1/20/2024 8:17:55 AM,
There is a lot of confusion regarding sin and the Commandments including a lot of debate in the USA at present which is relevant to this discussion.
The Commandments are discussed in some detail on the Website but I want to summarize them now and highlight some little understood ramifications associated with breaking them including the essential definition of Sin. It is important to understand that the Satanic and Demonic Realm have corrupted things to such an extent that most Believers are breaking MOST of the Commandments. It is also important to recognize that in the extreme case breaking any one of the Commandments carries a death penalty. Torment in Hell if unrepented is axiomatic for every Believer who at some level believes in the reality of the Almighty Creator of the Heavens and the Earth whose TRUE Name is Yah the Eternally Self-Existing.
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6/14/2023 4:52:40 PM,
There is a lot of confusion regarding sin and the Commandments including a lot of debate in the USA at present which is relevant to this discussion.
The Commandments are discussed in some detail on the Website but I want to summarize them now and highlight some little understood ramifications associated with breaking them including the essential definition of Sin. It is important to understand that the Satanic and Demonic Realm have corrupted things to such an extent that most Believers are breaking MOST of the Commandments. It is also important to recognize that in the extreme case breaking any one of the Commandments carries a death penalty. Torment in Hell if unrepented is axiomatic for every Believer who at some level believes in the reality of the Almighty Creator of the Heavens and the Earth whose TRUE Name is Yah the Eternally Self-Existing.
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6/20/2021 4:59:40 PM,
There is a lot of confusion regarding sin and the Commandments including a lot of debate in the USA at present which is relevant to this discussion.
The Commandments are discussed in some detail on the Website but I want to summarize them now and highlight some little understood ramifications associated with breaking them including the essential definition of Sin. It is important to understand that the Satanic and Demonic Realm have corrupted things to such an extent that most Believers are breaking MOST of the Commandments. It is also important to recognize that in the extreme case breaking any one of the Commandments carries a death penalty. Torment in Hell if unrepented is axiomatic for every Believer who at some level believes in the reality of the Almighty Creator of the Heavens and the Earth whose TRUE Name is Yah the Eternally Self-Existing.
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5/26/2019 9:03:47 AM,
The Ten Commandments – Fundamental Guiding Principles for Life on Earth
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5/1/2019 7:58:55 AM,
This article gives an in-depth analysis of the Ten Commandments, how the vast majority of believers break most of the Commandments and what is required in order to comply and why it is important to comply.
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2/21/2019 11:42:43 AM,
In this life believing lies can result in judgment leading to death, if the lie causes one to contravene other Commandments of Yah
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2/21/2019 11:40:03 AM,
It is written that "all liars shall have a part in the Lake of Fire and Brimstone", there is NO escape, ALL lies WILL result in judgment for believers unless repented of before death
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2/21/2019 11:37:03 AM,
White lies, supposedly "good" lies or "harmless" lies are still lies and will bring judgment. It is written that "all liars shall have a part in the Lake of Fire and Brimstone", white lies come from the kingdom of the White Witches, those servants of Satan who seek to do good using Satanic methods
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2/21/2019 11:16:22 AM,
Many sales claims are exaggerated or outright false and therefore break this commandment
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2/16/2019 11:59:14 AM,
All religions have been contaminated at some level by the Satanic realm and therefore a lot of what they teach is false. Different groups have preserved different truths but the bulk of what religions teach is false
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2/16/2019 11:55:29 AM,
Most of what is taught by the Church, starting with the Name of the Creator, the personage of Jesus (Yahooshua) and other fundamentals are false, in some cases they are a distortion of the truth but much of the time they are outright false, the fact that these compromises and falsehoods are the outworking of centuries of persecution does NOT alter the fact that they are lies
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2/16/2019 11:51:34 AM,
We are forbidden to lie or bear false witness, this includes all forms of exaggerated claims and misrepresentation. Much of what is taught by "The Church" is at best inaccurate and in many cases outright lies
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