3/8/2025 3:17:34 PM,
A detailed discussion of the nature of the relationship between men and women that the Creator intends and which is possible even now.
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11/6/2024 9:25:10 PM,
I am troubled by the extent to which many / most Believers give Yah, the Almighty Creator of the Heavens and the Earth, the remnants of their time and wealth. They seek excellence in their careers and in their home and family life and then fob Yah off with a few hours and a few pounds (or dollars, or whatever currency) once a week, if that.
Yah is the Mighty One of Excellence -- consider the Universe and all that is in it, the Solar System, Planet Earth, the Plants, the Animals, us human beings. Each one precise, elegant, attractive, effective, an example of the excellence that Yah strives for in all that He does.
I will share a prayer if you realize that you have NOT been walking in Excellence towards Yah
We will then look at the rewards for excellence of service in Heaven.
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10/15/2024 4:22:21 PM,
I have written at length about the importance of worship in various articles, see particularly “Recommended Worship”
See also “Worship is Making Love to Father Part 1” and the two sequel broadcasts that link from this.
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9/26/2024 4:51:43 PM,
There is a lot of wrong thinking about the covenant union between a man and a woman, inaccurately called marriage.
To better understand this consider Ephesians 5:31-32 “31 Therefore, a man should leave his father and his mother and should cleave to his woman {wife}, and the two of them shall be one flesh. 32 This is a great mystery, but I am speaking about the Anointing of the Spirit of Yah {The Messiah*} and about his Assembly {church}.” From The Peshitta Holy Bible Translated by Glenn David Bauscher with adjustments of Names.
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8/25/2024 2:08:09 PM,
The song and worship group are powerfully Anointed with the Spirit of Yah – I have been on my feet with my arms raised and weeping for the Spirit of Yah to move on me and to help me make a real difference on the Earth.
Father has said to me that this is the most highly Anointed worship group on the planet.
The song is in Afrikaans and I am in the process of arranging a transcript and a translation to English which I will publish as soon as it is available. In the interim I strongly recommend this song even if you do not understand the words. If it touches you I encourage you to rise to your feet, raise your hands to Heaven and praise Yah and ask Him to fill you with His Spirit!!!
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6/29/2024 1:38:36 PM,
This is powerful.
Had me sobbing and asking Father to help me love in the way described in this song.
I strongly encourage you to listen and take this prayer as your own.
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5/4/2024 12:37:41 PM,
Periodically I encounter a song that is reasonably pleasing to Him in which case I download it and edit it to remove any references to Jesus and related errors – remember that we are instructed to “worship Yah alone” – Luke 4:8 “And Yahooshua {Jesus} answered and said unto him, Get thee behind me, Satan: for it is written, Thou shalt worship Yah the Eternally Self-Existing {the Lord} thy Mighty One {God}, and him only shalt thou serve.”
I have just uploaded the latest set of 50 files some of which I have been listening to for thirty years.
The Individual Songs are listed below to listen on-line or download
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4/21/2024 11:09:16 AM,
There are a large number (most) worship songs that are doctrinally offensive to the Almighty.
Periodically I encounter a song that is reasonably pleasing to Him in which case I download it and edit it to remove any references to Jesus and related errors – remember that we are instructed to “worship Yah alone” – Luke 4:8 “And Yahooshua {Jesus} answered and said unto him, Get thee behind me, Satan: for it is written, Thou shalt worship Yah the Eternally Self-Existing {the Lord} thy Mighty One {God}, and him only shalt thou serve.”
I have just uploaded the latest set of 50 files and also the increment of files added since 4 July 2023. These are available as zip files to download below.
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2/18/2024 2:35:45 PM,
A notable situation that I encounter fairly regularly is the situation of sincere Believers who have something wrong in their lives – illness (terminal and otherwise), poverty, theft of their money or belongings, accidents – things which speak to the Forces of Darkness stealing, killing, destroying in their lives.
