those people out of their assemblies.
Many years ago, Father taught me a vital principle “Seek Truth NOT Error” – when you first meet someone, look for the truth that they have and that you lack, take that truth on board and do NOT be offended by what you perceive to be error. On this basis it is possible to engage with anyone on the planet constructively.
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11/9/2024 7:02:25 PM,
There is a great tendency amongst people to look for errors in others and then use this as a basis to dissociate. This is the reason for so many religions and so many denominations within each religion. People find something they regard as absolute truth and then shun those who do not agree with them and, conversely, cast those people out of their assemblies.
Many years ago, Father taught me a vital principle “Seek Truth NOT Error” – when you first meet someone, look for the truth that they have and that you lack, take that truth on board and do NOT be offended by what you perceive to be error. On this basis it is possible to engage with anyone on the planet constructively.
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9/28/2024 11:05:59 AM,
This article was triggered by the situations of two single women that I have been inspired to advise to become Handmaidens.
Most of this article applies to every Believer and is addressed elsewhere on the website www.ETIMin.org The vast majority of this article is also relevant to married women. That said this article focuses specifically on single women who are truly committed to serving the Almighty Creator whose true Name is “Yah the Eternally Self-Existing” for the rest of their lives without a husband.
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9/26/2024 4:51:43 PM,
There is a lot of wrong thinking about the covenant union between a man and a woman, inaccurately called marriage.
To better understand this consider Ephesians 5:31-32 “31 Therefore, a man should leave his father and his mother and should cleave to his woman {wife}, and the two of them shall be one flesh. 32 This is a great mystery, but I am speaking about the Anointing of the Spirit of Yah {The Messiah*} and about his Assembly {church}.” From The Peshitta Holy Bible Translated by Glenn David Bauscher with adjustments of Names.
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9/21/2024 11:55:52 AM,
In response to the article “About Yahooshua {Jesus}” I received the following email:
“Hi James,
“1. Why did Yah banish Satan + his minions to earth when He knew He was going to create a heaven on earth for other beings to live and thrive?
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9/19/2024 1:04:10 PM,
There is a lot of confusion about the man commonly referred to as “Jesus”.
Many believe he is a manifestation of the Almighty Creator and worship him.
What is the truth?
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9/5/2024 12:56:30 PM,
There are regular statements that “Jesus is coming soon”. In fact “Jesus” has been coming soon for several hundred years and he has NOT come. Not to mention that his name is Yahooshua and NOT Jesus and Jesus is a pagan, that is Satanic, name!
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10/17/2024 5:35:55 PM,
The first book in the so-called “New Testament” in the Bible – MattihYahoo {Matthew} meaning “gift of Yah” provides an authoritative account of the life, death and resurrection of Yahooshua the Anointed of Yah, incorrectly “Jesus Christ.” I have corrected the core translation errors and added commentary based on my personal experience and revelation. I will share this in the next few broadcasts. This is part 8. I read from MattihYahoo and offer commentary.
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10/17/2024 5:30:22 PM,
The first book in the so-called “New Testament” in the Bible – MattihYahoo {Matthew} meaning “gift of Yah” provides an authoritative account of the life, death and resurrection of Yahooshua the Anointed of Yah, incorrectly “Jesus Christ.” I have corrected the core translation errors and added commentary based on my personal experience and revelation. I will share this in the next few broadcasts. This is part 7. I read from MattihYahoo and offer commentary.
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10/17/2024 5:27:29 PM,
The first book in the so-called “New Testament” in the Bible – MattihYahoo {Matthew} meaning “gift of Yah” provides an authoritative account of the life, death and resurrection of Yahooshua the Anointed of Yah, incorrectly “Jesus Christ.” I have corrected the core translation errors and added commentary based on my personal experience and revelation. I will share this in the next few broadcasts. This is part 6. I read from MattihYahoo and offer commentary.
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8/31/2024 11:57:30 AM,
Illness and disease is rampant on Earth, including in the body of True Believers – what is the solution?
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8/29/2024 4:07:22 PM,
As we have seen in the recent article “Satan the Contest and the Current Spiritual Dispensation” the Satanic and Demonic forces dominate and control the world – how do you get free?
Since Creation over 100 billion human beings have died as unbelievers and become Ancestor Spirits (aka Demons). Barring a minute number of strong Believers who are strongly walking free of sin and have repeatedly prayed the appropriate prayers, every other human being is carrying any number of Demons. Believers are particularly prone to carrying Demons as the Satanic and Demonic Realm does everything possible to destroy or at least disempower Believers such that most wars are fought between competing groups of Believers.
