5/27/2023 1:47:34 PM,
Sunday 28th of May 2023 is Shavuot, the day of Pentecost which is a high Sabbath and should be observed accordingly. It starts at sunrise Sunday and ends at sunrise Monday.
Two major events happened historically at Shavuot:
- The Almighty Creator manifested on Mount Sinai with flames and smoke and gave the Ten Commandments out loud to the children of Israel and gave the Commandments to Moshe engraved on stone tablets.
- The Set-Apart {Set-Apart {Holy}} Spirit of Yah, the Creator, was poured out on the Believers in the Upper Room in Jerusalem after the resurrection of Yahooshua {Jesus}.
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4/22/2023 3:08:02 PM,
Back in the 1970’s and 80’s Ron Wyatt, a highly Anointed servant of the Creator and amateur archaeologist was led by the Spirit of Yah to locate Noah’s Ark, Soddom and Gomorrah, the Ark of the Covenant, the Real Mount Sinai, the Red Sea Crossing site and evidence of Joseph in Egypt.
Subsequently Jonathan Gray, a professional archaeologist who was skeptical of Wyatts claims, validated the discoveries and added them to discoveries that he had made. Jonathan subsequently delivered presentations in person on the discoveries in the 1990’s and recorded these presentations as videos.
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9/17/2022 1:49:42 PM,
I regularly watch videos on YouTube relating to the matters of the Almighty and share these with a limited list of people who have contacted me off the website or have shown real interest in the ways of the Almighty in other ways. If you would like to be added to that list please reply to this email with “Please add me to the BCC list” in the subject line.
I have published a number of previous lists of videos that I recommend on https://www.eti-ministries.org/important-videos-to-watch
Following are some of the videos that I have recommended since publishing the above.
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1/24/2021 4:31:31 PM,
Following are a collection of YouTube videos that I would like to recommend for your viewing – these have previously been forwarded to a small group of people on a separate mailing list and others on WhatsApp, I am now sending this to the entire mailing list.
These are an output of a journey I have been on for the last couple of weeks learning more about the people that are referred to in some of these videos as “Gods Generals” [Yah’s Generals]. People with a strong anointing who materially touched the Earth in their lifetimes.
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4/13/2020 5:37:33 PM,
This Broadcast further examines physically verifiable signs of Judgment and cautions that further Judgment can be expected. It is noted that the greatest miracle is that Noah and his family survived the massively traumatic event of the Global Flood and that this, alone, should cause people to fear Judgment. Other proof of the accuracy of the writings in the first five books of the Bible is offered.
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2/28/2019 2:28:12 PM,
Shavuot or Pentecost is the day that Yah came down on the Mountain in the Sinai Desert and is also the day that Yah poured out His Spirit on those assembled in the upper room in Jerusalem forty days after Yahooshua was executed, we are commanded to observe this day as a High Sabbath
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2/14/2019 1:51:54 PM,
Pentecost (Shavuot) is the day when Yah appeared to the children of Israel on the Mountain and reaffirmed the Ten Commandments, it is also the day when the Spirit of Yah descended on the followers of Yahooshua who were gathered in the Upper Room
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