1/11/2019 7:14:25 AM,
There is much poverty in the body of believers because they are not aware of what is available to them through the Spirit of Yah, or they are in sin and yet expect Yah to provide, poverty is generally a consequence of ignorance or sin -- it is significantly challenging to walk in Father's provision given the level of Satanic opposition we are faced with
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1/11/2019 7:01:54 AM,
Through the wisdom one may receive from the Spirit of Yah, coupled to your existing knowledge and experience and skills one can develop greater practical and commercial ability thereby providing one's needs
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1/10/2019 1:52:42 PM,
A particular benefit of being one with Yah is that one gains access to Wisdom as a spiritual gift, this is something that should be prayed for and which, over time, will assist one to prosper and develop knowledge and expertise that one would NOT otherwise have had access to, this gift must be utilized with care
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1/10/2019 1:48:36 PM,
Once one has a significant infilling with the Spirit of Yah one can begin to tap into the mind of Yah in the form of wisdom, insight, inspiration and general guidance, this is a progressive process as one matures as an anointed one
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