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10/17/2024 5:22:33 PM,
The first book in the so-called “New Testament” in the Bible – MattihYahoo {Matthew} meaning “gift of Yah” provides an authoritative account of the life, death and resurrection of Yahooshua the Anointed of Yah, incorrectly “Jesus Christ.” I have corrected the core translation errors and added commentary based on my personal experience and revelation. I will share this in the next few broadcasts. This is part 5. I read from MattihYahoo and offer commentary.
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8/27/2024 7:24:16 PM,
It is said that the Creator is loving, merciful, gentle, forgiving, slow to anger and many other positive attributes.
But the world is a mess with wars, disease, poverty running rampant on the Earth.
Something does not add up?!
So, what is REALLY going on?
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8/26/2024 2:42:37 PM,
How does one have a relationship with someone if one does not know that person’s name?
The Almighty Creator has said “IF you love me you will call me by my True Name!”
So, do YOU know The true Name of the Almighty Creator?
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10/17/2024 5:16:42 PM,
The first book in the so-called “New Testament” in the Bible – MattihYahoo {Matthew} meaning “gift of Yah” provides an authoritative account of the life, death and resurrection of Yahooshua the Anointed of Yah, incorrectly “Jesus Christ.” I have corrected the core translation errors and added commentary based on my personal experience and revelation. I will share this in the next few broadcasts. This is part 4. I read from MattihYahoo and offer commentary.
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9/8/2024 4:32:15 PM,
The first book in the so-called “New Testament” in the Bible – MattihYahoo {Matthew} meaning “gift of Yah” provides an authoritative account of the life, death and resurrection of Yahooshua the Anointed of Yah, incorrectly “Jesus Christ.” I have corrected the core translation errors and added commentary based on my personal experience and revelation. I will share this in the next few broadcasts. This is part 3. I read from MattihYahoo and offer commentary.
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9/8/2024 4:32:15 PM,
The first book in the so-called “New Testament” in the Bible – MattihYahoo {Matthew} meaning “gift of Yah” provides an authoritative account of the life, death and resurrection of Yahooshua the Anointed of Yah, incorrectly “Jesus Christ.” I have corrected the core translation errors and added commentary based on my personal experience and revelation. I will share this in the next few broadcasts. This is part 3. I read from MattihYahoo and offer commentary.
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9/8/2024 4:33:44 PM,
The first book in the so-called “New Testament” in the Bible – MattihYahoo {Matthew} meaning “gift of Yah” provides an authoritative account of the life, death and resurrection of Yahooshua the Anointed of Yah, incorrectly “Jesus Christ.” I have corrected the core translation errors and added commentary based on my personal experience and revelation. I will share this in the next few broadcasts. This is part 3. I read from MattihYahoo and offer commentary.
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9/8/2024 4:33:50 PM,
The first book in the so-called “New Testament” in the Bible – MattihYahoo {Matthew} meaning “gift of Yah” provides an authoritative account of the life, death and resurrection of Yahooshua the Anointed of Yah, incorrectly “Jesus Christ.” I have corrected the core translation errors and added commentary based on my personal experience and revelation. I will share this in the next few broadcasts. This is part 3. I read from MattihYahoo and offer commentary.
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9/8/2024 4:25:38 PM,
The first book in the so-called “New Testament” in the Bible – MattihYahoo {Matthew} meaning “gift of Yah” provides an authoritative account of the life, death and resurrection of Yahooshua the Anointed of Yah, incorrectly “Jesus Christ.” I have corrected the core translation errors and added commentary based on my personal experience and revelation. I will share this in the next few broadcasts. This is part 2. I read from MattihYahoo and offer commentary.
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9/8/2024 4:26:06 PM,
The first book in the so-called “New Testament” in the Bible – MattihYahoo {Matthew} meaning “gift of Yah” provides an authoritative account of the life, death and resurrection of Yahooshua the Anointed of Yah, incorrectly “Jesus Christ.” I have corrected the core translation errors and added commentary based on my personal experience and revelation. I will share this in the next few broadcasts. This is part 2. I read from MattihYahoo and offer commentary.
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9/8/2024 4:26:07 PM,
The first book in the so-called “New Testament” in the Bible – MattihYahoo {Matthew} meaning “gift of Yah” provides an authoritative account of the life, death and resurrection of Yahooshua the Anointed of Yah, incorrectly “Jesus Christ.” I have corrected the core translation errors and added commentary based on my personal experience and revelation. I will share this in the next few broadcasts. This is part 2. I read from MattihYahoo and offer commentary.
