Carlos Salgado Lubo in Columbia has been walking with me since 2019 and has energetically implemented most of my teachings; worshipping and praying daily, cleaning up his life and seeking to draw close to Yah.
At 07:15 am my time (UK) 2:15 am his time on Monday 3rd February 2025, Carlos messaged me to say “James; I am anointed; Strongly anointed; Just had a most powerful experience while in my sleep; And woke up; Feeling a power I’ve never felt” he sent a whole lot of messages outlining what he had experienced.
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At 14:05 pm my time (UK) 11:05 am his time the same day, Carlos messaged me to say “Hello James; Wow; Just woke up; From the most disturbing dream ever; I was with Yah; He was walking with me; But essentially; I think he showed me the underworld” he again sent a whole lot of messages outline what he had experienced seeing the consequences on men of watching pornography particularly relating to homosexuality, bisexuality, trans-sexuality, etcetera.
The following night, Tuesday 4th February I interviewed Carlos. In the interview he describes in detail how he was anointed and what he experienced after he was anointed. This is really important, Carlos has just completed University, he is an ordinary person like you and me and I encourage you to listen to this interview from the perspective of understanding what is available to you!
The recording is available at:
ETI YouTube:
Of the Website:
I encourage you to listen to this interview and claim that you have a comparable experience and keep working towards it. Worship and pray daily, clean up your life so you are free of sin and apply all my teachings.
Please feel free to email me (James) if you have questions or comments.
May Father bless you and keep you and make His face to shine upon you and grant you His Peace
May Yah judge me severely and correct me harshly and show me the level of my present deception and how to correct it with regard to everything that I write and publish
Warm regards and blessings,
Dr James A Robertson
Spokesman and Emissary of Yah
End Time Issue Ministries
05 February 2025
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