4/16/2022 1:10:14 PM,
Many years ago, Yah said to me “James you are NOT a Glove Puppet” which I understood to mean that I could and should exercise my will and make decisions based on my own analysis and understanding.
Recently I have realized that I did NOT fully grasp this principle and have made many bad decisions, including decisions with life time consequences. This article seeks to elaborate and clarify:
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4/16/2022 1:27:22 PM,
Many years ago, Yah said to me “James you are NOT a Glove Puppet” which I understood to mean that I could and should exercise my will and make decisions based on my own analysis and understanding.
Recently I have realized that I did NOT fully grasp this principle and have made many bad decisions, including decisions with life time consequences. This article seeks to elaborate and clarify:
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2/27/2019 1:02:09 PM,
In terms of the Rules of Engagement Yah and Satan are both constrained to operate on earth through human beings. Yah is therefore constrained to act through believers and the fewer believers there are and the less they are filled with Yah's Spirit and in touch with Yah the less Yah is able to do so that in the present age Yah is almost powerless on earth
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