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This morning someone responded to my statement that Allah is Yah by explaining to me why Allah was not God.
This raises a number of important principles that are discussed below:
1. Got to get the names right first
Before one can answer this question it is vital to get the names right.
A discussion about God is irrelevant once one realizes that Yah is NOT God.
2. "Allah" is the Arabic equivalent of "Elohym"
We saw in the article about the names of Yah in the bible that Strong's number 426 corresponds to the word "Alaah" which is so close to "Allah" as to be insignificantly different given all the complexities of translation and transliteration.
"Alaah" correlates to the Aramaic "Elah" which correlates to the Hebrew "Elohym", which means "mighty one" and which is often used to refer to the Almighty in both the sense of "Mighty One" as in the "Mighty One of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob" but which can also be applied as "mighty one" in the context of Satan or powerful human beings also being "mighty ones".
"Elohym" also frequently correlates with "Almighty" when used to refer to the Almighty.
So, by extension, "Allah" can apply to "Yah".
3. So "Allah" just means "mighty one" and so "Allah" could mean "God"
So we see that "Allah" CAN be taken to apply to "God" when "God" is taken as applying to "Yah".
4. "God" is a pagan demonic deity so "Allah" is not necessarily "God"
But, since "God" is actually a pagan deity then "Allah" is NOT necessarily "God" and it is entirely off the mark to argue that Muslims do not serve Yah because they do not serve "God".
5. And since "God" is NOT a valid name for "Yah" we have not got very far
And so we see that by arguing about whether Muslims serve the Creator by using the word "God" we have not actually proved anything.
6. But "Allah" is closer to "Elohym" than "God"
But, if we recognize that "Allah" is much closer to "Elohym" than "God" is we have to conclude that any argument based on "Allah" not being "God" is effectively spurious and futile.
7. So "Allah" COULD refer to "Yah" as much as or more than "God" could refer to "Yah" but it could also refer to a demonic / Satanic deity
But, since "Allah" is not a real name for Yah just as "Elohym" is not a real name for Yah and "God" is not a real name for Yah it is just as possible that "Allah" can also be appropriated to a demonic or Satanic "deity".
So, it IS possible to find situations in which "Allah" is being applied to a demonic deity or idol or whatever, just because Satan and his cohorts have appropriated error to give them the right to redirect worship and power to one of their deities, just as they have done with "God", "Jesus", etc.
8. So "Allah" could be "Yah" sometimes
So, since it is apparent from my own experience that through grace Yah answered me when I believed in "God" there is absolutely no reason why Yah should not extend the same grace to Muslims.
For that matter, since "God" is so far removed from Yah, there is actually no reason why we cannot conclude that Yah might extend grace to those who pray to Him in any number of other names.
To get this point it is vital to recognize that Christianity is a pagan religion that is FAR removed from the true worship of Yah and therefore any opinion that is held by Christians in judgement of other religions must be suspect.
Yah has clearly shown me that there are those that pray to "Allah" who have close relationships with Him, just as there are those who pray to "God" or "the LORD" who have close relationships with Yah.
This grace is rapidly being withdrawn but it still exists to a limited extent.
It particularly applies to people who directly and actively associate the wrong names with extensions such as "the Creator of the Heavens and the Earth", "the Almighty" and suchlike where the amplification of "God" or "Allah" or whatever name that is used makes the focus of the name clear.
It is very clear to me that debate about the false names such as "God", "the LORD" relative to perceived error in others is false and dangerous and can result in people opposing the servants of the Most High Mighty One, Yah the eternally self-existing.
It is also very clear to me from what Yah has shown me that there are Muslims (the word means "one who serves Allah" and by extension "one who serves Yah") who practices Islam ("the service of Allah" and by extension "the service of Yah") who have very close relationships with Yah, love Him deeply and reverence Him sincerely.
To better understand this you might like to read a copy of the Quran and see just how much reverence is given to the Creator and how close the writers of the Quran were to Yah.
The harsh reality is that Yah says that the Muslims are much closer to Him than the Christians and so the Christians in their wars against the Muslims are actually fighting against Yah at a material level!
May Yah bless you and keep you and make His face to shine upon you and give you peace.
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