9/19/2024 1:04:10 PM,
There is a lot of confusion about the man commonly referred to as “Jesus”.
Many believe he is a manifestation of the Almighty Creator and worship him.
What is the truth?
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2/18/2024 2:48:50 PM,
There is almost universal confusion and uncertainty regarding the Satanic and Demonic Realm. This article seeks to summarize the situation.
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2/18/2024 1:13:52 PM,
I recently encountered a series of videos on YouTube relating to a mature Believer who found herself in Hell for unrepented sin. In the first video she was there because of unforgiveness. See https://youtu.be/VE-m00gyMOY. This is a particularly important testimony – a strongly committed, anointed, Spirit Filled Believer in Hell for unrepented sin. This is the most solid independent evidence that I have come across to the effect that Hell is for Believers with unrepented sin.
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1/28/2023 12:00:03 PM,
I fairly regularly receive emails about conspiracies of all sorts. Supposedly there are sinister groups of human beings who are conniving and plotting all sorts of evil against human kind.
In considering these submissions there are a few key principles to keep in mind:
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6/14/2023 4:57:21 PM,
Few people in this age understand Judgment – this article sets out the essence of what YOU need to know about Judgment in THIS life.
There is almost universal confusion and uncertainty regarding the Satanic and Demonic Realm. This article seeks to summarize the situation.
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8/20/2022 1:06:29 PM,
I recently encountered a series of videos on YouTube relating to a mature Believer who found herself in Hell for unrepented sin. In the first video she was there because of unforgiveness see https://youtu.be/VE-m00gyMOY
This is a particularly important testimony – a strongly committed, anointed, Spirit Filled Believer in Hell for unrepented sin.
This is the most solid independent evidence that I have come across to the effect that Hell is for Believers with unrepented sin.
Note that once one has paid the price for unrepented sin one IS admitted to Heaven for Eternity.
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10/30/2022 7:08:53 AM,
This article has been Extracted from the article “Seven Components of Drawing Close to the Almighty Creator” and updated.
I regularly find myself needing to reference the measures required for cleansing and deliverance with the only body of writing embedded in the Seven Components article. It therefore seemed good to extract that text as a separate article and to review and revise as appropriate.
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10/30/2022 7:02:59 AM,
This article has been Extracted from the article “Seven Components of Drawing Close to the Almighty Creator” and updated.
I regularly find myself needing to reference the measures required for cleansing and deliverance with the only body of writing embedded in the Seven Components article. It therefore seemed good to extract that text as a separate article and to review and revise as appropriate.
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9/21/2022 4:10:20 PM,
This article has been Extracted from the article “Seven Components of Drawing Close to the Almighty Creator” and updated.
I regularly find myself needing to reference the measures required for cleansing and deliverance with the only body of writing embedded in the Seven Components article. It therefore seemed good to extract that text as a separate article and to review and revise as appropriate.
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12/31/2021 12:02:50 PM,
What follows is a series of measures that you can take in recognition of the harsh reality that virtually every human being on earth is in gross error and grossly corrupted and contaminated by the evil in this world and that, in order to draw close to our Father in Heaven we need to take extreme measures to move ourselves out of our current condition to a position where we can be truly close to Him and bring Him joy every day.
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7/24/2021 2:42:27 PM,
There is almost universal confusion and uncertainty regarding the Satanic and Demonic Realm. This article seeks to summarize the situation.
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2/17/2021 7:52:52 AM,
This Broadcast looks at why one should seek a deep personal relationship with the Creator. The Broadcast then goes on to discuss the reality that Believers go to Hell to pay the price for unrepented sin and looks at how to ask for forgiveness. The fate of Nominal Believers in the Outer Darkness is then discussed followed by discussion of what happens on the death of an Unbeliever. These are extremely important facts that all people should know in order to make informed decisions for the rest of their lives.
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6/18/2020 3:01:42 PM,
This Broadcast looks at the different categories of belief on Earth today based on the statistics on 25 December 2015. It is noted that the vast majority of people on Earth today do not believe and that most of those who do believe are to all intents and purposes useless to the Almighty. The different ranks in the lower echelons in Heaven are also discussed.
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1/20/2020 2:26:43 PM,
This Broadcast looks at the real history of mankind up to the present. It is noted that there is huge error in organized religion, no matter which religion we speak of.
The reality of Ancestor Spirits, also known as Demons, is discussed, reference is made to the first Unbelievers and how they served Satan and became the Masterminds of what is happening on Earth. It is noted that there are over 100 billion Demons on Earth today so you really do NOT want to end up as a Demon. It is also stated
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6/5/2018 11:15:27 AM,
Yah is indifferent to unbelievers
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12/29/2017 11:33:00 AM,
Explanation of how Demons come into existence and the role of the Demonic Masterminds on Earth
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12/29/2017 9:35:21 AM,
A short response to someone asking for clarification of the article "Yah is indifferent to the lot of unbelievers"
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12/28/2017 7:21:04 AM,
demographics, demographics of the Kingdom of Yah, believers, unbelievers, friends, overcomers, good and faithful servants, wise stewards, adulterouse wives, foolish virgins, out darkness, unbelieving believers, believing unbelievers, the rest
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12/27/2017 9:28:42 AM,
Yah is NOT concerned about the lot of people who do NOT believe in Him.
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12/27/2017 6:44:52 AM,
If you do NOT believe the Ten Commandments are irrelevant, you are breaking the most important Commandment, the Commandment to love Yah the Eternally Self-Existing.
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3/21/2019 12:43:49 PM,
Judgment of Unbelievers Who Die
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2/14/2019 7:12:08 AM,
An explanation of what demons are, how they come into existence and what they do as ancestor spirits, spirits of human beings who have died without believing in the Almighty Creator
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