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9/8/2024 4:11:34 PM,
The first book in the so-called “New Testament” in the Bible – MattihYahoo {Matthew} meaning “gift of Yah” provides an authoritative account of the life, death and resurrection of Yahooshua the Anointed of Yah, incorrectly “Jesus Christ.” I have corrected the core translation errors and added commentary based on my personal experience and revelation. I will share this in the next few broadcasts. This is part 1. I read from MattihYahoo and offer commentary.
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9/8/2024 4:12:21 PM,
The first book in the so-called “New Testament” in the Bible – MattihYahoo {Matthew} meaning “gift of Yah” provides an authoritative account of the life, death and resurrection of Yahooshua the Anointed of Yah, incorrectly “Jesus Christ.” I have corrected the core translation errors and added commentary based on my personal experience and revelation. I will share this in the next few broadcasts. This is part 1. I read from MattihYahoo and offer commentary.
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9/8/2024 4:12:22 PM,
The first book in the so-called “New Testament” in the Bible – MattihYahoo {Matthew} meaning “gift of Yah” provides an authoritative account of the life, death and resurrection of Yahooshua the Anointed of Yah, incorrectly “Jesus Christ.” I have corrected the core translation errors and added commentary based on my personal experience and revelation. I will share this in the next few broadcasts. This is part 1. I read from MattihYahoo and offer commentary.
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9/8/2024 3:59:47 PM,
Nearly all translations of the so-called “New Testament” from MattihYahoo {Matthew} to Revelation contain major errors with regard to key words and concepts. I am in the process of producing a rendering of these books that corrects all the errors that I know of together with providing commentary on what I have learned. This broadcast will share the introduction that I have produced for this rendering discussing all the major errors that have been corrected.
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9/8/2024 3:59:47 PM,
Nearly all translations of the so-called “New Testament” from MattihYahoo {Matthew} to Revelation contain major errors with regard to key words and concepts. I am in the process of producing a rendering of these books that corrects all the errors that I know of together with providing commentary on what I have learned. This broadcast will share the introduction that I have produced for this rendering discussing all the major errors that have been corrected.
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7/13/2024 12:01:27 PM,
Carlos has been walking with me since about 2018. A few days ago he contacted me on WhatsApp about a dramatic experience that he had had. I encouraged him to write it down and the article below is what he sent to me earlier today.
He has recently been in a number of battles with the Demonic and Satanic realm and I have been coaching him to call on Yah in the name of Yahooshua. Remember that “Yahooshua” means “Yah is salvation” or “Yah, save me”.
The vision below is the culmination of that journey.
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7/15/2024 7:38:39 AM,
Nearly all translations of the so-called “New Testament” from MattihYahoo {Matthew} to Revelation contain major errors with regard to key words and concepts. I am in the process of producing a rendering of these books that corrects all the errors that I know of together with providing commentary on what I have learned. This broadcast will share the introduction that I have produced for this rendering discussing all the major errors that have been corrected.
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7/15/2024 7:29:19 AM,
Nearly all translations of the so-called “New Testament” from MattihYahoo {Matthew} to Revelation contain major errors with regard to key words and concepts. I am in the process of producing a rendering of these books that corrects all the errors that I know of together with providing commentary on what I have learned. This broadcast will share the introduction that I have produced for this rendering discussing all the major errors that have been corrected.
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6/8/2024 11:17:08 AM,
There is an almost universal lack of awareness of the Rules of Engagement which must be understood in the context of the Contest between the Creator, Yah the Eternally Self-Existing, and Satan. The Contest is summarized at the end of this broadcast but first let us consider the rules of Engagement.
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8/29/2024 4:04:13 PM,
As we have seen in the recent article “Satan the Contest and the Current Spiritual Dispensation” the Satanic and Demonic forces dominate and control the world – how do you get free?
Since Creation over 100 billion human beings have died as unbelievers and become Ancestor Spirits (aka Demons). Barring a minute number of strong Believers who are strongly walking free of sin and have repeatedly prayed the appropriate prayers, every other human being is carrying any number of Demons. Believers are particularly prone to carrying Demons as the Satanic and Demonic Realm does everything possible to destroy or at least disempower Believers such that most wars are fought between competing groups of Believers.
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5/18/2024 11:44:33 AM,
A few days ago I was contacted by a man who has been associated with me for a number of years. After walking in victory over pornography for over a year he had suddenly plunged full tilt into binge viewing. He was depressed and discouraged, he had lost the Anointing and close relationship that he had had with Father and things were a mess.
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5/4/2024 12:45:29 PM,
This is the letter of Pontius Pilate (the Roman Governor who presided over the sentencing of Yahooshua {incorrectly Jesus}) to the Roman Emperor Tiberius Ceaser about the life, death and resurrection of Yahooshua. Vitally important independent testimony about reality of Yahooshua! – Part 2.
