12/24/2024 8:51:29 PM,
On 25 December 2015 I shared the demographic statistics for the people of Earth at that time. There were about 2.7 million vaguely effective Believers. Today that number is about 1.5 million and Father Yah has indicated that the way things are going by the turn of the century there will be zero significant Believers left unless something substantial happens to turn the situation around. This article looks at His goals for the time that Satan is released from the Pit on 3 May 3003, 978 years from now.
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2/18/2024 2:48:50 PM,
There is almost universal confusion and uncertainty regarding the Satanic and Demonic Realm. This article seeks to summarize the situation.
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6/14/2023 4:57:21 PM,
Few people in this age understand Judgment – this article sets out the essence of what YOU need to know about Judgment in THIS life.
There is almost universal confusion and uncertainty regarding the Satanic and Demonic Realm. This article seeks to summarize the situation.
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7/24/2021 2:42:27 PM,
There is almost universal confusion and uncertainty regarding the Satanic and Demonic Realm. This article seeks to summarize the situation.
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5/25/2019 10:06:13 PM,
Critical Elements of What I Believe
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