4/16/2022 1:10:14 PM,
Many years ago, Yah said to me “James you are NOT a Glove Puppet” which I understood to mean that I could and should exercise my will and make decisions based on my own analysis and understanding.
Recently I have realized that I did NOT fully grasp this principle and have made many bad decisions, including decisions with life time consequences. This article seeks to elaborate and clarify:
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4/16/2022 1:27:22 PM,
Many years ago, Yah said to me “James you are NOT a Glove Puppet” which I understood to mean that I could and should exercise my will and make decisions based on my own analysis and understanding.
Recently I have realized that I did NOT fully grasp this principle and have made many bad decisions, including decisions with life time consequences. This article seeks to elaborate and clarify:
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