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6/14/2024 9:48:15 AM,
Last week I published the YouTube video of the letter of Pontius Pilate the Governor of Judea at the time of Yahooshua to Tiberius Caesar the Emperor of Rome about Yahooshua {Yahooshua} His Execution {Crucifixion} and Resurrection.
I have had the video transcribed and that is presented here. I have added emphasis and footnotes to key passages.
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5/9/2024 5:50:24 PM,
Last week I published the YouTube video of the letter of Pontius Pilate the Governor of Judea at the time of Yahooshua to Julius Caesar the Emperor of Rome about Yahooshua {Yahooshua} His Execution {Crucifixion} and Resurrection.
I have had the video transcribed and that is presented here. I have added emphasis and footnotes to key passages.
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4/27/2024 12:29:40 PM,
This is the letter of Pontius Pilate (the Roman Governor who presided over the sentencing of Yahooshua {incorrectly Jesus}) to the Roman Emperor Tiberius Ceaser about the life, death and resurrection of Yahooshua. Vitally important independent testimony about reality of Yahooshua!
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4/13/2024 3:25:18 PM,
Last week I published the YouTube video of the letter of Pontius Pilate the Governor of Judea at the time of Yahooshua to Julius Caesar the Emperor of Rome about Yahooshua {Yahooshua} His Execution {Crucifixion} and Resurrection.
I have had the video transcribed and that is presented here. I have added emphasis and footnotes to key passages.
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4/7/2024 12:28:07 PM,
This is an exceptionally important piece – the most important third party item I have ever shared.
This is the letter of Pontius Pilate (the Roman Governor who presided over the sentencing of Yahooshua {incorrectly Jesus}) to the Roman Emperor Julius Ceaser about the life, death and resurrection of Yahooshua.
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4/20/2024 8:11:02 AM,
If you have not yet watched the TV drama “The Chosen” which is all about the life of Yahooshua and the 12 Followers {Disciples that he chose, I recommend it. Having said that, there are some important details about Yahooshua that have been missed and to that end I am writing this article to amplify those key things that I consider important to know about Yahooshua.
This broadcast also presents many verses from widely accepted texts, primarily the books commonly referred to as “The New Testament” to demonstrate that it is by no means certain that any Believer will qualify to hold any significant rank in Heaven. This is supported by reference to passages in “The Final Quest.”
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3/9/2024 1:59:10 PM,
If you have not yet watched the TV drama “The Chosen” which is all about the life of Yahooshua and the 12 Followers {Disciples that he chose, I recommend it. Having said that, there are some important details about Yahooshua that have been missed and to that end I am writing this article to amplify those key things that I consider important to know about Yahooshua.
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2/18/2024 4:36:16 PM,
If you have not yet watched the TV drama “The Chosen” which is all about the life of Yahooshua and the 12 Followers {Disciples that he chose, I recommend it.
Having said that, there are some important details about Yahooshua that have been missed and to that end I am writing this article to amplify those key things that I consider important to know about Yahooshua.
This series has become quite a phenomenon so you may well have heard of it and quite possibly watched it. So far, there have been 3 seasons, each of 8 episodes. Season 4 has just started in movie cinemas.
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2/1/2024 11:21:31 AM,
Video in which a Pastor shares his testimony of a dramatic encounter with Yahooshua in terms of hidden sin in his thought life and other areas.
I encourage you to watch this from the perspective of seeing where you can clean up your life.
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1/20/2024 12:57:12 PM,
This is an interview with a former Agnostic Engineer who came to Belief following a Near Death Experience.
This video provides an overall summarization of various other Near-Death Experience videos that I have shared from time to time, see “2021.01.09 A collection of important videos on YouTube that are worth watching”
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1/8/2024 5:00:27 PM,
Recently I was referred to a video "Near-Death Experiences Point to God and Heaven (35+ Year Expert)" on YouTube
This is an interview of a former Agnostic Engineer who came to Belief following a Near Death Experience.
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12/2/2023 11:54:00 AM,
Yah, the Almighty Creator says:
"IF you love me you will call me by my true name!"
The TRUE Name of the Creator is Yah the Eternally Self-Existing
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2/18/2024 2:53:27 PM,
It seems that many people struggle with the concept of Sabbath Observance. In saying this, I must stress that this relates ONLY to committed Believers who are doing their best to serve Father Yah, the Eternally Self-Existing Creator of the Heavens and the Earth faithfully. This article seeks to present my understanding of Sabbath observance having done my best to be observant since around 2000, so for about 22 years.
