4/13/2020 6:27:12 PM,
This Broadcast follows on from the three previous Broadcasts on the Spiritual impacts of sexual union. This Broadcast starts to look at how to cut off all the different ties, vows, etc that result from even one instance of sexual intercourse. This also applies to sexual union between two men and sexual union between two women as well as to sexual union with animals. It is note that Divorce in the Court of Heaven is required for many of the prayers to be effective. Dealing with sexual attraction / desire / chemistry is presented and various cleansing processes and prayers are shared.
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4/13/2020 6:19:13 PM,
This Broadcast further examines the spiritual forces between man and woman in sexual life covenant {marriage}. It looks at selection of marriage partners and the power of the one-flesh bond. It notes that Cleave in Genesis means cut and refers to the male organ cutting into the female with shedding of blood on consummation. The silence of the Church with regard to the truth about Virginity is mentioned and other forms of spiritual interaction are discussed as well as Soul Ties, Sexual Chemistry and spirit to spirit adhesion.
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