10/16/2022 1:52:59 PM,
Probably the biggest single error in the body of Christian Believers is the error that “Christ” is synonymous with “Jesus” when, in fact, “Christ” refers to the “Anointing of the Spirit of Yah” and therefore refers to Yah and NOT Yahooshua. This results in a transference of the powers and attributes of Yah onto Jesus. This article seeks to address this error.
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8/21/2021 1:17:32 PM,
I have recently received several emails regarding the true Name of the Almighty Creator, following is a discussion of the key points on this topic.
In particular I would like to offer a number of corrections with regard to names that are commonly used in English – these corrections are made within the context of the reality that Belief in the Creator and Belief through Yahooshua {Jesus} are represented to a degree in Christianity, and Christianity is therefore a fundamentally Hebrew Religion.The wrong names that are almost universal in Christianity have, for the most part, been adopted in the English used by Jews, Moslems and other religions to refer to the Almighty Creator.
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