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2/18/2024 2:48:50 PM,
There is almost universal confusion and uncertainty regarding the Satanic and Demonic Realm. This article seeks to summarize the situation.
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2/18/2024 2:45:10 PM,
It is not possible to really understand the history of this Earth and particularly the history of humankind on Earth without understanding the Turnaround Emissaries {Apostles} and the turnarounds that they have initiated and facilitated. There have been a limited number of major Turnarounds and a few lesser ones. This article will address only the MAJOR turnarounds.
Also, I was recently requested to write a piece about how Believers in financial lack could get out of that situation. That is the aim of this broadcast. Following are the points to consider, as always this article is only relevant to committed Believers.
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10/14/2023 3:33:31 PM,
I am going to share a series of items dealing with what is possible if one is highly anointed and deeply Spirit Led together with how to become deeply filled with the Spirit of the Creator.
We will look at a Powerful Example of what is possible when deeply Spirit Led and other related messages, then we will look at The Price of Yah’s Miracle Working Power and then look at Unlocking the Gifts of Yah’s Spirit. Finally we will discuss How to become an Anointed One – One Filled with the Spirit of the Almighty.
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1/20/2024 8:17:55 AM,
There is a lot of confusion regarding sin and the Commandments including a lot of debate in the USA at present which is relevant to this discussion.
The Commandments are discussed in some detail on the Website but I want to summarize them now and highlight some little understood ramifications associated with breaking them including the essential definition of Sin. It is important to understand that the Satanic and Demonic Realm have corrupted things to such an extent that most Believers are breaking MOST of the Commandments. It is also important to recognize that in the extreme case breaking any one of the Commandments carries a death penalty. Torment in Hell if unrepented is axiomatic for every Believer who at some level believes in the reality of the Almighty Creator of the Heavens and the Earth whose TRUE Name is Yah the Eternally Self-Existing.
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7/29/2023 2:49:35 PM,
In the last year or two I have shared a large number of articles and videos from third parties to address topics that I do not have the anointing to teach on.
My discipline with such items is that I do not edit or censor but share, “as is” and leave it to readers and listeners to discern the truth for themselves.
Recently I have become concerned that I have shared such a volume of material that certain key truths are being overwhelmed. Accordingly I have produced the following video to address these concerns and share the items I consider most important:
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7/16/2023 4:52:00 PM,
In an earlier post the Authority of the Believer was presented “2023.06.03 The Authority of the Believer” at https://www.eti-ministries.org/the-authority-of-the-believer
In Appendices 1 and 2 are two articles that report on the reality of Demons and associated with that the Deliverance of people oppressed with Demons through the authority of Believers, frequently called Exorcism although I prefer the term “Deliverance”.
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6/18/2023 3:28:50 PM,
In a recent conversation with someone that I minister to from time to time it became clear that he was not aware of his authority as a Believer in the Almighty Creator. He had been battling for weeks to get rid of some Demons that were oppressing him. We got on Zoom, I prayed and took authority over the Demons and instantly he was healed. He exclaimed and commented on my Anointing, clearly unaware of the authority that we have over the Forces of Darkness.
The key principle here is that once one believes and has a revelation of one’s authority in the Anointing of the Spirit of Yah AND one is free of sin, the Forces of Darkness in your life are compelled to do what you dictate, within the limitations of the ambit of the matters of the world for which you have authority to act. In other words, if you have dealt with a particular area of sin in your life you have authority to cast out any Demons associated with sin you previously had.
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5/27/2023 1:47:34 PM,
Sunday 28th of May 2023 is Shavuot, the day of Pentecost which is a high Sabbath and should be observed accordingly. It starts at sunrise Sunday and ends at sunrise Monday.
Two major events happened historically at Shavuot:
- The Almighty Creator manifested on Mount Sinai with flames and smoke and gave the Ten Commandments out loud to the children of Israel and gave the Commandments to Moshe engraved on stone tablets.
- The Set-Apart {Set-Apart {Holy}} Spirit of Yah, the Creator, was poured out on the Believers in the Upper Room in Jerusalem after the resurrection of Yahooshua {Jesus}.
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5/14/2023 2:21:47 PM,
One of the gifts that result from a True Believer being filled with the Spirit of Yah, also known as “Anointed with the Spirit of Yah” {aka Christ} is the gift of being able to pray in the Spirit, led by the Spirit and including but not limited to the gift of praying in different tongues which may be in an Earthly language unknown to the Believer in question or a spiritual unknown to any human being.
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5/13/2023 7:26:24 PM,
One of the foundational experiences of a Believer is to be Immersed {Baptized} in the Set-Apart {Holy} Spirit of the Almighty Creator, Yah the Eternally Self-Existing.
