0205 Important directional and defensive prayersMany who believe battle in their lives because they do not know what to pray.
This document lists a number of prayers that I have found particularly valuable and functional.
2024.03.01.Tithing is MandatoryOver the years I have written a few times about tithing and have basically warned against giving to assemblies {churches} that are in error. This was born out of a situation where I tithed religiously early on in my walk and repeated suffered financial loss because I was in error on diverse topics and the church I was tithing to was entrenching those errors so that, because I was yoked to a ministry in sin with my money, I was cursed.
Do not give money to any ministry or religious organization unless you are clear they are in right standing with Yah depending on where you are in your walk with Him AND do not give if they give you a lecture on why you should give to them and then manipulatively exhort you to give to them.
Notwithstanding all the above I have recently encountered a number of people who have gone to great lengths to clean up their lives with Yah and yet are struggling financially. In each case I have been impressed to suggest to them that they are not tithing and that this is cursing their finances
2022.08.05 Essence of my message concerning Judgment in THIS Life and regarding the Satanic and DemonicFew people in this age understand Judgment – this article sets out the essence of what YOU need to know about Judgment in THIS life.
There is almost universal confusion and uncertainty regarding the Satanic and Demonic Realm. This article seeks to summarize the situation.
2021.12.07 Overcoming Christmas – Observing TabernaclesIn the last few weeks I have presented a detailed article regarding the True Birthday of Yahooshua {Jesus} on the First Day of the Feast of Tabernacles, see https://www.eti-ministries.org/true-birthday-of-yahooshua I have also presented a collection of a series of articles relating to the Evils of Christmas, see https://www.eti-ministries.org/evil-of-christmas
The bottom line is that Father Yah, the Almighty Creator of the Heavens and the Earth, requires His followers to TOTALLY ESCHEW CHRISTMAS and refrain from any form of observation, celebration, gift giving, feasting, etc. The only valid response for a true Believer to Christmas is to fast and / or carry on secular activities as you would on any other working day of the year. If Christmas is on a Saturday, simply conduct your Sabbath as you would any other Saturday Sabbath with NO special conduct other than possibly fasting.
This year I have been contacted by several people who follow my teachings asking how they should respond to Christmas in the context of their children do not understand why there is no tree and no gifts and no feast and that this is causing serious problems. I have also been asked how to respond when people give gifts, etc.
This article seeks to respond to these questions based on the feedback that I gave in response to the above questions.
2024.11.02 Seek Truth NOT Error -- SummaryThere is a great tendency amongst people to look for errors in others and then use this as a basis to dissociate. This is the reason for so many religions and so many denominations within each religion. People find something they regard as absolute truth and then shun those who do not agree with them and, conversely, cast those people out of their assemblies.
Many years ago, Father taught me a vital principle “Seek Truth NOT Error” – when you first meet someone, look for the truth that they have and that you lack, take that truth on board and do NOT be offended by what you perceive to be error. On this basis it is possible to engage with anyone on the planet constructively.