12/10/2022 4:28:56 PM,
Following are a few articles that evidence that Jesus is NOT a valid name for Yahooshua and in fact is blasphemous and should be avoided completely. In times past as Believers came out of the darkness and deception of “the Dark Ages” and the lies regarding the name of Yahooshua as Jesus, the Name of Yah as The LORD, etcetera were pervasive Yah extended Grace for these errors. However, in order for Satan to be sent to the Pit for 1,000 years all Grace for these errors had to be withdrawn, see 2010.09.07b - Satan sentenced to one thousand years in the Pit on 3 May 2003
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6/9/2020 6:47:09 PM,
An overview of key facts that are fundamental to coming to a place of close relationship with the Almighty Creator addressing words that are commonly used but which are in serious error.
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