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5/8/2023 1:25:52 PM,
2023.05.04 If you have not seen this video before I encourage you to watch it now – Why Seek a Deep Personal Relationship with the Almighty Creator
It summarises what I consider to be the most important points about why one should seek a deep personal relationship with the Almighty Creator – I recorded it about three years ago.
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5/7/2023 4:34:57 PM,
This is an important message about the Authority of Believers by Mike Thompson who has been taken repeatedly to Heaven. This was shared on Sid Roth’s “It’s Supernatural”
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5/6/2023 2:33:47 PM,
One of the questions that I suspect many (most?) of the people who encounter my teachings regarding the Names, position of Yahooshua {incorrectly Jesus}, position of the Bible, etcetera must ask is “there are so many people who speak authoritatively about Jesus, God, The LORD, the Bible is the Word of God, Jesus is God, Sabbath is Sunday, etcetera, HOW can James be right and they are all mistaken?!”
It is certainly a valid question.
Particularly since I assert that people who continue in the use of these Names and concepts will spend time in Hell if the do NOT repent in this life!
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5/1/2023 1:33:22 PM,
I regularly receive communications from people who are struggling financially and who seem to be unaware of the promises of the Almighty that it is His will for us to “prosper and be in health” and that He “will supply all your needs according to His riches in Glory by the Anointing that was upon Yahooshua”
Where people ARE aware of these promises they are generally failing to walk in them.
Recently I encountered a number of recordings by Kenneth E Hagin on Faith (Emunah) for finances, prayer, etcetera, links below, and it seems appropriate to share these with some commentary.
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4/30/2023 3:53:45 PM,
I regularly post content from third parties, either from websites or from YouTube, particularly on the informal mailing list. In general most, if not all of the items I share differ with me on certain key points, some of which I consider important – to the extent that people listening or reading might draw incorrect conclusions.
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4/15/2023 2:42:27 PM,
For every human being that has ever lived, while living this life they have been on a Journey to determine their future for ETERNITY!
This is NOT well understood by many people.
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4/6/2023 12:02:51 PM,
Immediately after posting the article “2023.04.02 About Pesach {Passover} and Yahooshua” Angelo sent me the following link on WhatsApp. Having read it I decided it was worth sharing.
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4/6/2023 11:14:42 AM,
Today is Pesach {Passover}, following are some references that provide information regarding Pesach to help position your thinking about this set-apart {Holy} High Sabbath.
In considering what follows remember that virtually the entire population of the Earth today are descended from Abraham and a large portion are descended from Israel, see “The impact of Wild Oats (children from casual sex) on the world today”
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3/25/2023 8:01:33 PM,
Back in 2011 I recorded a set of videos on “Proof of a Global Flood” and posted them on YouTube. Today I downloaded the videos from YouTube and concatenated them into one video which I hope you will find of interest. The key message is that there WAS a massive hydraulic and tectonic event resulting from an Ice Comet impact with the Earth about 4,500 years ago as a judgment from the Almighty. The videos look at a range of geologic and geographic factors which corroborate this.
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3/19/2023 5:04:35 PM,
This is a MUST READ IF YOU are serious about serving Father.
The article debunks a whole lot of false Christian teaching and sets out key principles of which the most important is reference to John 14:12 “I assure you and most solemnly say to you, anyone who believes in Me will also do the things that I do; and he will do even greater things than these [in extent and outreach], because I am going to the Father.” AMP adjusted
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3/4/2023 1:07:41 PM,
I fairly regularly receive emails about the Microchip being the “Mark of the Beast”. This is based on Revelation 13:16 and 17 “16 Also he compels all, the small and the great, and the rich and the poor, and the free men and the slaves, to be given a mark on their right hand or on their forehead [signifying allegiance to the beast], 17 and that no one will be able to buy or sell, except the one who has the mark, either the name of the beast or the number of his name.” Because it is postulated that the microchip will be necessary in order to buy or sell in the so-called “new world order” it is inferred that the microchip IS this mark.
There are a number of challenges with this interpretation:
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2/25/2023 10:19:15 AM,
I recently received a link to the following short video which is a really concise summary of many of the key issues relating to the matters of the Almighty by Dahneeyel De Pesa. I strongly encourage you to watch it.
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1/14/2023 3:00:10 PM,
I periodically encounter situations where the person I am communicating with is caring for someone who is close to death and does not know how to handle the situation.
Certain religions have processes or rites that prepare people for death, sometimes called “The Last Rites”. Without commenting on these processes I would like to offer my thoughts on how to go about preparing someone for death or how someone who is facing death imminently should prepare themselves.
