It seems to me that very few people have appreciation for just how bitterly disappointed Yah is with the children of Adam (us human beings). They have let Yah down every step of the way.
Yah created this amazing Universe and beautiful planet with amazing plants and animals to enjoy with the children of Adam (humankind). He envisaged deep personal relationships, friendships, doing things together.
And what did He get?
A bunch of corrupt, degenerate, self-willed, rebellious beings who hardly know He exists let alone seek some sort of deep personal relationship with Him.
And those that do have some level of awareness of His existence make Him out to be a legalistic ogre who demands obedience on a long list of minutiae that it is not possible to memorize let alone fully comply with!
The question for YOU today is whether you can have COMPASSION for Yah in this situation AND whether YOU will commit the rest of your life to turning this situation around as outlined on the website.
<<< PREVIOUS SECTION: The Torah Dilemma - what exactly IS Torah?
NEXT SECTION: Goal setting - Yah's target demographics for 3003 -- 978 years from now >>>
To make my point let us look at the progression of Yah's disappointment at a headline level starting with Adam:
- Adam and the fruit and hands control to Satan – not to mention Lillith – Yah created Adam and Lillith and almost immediately Lillith went off following Satan so Yah had to create Chavah {Eve} and then she misled Adam into rebelling and eating the forbidden fruit – imagine Yah’s huge disappointment!
- Noah and Japheth and Ham and getting drunk – Noah persuaded Yah to allow Japheth, an idolater, and Ham, an Ancestor Worshipper, to come on the boat and Ham brought the seven ruling Demonic Masterminds with him on the boat. Then Noah got drunk and cursed Canaan – so much for the fresh start – imagine Yah’s huge disappointment!
- Abraham and Hagar – Yah promised Abraham a seed but Abraham decided to intervene and consummates with Haggar leading to two competing clans that continue to fight with one another to the present – imagine Yah’s huge disappointment!
- Yaakov and his unloved wives – a mixed up family with competition and strife, hardly Yah’s ideal.
- Moseh {Moses} striking the rock and fractious Israelites in the Wilderness – after a life of obedience Moshe disobeys at the last minute – imagine Yah’s disappointment with the whole shambles of the Exodus from Egypt and the failed entry to the Promised Land!
- The judges and Kings of Israel – one after another, course correct, go off course, course correct, go off course, idol worship, fornication, you name it they did it – the whole piece about the Priesthood, the Tabernacle, etcetera – so much for the plan of the 12 tribes faithfully serving Yah – another bitter disappointment by the end of which there was again virtually no one in relationship and the whole plan with the Tabernacle, the Ark of the Covenant and the Priesthood in ruins!
- The follow on to Yahooshua – within a generation, starting to fall away from the miracle of Yahooshua’s death and within six hundred years the whole plan pretty much totally derelict – people worshipping Jesus (Yahooshua) and worshipping the Bible not to mention the other sins and errors – a massive disappointment after all the careful planning and the huge sacrifice of Yahooshua!
- The follow on to Muhammed – a rough start to try and bring people back on track – not as strong as Yahooshua. Within a few hundred years fallen to worshipping Muhammed, worshipping the Quran and engaging in harsh and brutal Jihad – another disappointment!
- The follow on to Martin Luther – another spark of revival and some limited turning to truth and relationship, sabotaged again by worshipping Jesus, the Bible, championing monogamy, observing Christmas and the Sunday Sabbath and soft on sin – further disappointment!
- The Charismatic Christian leaders of the twentieth century disobedient – one after another called to prepare to send Satan to the Pit but stuck in their false doctrines, worship of Jesus, worship of the Bible, etcetera – huge disappointment -- until Yah virtually ran out of candidates and ended up with one that Yah described when He called him as “scraping the bottom of the barrel” – the writer – just scraped through at the last minute – more disappointment!
- Will the people of this era disappoint Him too? – that brings us to where we are today, Christmas 2024, massive pagan feast worshipping Jesus and by extension worshipping Satan – what will the people of this age do? What will YOU do? Will YOU lay down your life to seek a DEEP PERSONAL RELATIONSHIP with Yah or will you continue pottering along in your mediocre relationship with Yah, if you have any relationship at all and NOT doing anything to turn the current situation around? -- it is up to you!
So, my question to YOU is whether you will have compassion on Yah and empathize with this huge litany of disappointment AND do something SERIOUS about it? That is my challenge to you as the worldly year of 2024 comes to an end with the cacophony of triumphal worship of Satan and his dominions.
If YOU decide to do something I would love to hear from you – message me on
Please feel free to email me at and I will answer your questions and support you in your journey to become a Friend of Yah.
I look forward to hearing from you.
May Father bless you and keep you and make His face to shine upon you and grant you His Peace
May Yah judge me severely and correct me harshly and show me the level of my present deception and how to correct it with regard to everything that I write and publish
Warm regards and blessings,
Dr James A Robertson
Spokesman and Emissary of Yah
End Time Issue Ministries
23 December 2024
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