7/21/2024 3:16:26 PM,
The Set-Apart Spirit remains in the Believer forever, even after they die unless they are rejected for repeated unrepented sin. This is also the portion of Yah that judges the person when they die, when they come before the Judgment Seat of the Set-Apart Spirit of Yah {Judgement Seat of Christ}. For a detailed example of the walk of cleansing and renewal that occurs after death read The Final Quest starting at Chapter 5.
This is referred to as a “Betrothal” portion and is fixed.
There is a second infilling of the same Set-Apart Spirit, a reinforcement, elaboration, expansion that occurs when a Believer specifically asks to be filled and takes the necessary measures to be filled, specifically Immersion in a Body of Clean Water coupled to repentance for sin and request for cleansing of the defilement associated with sin and then infilling. For a dramatic example of this refer to the Immersion of Yahooshua {incorrectly Jesus} in the Yarden {Jordan} in MattihYahoo {Matthew} 3:16 “After Yahooshua was baptized, He came up immediately out of the water; and behold, the heavens were opened, and he (Yahoochanan {incorrectly John}) saw the Spirit of Yah descending as a dove and lighting on Him (Yahooshua),” It was this Anointing with the Spirit of Yah that equipped and empowered Yahooshua to perform miracles, walk on water, raise the dead and speak authoritatively.
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12/26/2023 12:44:51 PM,
This article provides robust biblical evidence that “baptism” is in fact “immersion” and was prescribed in the Torah {law} by Moshe {Moses}.
It is evidenced that the Almighty and Yahooshua require us to continue to practice these ordinances as appropriate and that there are many situations in which immersion is appropriate.
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5/21/2018 1:43:25 PM,
Yah instituted Immersion NOT Baptism, Baptism is a false rite
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1/11/2019 12:22:05 PM,
Yah ordained immersion for cleansing from sin at least as early as the time of Moshe {Moses} this involves immersion in a Mikvah, a body of clean water of sufficient depth and extent that the entire body could be immersed at once, Yahoochanan {John} applied this ordinance and did NOT introduce some new ordinance, the use of the term "baptism" is therefore erroneous
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