3/2/2025 7:15:16 PM,
Recently I was asked why I say the true Sabbath is Saturday and NOT Sunday, this article addresses this question.
Many years ago Father showed me that He had NOT changed the Sabbath from Saturday to Sunday as practiced by nearly all Christians and that I should strictly observe Saturday as the Sabbath in accordance with the Fourth Commandment of the Ten Commandments as reported in Shemoth {Exodus} 20:8-11
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3/18/2023 1:24:21 PM,
It has come to my attention that the video reporting the Pope confessing major errors of the Catholic church is sadly a hoax.
Please disregard completely.
I apologise for not undertaking due diligence on the video!
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3/7/2019 11:31:20 AM,
The inquisition largely stamped out the will and knowledge to observe true belief and teaching with regard to matters pertaining to Yah in ways that continue to impact the world today
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3/6/2019 10:43:46 AM,
Religion is largely inspired by the Satanic realm
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