3/2/2024 1:32:30 PM,
Over the years I have written a few times about tithing and have basically warned against giving to assemblies {churches} that are in error. This was born out of a situation where I tithed religiously early on in my walk and repeated suffered financial loss because I was in error on diverse topics and the church I was tithing to was entrenching those errors so that, because I was yoked to a ministry in sin with my money, I was cursed.
Do not give money to any ministry or religious organization unless you are clear they are in right standing with Yah depending on where you are in your walk with Him AND do not give if they give you a lecture on why you should give to them and then manipulatively exhort you to give to them.
Notwithstanding all the above I have recently encountered a number of people who have gone to great lengths to clean up their lives with Yah and yet are struggling financially. In each case I have been impressed to suggest to them that they are not tithing and that this is cursing their finances
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1/4/2024 3:56:08 PM,
I have now uploaded all of Bereshith {Genesis} to Malaki {Malachi} {the Old Testament} with the most important corrections onto the website as webpages to read online see https://www.etimin.org/the-eti-bible-version/bereshith-genesis-to-malaki-malachi and subsequent pages -- links to other pages at the bottom of the content.
These books have not been proof read but do contain reasonably accurate most important edits – I estimate that I have completed 40% of the edits that account for about 90% of the substantive error.
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12/27/2023 7:05:14 PM,
I have now completed a second pass through the so-called “Old Testament”, the Bible books from Bereshith to Malaki {Genesis to Malachi} – there are now approximately 11,000 instances of the Name “Yah” including over 100 names of people that include “Yah” each with the meaning of that name. The names of over 50 individuals containing “Eli” meaning “my Beloved Mighty One” have been amplified with their meaning. This is available at https://www.etimin.org/the-eti-bible-version/bereshith-genesis-to-malaki-malachi
In addition to this, I have invested in software to convert my rendering of the Bible in Microsoft Word .docx format to import it into the eSword Bible study software and the relevant files are available for download together with a link to download the software.
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12/22/2023 4:29:45 PM,
As previously reported there are serious fundamental translation errors in the majority of English Bibles and those derived from the English. The ETI Bible Version seeks to correct the most critical of these as well as providing commentary on what I have learned in my journey with Yah over more than thirty years.
This article continues with the ETI Bible Version -- I have now rendered a first pass through the so-called “Old Testament”.
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