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2/18/2024 1:19:20 PM,
This article sets out to outline what I consider most important with regard to Emunah (Trust and Belief) {Faith}. Faith is the commonly used English term but has Pagan connotations and therefore I recommend the Hebrew word “Emunah” which is essentially “Faith on Steroids.”
Also, a notable situation that I encounter fairly regularly is the situation of sincere Believers who have something wrong in their lives – illness (terminal and otherwise), poverty, theft of their money or belongings, accidents – things which speak to the Forces of Darkness stealing, killing, destroying in their lives.
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7/4/2023 9:07:32 PM,
From time to time I update my collection of worship songs that are more or less doctrinally sound in terms of the principles that I teach, see commentary in the article “Recommended Worship” at https://www.ETI-Ministries.org/recommended-worship-songs
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1/21/2023 6:30:16 PM,
I found myself today listening to a string of worship songs that were largely free of worship of Jesus and other significant errors so I thought I would share them.
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12/24/2022 1:31:52 PM,
Power Relationship with Yah
Fundamentally we were created to have a DEEP Personal Relationship with the Almighty Creator whose TRUE Name is “Yah the Eternally Self-Existing”, see “2021.02.01 WHY are we HERE?” at https://www.eti-ministries.org/why-are-we-here
Following are the essential elements of entering into relationship with Yah ONCE you have accepted the reality of his existence. See “Seven Components in Growing Close to Yah” at https://www.eti-ministries.org/seven-components-of-drawing-close for a much more detailed discussion:
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12/3/2022 2:34:14 PM,
A notable situation that I encounter fairly regularly is the situation of sincere Believers who have something wrong in their lives – illness (terminal and otherwise), poverty, theft of their money or belongings, accidents – things which speak to the Forces of Darkness stealing, killing, destroying in their lives.
In this context refer John 10:10 “The thief comes only in order to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have life, and have it in abundance [to the full, till it overflows].” Amplified Bible Yahooshua {Jesus} speaking.
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10/22/2022 1:52:44 PM,
I am currently corresponding with a couple of people who are energetically seeking to draw close to Father and I thought it would be helpful to them and to others to summarize my current thoughts on what is required to do this.
Around the Day of Atonement in 2014 I wrote a lengthy (72 page) article on Seven Components in Drawing Close to the Creator see https://www.eti-ministries.org/seven-components-of-drawing-close This article was written under a significant anointing at a time that I was particularly close to Father Yah and is therefore a useful reference. I have great confidence that if you put everything in that article into practice over a period of one to two years at the end of that time you WILL be close to Father Yah.
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9/17/2022 1:49:42 PM,
I regularly watch videos on YouTube relating to the matters of the Almighty and share these with a limited list of people who have contacted me off the website or have shown real interest in the ways of the Almighty in other ways. If you would like to be added to that list please reply to this email with “Please add me to the BCC list” in the subject line.
I have published a number of previous lists of videos that I recommend on https://www.eti-ministries.org/important-videos-to-watch
Following are some of the videos that I have recommended since publishing the above.
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8/27/2022 4:13:02 PM,
Over the years I have assembled a collection of worship songs that I believe are pleasing to Father and effective in helping people to draw close to Him and which are largely free of doctrinal error such as NOT worshipping Yahooshua or the Bible and not being familiar, presumptuous or meaningless.
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4/23/2023 4:57:20 PM,
A question that it seems most people do not ask and therefore do not answer is “WHY are we HERE?” – Why do humans exist? Why does this planet exist? Etc.
One of the things I have noticed recently is the extent to which death is viewed as very undesirable. Our society goes to great lengths to prevent death and individuals fight hard to avoid dying “prematurely” whatever one means by “prematurely.”
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8/16/2022 2:35:32 PM,
This article discusses the essence of becoming a Friend of Yah, the Almighty Creator, which is the sole reason we exist.