I have written this article from the perspective of assisting someone else to prepare for death since it seems to me that most times people only confront the reality of impending death when they are in a state where they are limited in their ability to do anything about the situation themselves and therefore need someone else to facilitate / coach them with prayers and processes.
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1/7/2023 3:52:59 PM,
I periodically get emails from people who take issue with me because I state that Yahooshua {incorrectly Jesus} was and is a human being, a created being and is NOT “God in the flesh”. I have addressed this in various ways over the years see “2022.10.08 The Five BIG Lies about Jesus” at https://www.eti-ministries.org/the-five-big-lies-about-jesus and “2022.11.02 The Nine Greatest Truths about Yahooshua {Jesus}” at https://www.eti-ministries.org/nine-greatest-truths-about-yahooshua-jesus See also “2021.04.05 The Essence of my message concerning Yahooshua {Jesus}” at https://www.eti-ministries.org/essence-of-message-re-yahooshua-jesus
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12/27/2022 12:36:06 PM,
This is really important – proof that Yahooshua lived and that he was created without an earthly father
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12/24/2022 1:37:11 PM,
I have long understood that Yahooshua {Jesus} was a Judean {Jew} (from the area of Israel known as Judea) and spoke Aramaic and Hebrew and that the language of Matthew, Mark and John was Aramaic such that the respective Gospels were written in Aramaic or Hebrew but I have never substantiated this. The extracts below are provided to substantiate this fact.
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12/10/2022 4:28:56 PM,
Following are a few articles that evidence that Jesus is NOT a valid name for Yahooshua and in fact is blasphemous and should be avoided completely. In times past as Believers came out of the darkness and deception of “the Dark Ages” and the lies regarding the name of Yahooshua as Jesus, the Name of Yah as The LORD, etcetera were pervasive Yah extended Grace for these errors. However, in order for Satan to be sent to the Pit for 1,000 years all Grace for these errors had to be withdrawn, see 2010.09.07b - Satan sentenced to one thousand years in the Pit on 3 May 2003
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11/20/2022 3:52:36 PM,
There are regular statements that “Jesus is coming soon”. In fact “Jesus” has been coming soon for several hundred years and he has NOT come.
Yahooshua waiting for his enemies to be made his footstool
Fact is that there are some things that need to happen BEFORE he will come. Foremost of these is that he is waiting for his enemies to be made his footstool:
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11/19/2022 1:13:25 PM,
There is a lot said and written about Yahooshua the Anointed of Yah of Natzareth {incorrectly Jesus Christ of Nasareth} and a huge number of people have faith and belief in him and about him but there is a lack of clarity about what, exactly, the Covenant that he consummated on behalf of human kind entails. This article seeks to address this by listing the key elements of the Covenant.
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11/12/2022 1:43:17 PM,
As I have shared previously, in the early years of my walk with Father commencing March 1993 I was deeply influenced by a series of Charismatic Christian churches until Father showed me that there was major error and He called me out of the Church to start my own Prophetic Teaching Ministry.
In that ministry I have focussed on the truths I have been taught by Father and not paid any attention to the truths that I learned in those early years on the basis that I considered them to be widely known and widely taught and therefore not necessary for me to focus on.
Recently I have encountered a number of people on my mailing list who clearly do NOT have a deep understanding of Emunah {Faith}, Divine Healing and Divine Provision – items I have taken for granted
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11/5/2022 11:33:16 AM,
The truth about Yahooshua, who is mistakenly widely called “Jesus”, is complex. I have written widely on this topic over the years, see for example the Article on “The Miracle of Yahooshua’s Death” at https://www.ETI-Ministries.org/miracle-of-yahooshua-jesus-death and https://www.ETI-Ministries.org/essence-of-message-re-yahooshua-jesus as two important recent examples
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10/19/2022 2:33:32 PM,
I fairly regularly encounter people who disagree with me regarding Jesus. In response to my recent article 2022.10.07 The Spirit of Yah NOT Jesus Indwells Anointed Believers (https://www.eti-ministries.org/the-spirit-of-yah-not-jesus-indwells-anointed-believers) I received the following from LB a retired Army Chaplain who had a dramatic conversion experience with Yahooshua many years ago “If Jesus does not indwells you, Then The devil indwells one. Chaplain B” I responded and there was an exchange but we got nowhere.
In considering my response to LB I concluded that there was a need for a blunt article that addresses the harsh reality of the lies relating to Jesus. Hence this article.
