2023.07.04 Emunah {Faith} for FinancesI regularly get emails and WhatsApp messages from people who are battling financially asking me to pray for them for provision and frequently asking me for money, Bible, motorbikes, etcetera.
Firstly, it is not my responsibility to pray for them or provide for them, we pray daily for all the people who have been touched by the ministry for provision, healing, relationship with Yah, etcetera but not individually, I have limitations on my available hours and need all my surplus finances for websites, broadcasts, mailing lists, etcetera.
Secondly, it does not help for me to pray if they are not doing what is necessary for them to receive by Emunah {Faith}.
2024.07.12 The Good News According to MattihYahoo, Part-1The first book in the so-called “New Testament” in the Bible – MattihYahoo {Matthew} meaning “gift of Yah” provides an authoritative account of the life, death and resurrection of Yahooshua the Anointed of Yah, incorrectly “Jesus Christ.” I have corrected the core translation errors and added commentary based on my personal experience and revelation. I will share this in the next few broadcasts. This is part 1. I read from MattihYahoo and offer commentary.
2024.04.05 Recommended Worship Updated 20 April 2024There are a large number (most) worship songs that are doctrinally offensive to the Almighty.
Periodically I encounter a song that is reasonably pleasing to Him in which case I download it and edit it to remove any references to Jesus and related errors – remember that we are instructed to “worship Yah alone” – Luke 4:8 “And Yahooshua {Jesus} answered and said unto him, Get thee behind me, Satan: for it is written, Thou shalt worship Yah the Eternally Self-Existing {the Lord} thy Mighty One {God}, and him only shalt thou serve.”
I have just uploaded the latest set of 50 files and also the increment of files added since 4 July 2023. These are available as zip files to download below.