11/30/2022 3:07:14 PM,
Probably the single most complex and destructive factor in the life of many Believers is unwise and careless sexual activity. I have recently been exposed to a situation in which such conduct has had massive unintended consequences and so I want to share a few case studies that may help others to understand factors like these that may be having similar consequences in their lives. I frequently hear from Believers who are battling financially and these factors are potentially at play in many, if not most, such situations.
Following through on the previous article about the “Implications of Careless Sexual Activity” (https://www.etimin.org/implications-of-careless-sexual-activity), further ramifications have become evident. Specifically that it is NOT easy to cut the one flesh bonds resulting from careless sexual activity and that attempts to do this unrighteously amount to Treachery and will fail. These issues are discussed below.
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1/9/2022 2:02:17 PM,
Probably the single most complex and destructive factor in the life of many Believers is unwise and careless sexual activity. I have recently been exposed to a situation in which such conduct has had massive unintended consequences and so I want to share a few case studies that may help others to understand factors like these that may be having similar consequences in their lives. I frequently hear from Believers who are battling financially and these factors are potentially at play in many, if not most, such situations.
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