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6/12/2021 5:33:33 PM,
The article “The Critical Elements of Becoming a Friend of the Almighty Creator” at https://www.eti-ministries.org/critical-elements-of-becoming-a-friend discusses some principles relating to becoming a Friend of the Creator which is the greatest rank available to any Believer on Earth and in Heaven at any time. It is a rank that is available to YOU IF you choose to seek it. To see this in its proper context see https://www.eti-ministries.org/demographics-of-kingdom In fact as one comes to understand these things it becomes apparent that the ONLY reason that human beings exist IS to become Friends of the Creator.
In this article I will endeavour to set out practical steps towards becoming a Friend of the Creator.
The Essence of becoming a Friend is as follows
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6/12/2021 4:30:25 PM,
I recently encountered the following worship songs that are powerful and anointed albeit some with error re use of “Lord” versus “Yah” and mentioning worshipping Jesus and referring to Scripture.
With those adjustments I commend them for our consideration.
Sing them ONLY to Father Yah the Eternally Self-Existing – do NOT worship Jesus
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3/26/2023 4:40:40 PM,
I have now reached a point where Father has shown me that my understanding has matured and consolidated to a point where I can write an article summarizing ALL the key points that relate to my message as my message applies to Christians. I aim to produce similar articles for Jews, Muslims, Unbelievers and Other Religions.
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7/13/2020 4:29:48 PM,
This Broadcast looks the attributes of a person who is a Friend of the Creator. Someone who does not let anything get in the way of their relationship with the Creator and has spent years drawing close to Yah. It is noted that true Friends understand the Battle and constantly wage war in the Spirit Realm. Friends are committed to helping others draw close to the Creator. We look at requirements for REAL Service to the Almighty and note that the sole reason for all of this is so that Father may have Friends. We examine Satan’s rebellion and the Contest and the Rules of Engagement and note that the prize is a High Throne in Heaven for Eternity. We discuss the penalty for unrepented sin in Hell. It is noted that only the strongly Anointed are relevant in the Battle.
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5/26/2019 2:05:37 PM,
Seven Critical Components of Drawing Close to the Almighty Creator
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5/26/2019 1:13:21 PM,
Critical Considerations with Regard to Sabbath Observance
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5/25/2019 10:06:13 PM,
Critical Elements of What I Believe
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5/26/2019 1:59:54 PM,
Critical Elements of the Anointed Life
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5/26/2019 1:04:44 PM,
This section discusses a number of Spiritual Principles including Sabbath Observance, Prayer, Worship, issues in This Life, seeking Truth and NOT Error and Judgment in THIS life.
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6/15/2019 9:22:17 PM,
This Broadcast continues the discussion of the Seven Components in Drawing Close to the Almighty Creator and discusses Worship in more detail.
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6/15/2019 8:40:26 PM,
This article continues the discussion of Worship and explains how every aspect of our lives can, and should, become an act of Worship.
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5/25/2019 8:07:17 PM,
This article continues the discussion on cleansing with particular emphasis on spiritually contaminated artefacts and then also looks at the personal Spiritual Audit. The discussion then moves to Component 5, Worship.
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5/10/2019 6:53:10 AM,
If one is to have a meaningful relationship with the Almighty Creator it is necessary to take a quality decision and drastic measures to change one’s life in order to come to a spiritual position where one can build a deep personal relationship with Him, this article describes seven steps that can be taken to achieve this level of relationship
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5/15/2019 8:53:55 PM,
If one is to have a meaningful relationship with the Almighty Creator it is necessary to take a quality decision and drastic measures to change one’s life in order to come to a spiritual position where one can build a deep personal relationship with Him, this article describes seven steps that can be taken to achieve this level of relationship
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5/10/2019 6:59:53 AM,
Effective worship is a vital component of growing close to Yah, this article describes some vital principles and provides some recommended worship songs
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5/15/2019 8:57:50 PM,
Effective worship is a vital component of growing close to Yah, this article describes some vital principles and provides some recommended worship songs
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5/1/2019 7:51:31 AM,
This article stresses the importance of Worship and that Worship is a way of expressing our love to Father Yah and is therefore a critical component in drawing close to Father.