In contemplating my response I concluded that there are FIVE major LIES about Jesus that need to be addressed, they are:
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10/16/2022 1:52:59 PM,
Probably the biggest single error in the body of Christian Believers is the error that “Christ” is synonymous with “Jesus” when, in fact, “Christ” refers to the “Anointing of the Spirit of Yah” and therefore refers to Yah and NOT Yahooshua. This results in a transference of the powers and attributes of Yah onto Jesus. This article seeks to address this error.
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10/12/2022 5:41:45 PM,
I received the following article from Doug Ferguson, an anointed servant of Yah, who contacted me through the website a few years ago and has shared various items with me since then. His message that ALL Believers should do the same or greater works than Yahooshua is absolutely cardinal to my recurring message challenging YOU to initiate Revival wherever you are.
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10/7/2022 1:00:15 PM,
Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement is the most Set-Apart {Sacred} day of the year according to the calendar given by the Almighty Creator whose true name is “Yah the Eternally Self-Existing”. It runs from sunset to sunset and this year is on Friday 7th October 2022.
The other special set-apart days are Pesach (Passover), Shavuot (Pentecost), Yom Teruah (the Day of Trumpets), the First Day of Sukkot (Feast of Tabernacles) and the Great Day of Sukkot. See Leviticus 23 in the Bible for a summary of these days as prescribed by the Almighty https://biblehub.com/amp/leviticus/23.htm
Father Yah tends to do major things on one of these days if he is going to do anything major in any particular calendar year. The dates of these days follow the lunar calendar see https://www.eti-ministries.org/yahs-calendar for details of the calendar for 2022 and prior years. These dates float relative to the Gregorian calendar.
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10/2/2022 5:42:00 PM,
I recently received the following from a person on the mailing list who has asked to remain anonymous, Brad Cullen is a pseudonym.
“Hi James, I trust you to take this to Yah to confirm and/or cleanse as you are directed. My instruction given just now is to give you permission to use or not use as guided. Included in this instruction was the reminder that I was directed originally to write it anonymously.
“When the novel Leapfrog was finally accepted by the publisher, noted in in the foreword, it was submitted anonymously. The publisher accepted it on two conditions: One that an author's name be attached and the other that Terry D…, the agent, would write a screenplay and get acceptance by a recognized movie producer for simultaneous release.
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10/1/2022 2:14:09 PM,
This coming Friday 7th October 2022 is Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement, from sunset Thursday to sunset Friday. This is the most important day in Yah’s Calendar in the entire year and should be observed with a total fast, water only, from Sunset to Sunset, it is a High Sabbath, NO secular or commercial activity, totally committed to Father Yah, please take leave.
The following Wednesday 12th October is the First Day of the Feast of Tabernacles, again a High Sabbath, please take leave, this is the day that Yahooshua was born. Wednesday 19th October if the Great Day of the Feast of Tabernacles and is again a High Sabbath. If you want a Feast Day to replace Christmas, THIS is the day to do it.
To better understand the relationship between Yahooshua the Anointed of Yah {Jesus Christ} and the Feast of Tabernacles I have sourced the article that follows. I encourage you to read the entire article, it contains some important insights that make the Feast of Tabernacles MUCH more relevant to committed Believers.
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9/24/2022 12:24:59 PM,
The Anointing is the infilling of a Human Being with the Set-Apart {Holy} Spirit of the Almighty.
The more one worships and draws close to Father the greater the Anointing and the greater the ability to act as a “lightning rod” drawing the Power of Yah into the Earth as evidenced in the Revivals discussed in the article on Revival Revisited at https://www.ETIMin.org/revival-revisited and presented in a number of videos on the Important Videos page at https://www.ETIMin.org/important-videos-to-watch
The Anointing is an outworking of a close relationship with Father Yah and the stronger the Anointing the more the Power of Yah will work through the individual.
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9/17/2022 1:49:42 PM,
I regularly watch videos on YouTube relating to the matters of the Almighty and share these with a limited list of people who have contacted me off the website or have shown real interest in the ways of the Almighty in other ways. If you would like to be added to that list please reply to this email with “Please add me to the BCC list” in the subject line.
I have published a number of previous lists of videos that I recommend on https://www.eti-ministries.org/important-videos-to-watch
Following are some of the videos that I have recommended since publishing the above.
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6/14/2023 5:08:30 PM,
This is probably the most challenging and most important message I have ever written. I am still grappling with what I believe I have been shown but it seems timeous to share this now. Please read prayerfully and feel free to give me feedback whether positive or negative.
This article sets out to outline what I consider most important with regard to Emunah (Trust and Belief) {Faith}. Faith is the commonly used English term but has Pagan connotations and therefore I recommend the Hebrew word “Emunah” which is essentially “Faith on Steroids.”
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