10/7/2023 10:53:08 AM,
THE burning issue of the current millennium is whether humankind ends the millennium in relationship with the Almighty Creator or hands total control to Satan. These three articles, based on recent broadcasts, present my thinking as it has evolved over the last thirty years in terms of what is REALLY IMPORTANT for any Believer today. In various articles I have written about Revival and urged readers to focus their attention on initiating Revivals on the Earth
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9/10/2022 1:36:53 PM,
In various articles I have written about Revival and urged readers to focus their attention on initiating Revivals on the Earth, see, for example https://www.ETI-Ministries.org/will-you-initiate-a-revival-with-me
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2/28/2019 2:28:12 PM,
Shavuot or Pentecost is the day that Yah came down on the Mountain in the Sinai Desert and is also the day that Yah poured out His Spirit on those assembled in the upper room in Jerusalem forty days after Yahooshua was executed, we are commanded to observe this day as a High Sabbath
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