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5/1/2019 7:48:20 AM,
This article stresses the importance of Worship and that Worship is a way of expressing our love to Father Yah and is therefore a critical component in drawing close to Father.
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10/5/2018 11:10:38 AM,
What you focus on is what you worship
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6/6/2018 5:54:10 AM,
True Worship is Essential
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5/17/2018 6:37:43 AM,
Worship should be your constant practice, discussion of key aspects of worship
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11/1/2014 2:47:42 PM,
Effective worship is a vital component of growing close to Yah, this article describes some vital principles and provides some recommended worship songs
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11/1/2014 2:14:27 PM,
There are numerous things that get in the way of us getting close to Yah, this article discusses the most important steps that YOU can take to grow close to Yah
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2/14/2019 7:18:34 AM,
We are commanded NOT to worship idols, an idol is anything or anyone that takes on a status in our lives that accords them the reverence, respect or worship that belongs ONLY to Yah the Eternally Self-Existing, the Almighty Creator
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1/10/2019 1:18:26 PM,
In order to be filled with the Spirit of Yah it is vital to worship regularly, preferably daily, and to listen to worship music at every possible opportunity, we have worship music playing in the background in our home all the time we are awake and listen to worship music with headphones while travelling. Carefully select your worship songs, some will help you to grow closer to Yah and many will not
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1/5/2019 9:48:24 AM,
When confronted with the truth regarding the Bible, many who have been in the habit of reading the Bible regularly immediately ask what they should read instead. The simple answer is to read whatever the Almighty shows them to read and spend much more time worshipping, fasting and seeking to hear directly from Father. There is much of relevance on this website at different levels of anointing
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1/3/2019 6:55:40 AM,
Effective worship is a vital component of growing close to Yah, this article describes some vital principles and provides some recommended worship songs
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12/27/2018 2:52:37 PM,
Worship of the Almighty is an essential element of drawing close to Him and being filled with His Spirit, we should seek to worship Him at every possible opportunity
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12/27/2018 2:20:17 PM,
The Almighty Creator deeply desires an intense personal relationship with YOU, this section discusses some important principles
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12/27/2018 1:40:42 PM,
Effective worship is a vital component of growing close to Yah, this article describes some vital principles and provides some recommended worship songs
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12/26/2018 12:19:05 PM,
Worship is the means by which you draw close to the Almighty, the deeper and more intense the worship the closer you draw to Him and the more you are filled with His Spirit, many worship songs are of no value and some are damaging, it is vital to seek appropriate songs, this page presents a selection of songs that I have found to be particularly valuable
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11/24/2018 10:06:37 AM,
Effective worship is a vital component of growing close to Yah, this article describes some vital principles and provides some recommended worship songs
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9/28/2013 9:41:23 AM,
The balance of the important worship songs / psalms.
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9/28/2013 8:58:24 AM,
Following on from the previous articles I was impressed to research other words.
I found nothing negative relating to mercy, grace, favour, worship, pray and blasphemy.
It was suggested that "amein" should be used instead of "amen" as "Amen" is associated with a pagan (Satanic) deity.
The Hebrew "chesed" which means covenant love including loving kindness embraces mercy, grace and favour and is therefore perhaps a more suitable word when speaking about these concepts.
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1/30/2014 2:22:36 PM,
It has been on my heart for some time to share the details of the worship songs that I have used as my core worship resource for many years and which have assisted me to draw close to Yah.
This is the first of a series of articles with details of those songs with the lyrics, some commentary and links to copies of the song.
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6/23/2013 4:21:48 AM,
So much praise and worship is fundamentally doctrinally flawed or does not give honour to Yah
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6/23/2013 4:21:47 AM,
Some phrases from worship music that seem particularly important
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7/5/2019 6:25:13 PM,
P S About Worship
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