1/19/2025 8:18:59 PM,
In this article I will share an extremely important truth that I learned by accident in 2010 -- that as a Believer free of Sin one has massive power and authority over the Satanic and Demonic Realm and they cannot touch you!
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12/28/2024 5:16:06 PM,
In this article I will share an extremely important truth that I learned by accident in 2010 -- that as a Believer free of Sin one has massive power and authority over the Satanic and Demonic Realm and they cannot touch you!
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10/22/2022 1:52:44 PM,
I am currently corresponding with a couple of people who are energetically seeking to draw close to Father and I thought it would be helpful to them and to others to summarize my current thoughts on what is required to do this.
Around the Day of Atonement in 2014 I wrote a lengthy (72 page) article on Seven Components in Drawing Close to the Creator see https://www.eti-ministries.org/seven-components-of-drawing-close This article was written under a significant anointing at a time that I was particularly close to Father Yah and is therefore a useful reference. I have great confidence that if you put everything in that article into practice over a period of one to two years at the end of that time you WILL be close to Father Yah.
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1/19/2019 4:25:27 AM,
The Peace of Yah that passes understanding is another spiritual gift that is available to those who truly trust in Yah, this peace allows one to not be troubled by adverse circumstances secure in the knowledge that Yah will make a way for you to be delivered from whatever you are facing, again, you must DEAL WITH YOUR SIN
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1/19/2019 4:16:57 AM,
A key benefit of serving Yah is His protection, give thanks regularly that His messengers encamp around you to protect you AND deal with ALL sin in your life, as long as you have sin the protection of Yah is limited
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1/2/2019 2:43:07 PM,
What distinguishes Yahooshua is that for thirty three and a half years he led a life without sin and died a terrible death also without sinning, because of this the forces of darkness and death had NO hold on him and he was immediately resurrected and granted the highest throne available to a human being in heaven because he was the FIRST human being to live a life without sin, his death provides us with authority to also seek to live our lives above sin
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