2021.09.17 Essence of my message re the Almighty Creator and Essential Inhibitors of BeliefWe look at the essence of my message regarding the Almighty Creator. In particular, we note that He has always existed and that we exist because He was lonely. It is stressed that life on Earth is a training and testing ground for life in Heaven.
It is pointed out that Creation took place in an evolutionary manner and that Satan developed pride and rebelled. We note that Yah is Chesed, that is Covenant Love and that Heaven is a place of Great Beauty, Peace and Love and that Yahooshua is the first and most powerful created being. We then look at the essential inhibitors of belief in Yah.
Firstly the Bible, then the Lie of Good, then Disinformation about the Satanic Realm and the Contest. Then we look at all forms of religion and also lies about death and the afterlife.