1/2/2019 1:15:09 PM,
A discussion of personal prophecy, what is it, how to receive it, what to do once one does receive a message from Yah
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1/2/2019 1:11:02 PM,
Yah's teachings are frequently very rich and multi-dimensional and capable of multi-faceted interpretation
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1/2/2019 1:07:03 PM,
Inspiration is the conduct of a human being who is at some level filled with the Spirit of Yah giving them wisdom and resulting in inspired writing, inspired singing, inspired teaching, etc
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12/30/2018 8:08:43 AM,
In terms of the rules of engagement Yah works on earth through those who are filled with His Spirit, that is, His anointed ones, He has chosen to ONLY act on earth in response to the words and deeds of His servants versus the servants of Satan, Yah does NOT operate on earth without the cooperation of one of His servants
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12/30/2018 8:05:09 AM,
One of the perennial questions asked of Yah's servants is "who sent you" and "who gave you the authority to say this" -- these are inappropriate and irrelevant questions -- a true servant of Yah will KNOW that Yah sent them and walk in that authority -- anyone who seeks to establish credibility by reference to other people or "Bible School" is either immature and inexperienced or NOT from Yah -- the answer to those questions is to seek Yah and learn from Yah whether that person IS from Yah and w
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12/30/2018 7:55:46 AM,
Messages from Yah regarding the world given through James Robertson
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12/30/2018 7:51:15 AM,
Yah has spoken to South Africa and the situation in South Africa through James Robertson in great detail warning believers to leave and warning of coming collapse and massive blood letting
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12/30/2018 7:46:22 AM,
Messages from Yah to believers generally through James Robertson
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12/30/2018 7:29:42 AM,
Messages given by Yah to James Robertson for the Church
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